Miracle Dental Clinic

Miracle Dental Clinic

This is a place where we provides you a healthy smile. We can change and improve your looks Better Than Before.. So keep smiling and don't worry..

We are here to protect that :) Our Majority of dental treatments are carried out to treat the most common oral diseases which are dental caries (tooth decay) and periodontal disease (gum disease or pyorrhea) & Common treatments such as restorative (fillings, crowns, bridges), prosthetic (dentures), endodontic (root canal) therapy, periodontal (gum) therapy, and exodontia (extraction of teeth), as


Happy independence day to all of you...


True that 🤔


दांत हमारे शरीर के अभिन्न अंग है और अच्छे मित्र भी.. अतः इनका ख्याल रखना हमारी नैतिक जिम्मेदारी है..!! क्योंकि सिर्फ यही हैं जो हमारे चेहरे की खुशी को बेहतर तरीके से दर्शा सकते हैं...।।
अगर यह खराब होंगे या गंदे होंगे तो हमारी पर्सनालिटी भी बहुत अच्छी नहीं दिखेगी..!!
इसलिए इनकी जांच समय-समय पर अवश्य कराएं,
क्या पता कल कोई छोटी बीमारी जरा सी लापरवाही से बड़ा रूप ले ले..!!


Dental Fun Facts for Kids-->

-Kids in prehistoric times likely did not suffer with tooth decay. The American Dental Association says this is because sugar was not a part of their diet.
-Tooth enamel is the strongest substance in the human body; because it's so durable, healthy tooth enamel protects teeth from cavity-causing oral bacteria.
-Teeth contain stem cells. In fact, according to SingularityHUB, some researchers are using dental stem cells to regrow human teeth. If successful, this technology would mean we can biologically replace lost adult teeth for the first time in history.
-Unlike bones or other parts of the body, teeth are incapable of self-repair. This is why receiving fillings and other dental work is necessary to protect teeth from further damage.
-Tooth decay is actually classified as an infectious disease because it is caused by a particular strain of bacteria passed between multiple people.

Historical Trivia on Oral Hygiene-->

Even ancient populations understood the importance of oral hygiene. And while their methods and practices were rudimentary compared to those of today, many ancient cultures would go as far as to chew on tree bark or wooden sticks with frayed ends to clean their teeth. The History Channel explains how ancient Egyptians even brushed their teeth using a powdery substance made from pulverized eggshells and oxen hooves. Using these ingredients in powder form, and mixing with water, was slightly abrasive and may have been an effective means of removing remnants left by food.

Here's another lesser-known fact:- The modern toothbrush was not developed until the 1700s. A man from England named William Addis attached boars' bristles to a bone handle, creating a toothbrush that was actually mass-produced. Brushes with nylon bristles and ergonomic handles were developed in the 1930s. Eighty years later, these products seem primitive compared to toothbrushes such as the Colgate® Slim Soft™, which features thin bristles for an even deeper clean.

Like most parts of human anatomy, teeth are fascinating. Luckily our modern culture affords us easy access to dental hygiene tools and quality dental care. Now that you're armed with intriguing teeth facts for kids, share a few with your child the next time he brushes. They'll really impress their teachers in class the next day!


Tooth Extraction


Caring for the Babies--


If teeth whitening was harmful they wouldn't make it in Hollywood-----

"Cosmetic procedure is a risk of damage to tooth enamel, according to experts. Far more dangerous is the weak control over the free market of home whitening systems and products.

Tooth whitening is a cosmetic dental procedure that has enjoyed increasing interest from patients in the last 3-4 years. Of the two options - whitening teeth at home and a dentist, preferably armchair manipulation because it is much faster, more effective and under the supervision of the dentist. A bright smile can be achieved within 60-90 minutes, while home bleaching takes at least 4 weeks.

Studies indicate that whitening teeth under the supervision of a specialist is safe. If necessary, the dentist can intervene immediately and prevent even the slightest damage that may occur in the oral cavity. The only side effects that may occur is a temporary tooth sensitivity and gum. Other limitations are associated with the consumption of certain foods and drinks after the procedure - coffee, red wine, ni****ne products, tea, chocolate, red wine.

And if you wonder what is the problem then, there he is - lack of control of the market that offer, and sometimes dubious systems for teeth whitening. "


What is teeth bonding and does it replaces veneers?


What about caries????

Nowadays, caries is the most common and dangerous disease of the teeth.

Let's see some facts about caries:-

Due to the insufficient use of fruits and vegetables - lack of vitamins. That cause formation of acids in the mouth - result of soft food, sugar and flour foods. The latter are nesting between the teeth where decay and form acids that corrode tooth enamel shell.

In degraded tooth surface the tooth begins to erode due microbes. Complaints depend on the depth and location of caries. Surface rupture can be determined only by a dentist review. Located deeper cavities causes pain, especially when using hot or cold food. The pains are very strong when the process reaches the nerve.

Damaged teeth should early be sealed. If necessary, you can put a crown (gold, silver or white).

Folk medicine teeth advices:-> To protect teeth from new burst is recommended a daily steam bath legs or belly for 1 week and abdominal (25 ° C for 10-15 minutes).

Walking in the sunshine and fresh air can also help keep teeth healthy. Brushing with a toothbrush and toothpaste, of course, should not be forgotten oral hygiene! Also food is very important.

Health food, which can include calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper and vitamins C and D.


What about fluoride-free toothpaste??????????

Fluoride-free toothpaste is an option for people who have fluoride allergy or for those who want to use toxin-free products. The role of fluoride in toothpaste is to strengthen tooth enamel and remineralized tooth decay. Some scientists believe, that fluoride has more harmful than helpful properties. They see only negative features of fluoride and the possibility of intoxication.

Dental fluorosis is one of the side effects of fluoride. It is called mottling of tooth enamel and it is a discoloration of the teeth. They have white, yellow or brown spots on the enamel. Fluorosis is caused by ingesting too much fluoride during tooth development (the ages of 3 months – 8 years). It is related with water fluoridation and fluoride supplements, not with brushing teeth with fluoride containing toothpaste. That is why fluoride supplements are not recommended for children under the age of 8.

Some scientists have the “positive” point of view. They think that dose defines that some medicament is a remedy or a toxin. So fluoride in a low dose cannot be dangerous for human’s health. “Fluoride in a proper level can improve your dental health” they claim. They accent fluoride-toothpaste advantages – they harden tooth enamel, slow the growth of bacteria, prevent cavities, decrease tooth sensitivity.

If you ever had some complaints after using a fluoride-toothpaste or you live in high water-fluoridated area, consult with your dentist about replace your toothpaste with fluoride-free one.


Interproximal brushes


Dental sealants – get rid of plaque!!!

To provide your family and yourself a healthy smile and fresh breath, think about some dental prevention. Go to your dentist and talk to him about how to prevent tooth decay and plaque formation. He may recommend dental sealants application.

Dental sealants are thin plastic coatings acting as teeth protectors.

They are attached on the back teeth surfaces and are applied to the grooves to protect teeth from tooth decay formation. Most of tooth cavities occur on these surfaces. Sealants act by keeping food particles and germs away from the grooves. Dental sealants application does not require removing or drilling tooth structure. The process is easy and short. First your dentist will clean the tooth and place a gel on the back surface of the teeth for a few seconds. Then he wash off and dry the tooth. Paint the sealants on the teeth and shine a light on them to harden the sealants. The whole process is short. It takes a couple of minutes. Dental sealants can be pearly white or yellowish tinted according to your teeth color and they are not seen when you smile and talk.

Dental sealant is a very effective barrier, that reduces tooth decay by stopping cavities from growing and bacteria invasion, protects enamel from plaque formation, and provides extra dental protection.


The most common question in loss of tooth


Choosing a Toothbrush


Natural Tooth Whitening


Invisalign: An Invisible Braces Solution


Ill teeth sicks other organs


What Increases the Risk of Gum Disease?


Bad breath - get rid of it


Clove can be useful as home remedy for treating common ailments-->


What is dental plaque?


What about fluoride-free toothpaste?


Yellow Teeth


Emergency assistance for a broken tooth


How to deal with the fear of dentist.


"How Often Should I Replace My Toothbrush?"

You should replace your toothbrush when it begins to show wear, or every three months, whichever comes first. It is also very important to change toothbrushes after you've had a cold, since the bristles can collect germs that can lead to reinfection.


Type of Toothbrush & Toothpaste You Should Use:-

Most dental professionals agree that a soft-bristled brush is best for removing plaque and debris from your teeth. Small-headed brushes are also preferable, since they can better reach all areas of the mouth, including hard-to-reach back teeth. For many, a powered toothbrush is a good alternative. It can do a better job of cleaning teeth, particularly for those who have difficulty brushing or who have limited manual dexterity.

It is important that you use a toothpaste that's right for you. Today there is a wide variety of toothpaste designed for many conditions, including cavities, gingivitis, tartar, stained teeth and sensitivity. Ask your dentist or dental hygienist which toothpaste is right for you.
