Ielts help

Ielts help

Dear students, my name is Manpreet Singh and I have created this page to provide a helpful platform 29/11/2022

Some people think that a sense of competition should be encouraged in children, while others think that children should be taught to co operate rather than compete to become useful adults. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. There is an argument whether children who have a sense of competition can become successful adults or it is cooperation which can take them to new heights.... Some people think that a sense of competition should be encouraged in children, while others think that children should be taught to co operate rather than compete to become useful adults. Discuss …


Some people think that a sense of competition should be encouraged in children, while others think that children should be taught to co operate rather than compete to become useful adults.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

There is an argument whether children who have a sense of competition can become successful adults or it is cooperation which can take them to new heights. I personally feel that children must learn both competition as well as cooperation since competition can help them to become their best version and co operation can make them good team players.
On the one hand, some argue that children must learn to compete as they can become best in any field. This is because competition is always a healthy thing as it pushes a person to learn more and grow more as children who know that they have to outperform others in the same field, they work on their strengths and weaknesses so that they can beat their rivals be it study or sports field. For instance, all experts in their fields are at top today by defeating others in the same field.
On the other hand, some deem that children who are cooperative can be a part of any team and learn to collaborate other teammates to achieve joint goals. It is impossible to work as a team if the members of a team do not know how to co operate because the success of any joint work depends on the joint efforts made by all team members which are only possible through co operation. For instance, Indian army only recruit applicants who showcase co operation skills as they have to lead or play their role as a team in future group operations against enemy.
In conclusion, I strongly feel that children must learn to be competitive along with co operative to succeed as the former leads to expertise in their field and the latter makes them good team mates.

Send a message to learn more 02/09/2021

There is an argument whether multiplying the number of sports facilities can assist to make public health better or this will not make any difference and other options should be considered to serve this purpose . Some would argue that increase in the number of sports facilities will motivate people to join sports for staying fit. However, I think that there are many other aspects as well which are directly related to public health due to which alternate steps are needed.... There is an argument whether multiplying the number of sports facilities can assist to make public health better or this will not make any difference and  other options should be considered to…


There is an argument whether multiplying the number of sports facilities can assist to make public health better or this will not make any difference and other options should be considered to serve this purpose . Some would argue that increase in the number of sports facilities will motivate people to join sports for staying fit. However, I think that there are many other aspects as well which are directly related to public health due to which alternate steps are needed.
On the one side, some claim that public health can be improved by adding more sports facilities as it will bring more people on board to participate in sports for staying healthy. To explain it more, playing sports whether as a hobby or profession helps people to be fit and healthy as sports provides a complete body workout, but some places do not have ample facilities so that people can play sports and stay fit. Owing to this, if there will be more facilities, it will be convenient for people to engage in sports more which will have a positive impact on their health. For instance, Indian government has just launched ‘ fit india ‘ initiative and as a part of this campaign, many provincial authorities have decided to expand the number of sports centres in rural and urban parts of the country. Nevertheless, I believe this is not a good idea to provide facilities to play when people are suffering of many ailments due to poor nutrition.
On the other hand, some hold an opinion that the step to increase sports facilities will not be much useful as there are many concerns which needs to be addressed first to improve public health. To be more precise, in many countries, the level of public health is extremely low because people do not have proper nutrition due to different reasons such as war and poverty. In such situations, it does not really matter whether people have much or less sports facilities because the primary cause of poor public health is malnutrition owing to which there is one thing which can work here which is providing nutritional food to people . For example, one out of five people dies because of hunger in Africa and not because of less participation in sports. I also agree with this school of thought as all attention ought to be given to areas which are directly responsible for betterment of public health.
In conclusion, although some advocate the need to provide more sports facilities for improving public health by encouraging people to take part in sports for their better fitness , but I think this is not an ideal solution when the actual problem lies somewhere else such as lack of proper food.


At the present time, the population of some countries includes a relatively large number of young adults, compared with the number of older people.
Do the advantages of this situation outweigh the disadvantages ?
Essay plan
Large tax base for nation
Explain- more work, more income, more tax
Example- India
Growing market for manufactured products
Explain- more shopping, more sale of products
Example- china
Lack of jobs/ solution industrialization
Example- India moving towards industrialization
Now a day, some nations have a more young adult population as compared with grey one. This essay will argue that the benefits of this situation outstrip the drawbacks. Firstly, this essay will discuss the main benefits of youthful population namely growing market for manufactured products as well as a large tax base for a country followed by the analysis of the only drawback that is possibility of unemployment among youngsters which is not valid.
On the one hand, if a country has more young people rather than elderly people, the primary benefit is a rising demand for products which are being made. To explain it more, youngstesr have more need and tendency to buy products to satisfy their various needs as they love shopping and actually want more and more products to get the best out of them to have a comfortable life style. However, elderly people have limited needs as they are passing through their last phase of life. Therefore, more youthful population can give a boost to the demand and production of products in a nation. For example, China currently has more number of young people due to which manufacturing industry here is flourishing at a rapid pace. Apart from it, young people always have a more contribution towards the tax revenues of a country. To be more precise, youngsters are healthy and fit to work and do business and they are liable to pay income tax from their earnings which adds to the tax collection for that country due to which higher young people can be seen as future tax payers of a country. For instance, India like China also has a youthful population which contributes significantly to the tax income of this south Asian country.
On the paradoxical side, some claim that more young people mean it is very likely that there will be more jobless youth in future. Nevertheless, I believe this is not a valid concern as unemployment is not something which cannot be eliminated and many countries have proved it that job creation can be boosted by setting up more industry. India is a country which had a shortage of jobs due to large number of youth looking for work but this nation is pushing for more industrialization in different sectors owing to which unemployment rate is getting lower.
In conclusion, I think the merits of more youth than old people eclipse the demerits because more young people can create both tax and market for manufactured products, but some argue these people will need jobs which are possible through industrialization.

In many countries, people are becoming interested in knowing the history of the house or building in which they live. 27/06/2021

What are the reasons ? How they can research about this ? Now a days, people in many nations, want to know about the history of the house or building in which they reside. This is happening because they want to be sure about the safety and durability of the building and this type of information can be accessed from real estate agents or property owners who sell their houses or buildings....

In many countries, people are becoming interested in knowing the history of the house or building in which they live. What are the reasons ? How they can research about this ? Now a days, people  in many nations, want to know about the history of the house or building in which they reside. This is happening …

agree or disagree essay 23/06/2021

Computers today can quickly and accurately translate languages, therefore, it is a waste of time to learn a foreign language. To what extent do you agree or disagree? It is argued that attending a language course is a wastage of time as modern computer are able to translate languages fastly and rightly. This essay fully disagrees with this assertion because computers cannot communicate as humans and classroom teaching can expand the knowledge and learning of a student more than computer translation....

agree or disagree essay Computers today can quickly and accurately translate languages, therefore, it is a waste of time to learn a foreign language. To what extent do you agree or disagree? It is argued that attending a …

It is believed that people who read for pleasure develop their imagination more and acquire better language skills compared to those who prefer watching TV. 23/06/2021

Do you agree or disagree ? It is argued by some that reading a book for fun is better rather than watching television, in improving the imagination as well as it aids to become better in language learning. This essay agrees with this assertion because books help us to read about those famous writers who died before tv was invented ....

It is believed that people who read for pleasure develop their imagination more and acquire better language skills compared to those who prefer watching TV. Do you agree or disagree ? It is argued by some that reading a book for fun is better  rather than watching television, in improving the imagination as well as it aids to become better in lang…

ESSAY SAMPLE 23/06/2021

Many people argue that eating junk food has led to an unhealthy life style. This problem has become more common among young people these days. Do you agree or disagree that Junk food is the cause of this issue. The issue of unhealthy life style has become a normal thing among present generation of youth and some blame that the intake of fast food is the main cause behind it....

ESSAY SAMPLE Many people argue that eating junk food has led to an unhealthy life style. This problem has become more common among young people these days. Do you agree or disagree that Junk food is the cause o…


It is argued that Humanatarian aid ought to be extended to economically deprived nations by affluent contries when the latter are hit by natural calamities. This essay agrees with this statement because it will not only solidify the bond between the concerned countries but feeling of humanity and service will be uplifted around the globe.
Firstly, if a rich country will aid a poorer country in its hour of need especially during a natural disaster, it will strengthen the relationship between both of these countries. Because the people of help seeking countries will appreciate the help in their needed time which will be good for both countries and according to its capacity, the poorer country may also offer help that particular helpful nation in future. All this will lead to more strong relationship between them. For example, India has helped Nepal during the earthquake with food and medical supplies, in return Nepal offered aid to india during kerala floods.
Secondly, the governments and people around the world will become more human, if rich countries show compassion towards less privileged countries suffering from natural disasters. Because, we closely observe what is happening in our neighbourhood and the same applies to our planet and all other countries. Any such help can serve as an example that humanity is above all and other nations and their residents will also incline towards humanitarian projects which will boost the feeling of humanity on our planet. A recent study has found that 40 % people cite the reason behind their attraction towards helping others is, motivation from generous and helpful people.
In conclusion, it is needed that economically strong nation should help the countries which are not rich as it will help to build strong relations between them as well as give a boost to humanitarian works throughout the world.

