Industrial Mastery

Industrial Mastery

Industrial Mastery: Unleashing the Power of Chemical Engineering and Lean Management


Happy international yoga day.

Yoga, a practice that originated thousands of years ago in ancient India, has gained immense popularity worldwide. With its emphasis on physical postures, breathing techniques, meditation, and spiritual teachings, yoga offers a multitude of benefits for the mind, body, and spirit. However, along with its rising popularity, various myths and misconceptions about yoga have emerged. In this article, we will debunk ten common myths about yoga, shedding light on the truth behind this ancient practice. By dispelling these myths, we aim to provide a clearer understanding of what yoga truly encompasses and who can benefit from its transformative power. Let's delve into the world of yoga and separate fact from fiction.Here are ten common myths about yoga:

1. Yoga is only for flexible people: This is one of the most widespread myths about yoga. In reality, yoga is for everyone, regardless of their level of flexibility. Yoga practice can actually help improve flexibility over time.

2. Yoga is only about physical exercise: While physical exercise is a part of yoga, it is not the sole focus. Yoga incorporates breathing techniques, meditation, and ethical principles to promote holistic well-being.

3. You have to be young to do yoga: Yoga is a practice that can be started at any age. It offers benefits for people of all age groups, from children to seniors.

4. Yoga is only for women: While it is true that yoga has been historically associated with women, it is not exclusive to any gender. Men can equally benefit from and enjoy the practice of yoga.

5. Yoga is religious: While yoga has roots in ancient spiritual traditions, it is not tied to any specific religion. Yoga can be practiced by individuals of all religious backgrounds or no religious affiliation at all.

6. You need expensive equipment and clothing to practice yoga: Yoga does not require fancy equipment or designer yoga attire. All you really need is a comfortable outfit and a non-slip yoga mat to get started.

7. Yoga is only about relaxation: While yoga can certainly help with relaxation and stress relief, there are many different styles and intensities of yoga practice. Some forms of yoga can be physically demanding and focus on building strength and endurance.

8. Yoga is a quick fix for weight loss: While regular yoga practice can contribute to weight management and a healthy lifestyle, it is not a quick fix for losing weight. It is more effective when combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise.

9. Yoga is easy and not a real workout: Yoga can be gentle and accessible to beginners, but it can also be physically challenging. Many yoga styles, such as power yoga or hot yoga, can provide a vigorous workout and increase strength and cardiovascular fitness.

10. You need to be in a specific location or yoga studio to practice: While attending yoga classes at a studio can be beneficial, you can practice yoga anywhere. There are numerous online resources, apps, and videos available that allow you to practice yoga at home or while traveling.

Remember that yoga is a diverse practice with numerous styles and approaches. It is important to approach it with an open mind and find what works best for your body and goals.


Risk assessment plays a crucial role in helping organizations understand potential threats and make informed decisions to mitigate them.

To understand risk assessment we have to know about risk identification, risk analysis, and risk evaluation. Understanding these steps will enable professionals to effectively manage risks and enhance the overall resilience of their organizations.

1. Risk Identification:
Risk identification involves the systematic process of identifying potential risks that could affect an organization's objectives. It is crucial to consider all areas of operations, including financial, operational, legal, reputational, and strategic aspects. The following techniques can aid in identifying risks:

a. Brainstorming sessions: Engage key stakeholders and subject matter experts to generate a comprehensive list of potential risks.
b. Historical data analysis: Review past incidents, near misses, and lessons learned to identify recurring patterns and potential vulnerabilities.
c. SWOT analysis: Assess an organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to identify risks associated with internal and external factors.
d. Industry research: Stay updated with industry trends and emerging risks that could impact the organization.

2. Risk Analysis:
Once risks have been identified, the next step is to analyze and evaluate their potential impact and likelihood. Risk analysis helps organizations prioritize risks and allocate resources efficiently. Here are some methods used in risk analysis:

a. Qualitative analysis: Assign subjective ratings or scores based on the severity, likelihood, and detectability of each risk. This method provides a relative comparison of risks but lacks precise numerical values.
b. Quantitative analysis: Utilize historical data, statistical models, and simulations to assign numerical values to risks. This method provides a more accurate assessment of risks and enables cost-benefit analysis.
c. Risk matrices: Plot risks on a matrix based on their likelihood and impact, enabling organizations to visualize the risks and prioritize mitigation efforts.
d. Scenario analysis: Analyze various scenarios to understand the potential consequences of specific risks and their interconnectedness.

3. Risk Evaluation:
Risk evaluation involves combining the results of risk analysis with organizational risk appetite and tolerance levels. This step helps determine the significance of each risk and guides decision-making regarding risk mitigation strategies. Consider the following factors during risk evaluation:

a. Risk severity: Assess the potential impact of risks on the organization's objectives, financial stability, reputation, and compliance obligations.
b. Risk likelihood: Evaluate the probability of risks occurring, considering historical data, industry trends, and expert opinions.
c. Risk tolerance: Define the organization's willingness to accept or tolerate specific risks based on its resources, strategic goals, and risk appetite.
d. Risk prioritization: Rank risks based on their combined severity and likelihood, focusing on high-priority risks that require immediate attention.

Risk assessment is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and adaptation as the business landscape evolves. By effectively identifying, analyzing, and evaluating risks, professionals can make informed decisions to protect their organizations from potential harm. Implementing a robust risk management framework can ultimately enhance resilience, improve decision-making, and foster long-term success.


🔬 The Impact of AI on the Job Market: Will AI Replace Chemical Engineers? 🤔

Dear Chemical Engineering Professionals,

As the world progresses into the era of advanced technology, there has been a lot of discussion about the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on various industries and professions. As chemical engineers, it's natural to wonder how AI might affect our field and, more importantly, whether it poses a threat to our job security.

While it's true that AI has the potential to automate certain tasks and streamline processes, it's essential to approach this topic with a balanced perspective. AI is a tool that can assist and enhance the work we do, rather than completely replace us.

Here are a few key points to consider when evaluating the impact of AI on chemical engineering:

1️⃣ Complex Problem Solving: Chemical engineering involves tackling intricate challenges that require critical thinking, creativity, and in-depth knowledge. AI systems, as advanced as they may be, still rely on human expertise to define problems, develop solutions, and ensure the accuracy and safety of processes.

2️⃣ Adaptability and Innovation: Our profession demands constant adaptation to new technologies, regulations, and industry trends. Chemical engineers possess a unique ability to innovate, design new processes, optimize existing systems, and develop sustainable solutions. AI can assist in data analysis and simulation, but it's the human touch that drives innovation.

3️⃣ Ethical Considerations and Safety: Chemical engineers are responsible for ensuring the safety and ethical implementation of processes and products. This requires judgment, risk assessment, and a deep understanding of ethical frameworks. AI may provide data-driven insights, but it is up to us, as professionals, to interpret and apply them responsibly.

4️⃣ Collaboration and Communication: Our profession often involves working closely with multidisciplinary teams, including chemists, physicists, biologists, and technicians. Effective communication, teamwork, and interpersonal skills are critical in coordinating efforts and achieving desired outcomes. These are areas where human professionals have a distinct advantage over AI.

5️⃣ New Opportunities and Roles: While AI may automate certain routine tasks, it also opens up new possibilities and roles within the field of chemical engineering. AI can aid in research, process optimization, predictive maintenance, and data analysis, enabling us to focus more on strategic decision-making, innovation, and expanding our areas of expertise.

In conclusion, it is unlikely that AI will completely replace chemical engineers. Instead, it will transform the way we work, creating new opportunities and augmenting our capabilities. By embracing AI as a tool and continuing to hone our skills, we can leverage its potential to enhance our profession and drive progress in the chemical engineering industry.

Let's embrace the advancements in AI, collaborate with technology, and continue to be the driving force behind innovation in the field of chemical engineering. Together, we can navigate the evolving landscape and shape a future where humans and AI work hand in hand.


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Centrifugal pump related Questions & Answers 28/03/2023

Subscribe my fb page and blog and don't forget to leave a comment letting me know which specific topic you would like to receive interview questions for chemical engineering. I will include those questions in my next blog post.

Centrifugal pump related Questions & Answers

Basic Chemical engineering question & answer Part-2 24/03/2023

Subscribe my fb page and blog and don't forget to leave a comment letting me know which specific topic you would like to receive interview questions for chemical engineering. I will include those questions in my next blog post.

Basic Chemical engineering question & answer Part-2 Chemical Engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the design, development, problem-solving, and operation of processes and systems that involve chemical or physical transformations of matter. This field combines chemistry, physics, and mathematics to solve problems related to the produ...


Available on Amazon for Rs. 650. Can be a good safety measure against fire.

Specialty chemical cos’ worries may ease 24/03/2023

Specialty chemical cos’ worries may ease The confidence on domestic demand will remain strong and Indian manufacturers will benefit from ‘China plus one’, said experts.

NOLO - Rewards on Bank Balance 19/03/2023

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NOLO - Rewards on Bank Balance

Basic Chemical engineering question & answer Part-1 18/03/2023

Subscribe my fb page and blog and don't forget to leave a comment letting me know which specific topic you would like to receive interview questions for chemical engineering. I will include those questions in my next blog post.

Basic Chemical engineering question & answer Part-1


As professionals, it's important to approach challenges with both a problem-focused and solution-focused mindset.

A problem-focused mindset involves identifying and analyzing the issue at hand, while a solution-focused mindset involves finding ways to overcome and solve the problem.

By utilizing both approaches, we can effectively address any obstacle that comes our way. Embrace the challenge, be curious and open-minded, and above all stay focused on the solution.


Kite flying may seem like just a fun activity, but it holds some valuable lessons for management. Here are a few takeaways that can be applied to the workplace:

1. Flexibility is important. Sometimes unexpected things happen while flying a kite, like a sudden change in wind direction. The same goes for work - being able to adapt and pivot when things don't go as planned is crucial for success.

2. Patience is a virtue. Flying a kite takes patience, especially when trying to get it off the ground. The same goes for any task or project at work - progress may not always be immediate, but staying patient and persistent will pay off in the end.

3. Setting the right objectives: To fly a kite, you need to set the right height and direction. Similarly, in the workplace, setting clear and achievable objectives is critical to the success of a project or task.

4. Collaboration: Flying a kite requires teamwork, as different team members may have different roles and responsibilities. The same applies to work, where collaboration and cooperation among team members is essential for achieving a common goal.

5. Adaptability: Flying a kite requires the ability to adapt to different weather conditions and wind strengths. In the workplace, being adaptable and open to change is crucial for success, as the business environment is constantly changing.

6. Attention to detail: To fly a kite, you need to pay attention to small details such as the kite's tail and string. Similarly, paying attention to small details in the workplace can make a big difference in the outcome of a project or task.

7. Practice makes perfect: Flying a kite is a skill that takes practice to master. The same goes for any job or task at work, practice and repetition can help improve your skills and performance.

Overall, the activity of flying a kite can teach us important management lessons that can be applied to the workplace. Clear communication, flexibility, patience, setting the right objectives, collaboration, adaptability, attention to detail and practice makes perfect are some of the key takeaways that can help us become better leaders and team members. Next time you're out flying a kite, take a moment to reflect on how these lessons can be applied to your work and how they can help you become more effective in your role.


Wish you all a Happy Diwali


Reducing the use of plastic is essential because plastic production requires an enormous amount of energy and resources. This causes carbon emissions and contributes to global warming. Recycling plastic is inefficient – only 9% of plastic ever produced has been recycled.

Photos from Industrial Mastery's post 15/10/2022

Greenfield project:-

A greenfield project is one that lacks constraints imposed by prior work on the site. Typically, what a greenfield project entails is development on a completely vacant site. Architects start completely from scratch.

Brownfield Project:-

A brownfield project is one that carries constraints related to the current state of the site. In other words, the site might be contaminated or have existing structures that architects have to tear down or modify in some way before the project can move forward. For example, land that was once used for industrial purposes may have environmental issues and/or the buildings on it might not be up to code.


Future is here....


The Ultimate Cheatsheet for Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking helps us to make the right decisions. Critical Thinking helps us to build better business models, to select the best job or to find the perfect partners for our Initiatives.

It is basically a meta level: Thinking about your thinking.

When do you actively use it?


Things takes time... Right?

Patience and perseverance both are equally important and cannot be compromised.



To look busy but do nothing. It's an art and some of the employees in our organization are masters in this art.


Happy engineer's Day


Amazing! India is such a country, where people innovate over every thing. Literally everything.

I learned regeneration in engineering, but this guy amazingly implemented this to get rid of mosquito and odder for cattles.

Source: LinkedIn

Photos from Industrial Mastery's post 31/08/2022

10 Powerful visuals about life


A private company employee was rewarded with a bicycle by his organisation. It was very beautiful but didn't have a carrier at the back. So, he requested the management to get one fixed. When the cycle came back, it had the CARRIER fitted. But, he noticed that now the STAND was removed. So, he asked about the missing STAND.

Boss said: "There is only one thing possible in a private job i.e. either a CAREER or a STAND. If you take a STAND, your CAREER will be finished. And, if you want to make a CAREER, never take a STAND."

Dedicated to all Private Employees...

Please comment.. Need bicycle with STAND or CAREER.


Total quality management
TQM is a management framework that believes an organization can build long-term success by concentrating on improving quality. TQM involves all members of an organization, from low-level workers to top executives. Implementing TQM can be challenging, but there are many resources available to help.


Sometimes we underestimate the power of continuous learning because we are caught up in everyday life and work vicissitudes. But if we stop and think, the benefits of a good read are incomparable in many respects.

It doesn't matter if on paper or in digital format. It matters little whether an entire book or a series of articles. What really matters is to feed our minds with new cultures that allow us to grow and evolve into the person we want to be in our deepest souls.

always remember all great leaders are readers.

There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.”

Walt Disney

A Chemical Industry in the Age of Industry 4.0 20/08/2022

Hey folks! Future is here.

You should know The Future of the Chemical Industry and Its Relation to Industry 4.0, because chemical industries changing rapidly. Collaborative innovation is key for success in Industry 4.0 and the chemical industry.

Click below to read my latest blog regarding A Chemical Industry in the Age of Industry 4.0.

A Chemical Industry in the Age of Industry 4.0 Welcome to the future of industrial automation. In this era, the software will be the primary tool for production control and business decision-making. Industry 4.0 is all about collaboration. This concept brings the benefits of digital collaboration into the chemical industry, for example between m...


Transforming Communication: Avoid unwanted outcomes with the 90-sec rule

The physiological lifespan of an emotion in the body and brain is 90 seconds.

"When a person has a reaction to something in their environment, there's a 90-second chemical process that happens; any remaining emotional response is just the person choosing to stay in that emotional loop." Jill Boite Taylor, author of My Stroke Of Insight

How can we make use of that?

After a rude comment, bad news, an unexpected inconvenience take a 90 seconds break (look at the watch, breathe in and out) and you will have a response (a reply) instead of a reaction (impulsive reverse movement).

Source graphic: doodledwellnes, Instagram

Source: Psychology today. The 90 sec Rule

Photos from Industrial Mastery's post 09/08/2022

Unit processes:-

Unit processes are those related to chemical changes of the materials. The unit process can be defined by those change that affects the chemical properties.

Unit operations :-Unit operations are related to physical changes of the materials involved, In any system when the physical changes occur or only the physical properties of a component are changed then that is called a unit operation.

Click on this link


Videos (show all)

Happy  international yoga day.Yoga, a practice that originated thousands of years ago in ancient India, has gained immen...
Risk assessment plays a crucial role in helping organizations understand potential threats and make informed decisions t...
🔬 The Impact of AI on the Job Market: Will AI Replace Chemical Engineers? 🤔Dear Chemical Engineering Professionals,As th...
Available on Amazon for Rs. 650. Can be a good safety measure against fire.
Reducing the use of plastic is essential because plastic production requires an enormous amount of energy and resources....
Future is here....
To look busy but do nothing. It's an art and some of the employees in our organization are masters in this art. #leanman...
Amazing! India is such a country, where people innovate over every thing. Literally everything.I learned regeneration in...
Sometimes we underestimate the power of continuous learning because we are caught up in everyday life and work vicissitu...
Never give up or celebrate ,untill final whistle.
Ergonomics is the process of designing or arranging workplaces, products and systems so that they fit the people who use...
