Christianityworks Videos

Videos by Christianityworks. Christianityworks

With just a few days remaining until the June 30 deadline, we still have quite a way to go to reach the Christianityworks ‘Abundant Life’ Appeal goal. And it’s not just a goal, it’s about sharing the abundant life that Jesus died and rose again to give us (John 10:10) with millions of people around the globe each week. Your generosity can make all the difference. You can give securely right now at Your gift is fully tax deductible in Australia and the US. Thank you so much for making a powerful difference in many lives … for all eternity.

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With just a few days remaining until the June 30 deadline, we still have quite a way to go to reach the Christianityworks ‘Abundant Life’ Appeal goal. And it’s not just a goal, it’s about sharing the abundant life that Jesus died and rose again to give us (John 10:10) with millions of people around the globe each week. Your generosity can make all the difference. You can give securely right now at Your gift is fully tax deductible in Australia and the US. Thank you so much for making a powerful difference in many lives … for all eternity.

Well it's Christmas Eve yet again! And with all that's doubtless going on in your life, I just felt to send you this short video message - from me to you - for us to pause together and drink in the wonder of Christ-mas. Bless you heaps! Berni@CW

Some thoughts and a prayer for Israel + the innocent Palestinian civilians who are suffering so deeply …

Easter Sunday … but what does it mean for us, here, today?

Good Friday … simultaneously the worst and the best day on the Christian calendar ….

A short Christmas Eve message from me to you.

A word of encouragement for my South African friends … so many doing it tough.

As of May 1st, Christianityworks’ daily messages will be broadcast right across the 50+ nations of sub-Saharan Africa in both English and Swahili on the New Life Africa Network. Amazing! Here’s a quick update from Africa Director, Joseph Kebbie

To all our UK friends ... did you know that you have a new Christian radio station? Here’s my good mate Gareth Cottrell to tell you all about Konnect Radio ... check it out!

To all our UK friends ... did you know that you have a new Christian radio station? Here’s my good mate Gareth Cottrell to tell you all about Konnect Radio Radio ... check it out!

Forgive and Forget
They say that revenge is sweet, and perhaps it is in that moment when you exact revenge, but pretty soon that sweet feeling will turn into a bitterness that rots. Surely there’s a better way – but how? Find out in today’s FRESH.

Just Believe That He Is
Many people, even those who believe in Jesus, live life with a sense that something’s missing. It’s not easy to put your finger on what that something is, but we think, “surely there must be more to life than this”. Since God created you, what sort of life does He want for you? Find answers in today’s FRESH eDevotional, ‘Just Believe That He Is’.

By His Wounds You Have Been Healed
Suffering has a funny way of pulling us off course. We want to follow God’s call on our lives, but the moment the going gets tough, there’s a great temptation to pull back. How did Jesus handle this, and what can we learn from Him? Find out in today’s FRESH eDevotional.

Respecting Women
With all the sexual abuse scandals in the news and the #MeToo movement in full swing, it’s staggering how widespread the abuse of women actually is. Is there a way to end it? What can we do? Watch today’s FRESH eDevotional to find out.

Single Mothers
There are a good many single mothers out there doing an awesome job. Sometimes they’ve been widowed, more often than not these days, they find themselves bringing up their children alone because of a marriage breakdown or divorce. Or maybe the father of their children didn’t stick around in the first place. If you’re a single mum, today’s FRESH is the encouragement you need.

Am I Going Crazy
Difficult times – times of trial – can have us questioning our faith in Jesus. They can have us wondering whether He’s real, or whether we’re just deluding ourselves, hanging onto some spiritual crutch, an emotional placebo. Well IS He real? What’s the deal here? Tune into today’s FRESH, ‘Am I Going Crazy?’ to find out.

If you truly want to see your life transformed by this radical, edgy, unconventional, countercultural Jesus, you need to hear Him out. How? Watch this to find out!

It's All About Love
A lot of us spend a lot of time reading the Bible, listening to sermons, and doing Bible studies. That’s all well and good but why do we do it? It’s time to learn the point of it all in today’s FRESH eDevotional.

Counter-Intuitive Forgiveness
Not everything that God calls us to do always makes sense at first. In fact sometimes it goes completely against the grain. Question is, will you follow the call – will you do it anyway? Watch today’s FRESH! Receive more of this in your inbox each day – click here: