Dr. Divya Parashar

Dr. Divya Parashar

From conversations and reflections about life, to what makes people & relationships tick, to being t

Photos from Dr. Divya Parashar's post 26/02/2024

There are meaningful, happiness boosting, life changing events happening in the Department of PMR at Indian Spinal Injuries Centre :) We just had a wonderful gathering yesterday of people with spinal cord injuries living in the community who graced us with their presence, and it was a day long celebration. More on Umang 2024 in my post tomorrow which I can't wait to write since it was such a joyful, nostalgia filled event. But for now, first things first, please like and follow our department's page at ISIC - Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation :)

My Experiences With Inner Child Healing. — Dr Divya Parashar 15/12/2021

There are experiences we have that often lead to self-discoveries, realizations, new learnings, letting go of what doesn't serve us, a functional way of interacting with the world, which leads to self-acceptance, self-compassion, a higher self-worth, or anything that upholds our sense of self in ways that are here to stay rather than band aid solutions that soon wither away.

Inner child healing was one such experience, and I decided to write about it. Read on :)


My Experiences With Inner Child Healing. — Dr Divya Parashar I’ve often shared my journey of life through my writings. Well aware of the fact that it is in the public domain, I will have potential clients who would read about my psychotherapeutic clinical approach, and also my ability to be resilient, my strengths and the lens with which I view the world. A...

Are You Moving Towards or Away From Your Best Self? — Dr Divya Parashar 04/09/2021

"Doc, it's easy for you to say you have a choice in every situation. But sometimes life throws you into difficulties where you have no choices."

I hear you.
And I will still say you have a choice. Actually, it's a very simple choice but one that can make a powerful difference in your life if you make it, and act on it, consistently.

I write about how you can go about it in my latest blog post.


Are You Moving Towards or Away From Your Best Self? — Dr Divya Parashar “What choice do I have but to live through this terrible time?” I have often heard, with a sigh of resignation, or even submission perhaps. It is often assumed that if adversity strikes us, especially if it is beyond our control, then we might as well just cave in, and wait for the difficult mom...

The Power of Hope in the Midst of a Pandemic — Dr Divya Parashar 28/04/2021

India is reeling and many of us are struggling emotionally. What is there to look forward to? To hope for? When we think this, our hearts sink. But our hearts and minds need to stay afloat to kick in our coping mechanisms, to deal with the grief, loss, and grimness we are experiencing. Please read and share if you feel anyone you know needs a bit of hope. Stay safe, stay well!


The Power of Hope in the Midst of a Pandemic — Dr Divya Parashar “What is there to hope for, to look forward to when I am surrounded with so much misery, pain, and suffering?” She asked me, and I, as her psychotherapist had to help her navigate that question. You may be one of us, who have lost loved ones, or known of people who have lost someone precious to ...

Who is Taking Care of our Mental Health Professionals? — Dr Divya Parashar 01/03/2021

There are struggles we as mental health professionals face that many may not be aware of. And we ask for understanding, empathy, support, and compassion. It will go a long way, trust me 🙂 ...This blog is from my heart, like always, where for once I talk about myself and not the usual posts about the wonderful people who work with me in therapy: You will always be my inspiration, and every moment with you is worth it 🙂


Who is Taking Care of our Mental Health Professionals? — Dr Divya Parashar The title of this article caught my eye, “ Mental health professionals are the ones taking care of us: Who’s taking care of them? ” It somehow struck a chord (a painful one, if I may add) because it rang so true. Even though this is written in the US, I feel it may apply to mental health profe...

For, Isn't Living About Loving and Giving? — Dr Divya Parashar 29/12/2020

It's been a sombre and a very peaceful, fulfilling weekend. Just what one would hope for the end of the year, especially a year like this one. I decided to write about the joy of giving and caring, having seen humanitarian suffering and even compassionate care up close...All captured on my visit to Earth Saviours Foundation, a shelter for the abandoned elderly, young adults, and people with disabilities...What would be your support to those in need?


For, Isn't Living About Loving and Giving? — Dr Divya Parashar This past week, Pandit Mahadev Shastri, the priest from our local temple, came home once again to do the shanti havan for Mom’s second death anniversary. His respect for Mom is unabashed and abiding, a fact that makes him visit our home every year since her passing. As he busied himself in making

Compassion is an Intentional Act of Creativity — Dr Divya Parashar 15/12/2020

Sharing my favorite highlight of my work week (permission taken & anonymity maintained): When a young girl in therapy took creativity to a whole new level and infused self-compassion as a goal, developed her sense of agency and found pathways to reach her goals...When people intentionally commit to doing what they stand for, the transformation is magical and something worth taking in :)

Compassion is an Intentional Act of Creativity — Dr Divya Parashar She came onto the screen, smiling, back with her usual chirpy voice. Her eyes had a twinkle that is hard to miss. Except last week when her tears streamed down for most of the time we were in session. And the reason, as I have seen in many other distressed individuals I work with, is that of being s

What Makes Couples Therapy Work: Top Ten Myths & Realities — Dr Divya Parashar 08/12/2020

Hello, it's been a while 🙂 Hope you all are staying as safe, well, and healthy as you can...As we begin to wrap this year up, I thought why not write something for couples! Those who have been thinking about therapy, have been on the fence, have been distressed, anxious, in despair, don't know where to start, and what to expect in couples therapy. Sharing my clinical experiences on what makes therapy effective and how couples can work towards thriving in their relationships. Read on, and please share with whoever could benefit from this...


What Makes Couples Therapy Work: Top Ten Myths & Realities — Dr Divya Parashar “I really want our relationship to thrive but he’s so laidback. Can you change his personality?” I’m so tempted to say I looked at my couples therapy coaching manual and Chapter 4 has all the details on how to change someone’s personality, but the truth is couples therapy is not some magic...

This World Mental Health Day, Start with Self-Compassion — Dr Divya Parashar 10/10/2020

"Speak quietly to yourself and promise there will be better days. Whisper gently to yourself and provide assurance that you really are extending your best effort. Console your bruised and tender spirit with reminders of many successes. Offer comfort in practical and tangible ways-- as if you were encouraging your dearest friend. Recognize that on certain days the greatest grace is that the day is over and you get to close your eyes. Tomorrow comes more brightly" --- Mary Anne Radmacher.

I have seen the practice of self compassion open up hearts to engage in meaningful transformations, the way people would like their lives to be, aligned with what they believe in and stand for. Here's the first step..


This World Mental Health Day, Start with Self-Compassion — Dr Divya Parashar October 10th is World Mental Health Day and this year’s theme is increased investment in mental health. It took a pandemic to bring attention to this topic, when people the world over found disruptions in their daily lives, forced upon by Covid-19. And the disruptions have been varied and wide-ran...


FbLive Sept 12th (Saturday) @ 11:30 AM: "Two weeks in the life of a Covid-19 patient: A psychologist's first hand account"

When Covid Strikes, Mind Your Mind AND Your Body — Dr Divya Parashar 07/09/2020

They say nothing teaches you lessons more than experiencing something first-hand. I certainly have learnt a few lessons in the past two weeks, and continue to even now, when three of us at home tested Covid positive.

I’m putting these lessons down here in the hope that they may be useful to you—whether you are an elderly person yourself, or you have an elderly person in the house, or you find yourself acquiring the Corona Virus yourself, or if and when you want to provide support to friends and family who may be affected by the illness too.


When Covid Strikes, Mind Your Mind AND Your Body — Dr Divya Parashar My octogenarian Dad’s fever started on August 25th and continued for two days. It was prudent to get him tested for Covid-19, keeping in mind his age and co-morbidities. On 27th August, as I was getting ready to get to my sessions for the day, I got a call from Dad’s colleague, who is also the g...

It's called a breakthrough, not a breakaround — Dr Divya Parashar 18/08/2020

"I have heard this often when a person in emotional pain is sitting across from me in a session:

I hope you have a magic wand that can make my pain go away.

I wish it was that simple. I wish I could get into people’s heads and make their distressing thoughts, feelings, memories, urges, impulses go away. The fact of the matter is I can’t. No one can. Not even them. We like to believe that we have control over our thoughts and feelings, but we don’t, at least not enough; and the sooner we realize it the better."


It's called a breakthrough, not a breakaround — Dr Divya Parashar I have heard this often when a person in emotional pain is sitting across from me in a session: “I hope you have a magic wand that can make my pain go away.” I wish it was that simple. I wish I could get into people’s heads and make their distressing thoughts, feelings, memories, urges, impuls...

Freedom is...when you have nothing left to lose* — Dr Divya Parashar 10/08/2020

You wouldn't have thought this is what I speak about in my sessions as a psychotherapist :) Read on to learn more, as I often jump onto the roller coaster ride of being with people, as they navigate their way towards what's truly calling to them from within.


Freedom is...when you have nothing left to lose* — Dr Divya Parashar Freedom. Of the many nuanced and insightful concepts I encounter in my work as a psychotherapist, freedom has so many different meanings and shades. It evokes so many emotions and feelings…sadness, joy, fear, exhilaration, excitement, optimism, hopefulness, strength, resignation. It all depends on

Band Aids Don't Fix Bullet Holes* — Dr Divya Parashar 26/07/2020

The deep impact of a man's struggle with crippling anxiety and depression for 25 years, and our journey together so far is shared in this piece. People I work with in therapy teach me life lessons, share their wisdom, and make me a part of their journey for which I am eternally grateful. It ends up being a beautiful self-discovery when we cross over to the other side of pain and anguish...


Band Aids Don't Fix Bullet Holes* — Dr Divya Parashar “I hear you, Ma’am,” Samir** (name changed) said respectfully, “Band-aids don’t fix bullet holes.” “What a profound statement that is. Tell me more of what that means to you,” I nudged him gently. “It’s a lyric from a song…” he continued. Band-aids don’t fix bullet holes. W...


The spots for the online workshop I am conducting tomorrow titled "From Depression to Value Based Living" were sold out as of last night. Thank you for your generosity in supporting the education of kids of Akshara Foundation of Arts & Living :) I have been getting requests to still enroll and have allowed some last minute entries. For those who may like to attend, please drop me a message. Have a wonderful weekend :)


“From Depression to Value Based Living” on Sunday, July 19th from 5:00 PM-6:30 PM IST to answer some key questions about depression, to work through our internal experiences and commit to doing what matters, to finally take charge towards living a meaningful life. It's a paid workshop, but you won't be paying me for it. The entire proceeds go to support Akshara Foundation of Arts and Learning. Please do share this announcement within your network. To register for the workshop here's the link:


Mind Hacks by Dr. Divya Parashar Tickets by Divya Parashar, Sunday, July 19, 2020, Online Event 12/07/2020

I am conducting an interactive, online workshop titled “From Depression to Value Based Living” on Sunday, July 19th from 5:00 PM-6:30 PM IST to answer some key questions about depression, to work through our internal experiences and commit to doing what matters, to finally take charge towards living a meaningful life. It's a paid workshop, but you won't be paying me for it.

If I am talking about value based living, I believe it starts with me. I value service to others, doing meaningful work that makes a difference to the world. I'll be doing my bit with this workshop for a small organization that is doing exemplary work in the field of education. To register for this workshop, there is a minimum contribution of Rs. 300 per person. (You are free to contribute any amount above that too.)

The entire proceeds from the registration will be donated to Akshara Foundation of Arts and Learning (AFAL), which celebrates the importance of arts in education. AFAL educates around 250 children who do not have the privileges that most of us have, in their inclusive and highly subsidized school in Mumbai, the Akshara High School. You can learn more about them here: www.afalindia.com.

Please do share this announcement within your network. To register for the workshop here's the link:


Mind Hacks by Dr. Divya Parashar Tickets by Divya Parashar, Sunday, July 19, 2020, Online Event Online event Registration & ticketing page of Mind Hacks by Dr. Divya Parashar. Buy Tickets for this Online Event organized by Divya Parashar.

We All Have a True North* — Dr Divya Parashar 04/07/2020

This write up is special, because it reveals the name I finally found for my private practice, or did it find me? :)

"When we find our North Star, we know where we’re headed. Our emotions and our behaviors spur from that anchor and focus. That effortless centeredness alone feels good. And the North Star is the spring of energy which is seemingly wholesome and vital, so aiming toward it will bring more and more happiness and benefit to us and others around us. And we can dream bigger dreams and take more chances in life since if we lose our way, we know we have a beacon to count back on and return home.”


Banner picture credit: Abhishek Kumawat, who shot this awe-inspiring picture at Wari La High Camp in Leh, Ladakh. Thank you, Abhishek, for letting me use this. You now know why I said it was for a special reason

We All Have a True North* — Dr Divya Parashar A year after I became a solopreneur, almost two years on from my mother’s passing, a time when I lost my way and then pieced myself together again, I have now chosen a name for my private practice. Or, more accurately, the name chose me. Dhruva The North Star. Mariners and wanderers from ages pa


FbLive, Sunday, June 28th, 3:30 PM on
"Su***de Prevention: How we can help as first responders." Post questions here please.


FbLive, tomorrow, June 25th, 11:30 AM on "Recognizing Signs of Depression & Why Did a Su***de Affect Me?" Post Questions Here!

Five Life Lessons to Learn from Our Corona Warriors 23/06/2020

I have personally known doctors and nurses who are working on the front line of the pandemic. I have heard people say their own worries seem like nothing compared to what these health care professionals were going through. My dear friend Porcia, a compassionate nurse who had just returned home after a grueling shift in a ward dedicated to patients with covid-19, shared her experiences with me. Her words and those of some doctors set me thinking, and this story crystallized. If anything, read her words as the introduction to the story, to try and understand the enormity of this situation. Here it is, published in Thrive, once again.


Five Life Lessons to Learn from Our Corona Warriors They toil at a seemingly insurmountable task, braving disease and death, day after day. A doctor asks why and searches for the answer.

Hiding in Plain Sight: The Perils of "Smiling Depression" — Dr Divya Parashar 14/06/2020

I had written this on November 5th 2019...a few months ago I had written about Depression in Men. Some read & reached out for help, some scrolled by, and yet we continue to wonder why suicides happen. We ask, aghast, "So much was hiding behind that smile?" We express remorse, we judge, we empathize, we exercise compassion, we post on social media. And we move on. Till another one happens, and another. So if we truly mean, "let's notice, let's reach out, let's ask how we are doing," let's bring talking about and acknowledging mental health and illnesses to the forefront. Let's not hide behind those smiles anymore.


Hiding in Plain Sight: The Perils of "Smiling Depression" — Dr Divya Parashar “You? And depressed? I could never tell! I have always seen you smiling and so upbeat! Are you sure? You barely shirked work, you were there when friends in need reached out to you. It doesn’t add up.” “I did have to be on anti-depressants for 6 months till I worked through the depression an...


How do we live a value based, meaningful life? How do we extend our comfort zones towards growth? How do we draw on our inner reserves to become resilient? All this and more, in our reflective, interactive session on "Mind Hacks." The session is planned for Tuesday, June 16th from 3-4 PM. We have a limit of 100 participants so please register soon to save a spot. Be well, be mindful :)

To register for the interactive session - https://forms.gle/r484vh1JMau9aiUR7


We all could use a bit of regrouping :) How about we meet (as discussed in my FbLive today, video to follow soon here) and reflect on some of these questions posted.

Register here: https://forms.gle/r484vh1JMau9aiUR7

When: Tuesday, June 16th, 3-4 PM, on Zoom, from wherever you are!

There will be activities, reflections, and two-way conversations. So do register because limited slots only. And share with whoever you feel would benefit from this interaction :)

Videos (show all)

Everyday Mental Health: Dealing with Grief during this Lockdown - With Dr. Divya Parashar
Everyday Mental Health EP 4 (Part 1): Relationships & Communication during the Lockdown - Dr. Divya Parashar
Everyday Mental Health EP 1: In Times of the Coronavirus Outbreak - by Dr. Divya Parashar
MoveMint Medicine episode 5: Dr. Divya Parashar, Clinical & Rehabilitation Psychologist