Tantra Meditation - Kundalini Awakening

Tantra Meditation - Kundalini Awakening

Ta**ra in simple terms means technique or technology to attain mastery over our mind, body, emotions Ta**ra in simple terms means technique or technology.

This is an inner technology. The technique to attain mastery over our mind, body, emotions, and energies to excel as a piece of life that we are in this existence. We all humans have one prime energy within us called the life energy, kundalini energy, s*xual energy, or any other name one may call it. The energy is dormant in our base chakra. The energy here is so powerful that it can give birth to


What is the ability of the seven chakras in the human body?

You can see them as 114 junctions or confluences of nadi.

The nadi are the channels of prana in the energy body.

These junctions are always in the form of triangles.

They are called chakras because they embody movement from one dimension to another, and the word “chakra” means “wheel” or “circle.”

Out of these 114 chakras, two are outside the physical body.

Of the remaining 112, only 108 can actually be worked upon, the remaining four just flowers as a consequence.

These 112 chakras arrange themselves into seven dimensions, with sixteen aspects in each dimension.

Instead of going into 112, which is too much of a number for a lot of people, generally, only seven were spoken about because of these seven dimensions.

It is these seven dimensions that are generally referred to as the seven chakras, which are in turn the basis for the seven schools of yoga.

For a human being to live a full-fledged physical and social life, he needs only twenty-one chakras in his body to be active.

These 21 chakras are also connected with the number seven. Because of the three dimensions of the energy of Pingala, Ida, and Sushumna, there are seven sets, each with three chakras functioning as one.

So if twenty-one chakras are functioning, physically, psychologically, and emotionally, you will be complete.

But energy-wise, you will be a cripple.

If other dimensions have to become a living reality, the rest of the chakras have to be activated.

Intelligence has to be empowered by energy.

Otherwise, sleeping intelligence is as good as being non-existent.

If something more than what the human system is capable of needs to happen, it needs activation.

The seven fundamental chakras are known as Muladhara, which is located at the perineum, the space between the a**l outlet and the ge***al organ; Svadhisthana, which is just above the ge***al organ; Manipuraka, which is just below the navel; Anahata, which is just beneath where the rib cage meets; Vishuddhi, which is at the pit of the throat; Ajna, which is between the eyebrows; and Sahasrara, which is at the top of the head.

Fundamentally, any spiritual path can be described as a journey from the Muladhara to the Sahasrara. This journey is an evolution from one dimension to another; these are just seven different levels of intensity.

To move your energies from Muladhara to ajna, there are many spiritual processes and several ways, but to move from ajna to Sahasrara, there is no path.

There is no particular way.

One has to either jump or fall into a bottomless pit.

This is called “falling upward.”

Sahasrar is not a physical space.

It has a presence in the geography of the body, but it does not represent a physical space thus there is no path.

Once in a way, you can touch it and be back.

When someone stays there for too long, the body will not hold.

It’s like floating around in ecstasy.

It is great but you cannot work and manifest something in that condition. That condition is like inebriation.

It is wonderful and existentially fantastic, but in terms of human activity, you cannot be functional in those states.

Even if you are functional, you would not be effective.

It is a fuzzy world between physical and non-physical.


Understanding Mula Bandha.
Mula means root, source, origin, or foundation.
It refers to the principal region between the a**s and the ge***als.
Contract the muscles of this area and lift them vertically towards the navel.
Simultaneously, the lower anterior abdomen below the navel is pressed backward and upwards towards the spine.
While practicing Mula bandha, the practitioner attempts to reach the true source or the mula of all creation.
It empowers the practitioner to master his/her s*xual urge naturally but not by force and stops dissipating his/her virility.
It empowers the practitioner to become fully potent yet a master of himself/herself to shine like the sun.


S*x is the link with the other.

Once the link is broken, you are set free.

Meditation is the key to breaking free.

Once you have the key to unlock the source of your innermost joy, you won’t be dependent on the other and thus will be free from bo***ge.


Let us try to understand the three channels of energy.

The first is Pingala, the right channel, connected with the left brain - Sun channel.

The second is Ida, the left channel, connected with the right brain - The moon channel.

The third is known as Sushumna, the middle channel - a central-balanced channel, connected with both the sun and moon.

Ordinarily, your energy moves either by the Pingala or by Ida.

Whereas, in the yogi, the energy starts moving through the Sushumna.
When the energy moves just between the right and left, it is called Kundalini.

These channels exist corresponding to your backbone.

Once the energy moves in the middle channel, you become balanced.

Then a person is neither a man nor a woman, neither hard nor soft.

All the polarities disappear in Sushumna.

Sahasrar is the peak of Sushumna.

If you live on the lowest point of your being, that is Muladhara, the s*x center, then your energies move either by Ida or Pingala - the sun channel or the moon channel - you remain divided.

You keep seeking the other, feel incomplete in yourself, and remain dependent on the other.

It's only when your energies meet inside in a great cosmic or**sm where the Ida and Pingala dissolve into Sushumna, that you would be eternally ecstatic and thrilled.

Your thrill and ecstasy would have no end and would empower you with an all-time high.

The point of highness then becomes one's innermost core, one's natural state of being.


The gardener who wants to produce flowers and fruits takes the utmost care of the roots. He waters them, puts in the best fertilizers, and gives them proper sunlight for the flowers and fruits to blossom. Thus, one needs to understand that flowers and fruits are the by-products of utmost care taken of the roots.

Similarly, meditativeness is the by-product of the potency of your energies and the health of the central nervous system.

My work with individuals revolves around taking care of the roots in such a way that there is a flowering of your inner and the outer, your personality and essence so that you excel as a piece of life and attain growth in all aspects.

It’s like you may be driving the car for years, but it does not necessarily follow, that you may know anything about the engine.
As you may understand driving a car is completely different from knowing the internal mechanism.

Ta**ra is a profound science about understanding the workings of our human energy system and ways to empower the piece of life we are in.


How does food play a prominent place in Yoga-Sadhana?

Let’s try to understand this.

In case you drive a car which runs on petrol and if you try to run it by putting diesel in it.

Would it work?

Yes. It might work, but not at its optimum condition.

The same is true if you choose the food for your system. It’s just that you would not be able to excel as a piece of life that you are in its optimum capacity.

Everyone on this planet is more or less aware of the kind of food that works for them except human beings. That’s because survival is the only concern for the animal kingdom. They are at peace when their stomach is full. The same is not true for us as humans.

Human wellness as a macro term comprises physical health, physiological health, and emotional health. The food that we eat affects all the above aspects thus by overlooking them, we are only to blame.

Irrespective of whether you are initiated to yoga or not, it is your utmost responsibility to discover the right food for you which can make you or break you. If you are a slave of your sense organs then sadly you would always be on the wrong side of the plate as your sense organs would choose on your behalf.

If you could develop a bit of inner body awareness, you would realize how a specific type of food has an effect on your physical, mental, and emotional health.

Now imagine, you go to the gym tomorrow to transform your physicality. The fitness trainers, dieticians, and the responsible people concerned with the designated job would take a look at your existing lifestyle, and your eating patterns and make the necessary changes in the macro and micronutrients that you ingest to make sure you attain the physical transformation that you are looking for.

Similarly, if you want to attain an inner transformation you would need the proper food intake and lifestyle to empower the health of the central nervous system and energies in you.

The gardener who wants to produce flowers and fruits takes the utmost care of the roots. He waters them, puts in the best fertilizers, and provides them with proper sunlight for the flowers and fruits to blossom. Thus you need to understand that flowers and fruits are the by-products of utmost care taken of the roots.

Similarly, meditativeness is the by-product of the potency of your energies in your roots and the health of your central nervous system.

My work with individuals revolves around taking care of the roots, the potency of your energies, the health of your central nervous system, and their working in such a way that there is a flowering of your inner and the outer, your personality and essence so that you excel as a piece of life and attain growth in all aspects.

Thus my work revolves around making your base strong so that when you stand tall, you just know one way and that is to grow and move ahead.

It’s like you may be driving the car for years but it does not necessarily follow that you may know anything about the engine.

As you may understand driving a car is entirely different from knowing the internal mechanism.

Yoga is a profound science about understanding the workings of our human energy system and ways to empower the piece of life that we are in this existence.


Let us try to understand the Anahata Chakra — Cardiac Plexus
The Anahata chakra lies in the region of the physical and the spiritual heart.
It is the element of air (Vayu) and of touch.
The principal air which activates the Anahata is Prana.
All the vital breaths or vayus are established here.
It is here that the prana stimulates actions and activates intelligence.
Intelligence becomes the source of thinking, imagination, and will.
When the mind is controlled and the intellect and heart are united, the self is revealed.
Anahata is a creative center. When energies move through Anahata, it empowers creativity
The word Anahata means unstruck sound.
It simply means the sound without reverb.
Anahata is the meeting point between the lower and the higher chakras.
All the survival instincts are in the lower three chakras viz. manipuraka, svadhisthana and Muladhara, as it deals with self-preservation.
The longing to break away and move beyond lies in vissudhi, ajna, and Sahasrara chakra.
Anahata chakra is the meeting point and symbolizes the intersection or meeting of the three lower chakras and three upper chakras at one point.
A six-pointed star, which means it has six qualities in one.
That is the reason the symbol of Anahata chakra is a six-pointed star with a dot in the center which means that all the seven chakras have merged here in a certain way.
The meeting of two downward-moving and upward-moving triangles. These are two different dimensions of life.
One is catering to self-preservation and another is catering to the longing to go beyond.
In our head and heart, there is a longing to go beyond whereas the body has the longing to preserve.
The Anahata chakra is associated with unconditional love and compassion.
The heart chakra directly affects the heart, lungs, chest, arms, and hands.
Improper working of the Anahata chakra would lead to disorder of the nervous system, gastric problems, unconscious arrogance, manipulative behaviors, feeling of unworthiness, and an inability to trust oneself or others.
The manas and the Anahata chakras represent the psychological body (manomaya kosha). When activated, they strengthen the heart and develop creativity and knowledge.
It frees the practitioner from sensual pleasures and empowers his/her inner journey.
One would feel surrounded by love and compassion and connected to the world around us.
I trust the above answer was able to shed some light.


The world would reach out to you when your energies start vibrating at higher frequencies.

If you still have to reach out to anyone and everyone in this world, it simply suggests that you have not arrived yet.

It's high time you upgrade your technology by mastering your body, mind, emotions, and energies to excel as a piece of life that you are in this existence.

Ta**ra is simply that inner technology that enables you to tap your potential to grow in all aspects of life.

At the very moment, one sets the geometry right, coincidences happen, things get done, and one is in the right place at the right time.

That's when growth becomes just a mere consequence.


Ta**ra Massage — Kundalini Bodywork.

Ta**ra Massage, also called Kundalini bodywork is a leaf out of Ta**ra Yoga.

Ta**ra massage sets out to free blocked energy throughout the body and awaken the Kundalini, potent energy that lies at rest at the base of the spine. When the Kundalini rises from its restful state, it spreads out along the spine and precipitates healing in the body.

Ta**ra massage aims to awaken the sleeping Kundalini from its rest and make it move upwards to be absorbed by higher chakras to attain a more balanced equanimous state.


Yoni worship is an integral part of ta**ra.

The place where the Goddess resides.

Nothing can be more sacred than that.

If one has to worship the Goddess, then Yoni is the temple.

The yoni is considered an abstract representation of Shakti, the creative force that moves through the entire universe.

In ta**ra, yoni is the origin of life.


Deep down it's your kundalini energy dormant in your base chakra.
Once you awaken it through any awakening process, it becomes active and starts moving.
It may either move upward or downward as energy is movement.
Moving upward is called rising in s*x and moving downward is called falling in s*x.
When it moves upward through the Sushumna Nadi, moving along the central nervous system, it ignites your intelligence.
The same intelligence is called Buddhi in yogic terminology.
Every single time this happens, you would be able to see things as they are, in their absolute clarity.
The more often this happens the more intelligence would grow in you.
If I have to make you understand this in a simple graphical presentation.
It would be like this - Down is your kundalini energy in your base chakra.
It moves upward through a channel or wires called the central nervous system and up is the bulb in your mind called the intelligence.
Every time the energy moves from down to up, it ignites the bulb in you and awakens your intelligence.
That's why I call it intrascience - the science of the scientist.


Why is Kundalini's awakening considered dangerous?

The mere reason why kundalini awakening is considered dangerous is because it's the most potent.

Anything potent is bound to be dangerous.

It has the potential to empower and transform you completely.

You need to understand this.

When electricity was invented for the first time, people died due to electric shock as they were not aware and equipped enough to handle it. Humans ran away from it and denied using it as it looked scary.

Slowly and gradually, we as humans learned how to use, handle, and manage electricity well, and today we cannot imagine a world without it.

The same electricity is potent enough to give us an electric shock even today but we have now learned to manage it well, to help us use its potential to lighten up our world.

Kundalini energy is more potent than electricity.

Kundalini is that treasure within you that has been left unused, untapped.

You could use that energy to transform into a completely different dimension altogether, a dimension that you cannot imagine.

What is needed is just the mastery to help one channel and manage the energy well to enlighten our lives.

Ta**ra is simply that technology that would help you tap the energy in you to unleash your innermost potential.


S*xual energy feeds spiritual energy.

It's absolutely fine to feel alive, vibrant, and sensual.

Just make sure that you rise in s*x rather than fall.

Evolve and upgrade your technology either by digging deep into yourself or finding the right people to help you raise the life force within you.

My work revolves around helping individuals empower and channel their energies to attain growth in all aspects of life.


What is the ability of someone with a third eye?

The third eye is the source of knowing

The third eye is not a physical thing.

It’s just that if your energies reach a certain peak within you, one has clarity in the vision of life. One can see things in a completely different dimension.

It is also called an inner eye which one can turn inward or outward.

It allows one to see life beyond the normal limits of perception.

It is only here where your perception has risen beyond the physical.

It is here where one becomes intellectually realized.

It simply means you have reached a point where life cannot disturb you, it cannot take a toll on you.

Once activated, the practitioner gains perfect control over his body, develops a spiritual aura, and can see things in their absolute clarity.

Ajna chakra is often referred to as the master gland or the king of all glands, thus any form of mastery over ajna chakra would empower the practitioner, an absolute mastery over all his sense organs.


Kundalini - The divine cosmic energy.

The word is derived from "Kundala" which means ring or coil.

Before the word, "kundalini" came into vogue, 'Agni' (fire) represented the divine power that purifies and rises upward like fire.

It rises like steam through the Sushumna till it reaches the Sahasrara.

When the creative energy of kundalini is awakened, Ida and Pingala merge within the Sushumna.

The object of Ta**ra is to awaken the latent power called Kundalini, the divine cosmic energy in our bodies, lying at the base of the spinal column in the Muladhara chakra, the nervous plexus situated in the pelvis above the a**s at the root of the spine.

The energy has to be aroused and made to ascend through the Sushumna from the Muladhara chakra to the thousand-petalled lotus Sahasrara in the head, the network of nerves in the brain.

After piercing the intervening chakra, it finally unites with the supreme soul.

When the kundalini reaches the Sahasrara, the practitioner has no feeling of his/her own separate identity and nothing exists for him/her.

He/She has crossed the barriers of time and space, and become one with the universe.


Ta**ra is a profound science to remain unattached.

An inner technology to remain unattached even while using s*xual energy as a means to reach toward samadhi.

Ta**ra is simply that inner technology to remain unattached, and neutral, like an observer, and a witness.

In simple terms, like a scientist who works in his laboratory.

That's one of the reasons I call ta**ra an intrascience - the science of the scientist.


Understanding Mula Bandha.

Mula means root, source, origin, or foundation.

It refers to the principal region between the a**s and the ge***als.

Contract the muscles of this area and lift them vertically towards the navel.

Simultaneously, the lower anterior abdomen below the navel is pressed backward and upwards towards the spine.

While practicing Mula bandha, the practitioner attempts to reach the true source or the mula of all creation.

It empowers the practitioner to master his/her s*xual urge naturally but not by force and stops dissipating his/her virility.

It empowers the practitioner to become fully potent yet a master of himself/herself to shine like the sun.


What is the difference between a man and a woman?

The difference is like two coins.

One coin is heads up, another is tails up, and both are the same.

The difference is of emphasis.

A man is a conscious man, an unconscious woman.

A woman is a conscious woman, an unconscious man.

When you move within, you start seeking the other who is hiding somewhere in your being.

Once you can find it, a deep or**sm happens within you.

The or**sm goes on becoming higher and bigger and the ultimate happens at Sahasrara, at the crown, in your last center of being.

Where the ultimate awareness meets the ultimate nature.

Where consciousness meets matter.

Where Purusha meets Prakriti.

Where the visible meets the invisible.

The ultimate ecstasy happens. It’s here where your masculine and feminine energy unite.

It’s an inner or**sm between your male and female energies.

The union of Shiva and Shakti in Shushmna Nadi, an Inner or**sm of your Yin and Yang energies.

Once you have a taste of your inner or**sm, the outer or**sm will no longer hold any charm.

Once you have experienced something so profound, you would not suffice with anything less.

The fire inside you would want to have more.

You would just not be content with anything fleeting and momentary.

That’s when your journey will kick start in the real sense.


Let us try to understand the Muladhara Chakra — Pelvic Plexus.

The chakra is located at the base of the body, also called the root chakra.

It is located at a place of two fingers above the perineum and two below the ge***al organs.

Susumna Nadi emerges from its center. Ida Nadi originates from the left and Pingala Nadi from its right thus it’s called Triveni — the confluence of three Nadi’s.

It is the root place where Kundalini energy has its abode.

The Muladhara chakra is the seat of the element of earth (Prithvi) thus people with empowered Muladhara chakra carry more flesh than others on their physicality.

They have more density in all their tissue elements. viz. skin, hair, muscle, fat, etc.

It is the base of the annamaya kosha, the body of nourishment, connected with the absorption of food and the evacuation of f***s.

People with empowered Muladhara are the ones with a high s*xual libido, optimum health oozing with vigor and vitality, thick dense anatomy with a bubble butt physicality, abundant in worldly possessions, blessed with financial independence, joyous, content, and generous in nature with their prime interest in food and sleep.

The principal air (Vayu) that activates the Muladhara chakra is Apana which is located in the region between the navel and the tip of the toe.

Improper working of the Muladhara chakra would lead to constipation, diarrhea, low s*xual libido, weight loss, premature greying of hair, hair loss, fragile anatomical structure with flat butt physicality, financial stress, mental irritability, mental and physical fatigue, exhaustion, the feeling of disconnection from the world around you, including from your body, nervousness, and anxiety.

When this chakra is activated, the practitioner becomes firm in vitality and ready to sublimate his s*xual energy — Urdhvareta.


Let us try to understand the three channels of energy.

The first is Pingala, the right channel, connected with the left brain - Sun channel.

The second is Ida, the left channel, connected with the right brain - The moon channel.

The third is known as Sushumna, the middle channel - a central-balanced channel, connected with both the sun and moon.

Ordinarily, your energy moves either by the Pingala or by Ida.

Whereas, in the yogi, the energy starts moving through the Sushumna.

When the energy moves just between the right and left, it is called Kundalini.

These channels exist corresponding to your backbone.

Once the energy moves in the middle channel, you become balanced.

Then a person is neither a man nor a woman, neither hard nor soft.

All the polarities disappear in Sushumna.

Sahasrar is the peak of Sushumna.

If you live on the lowest point of your being, that is Muladhara, the s*x center, then your energies move either by Ida or Pingala - the sun channel or the moon channel - you remain divided.

You keep seeking the other, feel incomplete, and remain dependent on the other.

It's only when your energies meet inside in a great cosmic or**sm where the Ida and Pingala dissolve into Sushumna, that you would be eternally ecstatic and thrilled.

Your thrill and ecstasy would have no end and would empower you with an all-time high.

The point of highness then becomes one's innermost core, one's natural state of being.


Swadhishthana and Muladhara together generate life and are fundamental and regenerative to the body.

The Manipura chakra just maintains.

This is important because whatever you create will be gone after some time if you do not maintain it.

However beautiful a garden may look, if it is not maintained for a month, you can no longer call it a garden.

Maintenance is vital.

In that sense, Manipura is vital.

This is the only place where all the seventy-two thousand nadis meet and redistribute themselves.

These three chakras – Muladhara, Swadhishthana, and Manipura – constitute the physical dimension of the body in many ways.

The other four chakras are different. Whether one wants to live well physically, mentally, emotionally, or energetically, or one wants to enhance one’s capabilities, Muladhara, Swadhishthana, and Manipura are essential.

Entire schools of yoga developed in permutations and combinations of these three.


Understanding simple ways to become life-sensitive.

A simple way is to make whatever you think and feel less important.

You may try this.

Just shift your attention to the "NOW" moment.

Suddenly you will feel the breeze, the rain, the flowers, and the people, everything in a completely different way.

Suddenly life in you becomes much more active and alive for your experience.

It's only now that you become life-sensitive.

Once you are sensitive to this life, there is no way you will not be sensitive to other life. Because you will no longer see what you call “me” as just the body.

If you look around, you see that this “me” is all over. Then you are naturally sensitive to everything.

It simply sums up the journey of spirituality - The journey of being somebody to nobody and from being nobody to everybody.


Understanding Ta**ra Couple Meditation.

Given below are a few simple steps that you may practice to empower your bonding with each other and experience the stillness within you.

You may start the meditative practice by bowing down to the godliness in each other.

Try to sit in the lotus posture interlocking each other, shown in the image below.

Start the process of couple meditation with “Eye Gazing” — look into each other eyes without much of a blink.

It’s fine to blink a bit to avoid watering the eyes.

The entire exercise here is to sync with each other on the physical plane.

You may continue eye gazing till the time you can comfortably do it.

Now try holding each other’s hands and empower yourself with an alternate breathing exercise where one of the partners would inhale and exhale completely followed by a complete inhalation and exhalation by the other partner.

Kindly make sure the breathing is in sync with each other.

Every exhalation finished by one partner would empower the other to resume his inhalation and vice-versa.

One may continue doing this alternate breathing exercise for as much time as is comfortable.

Now touch your forehead with your partner’s forehead such that your ajna chakra ( also called the third eye — space between two eyebrows) is aligned together.

It’s time to shift your focus to the space between two eyebrows.

You may attain mastery over it with some continual practice.

Try to gather yourself back if you catch yourself lost in thoughts and shift your attention back to ajna chakra.

It would empower you to experience the state of timelessness and egolessness and bring stillness within you.

Keep both your hands centered at your partner's back preferably behind the heart.

After finishing this meditative practice, it’s time to hug each other and dissolve in each other completely.

You may dissolve and merge into each other by hugging yourself deeply in this lotus couple's meditative posture.

It would empower you to experience the bliss of togetherness.

Try to be in this state of stillness for as much time as you can.

You would be completely in the present — “NOW” moment.

Kindly don’t be in any hurry to come out of it.

You may take your own time to unwind.

After you come out of the lotus posture, acknowledge each other for their presence.

This is not a time-bound meditative practice. Thus on a certain day, it may go for hours together.

Kindly make sure you include this in your daily schedule to attain mastery over it.
As the saying goes “ Practice makes us perfect”


How can I be happy without any friends?
Let us try to understand this.
Aloneness and loneliness though in the dictionary may sound identical but are two completely different terms altogether.
Loneliness is a state where you need somebody for your company. It might be your friend, your beloved, your loved one, your cell phone, television, or any other gadget. You somehow don’t enjoy your own company. You try to extract your sense of joy from the other. Possessiveness is a by-product of your loneliness. A state where you possess the other, making the other just a mere thing to extract your sense of happiness. It’s a termite that gives rise to dependence, slavery, and jealousy.
The question here is that if you don’t enjoy your own company, then how do you expect others to enjoy your company?
On a lighter note, if you don’t enjoy your own company, you are seriously in some bad company.
Aloneness is a state where you start enjoying your own company. It’s a state where you are not dependent on anybody or any outside source for your happiness. If the other is available then you would celebrate with him and when the other has departed, you still are in a joyous state as you are not dependent on the other or any circumstances to make you happy. This stage holds the key to all relationships. All your relationships will blossom once you stop making the other just a mere thing when you stop extracting the other for your happiness. It’s only now that you set yourself and the other free. Freedom is the fragrance that flows and spreads around you.
Aloneness would give you the “ME” time to understand how your piece of life works. How your body, mind, emotions, and your energies work, and the tremendous potential it has if allowed to work properly.
Meditation or any other energy practice that keeps you aligned in the present moment is the key to empowering this state. The transformation will kickstart the very moment and will help in bringing some amount of stillness in you.
Once you have the key to unlock the source of your innermost joy, you won’t depend on others around you.
You would now be like a self-start car rather than a push-and-start car.
Then being with others is beautiful and being alone is also beautiful.
You don't depend on others or make others dependent on you.
It is as simple as that.

Ta**ra Meditation

Imagine you as an average student at your school and there is a class topper in your school called Rama. He has been a topper for a while and everybody in the school is awestruck by his brilliance in academics.
What would you do to be a topper yourself?
Would you start chanting the name “Rama” religiously every day?
One doesn’t need any rocket science to tell you that, what’s lacking in you is the qualitative practice to reach where Rama stands today.
The only way to come close to him or to replicate him would be to empower your work ethics or in simple words upgrade your daily practice.

If you want to know Shiva, you have to be Shiva yourself. If you want to know Krishna, you have to be Krishna yourself. If you want to know Buddha, you have to be Buddha yourself. Just chanting names of somebody would not lead you anywhere.
Lord Shiva, Krishna, and Buddha had one thing in common. That is Meditation. It’s an intrascience. The science of a scientist. Every scientist had their eureka moment of discovery when they were in their meditative, mindful state. When they were completely synced in the present moment.
The more mindful you are, the more clarity you would have to see things as they are, without any conditioning. That’s what meditation brings on the plate.
Needless to say, you would not become meditative overnight. It would need practice on your behalf and some understanding of how the human energy system works. Let’s try to understand how energy moves in various phases of our life and their impact in simple words.

Energy when moves from the base chakra — flows through s*x. Here the duality exists where the other is needed to make you whole giving you the taste of momentary bliss and self-realization. One a physical level you might be a man or woman. You need the other to make you whole. The or****ic state allows you to experience a window of timelessness and egolessness, providing you with the taste of meditation. Allowing you to momentarily come out of the illness called habitual thinking. Allowing you to have a glimpse of your self-realization. Since the union is on the physical plane, the experience of bliss is momentary and primarily the reason behind the craving to have more as one couldn’t capture it for long.

Energy, when starts to move higher and move through Heart chakra, moves through love — empowering the state of bliss. The duality exists here too as the other is needed. The experience here is more profound and deeper than s*x. The transformation of a woman to mother is a perfect example to explain this phenomenon. Once a woman enters motherhood, the energy which used to flow through s*x earlier now starts flowing through love. That’s one of the reasons why women find a shift in their s*xual interest during motherhood. The craving for s*x takes a dip as the energy which was flowing through s*x earlier now find another opening in love to express.
