Celestial Living

Celestial Living

Angelic Medium, Past Life Regression & Sound Therapist, Crystal Practitioner, Money Reiki Grandmaster Contact:

*Services offered at Celestial Living*

� Guidance for:
�General situations
�Energy and Aura checking
�Financial issues
�Health care
� Messages from your deceased loved ones

�Past Life Regression Therapy
�Light Therapy
�Candle Therapy
�Zibu Symbols Therapy
�Inner Child work
�Self healing
�Self care
�Protection from negative energy
�Negative energy removal therapy


💜 messages revealed in the comment section

💜Love and Light💜
🌟Celestial Living ®
Neetu Uberoy Palan

DM for a personal Angelic guidance session!


😍What an amazing card during the full moon energies!

🧚‍♂️Angel's message for 24th April '24

🪄The time has come to let go of the situation that's bothering you! Stop focusing on how or when it will be solved or even why it occurred. Relationships that are unhealthy or unfulfilling should be released inorder to allow something better to come along. Don't worry - God and your Angels have everything under control. A key aspect to manifesting your desires is to ask for what you want and then to release it to Heaven. You maybe holding on too tightly to the way your dreams will unfold. Make a wish, and then leave the rest to your Angels!

💖Love and Light 💖
🌟Celestial Living ®
Neetu Uberoy Palan

Comment 2424 to claim your blessings!

DM for a personal Angelic guidance session or a 1:1 consultation!


💜 messages revealed in the comment section

🌟Celestial Living®
Neetu Uberoy Palan


🧚‍♂️Angel's message for 22nd April '24🧚‍♂️

🪄This card is the Angels way of telling you to expect a miracle! Perhaps you feel that you need one right now because you can't see any other way to a solution. Be open to allowing God to help you resolve your challenges in ways that will surprise you. You open the door for miracles when you become willing to surrender your fears to God. Visualize the Angels carrying away the issue and feel yourself supported by God's wisdom and creativity. As you relax into the Source, you are assured that blessings are surrounding you right now. Be open to a miracle coming your way!

💖Love and Light 💖
🌟Celestial Living ®
Neetu Uberoy Palan

Comment 2222 to claim your blessings!

DM for a personal Angelic guidance session or a 1:1 consultation!


❤️ messages revealed in the comment section

❤️Love and Light❤️
🌟Celestial Living ®
Neetu Uberoy Palan

DM for a personal Angelic guidance session!


🧚‍♂️Angel's message for 19th April '24

🪄Big, positive changes are coming into your life! You may find yourself on a new career path, entering a new relationship, or moving to a new home/city/country. Embrace these exciting events, knowing that your Angels will be beside you all the way!
What you are asking about may require you to take leaps of faith that seem frightening or beyond your ability. Trust that the opportunities before you are meant to bring you happiness. These options would not have presented themselves unless you were ready for them. Release your fears and follow your heart!

🧡Love and Light 🧡
🌟Celestial Living ®
Neetu Uberoy Palan

Comment 5555 to claim your blessings!

DM for a personal Angelic guidance session or a 1:1 consultation!


🧚‍♂️ messages revealed in the comment section

💙Love and Light💙
🌟Celestial Living®
Neetu Uberoy Palan


🕉️ Sairam
🌹Sai Baba's message for 18th April '24

💫Baba says, *"Sadness and gladness are two sides of the same coin."*
Perhaps you're going through a challenging phase right now. Baba is here to remind you that it's a part of life and this too shall pass. Just like the good days don't remain the same, the challenges too won't be there for long. Stay strong and overcome them because Sai Baba is with you always. Have Faith (Shraddha) that He will help you overcome this! Just like a coin, you can see only one part of it at a time ....so with life. Sadness and gladness are two sides of the same coin and when you feel you're sad, simply flip the coin of life and look for something that makes you happy. Don't focus on the things that probably didn't work out the way you thought they would. Everything happens in Divine timing and ONLY if it's in your highest good. So trust the lord, trust the universe and the Angels that everything will work out if it's meant to be! Don't stress on things that you can't control. Be mindful of your thoughts as you won't know which one suddenly manifests. Be optimistic about your life and just take it one day at a time and make the most out of it.

🌹Om Sairam
🌟Celestial Living ®
Neetu Uberoy Palan

Comment Om Sai Ram to claim your blessings!

DM for a personal Angelic guidance session or a 1:1 consultation!


🧚‍♂️Angel's message for 18th April '24 🧚‍♂️

🪄You're not alone! This card is here as a love letter from your Guardian Angels, who want you to know, "We're right here! We have never left you and can never leave you!"
Your Guardian Angels say that you deserve their help and attention. There is nothing that you could have never thought, said or done that could ostracize you from your Divine helpers. They never judge or abandon you for the mistakes you make. The Angels are simply here to support you so that you can spiritually grow and help others.
Your Guardian Angels also want you to know how much they love you right now. Your Angels' love is completely unconditional and encompassing!

💖Love and Light 💖
🌟Celestial Living ®
Neetu Uberoy Palan

Comment 8888 to claim your blessings!

DM for a personal Angelic guidance session or a 1:1 consultation!


🧚‍♂️ messages revealed in the comment section

🌟Celestial Living®
Neetu Uberoy Palan


🧚‍♂️Message for 17th April '24, from the Fairies 🧚‍♂️

🪄If you're feeling neglected and unappreciated, the most likely reason is that you've been ignoring your inner child needs. Just as with any child, your inner child needs daily care and attention. This includes giving her consistently positive feedback. Take a moment and hug yourself right now, and tell yourself (mentally or aloud), "I love you! You are a wonderful and perfect child of God!"
Take some time today to play. Your playfulness could be as organized as going to an amusement park or playground, or as spontaneous as telling silly jokes to a friend. Your new daily habit of "taking care of the kid within" helps you feel more youthful and vigorous, and will ultimately make you more productive. You'll be filled with fresh, new ideas and your friends will soon be telling you how young and refreshed you look!
Affirm: "I invest in myself by taking regular time to let go, play and have fun."

🧡Love and Light 🧡
🌟Celestial Living ®
Neetu Uberoy Palan

Comment 1717 to claim your blessings!

DM for a personal Angelic guidance session or a 1:1 consultation!


💖 messages revealed in the comment section

💖Love and Light💖
🌟Celestial Living®
Neetu Uberoy Palan


🧜🏻‍♀️🐬 Magical Mermaids & Dolphin's message for 16th April '24🐬🧜🏻‍♀️

🪄Say an affirmative prayer right now, which means stating your desire as if it were already true. Thank Heaven for this reality, and feel in your heart and belly that your dream is actually a reality. For eg, say, "Thank you Heaven for (whatever your desire is). I'm truly grateful for your continuous support."
Now is a magical moment! Go into a quiet space- even if it's just for a moment. Close your eyes and imagine that your wish has come true. Feel it with your entire being. Then, express thanks for this gift, and release it like a helium balloon that goes straight to Heaven. If you need to take action to co-create this wish, you'll be given strong and repetitive ideas, inner words, signs, visions or dreams. It's important that you follow this guidance in order to bring the wish into physical form.

💙Love and Light 💙
🌟Celestial Living ®
Neetu Uberoy Palan

Comment 1176 to claim your blessings and to CREATE MAGIC! Do share your feedback here.😍

DM for a personal Angelic guidance session or a 1:1 consultation!


🧚‍♂️ messages revealed in the comment section

💖Love and Light💖
🌟Celestial Living®
Neetu Uberoy Palan

DM for a personal Angelic guidance session


🧚‍♂️Guardian Angels message for 15th April '24🧚‍♂️

🪄It can be very liberating to leave the past behind. So often we hold on too long. We look backward at the past when we should be looking at the present or planning for the future. Your guardian angel brought this card to you to say, "Let go, and I will walk with you and help you spread your wings so that you may fly higher than before!" While this card often signals endings, it leads the way to new beginnings. It asks you to stop resisting the necessary change that will make you more alive and fully vibrant human angel on Earth. When experiences no longer serve your highest good, it's time to "let go and let God!"
✨Change your thoughts -change your life
✨An anticipated ending
✨Reincarnation, resurrection

💙Love and Light 💙
🌟Celestial Living ®
Neetu Uberoy Palan

Comment 5555 to claim your blessings!

DM for a personal Angelic guidance session!


🧚‍♂️Angel's message for 13th April '24🧚‍♂️

🪄 Congratulations! You're on the road to success. You needn't have any reservations about your situation, as it's going to work out beautifully! Part of living a successful life is taking care of yourself. It's wonderful to have many things to be grateful for, but make sure you don't wear yourself down by working too hard. Take time to enjoy peace in your life.

💜Love and Light 💜
🌟Celestial Living ®
Neetu Uberoy Palan

Comment 2190 to claim your blessings and experience SUCCESS!

DM for a personal Angelic guidance session or a 1:1 consultation!


💙 messages revealed in the comment section

💙Love and Light💙
🌟Celestial Living ®
Neetu Uberoy Palan


🧜🏻‍♀️🐬Magical Mermaids & Dolphin's message for 12th April '24🐬🧜🏻‍♀️

🪄 *Your prayers are manifesting. Remain positive and follow your guidance!*
Good work! You've been asking for and praying for some big dreams to come true...and it's working! Just like a gardener who has planted new seeds, you must have faith that your crops will push above the surface. Keep watering your dreams by taking the steps that make them flourish. This is a precious time for you and your dreams. You don't have to strain or push to make them come true. You've already accomplished the major part of manifestation by asking and praying. Trust that Heaven is helping you - just like a best friend would if you asked for their assistance. Your job is to have faith, listen for Divine guidance and take action whenever you're guided.

💖Love and Light 💖
🌟Celestial Living ®
Neetu Uberoy Palan

Comment 1212 to claim your blessings!

DM for a personal Angelic guidance session or a 1:1 consultation!


💚 messages revealed in the comment section

💚Love and Light💚
🌟Celestial Living®
Neetu Uberoy Palan


🌹Om Sai Ram
💛Sai Baba's message for 11th April '24

💫Sai Baba says, *IGNORE!* - "Talk less about your pains and hurts, don't give them a place in your consciousness."
Stop complaining all the time! These challenges are meant to teach you certain lessons. The sooner you accept them, learn from them, and move on, the better for your peace of mind. Work toward your own well being. Stop blaming anyone for their behaviour. It is probably their nature to hurt you. Do you think it is worth your time and energy to hurt yourself for the same? No!! Your subconscious mind knows that you're worthy of the best things in life. God has given you this life to make something good out of it. So please don't ruin your own mental and emotional peace for someone else. No one is worth giving the energy if the person or situation isn't serving your highest good! Let go and let God! Simply focus on your own wellbeing and balance of your health. You are important for you! Learn to give yourself the love and compassion that you give others. You are worthy! Believe in yourself! Move on from people and situations that give you stress. Start your day with gratitude and experience MAGIC! Have faith (shraddha) and patience (saburi) and see how your life turns out to be so beautiful!

🌹Om Sai Ram
🌟Celestial Living ®
Neetu Uberoy Palan

Comment Om Sai Ram to claim your blessings!

DM for a personal guidance or a 1:1 consultation!


🧚‍♂️Message for 11th April '24, from the Archangels🧚‍♂️

🪄 Archangel Jeremiel says, "Everything is happening exactly as it's supposed to, with hidden blessings you'll soon understand."
Sometimes what appears to be a problem is actually an answered prayer in disguise. When we ask for help, Heaven may dismantle the old to make room for the new! During this time of change, practice relaxation methods such as yoga, deep breathing, exercise and meditation. Ask Archangel Jeremiel to make your transition smooth and harmonious for everyone involved. And know that this change is for the better.

💜Love and Light 💜
🌟Celestial Living ®
Neetu Uberoy Palan

Comment 1111 to claim your blessings!

DM for a personal Angelic guidance session or a 1:1 consultation!


✨ messages revealed in the comment section

These are general readings, so they may or may not resonate with you.

To book your personal sessions, DM

💖Love and Light💖
🌟Celestial Living ®
Neetu Uberoy Palan

Videos (show all)

😍What an amazing card during the full moon energies!🧚‍♂️Angel's message for 24th April '24🪄The time has come to let go o...
🧚‍♂️Angel's message for 22nd April '24🧚‍♂️🪄This card is the Angels way of telling you to expect a miracle! Perhaps you f...
🧚‍♂️Angel's message for 19th April '24🪄Big, positive changes are coming into your life! You may find yourself on a new c...
🕉️ Sairam🌹Sai Baba's message for 18th April '24💫Baba says, *"Sadness and gladness are two sides of the same coin."*Perha...
🧚‍♂️Angel's message for 18th April '24 🧚‍♂️🪄You're not alone! This card is here as a love letter from your Guardian Ange...
🧚‍♂️Message for 17th April '24, from the Fairies 🧚‍♂️🪄If you're feeling neglected and unappreciated, the most likely rea...
🧜🏻‍♀️🐬 Magical Mermaids & Dolphin's message for 16th April '24🐬🧜🏻‍♀️🪄Say an affirmative prayer right now, which means st...
🧚‍♂️Guardian Angels message for 15th April '24🧚‍♂️🪄It can be very liberating to leave the past behind. So often we hold ...
🧚‍♂️Angel's message for 13th April '24🧚‍♂️🪄 Congratulations! You're on the road to success. You needn't have any reserva...

