Harmony & Happiness

Harmony & Happiness

counseling & family therapy,
individual counseling, family counseling, child counseling, old age co




Here are 7 lessons on Mind Management, Not Time Management by David Kadavy:

1. Quit your daily routine.

A daily routine can be helpful in some ways, but it can also become a crutch that prevents you from being flexible and adaptable. When you're stuck in a routine, you're less likely to be creative and productive.

2. Use the hidden patterns all around you as launchpads to skyrocket your productivity.

The world is full of hidden patterns that can be used to your advantage. For example, the way that people interact with each other can provide clues about how to be more persuasive. The way that information is organized can provide clues about how to be more efficient.

3. Do in only five minutes what used to take all day.

There are many tasks that can be done in a much shorter amount of time than we typically spend on them. By learning to identify and prioritize these tasks, you can free up your time to focus on more important things.

4. Let your “passive genius” do your best thinking when you’re not even thinking.

Your brain is constantly working, even when you're not consciously thinking about anything. This means that you can often come up with your best ideas when you're not actively trying to.

5. Writer’s block is a myth.

Writer's block is often used as an excuse for procrastination. But the truth is, there is no such thing as writer's block. The only thing that stops you from writing is yourself.

6. Learn a timeless lesson from the 19th century’s most underrated scientist.

Carl Friedrich Gauss was a brilliant mathematician who developed many important theorems. One of his most important lessons was that it's often more important to be right than to be efficient.

7. Wield all of the power of technology, with none of the distractions.

Technology can be a powerful tool for productivity, but it can also be a major source of distraction. By learning to use technology in a way that minimizes distractions, you can maximize your productivity.


What is intellectual disability?

Intellectual disability is a term used when there are limits to a person's ability to learn at an expected level and function in daily life.


Our emotions are intricately connected to our physical well-being. Stress, anger, grief, and other emotional struggles can manifest as physical symptoms in surprising ways. Here's a glimpse into this *mind-body connection:*

*Headaches/Migraines:* Stress, anger turned inward can trigger severe headaches.

*Shoulder Pain/Muscle Tension:* Feeling burdened emotionally can lead to tension in the shoulders.

*Chest Tightness/Heaviness:* Grief and heartache may manifest as a sensation of tightness or heaviness in the chest.

*Pain in Arms:* Lack of love or emotional support can result in physical pain in the arms.

*Stomach aches/Indigestion:* Anxiety and nervousness can disrupt the digestive system.

*Lower Back Pain/Stiffness:* Financial insecurity can cause tension in the lower back.

*Hip/Pelvic Pain or Discomfort:* Resistance to change and sexual issues can contribute to hip and pelvic pain.

*Legs Pain/Muscle Cramps:* Feeling stuck or trapped emotionally may result in leg pain or cramps.

*Foot Pain or Discomfort:* Feeling ungrounded or resistant to moving forward can impact the feet.

Remember, our bodies often communicate what our words cannot. Pay attention to the messages your body is sending, and consider addressing emotional issues for holistic well-being.


World Mental Health Day 2023


is not like a instant coffe #....
Counseling is a process of varying lengths during which a mental health counselor and a client work together to explore problems and develop the skills and mindset needed to transcend challenges and live a life of emotional Health........... The length of the counseling process varies depending on the individual and the mental health disorder or distress...........
It can continue anywhere from a few weekly sessions to months or, sometimes, years of occasional sessions...........
That's the Psychological Counseling
But some of people not understand it properly

Harmony and Happiness 🌹


Emotional disturbance...........

Emotional disturbance is an inability to build or maintain satisfactory and interpersonal relationships with peers or family.Emotional Disturbance like any mental illness is an invisible condition that impacts a person's mental functioning.The feeling thought process,moods, and a person's ability to conduct can be affected by mental illness, including those that fall under the umbrella of emotional disturbance...

Harmony and Happiness 🌹




Check yourself about Anxiety


Practice makes man perfect



1) You are scared that people won’t accept you for who you are.

2) You react emotionally rather than objectively

3) You tend to apologize too much, for speaking your opinion or even asking for a favour.

4) You have trouble saying No to things you don’t want to do.

5) You are afraid to contribute your opinion in a conversation.

Harmony and Happiness 🌹


" हर रोज़ प्रकृती तुम्हें खुश करने के कितने प्रयास करती है,
खुशी और आनंद के झरने लगातार बहते हैं,
कहीं चिड़िया चहचहा कर अपने पंखों से नाच रही है
तो कहीं फूल सुंदर रंग बिखेर रहे हैं,

कहीं शांत खड़े पेड़ हवा के साथ फुसफुसा रहे हैं
तो कहीं नर्म घास ने पायदान बिछा दिए हैं...

हर ओर सुंदरता

उसे अंदर आने दो,
स्वागत करो,
सब बाधाएं हटा दो,
सारी नकारात्मकता को सकारात्मक विचारों की शक्ति से शून्य करदो,

ज़ोर से हंसो,
बार बार मुस्कुराओ,
सुंदर कल्पनायें कर अपने दिमाग को अच्छा भोजन दो,

शांति के लिए अपनी साँसों की गति देखो,
उनका रास्ता नापो,
पूरा ध्यान खुद पर... बाहर कुछ नहीं, केवल भीतर।"

Harmony and Happiness 🌹🌹


What is toxic positivity?

Toxic positivity the belief that no matter how dire or difficult a situation is, people should maintain a positive mindset. While there are benefits to being optimistic and engaging in positive thinking, toxic positivity rejects all difficult emotions in favor of a cheerful and often falsely-positive façade.

Harmony and Happiness 🌹 🌹


You have come to understand your problem is in fact a deeply rooted childhood trauma. What now?

Find a solution to this problem.
Any childhood trauma is a lack of skills of some sorts.
Acquire skills to become independent of this trauma and solve it.

For example, if you have been bullied, learn to protect yourself.
If you didn't have enough personal space in your childhood, create some.

If you didn’t have friends, learn to make friends.
If you have lived in worries and fears, learn how to create a secure space and take care of yourself.
If no one needed you, then find the value you need yourself.


The power of visualization.

Let’s take an example. Do the following finger sequence once with your eyes open.

Touch your thumb to index finger
Touch your thumb to ring finger
Touch your thumb to middle finger
Touch your thumb to pinky finger.
Now close your eyes and imagine your fingers doing this, without physically moving your fingers. Repeat it 20 times in your mind.

Open your eyes. Now try the sequence with actually moving your fingers.

You’ll find that you can do the finger sequence pretty well, even though you only physically did it once. You’ve learned the sequence without actually physically practicing it, but with the power of your mind.

Why is this?

The neurons firing in our brain cannot tell the difference between simply imagining the sequence versus doing it. It’s all the same to our brain. This is done without actually doing the thing, but achieves a similar result.

This means that we can still learn something without actually doing it. Visualization is a very, very powerful technique.



Do not criticize yourself, when you criticize yourself, your changes are negative. When you accept yourself, your changes are positive. Criticism never change anything. Accept yourself exactly as you are now.

1. DON'T BE AFRAID OF YOURSELF. Stop scare you with your own thoughts. That is a terrible way to live. Find a mental image that you like and replace your scary thought with an image of pleasure.

2. BE KIND AND PATIENT WITH YOURSELF. Be gentle and kind to yourself. Be patient as you learn new ways of thinking and change old habits of behavior. Treat yourself as someone you really love.

3. BE KIND TO YOUR MIND. Self-hatred is just hatred of one's own thoughts. Don't hate or hurt yourself for having those thoughts, love yourself by gently changing them.

4. PRAISE YOURSELF. Criticism destroys the spirit and internal energy. Praise and appreciation build it. Praise yourself all you can. Recognize what you are doing well in every little thing.

5. GIVE YOURSELF SUPPORT. Find ways to support yourself. Find friends and let them help you. Being strong is knowing how to ask for help when you need it. Learn to ask for others to learn.

6. LOVE YOUR NEGATIVITY. Recognize that you have created it to meet a need. Now you are finding new and positive ways to meet these needs. Therefore, you can lovingly let go of your old negative patterns.

7. TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY. Learn about nutrition. What kinds of foods does your body need for maximum energy and vitality? Learn about exercise. What kind of exercise can you enjoy? Give yourself time to rest, learn to relax physically and mentally. Love the temple you live in.

8. USE THE MIRROR. Often look into your eyes. Express your growing feeling of love for yourself by looking in the mirror. Talk to your parents by looking in the mirror. Forgive them too. At least once a day say: "I love you, I love you just the way you are."

9. LOVE YOURSELF, DO IT NOW. Do not wait for things to be better for you, you are well, have a partner, work or have lost weight. Start now and do the best you can.

Harmony and Happiness 🌹 m


Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄

The bells are jingling. The balls are rolling. The stars shine bright on the Christmas tree. May this sparkle always brighten your life! This Christmas,Harmony and Happiness wish you all the happiness and success you can wish for! Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄 ❤


"Wash your own brain..."

Why should you brainwash yourself?

Because someone will do that for you.. Our brains are ready to receive suggestions and instructions, and easily adopt the opinions of others.. If you contemplate your knowledge, you will discover that 99% of what you know, adopt and believe is the product of external minds from which you took this knowledge and those convictions.

And because you cannot withdraw from society or prevent you from being affected by your surroundings, what remains in front of you is only (participate in washing your brain yourself, or at least realize the way you are unconsciously affected by others..
And I say “unconscious”, because your subconscious mind accepts commands and instructions more easily than your conscious mind.. In the case of full awareness, a person may reject many directions that do not correspond to his upbringing, principles or preconceived opinions (especially if he has the gift of critical thinking).

As for its usual daily state, it often begins unconsciously by accepting many suggestions that leak to it from the media, the conversations of friends, and the currents of society, (and this is what I call (soft brainwashing). While it can be deleted and removed through special washing sessions that a person performs for himself, as I do daily before I go to sleep).
It is known that the effect of suggestion and orders becomes stronger when we put ourselves in a state of complete relaxation and concentration, and in brackets (the effect is magnified in the case of hypnosis).
Just as the psychologist can put the patient in a state (hypnosis).
Magnetic) You can do this in a subjective way through which you absorb the required suggestions.. If, for example, you want to get rid of obesity, exercise, or stop smoking, the solution is simply to wash your brain by repeating stimulating suggestions and counter-commands:

The first method:

depends on standing in front of the mirror for a long time (until you separate from the face opposite you), then you give yourself the suggestions and commands you need to change, or create new habits.

The second method:

Relax in a dark place, close your eyes, and repeat motivational sentences that you need for at least a hundred times until you feel the sensation overwhelming you and running through your veins.

Harmony and Happiness


With self awareness, you can have a better control on your life by eradicating unwanted thoughts, negative self talk and emotions......


When your mental health is bad give yourself a break .....Don't make yourself feel guilty for things you can't do.. Don't feel bad about eating bad,about not doing as much as you normally would.....you're human...It's okay to struggle.......Look after yourself, and your mind ...It's important

Harmony and Happiness 🌹


What is Resilience .........

Resilience is the process and outcome of successfully adapting to difficult or challenging life experiences, especially through mental, emotional, and behavioral flexibility and adjustment to external and internal demands.



Ask ask your client to draw the outline of a body.
give them a few minutes to reflect on their physical feelings in their own body and color particular parts where they are feeling any kind of fear, tension ,pain , discomfort etc.

The client will draw a large circle to represent a thought bubble.He will write the issues he is anxious about.

Such exercises will surely be helpful in minimising their feeling of anxiety.



जनवरी की एक सर्द सुबह थी ,अमेरिका के वाशिंगटन डीसी का मेट्रो स्टेशन .

एक आदमी वहां करीब घंटा भर तक वायलिन बजाता रहा .इस दौरान लगभग 2000 लोग वहां से गुज़रे ,अधिकतर लोग अपने काम से जा रहे थे .

उस व्यक्ति ने वायलिन बजाना शुरू किया .उसके तीन मिनट बाद एक अधेड़ आदमी का ध्यान उसकी तरफ गया .उसकी चाल धीमी हुई , वह कुछ पल उसके पास रुका और फिर जल्दी से निकल गया .

4 मिनट बाद : वायलिन वादक को पहला सिक्का मिला .एक महिला ने उसकी टोपी में सिक्का फेंका और बिना रुके चलती बनी .

6 मिनट बाद : एक युवक दीवार के सहारे टिककर उसे सुनता रहा ,फिर उसने अपनी घडी पर नजर डाली और चलता बना .

10 मिनट बाद : एक 3 वर्षीय बालक वहां रुक गया ,पर जल्दी में दिख रही उसकी माँ उसे खींचते हुए वहां से ले गयी .माँ के साथ लगभग घिसटते हुए चल रहा बच्चा मुड -मुड़कर वायलिन वादक को देख रहा था .

ऐसा ही कई बच्चो ने किया और हर बच्चे के अभिभावक उसे घसीटते हुए ही ले गये .

45 मिनट बाद : वह लगातार बजा रहा था ,अब तक केवल छः लोग ही रुके थे और उन्होंने भी कुछ देर ही उसे सुना .

लगभग 20 लोगो ने सिक्का उछाला, पर रुके बगैर अपनी सामान्य चाल में चलते रहे .उस आदमी को कुल मिलकर 32 डॉलर मिले .

1 घंटे बाद : उसने अपना वादन बंद किया .फिर से शांति छा गयी .इस बदलाव पर भी किसी ने ध्यान नहीं दिया .
किसी ने वादक की तारीफ नहीं की .

किसी भी व्यक्ति ने उसे नहीं पहचाना .वह था , विश्व के महान वायलिन वादकों में से एक ,जोशुआ बेल .

जोशुआ 16 करोड़ रुपए की अपनी वायलिन से इतिहास की सबसे कठिन धुन बजा रहे थे .महज कुछ दिन पहले ही उन्होंने बोस्टन शहर में मंचीय प्रस्तुति दी थी ,जहाँ प्रवेश टिकटों का औसत मुल्य 100 डॉलर था .

यह बिलकुल सच्ची घटना हैं .

जोशुआ बेल प्रतिष्ठित समाचार पत्र ‘WASHINGTON POST’ द्वारा ग्रहणबोध और समझ को लेकर किये गए एक सामाजिक प्रयोग का हिस्सा बने थे .इस प्रयोग का उद्देश्य यह पता लगाना था कि किसी सार्वजानिक जगह पर किसी व्यस्त समय में हम खास चीजो और बातो पर कितना ध्यान देते हैं ? क्या हम सुन्दरता या अच्छाई की सराहना करते हैं ? क्या हम आम अवसरों पर प्रतिभा की पहचान कर पाते हैं ?

इसका एक समान अर्थ यह निकलता हैं : जब दुनिया का एक श्रेष्ठ वादक एक बेहतरीन साज़ से इतिहास की सबसे कठिन धुनों में से एक बजा रहा था ,तब अगर हमारे पास इतना समय नहीं था कि कुछ पल रूककर उसे सुन सके ,तो सोचिये हम कितनी सारी अन्य बातो से वंचित हो गये हैं ,लगातार वंचित हो रहे हैं ??

संभवतः ये वक़्त बेहद गंभीरता से सोचने का है कि जिंदगी की भागदौड़ में हमनें कितनी खुबसूरत चीज़ों को नज़रअंदाज़ कर दिया है ?????Harmony and Happiness 🌹🌹🌹


"Exclusion to Inclusion"

They bring nine chairs for ten children, and they tell the children that the winner is the one who gets the chair, and whoever remains without a chair is out of the game.

Then they reduce the number of chairs each time and a child comes out every time.

Until one child remains and he is declared the winner.

The child learns the culture of “Myself, myself, and in order to succeed, I must remove others.”

And in Japanese kindergartens, they play the game of chairs too.

And they also come with nine chairs for ten kids, with a difference.

That they tell the children that you have more chairs.
If one of you remains without a chair, everyone loses.

All the children try to hug each other so that ten children can sit on nine chairs.

And then they reduce the number of chairs successively.

With the rule remaining that they must make sure that no one remains without a chair, or else they will all lose.

The child learns culture
"I cannot succeed without the help of others to succeed"

Harmony and Happiness 🌹


Something touched......Socha share karu ......
" Ifyou’re not angry, you’re either a stone, or you’re too sick to be angry. You should be angry. You must not be bitter. Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. It doesn’t do anything to the object of its displeasure. So use that anger, yes. You write it. You paint it. You dance it. You march it. You vote it. You do everything about it. You talk it. Never stop talking it.”

बहुत खूब कहा है इन्होंने,
अगर आपको गुस्सा नहीं आता
तो या तो आप झूठ बोल रहे हैं
या फिर आप शायद ज़िंदा ही नहीं हैं...

हमारे चारों ओर
हर भाव हर बात
हर जगह हर हालात
ज़रूरी नहीं हमारे मुताबिक़ हों

गुस्सा तुम्हें मुझे
हम सभी को जीवंत बनाता है!

फ़र्क होता है कि हम किस तरह से अपने गुस्से को ज़ाहिर करना चुनते हैं?

चिल्ला कर
चीख कर
मार कर
या गाली दे कर

वर्जिश कर अपने तन को सुधार कर
कविता लिख कर
कला निर्देश कर
या बस आवाज़ उठा कर
बदलाव की एक नई लहर दौड़ा कर

हमारा चुनाव ही हमें पहचान देता है
हर पल
हर जगह
हर परिस्थिति...

तो तुम कैसे गुस्सा करना चाहोगी


What is anxiety?

Are you anxious? Maybe you’re feeling worried about a problem at work with your boss. Maybe you have butterflies in your stomach while waiting for the results of a medical test. Maybe you get nervous when driving home in rush-hour traffic as cars speed by and weave between lanes.

In life, everyone experiences anxiety from time to time. This includes both adults and children. For most people, feelings of anxiety come and go, only lasting a short time. Some moments of anxiety are more brief than others, lasting anywhere from a few minutes to a few days.

But for some people, these feelings of anxiety are more than just passing worries or a stressful day at work. Your anxiety may not go away for many weeks, months, or years. It can worsen over time, sometimes becoming so severe that it interferes with your daily life. When this happens, it’s said that you have an anxiety disorder.


What is stress?

Stress is a normal human reaction that happens to everyone. In fact, the human body is designed to experience stress and react to it. When you experience changes or challenges (stressors), your body produces physical and mental responses. That’s stress.

Stress responses help your body adjust to new situations. Stress can be positive, keeping us alert, motivated and ready to avoid danger. For example, if you have an important test coming up, a stress response might help your body work harder and stay awake longer. But stress becomes a problem when stressors continue without relief or periods of relaxation.



ASD begins in early childhood and eventually causes problems functioning in society — socially, in school and at work, for example. Often children show symptoms of autism within the first year. A small number of children appear to develop normally in the first year, and then go through a period of regression between 18 and 24 months of age when they develop autism symptoms.
While there is no cure for autism spectrum disorder, intensive, early treatment can make a big difference in the lives of many children.




**📱आज कि टेक्नोलॉजी एक लत कि तरह होती जा रही है जिसके हम आदी होते जा रहे हैं।**📱

क्या आपके साथ कभी ऐसा हुआ है कि आप अपना मोबाइल यह सोचकर उठाते हैं कि आप उसे बस कुछ देर तक ही इस्तेमाल करेंगे लेकिन फिर आप फेसबुक और यूट्यूब से होते हुए ट्विट्टर पर आ जाते हैं और लगभग एक घंटा बरबाद कर देते हैं। अगर हाँ, तो कोई बात नहीं क्योंकि इस टेक्नोलॉजी को कुछ इस तरह से डिजाइन किया गया है कि आपको इसकी लत लग जाए।
वे ऐसा कैसे कर पाती हैं इसे जानने के लिए हमें इंसान के व्यवहार को समझना होगा। अगर कोई काम पूरा होने वाला होता है तो यह हमारा स्वभाव है कि हम उसे जल्दी से जल्दी पूरा करने की कोशिश करते हैं। इसलिए जब आप फेसबुक पर अपना प्रोफाइल बनाते हैं तो वह आपको एक पर्सेंटेज बार दिखाता है जिसमें यह लिखा होता है कि आप अपना प्रोफाइल कितना पूरा कर चुके हैं।
इसके अलावा टेक कंपनियाँ हमारे अंदर आदतें भी बनाती हैं।वीडियो गेम्स कुछ इस तरह से डिजाइन किए जाते हैं जिससे हम उसे बार बार खेलें। जब गेम में अलग अलग लेवेल होते हैं तो हम उन्हें पार करने के लिए उसे बार बार खेलते हैं और हमें उसकी आदत पड़ पाती है। वे हमें सिर्फ तीन लाइफ देते हैं क्योंकि उन्हें पता है कि हम उन चीज़ों की कदर करते हैं जो महंगी होती हैं या फिर कम मिलती हैं।
कंपनियाँ हमारा ध्यान खींचने के लिए और हम तक अपने प्रोडक्ट पहुँचाने के लिए बहुत पैसा खर्च करती हैं। वे हर वो कोशिश करती हैं जिससे वे आपको किसी नई टेक्नोलॉजी की लत लगवा सकें।
हम सभी को निश्चित होना पसंद है। इसलिए एमेज़न हमें अपने आर्डर किए गए प्रोडक्ट को ट्रैक करने की सुविधा देता है। इसकी मदद से हम यह जान सकते हैं कि हमारा प्रोडक्ट अभी कहाँ तक पहुंचा है और कब तक हमारे पास आ जाएगा। जब हमें इस तरह की सुविधा मिलती है तो हम उसे बार बार इस्तेमाल करने लगते हैं।
टेक्नोलॉजी से दूर रहने के बहुत से फायदे हैं।

आप शायद सोचते होंगे कि क्यों यूनिवर्सिटी या फिर स्कूलों में बच्चों को मोबाइल फोन लाने के लिए मना किया जाता है या फिर क्यों कुछ प्राइवेट जगहों पर मोबाइल ना इस्तेमाल करने के बोर्ड लगे होते हैं। टेक्नोलॉजी से कुछ वक्त के लिए दूर रहना बहुत ही फायदेमंद साबित हो सकता है। जिस तरह से कुछ देर काम ना कर के हम अपने काम करने के की क्षमता बढ़ा सकते हैं उसी तरह टेक्नोलॉजी से दूर रह कर हम अपने काम करने की क्षमता बढ़ा सकते हैं।

वर्जीनिया टेक स्टडीस में यह पाया गया कि जब दो लोग आपस में मोबाइल इस्तेमाल करते हुए बात कर रहे होते हैं तो वे एक दूसरे की बातों को ज्यादा अच्छे से नहीं समझ पाते और ना ही सहानुभूति जता पाते हैं। भले ही वे एक दूसरे के कितने भी करीब क्यों ना हों, वे जो बातें करते हैं उसे अच्छे से याद भी नहीं रख पाते। लेकिन अगर वे मोबाइल को दूर रख कर बातें करते हैं तो वे ज्यादा सहानुभूति पता कर सामने वाले की बात को अच्छे से समझ पाते हैं।
इसी तरह से बहुत सी कंपनियाँ भी अपने कर्मचारियों को हफ्ते में एक दिन टेक्नोलॉजी से दूर रखने की कोशिश करती हैं। उन्हें यह बात समझ में आ गई है कि जिस तरह से कुछ देर आराम कर लेने से शरीर को एनर्जी मिलती है उसी तरह से टेक्नोलॉजी से दूर रहने से भी काम करने की क्षमता सुधर जाती है और साथ ही दिमाग ज्यादा तेज और बेहतर तरीके से काम कर पाता है। बीसीजी कंसल्टिंग दुनिया की सबसे अच्छी कंसल्टिंग फर्म मानी जाती है। जब उसने यह तरीका अपनाया तो उसे देखा कि कुछ वक्त के बाद लोग एक दूसरे के साथ ज्यादा मिल जुल कर काम करने लगे।


Can silence lead to finding self?

Silence is a journey in itself. A quiet journey that ends up in finding your own soul.

In the chaos of life, we usually forget the real purpose of our lives. Our mind gets confused because we hear different voices coming from all the directions and these voices control our mind so much, that we lose the ability to think on our own. We become a puppet of someone else’s mind. When life brings you into the silent phase, there is a message it wants to give. It wants you to slow down and rethink about your life and your priorities. It gives you an opportunity to connect with your inner self.

Spend quiet time with yourself. Silence is the time to reconsider the purpose of your life and to reconsider with your inner needs.




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Perception abt life
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" हर रोज़ प्रकृती तुम्हें खुश करने के कितने प्रयास करती है, खुशी और आनंद के झरने लगातार बहते हैं, कहीं चिड़िया चहचहा कर अप...




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