Healthy-ojas is non-profit private organization; we promote health by daily tips on diabetes, choles These are the conditions most common among diabetes.
Healthy-ojas goal is to promote health with daily tips/news on diabetes, cholesterol, low/high pressure, eye problems and sleep disorders. We support people to enjoy his or her life to the fullest by helping them treat the health conditions. Presently, we are concentration on diabetes tips and news daily. However, we are planning to widen to various health conditions such as cholesterol, hypertens
Diabetes Carbohydrate Counting
Diabetes Carbohydrate Counting | Carb Counting for Diabetics What is carbohydrate counting? Carbohydrates raise the blood-glucose the most, so carb counting help diabetes to control their blood-glucose spikes.
How to Design the Best Diabetes Diet?
Design Diabetes Diet | Test, Analyze & Finalize Diabetes Diet How do you design your best diabetes diet? Test, analyze & finalize a healthy diabetes diet. Everyone digest differently, thus need to create your diet.
Somogyi Effect: High fasting blood sugar level even after increasing your nighttime insulin dose
Somogyi Effect | Liver Dump The Somogyi effect is due to midnight hypoglycemia, which leads to a rebound hyperglycemia in the early morning.
Dawn Phenomenon: How is it possible to have a high fasting number without eating anything in the previous night?
Dawn Phenomenon | High Morning Blood Sugar Numbers Early morning blood sugar rises immediately before or after waking is known as dawn phenomenon. It is normal phenomenon both among diabetes and nondiabetes.
Lower Fasting Blood Sugar
Ways to Lower Fasting Blood Sugar | Handling Fasting BS What should be my fasting blood sugar level? My blood sugar spikes after full night sleep! How can I achieve my fasting blood glucose target?
Lower Post-Meal Blood Sugars
Ways to Lower Post-Meal Blood Sugars | Handling Postprandial BS What should be my post-meal blood sugar level? My blood sugar spikes after meals! How can I achieve my postprandial blood glucose target?
Diabetes Roller Coaster
Diabetes Roller Coaster; Blood Glucose Spikes & Crash What is a diabetes roller coaster? It means vast blood-glucose variations such as from high (spike) to low (crash) and vice versa.
Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose
SMBG | What is Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose? What is SMBG? Self-monitoring of blood-glucose level helps better diabetes care, avoid diabetes complications and diabetes extremes. So do SMBG.
Diabetes Honeymoon
Diabetes Honeymoon Phase | Can You Prolong Honeymoon Period? Find the answer for what, how, when, why is the diabetes honeymoon period? The honeymoon phase is the resurgence of the pancreas from autoimmune destruction.
Type 1 Diabetes Risk factors
Type 1 Diabetes Risk Factors - 19 Complete T1D Risk Factors Know 19 Type 1 diabetes risk factors; genetically predisposition requires an environmental trigger to develop type 1 diabetes. T1D develop at any age.
Type 1 Diabetes Symptoms
Type 1 Diabetes Symptoms | Signs & Symptoms of T1D Type 1 diabetes sudden onset symptoms are frequent urination and extreme thirst; other symptoms are weight loss, lethargy, drowsiness, and hunger.
Type 1 diabetes
Type 1 Diabetes; Also Called by T1D, IDDM & Juvenile Diabetes What is Type1 diabetes? No or low insulin production by the pancreas called juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
Reverse Prediabetes
Reverse Prediabetes: 13 Simple steps to prevent prediabetes progression Is it possible to reverse prediabetes? Reversing most cases of prediabetes can be by adopting a healthy lifestyle change. Come on, let us explore the possibilities!
Prediabetes Treatment
Prediabetes Treatment: Lifestyle Intervention vs. Pharmacotherapy Beta-cell dysfunction and insulin resistance contribute to the development of prediabetes. Thus, improving insulin sensitivity and beta-cell function can be the best prediabetes treatment.
Prediabetes Diagnosis
Prediabetes Diagnosis | IGT & IFG Tests for Borderline Diabetes A prediabetes diagnosis is by blood sugar tests if your number is higher than the most young-healthy person has, then you are diagnosing as prediabetes.
Pre Diabetes | Pre Diabetic | Prediabetes What is prediabetes? Prediabetes has been marginally higher than normal blood glucose level, but not high enough to diagnose as diabetes.
Diabetes Organs
Diabetes Pancreas | Diabetes Liver | Diabetes Organ Pancreas Liver What are diabetes organs? Pancreas and Liver are considering as diabetes organs, which are responsible for glucose metabolism.
Diabetes Causes
What Causes Diabetes 1, 2 & Gestational What are the causes of diabetes? Type 2 diabetes cause, type 1 diabetes cause, and gestational diabetes cause.
Diabetes Symptoms women
Diabetes Symptoms Women | Diabetes Symptoms in Women Diabetes symptoms of women and men are the same; however, certain diabetes symptoms are specific to women. Learn women’s diabetes symptoms.
Diabetes Symptoms men
Diabetes Symptoms Men | Diabetes Symptoms in Men Diabetes symptoms of men and women are the same; however, certain diabetes symptoms are unique to male. Learn men’s diabetes symptoms.
Diabetes Symptoms Children
Diabetes Symptoms Children | Diabetes Symptoms in Children Diabetes symptoms of adult and children are the same; however, certain diabetes symptoms are specific to a child, know children diabetes symptoms.
Diabetes Signs
Diabetes Signs | Three Major Diabetes Signs & Symptoms What are three significant diabetes signs? Three big diabetes signs are polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia. Learn diabetes signs for an early diabetes diagnosis.
Carbohydrate Metabolism
Carbohydrate Metabolism | Digestion & Absorption of Carbohydrates What is glucose metabolism? Breakdown of complex carbohydrate into simple sugar is called carbohydrate metabolism or sugar metabolism.
Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Details | Symptoms, Risk Factors, Causes, Diagnosis & Treatments Type 1, 2 & gestational diabetes details; symptoms, risk factors, diagnosis, home remedies, medications, insulin, natural treatments & complications.
Total Cholesterol
Total Cholesterol: Sum of Cholesterol in All Lipoproteins What is Total Cholesterol? Calculate total cholesterol by the sum of all cholesterols in blood. Learn TC/HDL ratio and LDL/HDL ratio.
Diabetes A1C Test Errors
A1C Error? 9 Undesirable Factors Affecting HbA1C Test Result What causes A1C error? A1C can increase or decrease by some factors such as RBC, hemoglobin, bilirubin, and supplement use.
High Cholesterol Lipoprotein Profile Test
Cholesterol Test | Lipid Profile Test | Lipid Panel Test What is a cholesterol test? How to use the lipid profile test to assess cardiovascular health? What, how & Why you need it?
Fat Metabolism
Fat Metabolism: Fat Digestion, Absorption & Assimilation What is fat metabolism? Fat/lipid metabolism is digestion of fat, absorption, liver synthesized lipoproteins, and pile acid recycling.
Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) Blood Test
High Blood Pressure Blood Test | Blood Tests for Hypertension High blood pressure blood test includes physical examination, based on the result doctor suggests blood tests and lab tests for high blood pressure.
Low Blood Pressure Reading
Low blood pressure Reading; Low, Too Low & Dangerously Low BP Low blood pressure reading is blood pressure readings lower than 90 mmHg systolic or 60 mmHg diastolic, even if just one number is lower.