Healing with Love & Gratitude

Healing with Love & Gratitude

Creating the story of Gratitude&Abundance one THOUGHT, one ACTION one EXPERIENCE at a time. Welcome to the SHIFT!


Daily writing prompt How have you adapted to the changes brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic? View all responses

Learning how to BREATHE slow and easy Daily writing promptHow have you adapted to the changes brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic?View all responses

April Power RE-Building 02/04/2024

How was March for YOU? A lot of souls have moved from the past to the present and are creating the future as CHOSEN. What happened in March was to shake you out of your SOUL SLUMBER. There is a time to be led by the world and then comes a time for the world to be led by YOU. We can tell you that there are more people noticing the FLOW and noticing that they need to change their ways or they will drown in the deep waters they have created for others to drown....

April Power RE-Building How was March for YOU? A lot of souls have moved from the past to the present and are creating the future as CHOSEN. What happened in March was to shake you out of your SOUL SLUMBER. There is a tim…

Energy does not LIE … 23/03/2024

...can also be read as "Energy is Vertical". Today, it is interesting that as we come closer to the finale week of Children of God... begins on Palm Sunday and is COMPLETE on Easter Sunday... it is really interesting that we should be GIVEN "ENERGY" as a word to work with... Energy is Masculine ... Emotion is Feminine and the UNION of the two is HUMAN....

Energy does not LIE … …can also be read as “Energy is Vertical”. Today, it is interesting that as we come closer to the finale week of Children of God… begins on Palm Sunday and is COMPLETE on Ea…

22nd March Children of God Friday! 22/03/2024

Have you been through life or allowed Life to BE through you? As we negotiate the shift between eras, a lot is coming up for RE-VIEW including Emotions (Cause) & Actions (effect). We are being revisited by the parts of us we BLOCKED by design to be Re-Viewed. This is with the grander vision of REAPING what we've sowed & sewed together over our breath work on Earth....

22nd March Children of God Friday! Have you been through life or allowed Life to BE through you? As we negotiate the shift between eras, a lot is coming up for RE-VIEW including Emotions (Cause) & Actions (effect). We are being …


Daily writing prompt Who was your most influential teacher? Why? View all responses

Jesus Daily writing promptWho was your most influential teacher? Why?View all responses


Daily writing prompt What is one word that describes you? View all responses

Deep Daily writing promptWhat is one word that describes you?View all responses


Daily writing prompt What was the best compliment you've received? View all responses An instant shift in emotion. I think it was the first time I met the Holy Spirit as my Comforter. In a moment of deep pain... the song ALL OF ME LOVES ALL OF YOU... playing in the background... and the words just felt sung to me. …...

When you’re crying you’re beautiful too!! Daily writing promptWhat was the best compliment you’ve received?View all responses An instant shift in emotion. I think it was the first time I met the Holy Spirit as my Comforter. In a mome…


Daily writing prompt You’re going on a cross-country trip. Airplane, train, bus, car, or bike? View all responses Miracles are planned by heaven and executed by the Presence. Every journey demands an experience of your thoughts about the journey... so that the journey unfolds. Too much planning for anything is a Memory spoiler. If I were to plan a cross country......

Combine-Action or Combination Daily writing promptYou’re going on a cross-country trip. Airplane, train, bus, car, or bike? View all responses Miracles are planned by heaven and executed by the Presence. Every journey demands a…


Daily writing prompt Where would you go on a shopping spree? View all responses I just realised... I go "Thought Shopping"... "Dream Shopping" ... sprees. I am blessed to manage events ... I go on a shopping spree for each client to custom fit their outcomes.

Where would you go on a shopping spree? Daily writing promptWhere would you go on a shopping spree?View all responses I just realised… I go “Thought Shopping”… “Dream Shopping” … sprees. I am ble…

9th March Children of God 09/03/2024

The essence of the Sound of Now is beginning to be heard. The sense that there is a gateway of hope in the occurrences around the world. Every country is going through a churning of CHOICES and every choice is CREATING a path that will lead to "The End" Sudden dip in emotion... and a reminder that every END is a NEW beginning....

9th March Children of God The essence of the Sound of Now is beginning to be heard. The sense that there is a gateway of hope in the occurrences around the world. Every country is going through a churning of CHOICES and eve…


Daily writing prompt What is the last thing you learned? View all responses To trust my intuition! That learning energy sciences and practicing energy through experiences are two very very different things. If you have a knowing... step into the experience... to practice the knowing... and once you have proof... USE it with other thoughts... experiment with the experience.

What is the last thing you learned? Daily writing promptWhat is the last thing you learned?View all responses To trust my intuition! That learning energy sciences and practicing energy through experiences are two very very different …

Heaven On Earth 6th March Children of God 06/03/2024

You are breathed GENIUS on Earth. Your experience of Heaven on Earth is personal. Your version of Heaven on Earth creates it for you and through you for ALL. Making a promise to yourself, to hold space for the unique version of it... the KEY to getting there. Every thought you have is a DOT that creates a life LINE towards it....

Heaven On Earth 6th March Children of God You are breathed GENIUS on Earth. Your experience of Heaven on Earth is personal. Your version of Heaven on Earth creates it for you and through you for ALL. Making a promise to yourself, to hold s…

March Children of GoD 29/02/2024

Children of God Divine Logic Manifestation of YOUnification Consciousness March Children of GoD 31 days to resurrection. This month is about CHILDREN, irrespective of how long you've breathed, you continue to be a CHILD of God. Irrespective of religion or region or race or colour or degree. Feminine meets the inner child Logic about Emotion. Masculine meets the inner child Emotion about Logic…...

March Children of GoD Children of God Divine Logic Manifestation of YOUnification Consciousness March Children of GoD 31 days to resurrection. This month is about CHILDREN, irrespective of how long you’ve breathed…


Daily writing prompt Do you enjoy your job? View all responses I have never worked a day... I have breathed God's Love into the task at hand. I have enjoyed and celebrated my "JOB" phase of life... heaven broke me down and built me up. Life changed for the better through the bitter. I learnt to use my downtime to dream through... to trust... to have faith... to let the Holy Spirit lead my thoughts and actions.

Do you enjoy your job? Daily writing promptDo you enjoy your job?View all responses I have never worked a day… I have breathed God’s Love into the task at hand. I have enjoyed and celebrated my “JOB& #82…

Leap Ear 2024 29/02/2024

How I love, the year of the Sound Of Now! I have been noticing that directives and directions are coming from within. Like there is a magical presence stepping in before me and clearing the PATH as I PAUSE and ask for direction. Another learning in the month that has just flown by professionally, is that when you learn to work with "Pause" you can BE everything the moment needs, effortlessly....

Leap Ear 2024 How I love, the year of the Sound Of Now! I have been noticing that directives and directions are coming from within. Like there is a magical presence stepping in before me and clearing the PATH as…


Daily writing prompt Share one of the best gifts you've ever received. View all responses My favourite gift is " Because Jesus wants it" and more so for the fact that it was my Grandmother's favourite memory of my 2 year old self. This one story played out like a radio spot each time my grandmother spoke of my childhood... and this, over the years, is my testimony of faith......

Share one of the best gifts you have ever received Daily writing promptShare one of the best gifts you’ve ever received.View all responses My favourite gift is ” Because Jesus wants it” and more so for the fact that it was my Gran…


Daily writing prompt If there was a biography about you, what would the title be? View all responses Gratitude to all that is for all that is NOW Gratitude to all that "was" for all that "will be"

Masterpiece Master Peace Daily writing promptIf there was a biography about you, what would the title be?View all responses Gratitude to all that is for all that is NOW Gratitude to all that “was” for all that …


Daily writing prompt Write about your dream home. View all responses ... isn't a place,a bungalow, a house or a country or a city... my dream home is a person.

My Dream Home… Daily writing promptWrite about your dream home.View all responses … isn’t a place,a bungalow, a house or a country or a city… my dream home is a person.


Daily writing prompt You get some great, amazingly fantastic news. What’s the first thing you do? View all responses As I reflect on the prompt today... a plethora of memories... and my first words, THANK YOU JESUS!! It is just knowing that he has worked all things for the good of ALL! As a human, there were times, when my first thought was......

Thank Jesus Daily writing promptYou get some great, amazingly fantastic news. What’s the first thing you do?View all responses As I reflect on the prompt today… a plethora of memories… and my first…


Daily writing prompt Are there any activities or hobbies you've outgrown or lost interest in over time? View all responses

I Quilled and I Quit Quilling… among other things. Daily writing promptAre there any activities or hobbies you’ve outgrown or lost interest in over time?View all responses


Daily writing prompt The most important invention in your lifetime is... View all responses ... being referred to MANIFESTATIONS. There is so much ONCE written... now a MOVIE... people use "the word" the manipulate "the WorLd"! and the ability to use a MAN-made medium... internet.computers.wireLESS. to connect the physical with the non-physical.... in-vent-shun it is!! That Profit and Prophet, share the same SOUND and completely different PURPOSE... WOW!

WordPlay and Word be-coming flesh Daily writing promptThe most important invention in your lifetime is…View all responses … being referred to MANIFESTATIONS. There is so much ONCE written… now a MOVIE… peopl…

“Hand of God” or “hand of god” 05/02/2024

How would you write these 3 words? SimpliFYI February... and a new "Sound of Now"... when praying or meditating, make sure you include the word HAND in the process... not just the physical hand... the emotional hand, the mental hand, the generational hand... the "Hand" of God is being activated over your life. When H is capital it activates HEAVEN and HEART ... when G is capital it activates GRACE and GRATITUDE! SimplyFYI!

“Hand of God” or “hand of god” How would you write these 3 words? SimpliFYI February… and a new “Sound of Now”… when praying or meditating, make sure you include the word HAND in the process… not ju…


Daily writing prompt How do significant life events or the passage of time influence your perspective on life? View all responses I practice "then and now" ... mentally & emotionally... I see the purpose of the pain. I take stock of the impact. Over the years, I am glad to report, that it has made me believe, that NOTHING happens without a grander purpose....

How do significant life events or the passage of time influence your perspective on life? Daily writing promptHow do significant life events or the passage of time influence your perspective on life?View all responses I practice “then and now” … mentally & emotiona…

Create a “To-Be List” SimpliFYI February! 03/02/2024

This morning I responded to the daily prompt... too soon... most times, we immediately ACTION a To-Do List and it raises the STRESS levels to NOW. I felt guided, by the voice of my SOUL... instead... Shift your focus to a TO-BE List! Manifestation begins with thought and ends with thing or person or place or pause... I heard the Sound.Of.Now......

Create a “To-Be List” SimpliFYI February! This morning I responded to the daily prompt… too soon… most times, we immediately ACTION a To-Do List and it raises the STRESS levels to NOW. I felt guided, by the voice of my SOUL& #82…


Daily writing prompt Something on your "to-do list" that never gets done. View all responses Two years ago, I did a 54 day water fast... and have never gotten back to-do a second run... at best... I have repeated "one-day". WOW! This prompt isn't just a reminder it is a "get it done" nudge

Something on your “to-do list” that never gets done… Daily writing promptSomething on your “to-do list” that never gets done.View all responses Two years ago, I did a 54 day water fast… and have never gotten back to-do a second run&…


Daily writing prompt Write about your first computer. View all responses All I remember of you is that of school... and the joy of having one where I went to work and you being one of the excuses of being at work! I remember... struggling with excel... ha ha... then the first time we got one at home... for the first few weeks... well... everyone had time slots to experiment and the warning of the dreaded... virus... wow!!

WordStar Daily writing promptWrite about your first computer.View all responses All I remember of you is that of school… and the joy of having one where I went to work and you being one of the excuses…


Bloganuary writing prompt What books do you want to read? View all responses I would ideally like everyone to read the book G.IF.T and the link for it is right here a book I read while I wrote... a book I am learning to live one breath at a time!! I would like to read the Torah... IN HEBREW.

What books do you want to read? Bloganuary writing promptWhat books do you want to read?View all responses I would ideally like everyone to read the book G.IF.T and the link for it is right here a book I read while I wrote……

SimpliFYI Energy February 31/01/2024

Why do we thrive on complicating the path, when SIMPLY FYI, there is always an easy and absolutely logical way to get things DONE. January, brings to light a new aspect of how the future is set to unfold... there are those who will hate and it is wise to allow them to hate... to indulge in something as simple as hating them......

SimpliFYI Energy February Why do we thrive on complicating the path, when SIMPLY FYI, there is always an easy and absolutely logical way to get things DONE. January, brings to light a new aspect of how the future is set to …


Bloganuary writing prompt What do you complain about the most? View all responses I have never figured out or made peace with "excuses" and lack of applying as much "logic" to getting things done right the first time... instead of so much more energy on "excuses" about WHY IT DID NOT GET DONE.

What do you complain about the most? Bloganuary writing promptWhat do you complain about the most?View all responses I have never figured out or made peace with “excuses” and lack of applying as much “logic” to…


Bloganuary writing prompt What’s the thing you’re most scared to do? What would it take to get you to do it? View all responses One of the things I am most scared to do... well... is not to pursue a dream, irrespective of the outcome... it scares me to have a "I wish I had" moment. Well... "till death do us part"

What’s the thing you’re most scared to do? What would it take to get you to do it? Bloganuary writing promptWhat’s the thing you’re most scared to do? What would it take to get you to do it?View all responses One of the things I am most scared to do… well… is not to p…

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