Health of Green.

Health of Green.

Mamta Agarwal Sharma - Certified Yoga Trainer and Nutritionist. Skin Consultant and Qualified Chakra healer. ANGEL Card reader and Aura Healing.


Photos from YOG - The Health of Green's post 08/03/2020
Grilled Romaine Salad with Aged Balsamic Vinaigrette - Health & Fitness Tips and Advice - Better... 24/04/2015

Grilled Romaine Salad with Aged Balsamic Vinaigrette - Health & Fitness Tips and Advice - Better... Tweet Elevate your favorite grill recipes with this quick, easy summer salad recipe. The bitter edge of root vegetables and rich complexity of aged balsamic vinegar make this an ideal side dish for pairing with the bright acidity in our Jordan Chardonnay. Ingredients 3 hearts of romaine, root trimme…

Balance Your 7 Chakras With These Yoga Poses & Mantras (Infographic) 19/04/2015

Balance Your 7 Chakras With These Yoga Poses & Mantras (Infographic) It's no surprise that with the increasing popularity of yoga in Western culture, that chakras have also come to the forefront as more of a buzzword than lofty New Age ideal. But you don't always have

Mobile uploads 17/04/2015
Timeline photos 17/04/2015

Please share this important infos with your friends ;)

15 Reasons to Use Apple Cider Vinegar Every Day 17/04/2015

15 Reasons to Use Apple Cider Vinegar Every Day Apple cider vinegar is my new obsession. I recently began taking apple cider vinegar shots a few times a day for a quick and effective energy burst. However, I've since discovered so many other


Kidney Cleansing Infusion (1 liter)

This infusion cleanse the kidneys, nourishes the urinary tract and keep fluids flowing to keep urinary tract infection at bay. Don’t use this infusion if you are pregnant or breast-feeding.

2 tbsp dried dandelion leaves (or 4 tbsp fresh dandelion leaves)
1 tbsp dried parsley (or 2 tbsp fresh parsley)
1 tsp dried red clover blossoms

Combine the herbs in 1 liter glass jar. Pour boiling water over them to fill the jar. Steep for 5-8 minuted. The infusion will be bitter, so add honey to taste. Drink 2-3 hot cups per day. You may also be interested to read my article the best foods and herbs to cleanse your kidneys.


1. Apple cider vinegar can detoxify your home.

It's made from apple juice and is fermented to hard apple cider. It's then fermented a second time to become apple cider vinegar. By using ACV in lieu of other products, we instantly decrease the consumption of unnatural chemicals in our homes and daily lives.

2. It can make your hair shine.

Apple cider vinegar can be used as a rinse for your hair after shampooing, and will boost your hair's body and shine. I recommend recycling an old shampoo bottle, then filling it with 1/2 a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a cup of cold water. Pour the solution through your hair after shampooing several times a week for dramatic results.

3. Natural apple cider vinegar regulates the pH of your skin.

Dilute ACV with two parts water, and spread the concoction over your face with a cotton ball to replace your current toner. You can do this at night after washing, and in the morning before you apply your moisturizer. A dab of apple cider vinegar can also be left on the skin overnight to fade age spots or acne scars.

It's also a recommended agent for warts. For warts, soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar, then fasten the cotton ball over the wart with a Band-Aid overnight. The skin may swell some as it reacts with the solution. However, the wart will fall off. Once it falls off, the treatment should be continued for a few more days, to make sure the wart doesn't return.

4. It can remove stains from teeth.


YOGA Classes conducted at my place or your home. Chose what works best for you. Aimed at allowing personal attention given to every client for holistic (emotional,physical and mental) well being and weight loss. Also available for Group Classes :) Contact: Mamta, 9930800683, Mumbai.


Rich belt of radish Properties------_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fresh and soft radish, tridoshshamak, jathragnivardhak and best digester. In the summer this intake is beneficial. This tuber, concluded from all the leaves, seeds medicinal properties. Fresh and soft radish itself were worsted | The old, strict and fat radish tridoshaprakopak, and rogkarak.
In 100 g leaves 340 mL kg. Calcium, 110 mm kg. Phosphorus and 8.8 mL kg. Loh elements found. These mineral elements contained abundant teeth and bones and blood to. As it leaves salad or sabbji can be also by khaye | Leaves are also consumed juice | Its leaves are kidney disease, urine-disorders, high blood pressure, obesity, hemorrhoids and digestive-related irregularities in fruitful.
Heat come more sweating decreases the amount of sodium in hygiene | Radish 33 mL kg. Sodium is found, so is its supply from eating radishes effortlessly and fatigue also erases |

The leaves are also beneficial-often people throw her radish leaves an overdose, while the leaves also flavor and just enough nutrient. they use in vegetables, parathon bhuji – there are thin-thin sprouts too, which is known by the name of mongar or these mongara bean vegetables are very tasty, thin and fresh made. the radish always use to strengthen the bones by eating radish-body toxic gas (carbon Dioxide) is the expulsion of oxygen and life. eating radish are osteoporosis in mansude strong teeth. fatigue and sleep is helpful in erase bring in beneficial – jaundice. radish hypertension, hemorrhoids of benefits from drinking its juice remove urinary diseases is also benefits. jaundice disease using very fresh radish. obesity from dilae-memeber of obesity of today Embarrassed by its regular intake of lemon juice and salt, head louse is hitting profits. the juice mixed into the water to wash away the lack of hemoglobin-radish juice stuff just by drinking Pomegranate juice mixed into hemoglobin. teeth are away eating it chamkae-raktavikar does stain the skin spots.. teeth on the radish pieces pallor lemon juice With teeth will clean teeth gradually at malne. also cut radishes lemons arranged small pieces cut from the teeth gradually chabaen. spewing later. it regularly to remove yellow layers on teeth chadhi. payriya relief-payriya from people radish juice 2-3 times a day, and drink the juice so it will benefit kulle. radish juice kulle.Rub on and drink the teeth, gums-Dental chew very beneficial to chew food-radishes have teeth & gums healthy. constipation relief dilae-lime radish and troubled by constipation, eat, rub salt will benefit early morning meal in radish salad as so and would benefit from drinking the morning-evening radish juice. chronic constipation would benefit in the meantime do not eat food fried bhuna.Eat porridge, oatmeal etc, but stomach-pain in stomach-pain disturbed, radish juice lemon mixed drink or eat radish pickle mouth deodorant to remove smell from the mouth-then make rock salt on radish leaves in the early morning-early morning daily eat banaeham damkae, beautiful face destroyed deodorant would be all want to look beautiful, but beauty of face acne and stripped jhaiyan. If you have so much effort for salvation This time to try the radish, benefits. munhason cut munhason to find on a piece of round radishes and keep pressed until it open after awhile. wash with water, temperate faces great benefits. characteristics of blood to get acne malfunction. radish from the problem of abuse


Cabbage - therapeutic properties of a miracle vegetable

Cultivated for over 4000 years and known for its beneficent properties , cabbage should not be missing from our diet, especially in these months.Rich in vitamin A, C, E, B1, B2, K, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, copper, sulfur and fiber, cabbage is an elixir of youth and a natural anticancer medicine.

In salads, baked or pickled, cabbage fight against obesity, cancer or cardiovascular disease and help us overcome the health problems of the most varied, from constipation to ulcers and rheumatism. Cabbage has anti-aging properties, helping us to keep our figure (25 kcal in 100g of cabbage), fresh complexion, beautiful skin and get rid of cellulite.

That's why you should eat cabbage, for health properties are numerous and very important:

Cabbage - 6 properties essential for health and youth:

1. Cabbage - important properties in preventing colon cancer, stomach, esophagus or lungs: cruciferous vegetables (especially cabbage) regularly consumed significantly reduces cancer risk of various types, cleanse the blood and detoxify the body, fighting against free radicals and strengthening the body's overall resistance.

2. Cabbage helps to better functioning of the nervous system and brain: rich in iodine, cabbage contributes to cognitive development needs and to fight diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, it is also recommended for pregnant women, due to its high folic acid necessary for system development nervous baby still in her womb.

3. Cabbage - valuable healing properties due to the sulfur, potassium, vitamin K and vitamin U: It seems that cabbage juice (4-5 glasses per day) may improve or even heal gastric ulcers, and other injuries, from cracks, burns, varicose ulcer infections until, by simply applying cabbage leaves on the problem area. They are recommended for external use and for migraine, rheumatic pain, bites or eczema.

4. Cabbage combat anemia and energizes the body: with a high content of iron, copper and manganese, kale fight anemia and significantly contribute to remineralization, revitalize and energize general, it helps digestion, reduces blood sugar levels and has a strong antidepressant effect.

5. Cabbage has properties important for muscle growth, tissue repair, improves vision because large amounts of vitamin C, helps us keep the gums healthy and strong immune system, defending us from infections, colds or flu.

6. Cabbage - anti-aging properties: improving cell respiration, cabbage extended youth and can be used to treat seborrheic or acne to varicose veins by applying compresses with cabbage juice, cabbage juice mask can have amazing effects against cellulite and regain shine the skin.

Now that it's still winter, you should know that sauerkraut clean the digestive tract and helps detoxify the body, due to lactic acid obtained by fermentation. Moreover, it seems that not only improves digestion, speeds up fat burning and help you regain your figure.


Natural Cures for Skin Rash

There are many home remedies that work as effective natural cures for skin rashes. Many people have come to rely on plant-based treatments as natural cures for skin rashes. Whether it's eczema, poison ivy or a round of insect bites, rashes and their symptoms can be uncomfortable. The often unbearable itch associated with these triggers cause many people to seek out a variety of treatments to find relief, including herbal remedies.

Herbal and Natural Cures for Skin Rash

Although every rash should first be diagnosed by a physician to rule out any underlying medical conditions that may require additional treatment, the common rash is generally a temporary skin condition triggered by an allergic reaction. How do you find relief for skin rashes? The following natural cures have been used for centuries to comfort and treat topical rashes.

Oatmeal bath: Oatmeal has long been known to soothe itchy and dry skin. To remedy itchy skin, fill a bathtub with warm water and one cup of rolled oats. Soak for at least twenty minutes, and rinse thoroughly. For added relief, a few drops of lavender oil and one-quarter cup of Epsom salt can be tossed into running bath water prior to soaking.
Aloe vera gel: Aloe vera gel is known to heal many skin conditions and cuts. Rubbing Aloe vera gel directly on a skin rash will calm and soothe the itching. Because of the natural cooling effect, Aloe vera is a great remedy for sunburn related rashes.
Comfrey or chamomile tea: Several loose herbs are touted for their ability to calm and soothe. To create a comfrey or chamomile tea treatment, boil loose or bagged tea and then soak washcloths in the steeped tea. When the tea cools to the touch, apply the washcloths directly to the areas of discomfort. Reapply as needed. In addition, comfrey or chamomile teabags can be added to running bath water. Steep the tea in the bath and soak as needed.
Olive oil: Olive oil is another natural cure that can be applied topically to moisturize and soothe skin rashes. Because oil stains are tough to remove on clothing articles, apply olive oil on bare skin. Olive oil will nourish the cracked and itchy skin that is common with rashes while relieving the itch temporarily.
Vitamin E: Vitamin E, in capsule form, can be used directly on the skin. To apply, break open a vitamin capsule and apply directly on the skin as needed. Vitamin E will nourish and soothe cracked and dry skin.
Baking powder: Baking powder is another route for treating rashes. Baking powder will help dry out the rash, thus limiting the itching associated with it. To apply baking powder, gently spinkle a small amount in your hands and pat it directly onto the rash as needed to calm the itching and dry the rash.

Preventing Rashes

Those who are susceptible to skin rashes should increase their daily intake of Vitamin C to boost their body's natural immunity. In addition, sensitive skinned individuals should limit their exposure to soaps, cleansers and beauty products that contain harsh chemicals or dyes. Seek out natural plant based skincare and cosmetics in effort to limit your exposure to rash inducing triggers.


Drink carrot juice every day. it's effective in durgadh far as Tan 's. winter season diet is changed in the season we eat many things full of vitamins and nyutrishans are found and one of these is the carrot even vitamins and minerals very amount. detainees according to unity TandonIs is extremely beneficial, carrots, vitamins b, c, calcium and picton fiber that does not move the cholesterol levels you can take this way: daily carrot carrot juice you get cold and colds. carrot juice works to increase imyuniti of the body and allows you to avoid infection jarms and etcetera. carrots vitamin a & c is alsoThe abundant mineral and silicone, so that the light of your eyes good. carrot juice skin clean and shine on the face too. If you have your baby suckling, the carrot is helpful in increasing the amount of milk you get vitamins and minerals from the carrot. This antioxidant beta caroteneAlpha carotene, calcium, vitamins a, B1, B2, c and e. antioxidant from skin shine. shortness of bones and the people, they should of course in carrot diet. the amount of calcium in your body and your body will quickly abjarb the resulting calcium this way. If you copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorous and sulfur are Tablet and take the, Better that you eat carrots ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
Advantages of carrot: this imyuniti system strong. skin sun damage linked to heart diseases relieves. shrinking. blood pressure normal. masals are paired and skin strang held. avoiding animiya. ekne less. less than eye diseases



1. Honey is Hygroscopic

Honey has a hygroscopic nature, which means when exposed to air, it naturally absorbs moisture in from the air. In treating open wounds, honey is useful as it could help prevent scarring by keeping the skin moist, encourage the growth of new tissues, and allow easy removal of any dressing by preventing dressing from becoming stuck to the skin. Honey's hygroscopic properties also make it an ideal ingredient in a lot of cosmetics as it helps keep skin hydrated and fresh and prevents drying. Thus, some people call honey a natural "humectant" as it attracts and retains moisture. When used in skin and hair treatments, honey trap and seal in the moisture leaving skin soft and supple, and hair glossy and healthy.

2. Honey is Antibacterial

honey is antibacterial imageResearchers began to document the healing properties of honey in the early part of the 20th century. This ceased with the development of antibiotics but recently the development of resistance to antibiotics has led to a resurgence of interest into the healing properties of honey. The effective antimicrobial agent in honey prohibits the growth of certain bacteria. It contains an enzyme that produces hydrogen peroxide which is believed to be the main reason for the antimicrobial activity of honey. As such, honey is a useful treatment for wounds and scalds. Cuts, abrasions and scalds can be covered in honey to prevent bacteria from entering the wound and promote healing.
Honey can help treat minor acne by attacking the bacteria that cause the outbreaks while moisturizing the skin to aid rejuvenation. Types of honey differ greatly in their antimicrobial potency, varying as much as a hundred fold. Honey derived from the Manuka bush, found in abundance in New Zealand, claims the highest potency of such antimicrobial properties.

Read more in: Honey the Tastiest Antibiotic.

3. Honey is a Source of Antioxidants

Honey contains natural antioxidant properties that can destroy biologically destructive chemical agents which have been linked to many diseases such as cancer. Studies also found that dark-color honeys such as Buckwheat seem to possess more antioxidants than light-color varieties. Not only could honey's antioxidants help to eliminate free radicals in the body, they are also part of the nutrient supply for growth of new tissue. These precious honey properties help protect the skin under the sun and help the skin to rejuvenate and stay young-looking. As such, there have been an increasing number of manufacturers of honey skincare products such as sunscreens and facial cleansing products for treating damaged or dry skin.


Oranges have been called a “perfect food” and contain an amazing array of healing vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phyto-nutrients. Oranges are high in vitamin C, vitamin A, B-complex vitamins, folate, beta carotene, lutein, and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, and potassium. Oranges have been known to help prevent cancer, lower high blood pressure, fight off viral infections, relieve constipation, keep bones and teeth strong, prevent kidney stones and macular degeneration. Oranges are rich in lime and alkaline salts that help to counteract and prevent acidosis in the body. They are also excellent for the digestive tract and help to remove toxic debris from the colon through enhanced peristaltic action. Oranges contain a significant amount of glutathione which is critical for healthy eye and lung function. Oranges are very good for respiratory problems such as asthma or bronchitis and cardiovascular issues such as hypertension and COPD. Oranges act as an internal antiseptic to the body and have the ability to purify and strengthen all the organs in the body. Oranges contain anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties which are particularly beneficial for those suffering with a cold or flu or an auto-immune disorder such as shingles, arthritis, IBS, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and raynaud’s disease. Fresh squeezed orange juice is a predigested food and allows for immediate absorption of all it’s abundant healing properties. However, be aware that orange juice will lose the majority of its vitamin C content within 30 minutes of being squeezed, so for optimum results drink immediately. Whole oranges, peeled or cut in slices, are the best option as the fiber and pith is where so many of the phytonutrients and healing properties are contained. Oranges are an excellent weight loss food due to their high pectin content which also helps to reduce blood cholesterol. Oranges are an ideal “fast food”, easy to transport, delicious to eat, and provide a steady form of energy throughout the day.


'Kill the pain' ~

Toothaches are among the most painful things to endure. Here a few tips to kill the pain.

-Put some ground clove next to your aching tooth to experience relief from pain.
-Add a tsp of salt in warm water and rinse your mouth with it. The salt will help kill the bacteria.
-Chewing a clove of garlic helps against pain. You can also add some salt to crushed garlic and place it near the aching tooth.
-Fry a pinch of asafoetida in clarified butter and place it on the tooth.
-Boil 4-5 guava leaves in water and use this dejection as mouthwash after it cools down.


'100% successful Remedy for Constipation' ~

Mix two teaspoonfuls of ghee (clarified butter) in a glassful of milk and drink it before going to bed at night. It will help you to beat constipation.

It is also helpful to reduce symptoms caused by acidity.


Losing Excess Fat' ~

Fat burning is a way of losing excess fat by consuming healthy food and by practicing a few fat burning workouts-

1.Green tea-Fires up fat burning.Green tea is packed with powerful anti-oxidants and contains a compound epigallocatechin gallate that is known to prevent serious health problems. Green tea fires up the body's metabolism thus, aiding the body to burn more calories.

2. Different Peppers
They are not only used to add color and flavor to your dishes, peppers are also excellent fat burning foods. They help elevate your metabolism and heart rate. This means that your body is burning more calories than it normally does. Studies say that eating jalapeño peppers is same as having one quick session on the treadmill.

3.Spinach and green vegetables
Fight free radicals and improve recovery for better muscle building

4.Whole grains ( brown rice, whole grain cereal)
Small doses prevent body from storing fat

5.Beans and legumes
Build muscle, help burn fat, regulate digestion

6.Whey- Builds muscle, burns fat ,Muscle recovery after workouts

7.Nuts-Almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, etc. are actually quite healthy as they are packed with vitamins, fibre, protein, minerals and monounsaturated fats that help in controlling blood sugar levels and aiding fat loss. Eat them in moderation.Build muscle, reduce cravings

8.Dairy products (fat-free or low-fat milk, yogurt, cheese)
Build strong bones, fire up weight loss.Yogurt is rich in protein, calcium, zinc and riboflavin. It is low in fat and a cup of yogurt contains only 120 calories. You can replace creams and whole milk with yogurt in some recipes.

9.Eggs-Build muscle, burn fat.Rich Source of Protein

10.Turkey and other lean meats Like Chicken: Chicken is a lean meat which has ample quantities of protein, iron, niacin and zinc. Total calories of cooked chicken is 245. You can add BBQ chicken or grilled chicken in your daily diet because it is filling and healthy. Remove the skin of the chicken before cooking it. There are many chicken recipes that can be dished out as low-fat food.

11.Berries-Berries in the form of strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, etc. are a good source of natural dietary fibre that is known to lower down the rate of carbohydrate absorption in the body. They prevent the insulin levels in the body to rise, which are known to cause storage of fat in the body.
Improve satiety, prevent cravings

12.Enova oil (soy and canola oil)and Olive Oil
Promotes fullness, not easily stored as fat

13.Peanut butter -Boosts testosterone (a good thing even in women), builds muscle, burns fat

14.Fatty fish (such as salmon, tuna, mackerel)
Trigger fullness, fire up fat burning

15.Grapefruit-Grapefruit is high in vitamin C and potassium. It also contains pectin that helps to reduce cholesterol in the bloodstream. A medium-sized grapefruit has 75 calories. Grapefruit helps in burning fat because it contains galalacturonic acid.

16.Oatmeal-Making oatmeal a regular part of your diet is beneficial because they are loaded with soluble fibre that results in a slower energy release in the body. Because of this process, the metabolism in the body runs at a steady pace which is perfect for losing fat.

17.Onion: A cup of raw onion has 60 calories and helps in lowering cholesterol.

18.Figs: Figs are rich in fiber and low in calories. Adding figs to the daily diet gives a feeling of fullness and prevents you from overeating


Benefits of teaching kids ' Yoga '-their better physical, mental and intellectual development.
-Disease resistant power growing and children repeatedly ill.
-Development of the wisdom and concentration of children.
-Children's Indian culture ceremony padte. Stay away from today's apsanskriti them self power.
-Children are beating and less tendency to anger slowly ends.
-Nowadays kids stayed even migraines. To overcome these problems.
-Some children can't sit still a minute. It is also improved by total instinct and children can sit in a comfortable place.
-Nice and quiet sleep.
Children in the classroom, OM said two minutes close the eye carefully enough.
Fifteen small children. Pranayama is enough. Sikhaye one day a week can be different postures.
Seven and a half in the morning and at night now faith, at the nine programs in children's fun cartoon style "Yoga in playing" shown and yoga and force.



Carrot + Ginger + Apple - Boost and cleanse our system.

Apple + Cucumber + Celery - Prevent cancer, reduce cholesterol, and eliminate stomach upset and headache.

Tomato + Carrot + Apple - Improve skin complexion and eliminate bad breath.

Bitter gou rd + Apple + Milk - Avoid bad breath and reduce internal body heat.

Orange + Ginger + Cucumber - Improve Skin texture and moisture and reduce body heat.

Pineapple + Apple + Watermelon - To dispel excess salts, nourishes the bladder and kidney.

Apple + Cucumber + Kiwi - To improve skin complexion.

Pear & Banana - regulates sugar content.

Carrot + Apple + Pear + Mango - Clear body heat, counteracts toxicity, decreased blood pressure and fight oxidization .

Honeydew + Grape + Watermelon + Milk - Rich in vitamin C + Vitamin B2 that increase cell activity and str engthen body immunity.

Papaya + Pineapple + Milk - Rich in vitamin C, E, Iron. Improve skin complexion and metabolism.

Banana + Pineapple + Milk - Rich in vitamin with nutritious and prevent constipation


How to we get rid of blackheads and whiteheads” ~

Maintaining a clear and beautiful skin, takes time, consistency and effort. Dermatologist may recommend lots of products, but some of them can be expensive and may actually take a long time to work. You can, however, incorporate some home remedies for blackheads and whiteheads into your daily beauty regimen and in a few weeks, you will experience a drastic reduction or even total elimination of the problem.

● Toothpaste – Toothpaste is an effective blackhead and whitehead remover. Apply a thin paste to your infected areas and let it sit on your face for at least 25 minutes. You will probably feel a burning sensation when you apply the toothpaste, but this is normal and will pass. Once you remove the toothpaste, the top of your blackheads and whiteheads will disappear, but you still need to thoroughly wash your face to remove the buildup underneath. Repeat this home remedy every other day for two weeks.

● Tomato – Tomatoes have natural antiseptic properties that dry up whiteheads and blackheads. Peel and mash a small tomato. Apply the tomato pulp to your blackheads and whiteheads before going to bed. Leave the tomato pulp on your face while you sleep and then wash your face in warm water in the morning.

● Lemon -Wash your face in warm water. Then, squeeze the juice of one lemon into a bowl. Add in a pinch of salt and stir the mixture. Apply the mixture to your blackheads and whiteheads. Leave the mixture on for approximately 20 minutes and then wash your face with warm water again.

● Lime – You can also use equal parts of lime juice and cinnamon powder and apply this mixture to blackheads. Leave it on overnight and rinse it off in the morning

● Cornstarch – Mix about a three-to-one cornstarch to vinegar ratio into a paste. Apply it to your problem areas and let sit for 15 to 30 minutes. Remove the paste with warm water and a washcloth.

● Yogurt – Mix three tablespoons of plain yogurt with two tablespoons of oatmeal. Add one teaspoon of olive oil and one tablespoon of lemon juice to the mixture. Stir the mixture thoroughly and apply it to the effective area of the face. Let the mixture sit for five to seven minutes then rinse off with cold water.

● Almond or oatmeal – Mix either oatmeal or almond powder with just enough rose water to make a spreadable paste. Apply it to your problem areas with your fingertips first and then apply it to the rest of your face. Let it set for about 15 minutes and then rinse your face with cold water.

● Rice – Soak rice in milk for 5 hours and then grind this in a blender until it is paste-like in consistency. Use the paste as a scrub on affected areas of the body.

● Potatoes – Grate raw potatoes and then rub the area with the mixture. Wash it off after 15 minutes.

● Fenugreek leaves – Crush some fenugreek leaves and mix with water to form a paste. Put this on the face for 15 minutes and then remove it. Do this every night to keep your face free of blackheads.

● Coriander leaves – Mix some coriander leaves and a little turmeric powder with water and form a paste. Use this as a mask to eliminate blackheads.

● Oatmeal -Grind oatmeal into a powder in a blender and then add some rose water. Use this on affected areas for 15 minutes and then wash it off with cold water.

● Baking soda – Prepare a mixture of equal parts of baking soda and water and rub it onto your face or other body areas prone to blackheads. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.

● Honey is also good for removing blackheads. Spread honey on the affected area and remove it after 15 minutes.

Remember – Be gentle to your skin. Never pinch, scrape, poke, press, or squeeze too hard!


'Health Benefits of Pomegranate Juice' ~

Over the years, numerous studies have shown that there are a lot of health benefits to be derived from simply consuming pomegranate juice.

Pomegranate juice is derived from the pomegranate fruit, which is an extremely delicious fruit that contains immense amount of health benefits. According to health experts, the pomegranate fruit ranks amongst the top fruits that provide good contents for the health of our cardiovascular system.

What are the health benefits of pomegranate juice?

1. Drinking pomegranate juice provides a healthy cardiovascular system for drinkers of the juice. This is the one of the most obvious health benefits of pomegranate juice. So why does pomegranate juice help in keeping the cardiovascular system healthy? The reason this happens is because of the fact that the pomegranate juice that you drink contains high amounts of antioxidants which are extremely good for the heart and cardiovascular system. Pomegranate juice, if taken on a regular basis will significantly reduce a person’s risk of developing heart problems and stroke.

2. Pomegranate juice helps in the fight against breast cancer. According to a recent study into the health benefits of pomegranate juice, it was discovered that the juice greatly helped in the preventing breast cancer as the juice contains certain compounds which when ingested into the system destroy cancer cells that contribute to the development of breast cancer.

3. Another major health benefit of pomegranate juice is its ability to fight against lung cancer and prostate cancer. Like was said above, the pomegranate juice helps prevent the growth of cancerous cells. It therefore goes without saying that constantly consuming this juice will fight against other forms of cancer like lung and prostate cancer. Studies on mice showed that when they were regularly given pomegranate juice to drink, the juice helped greatly in slowing down the growth of prostate and lung cancers.

4. Studies have shown that pregnant women derive a great benefit from regularly taking pomegranate juice. The reason this group of women benefit from drinking pomegranate juice is because of the fact that the juice contains high levels of folic acid which is extremely important for the proper development of the baby while it is still in the womb of the mother. So if you are a pregnant woman reading this article then you should consider taking pomegranate juice for a healthy pregnancy.

5. Pomegranate juice also has another very important health benefit which is the fact that it builds or strengthens the immune system. Studies have shown that the pomegranate juice is rich in vitamin C which plays an instrumental role in boosting the immune system.

6. Drinking pomegranate juice has also been shown to help in the reduction of dangerous cholesterol in the body.

7. Pomegranate juice has also been shown to reduce or lower blood pressure levels in the system by significant levels.

8. Alzheimer ’s disease can also be prevented with the drinking of pomegranate juice on a regular basis. A study on mice showed that pomegranate juice was effective in the prevention and slowing down of Alzheimer’s disease. According to the study on mice, mice that were given pomegranate juice on a regular basis showed better performance mentally than mice that were not given pomegranate juice. These mice in questions were all bred by scientists to get Alzheimer’s disease but with the use of pomegranate juice on a certain group, it showed that the juice helped in preventing the Alzheimer’s disease from developing.