Purnamadah - Wholeness through healing

Purnamadah - Wholeness through healing

At Purnamadah, we practice holistic methods that considers the whole person; body, mind, spirit, and emotions in the quest for optimal health and wellness.


I am going to be honest with you the reverse Six of Cups card symbolises that your past will come back to haunt you.
But be open to new ideas ,be creative and jump at the opportunity of learning something new.


Reversed card may mean that the person deserves more but he does not listen, perhaps not ready for the next level. A lot of negative thoughts and self doubts prevents him from realising his full potential.
If you are experiencing anxiety then share it with someone who has undergone similar path. Helping you to cope up with your troubles.


Whether good/bad decisions you had taken in the former years of your life which gave you the opportunities to do something unimaginable.
Now you have donned the role of strong decision maker but may have caused disparity with your close ones.
In the days to come, you would soon find a source guiding you to follow the right path. Making you realise the value of patience and self-belief.


From your past mistakes you have learnt a lesson and now you are beginning to understand yourself properly. Once you have made up your mind then nothing can stop you.


Success comes from hard work and patience, but this card reminds you to take care not to overdo and exhaust yourself.

Completion of one accomplishment is just the beginning of another dream.

You are aware that this will require alot of focus and dedication. This might involve learning new trades, making a career change or starting your own business.

Please take what resonates and leave the rest.


Have you made a decision that you regret and are struggling to make it right?

A waiting game, sometimes we are forced to be still. This often requires the sacrifice of people and things that we rather hold on to. We require to accept a loss for the greater good. Acceptance and letting go are the key if you ever want to move forward.

If you are questioning your faith then the card encourages you to examine things patiently.

Whatever question you are asking is Maybe.


Guidance for the New Moon

Whatever you may be going through is helping you to shape you. A way for you to learn and evolve you. You are learning to let go of something/someone. Forgiving someone for what they did will only bring positivity to this situation.


End of a situation and now finally you can move on, leaving the past behind.


You may face challenges but that’s how the Universe tests us? If you believe that you aren’t capable of doing some stuff then you are affirming this in your own way. The card suggests that you require to put in a little bit of more effort to move towards your desired outcome.


Happy Guru Purnima

Since full moons are about conclusions and climaxes, this card suggests something coming to an end but at the same time beginning of something new.
It's a time to find a balance between your desires and for the people around you. A time to focus on yourself.
Please take what resonates and leave the rest.


Promote healing by activating the relaxation response and help the body to balance itself from a very deep level. Cure your sleep issues, anxiety disorders, blocked chakras, physical or emotional pain.
Book your sessions now!
Shveta - 9372176573


Number 5 in numerology, initiating instant communication, messages or emails from long distance.
Those who are waiting for a commitment from a partner will have to wait a bit longer than expected.
So many times in our life we require to choose between the good and the bad. The card advices to choose the traditional path which will bring alot of relief and hope.
Big wedding and ceremonies in families can be predicted.

This is a general reading please take what resonates and leave the rest.


Guidance for the full moon
It's important to shield yourself from your own unwanted and negative thoughts about yourself. I am not good enough or I am too fat or I am not handsome/beautiful.... all these thoughts are fear based thoughts. So where are they stemming up from? Are you getting too sensitive to energies around you?


What's coming up in the next 48 hours?
It's a sign that some situation has peaked in your life for the good or bad, that depends upon you. So what do you need to release? The card is lovingly suggesting that you let something go and move forward with little resistance as possible. Releasing the emotional baggage or asking some one's forgiveness. This will help you to see what lies ahead for you.


The new moon represents the start of new lunar cycle. It symbolizes new beginnings. A new moon happens every 29.5 days when the side of the moon facing the earth is in total darkness.
Tidy away clutter
Cleanse your space
Enhance your surroundings
Set your intentions
Organize your thoughts


Guidance for today


What does the new year 2022 bring in?
Be a magician of your life. How the magician magically brings things the same way we are required to work and practice like him to manifest things, to unlock the magic within your life.
This card represents the power of manifestation and gaining some meaningful life changing insights. The magician has the ability to endlessly persevere until difficult challenges are conquered.
Whatever you think, feel or talk about will eventually start appearing in the here and now.
He truly owns his individuality and inspired you to do the same.
This is a general reading. Please take what resonates and leave the rest.


What are the energies telling you on the last week of November?
Whatever maybe your question, work related or otherwise you require a new plan. Ask yourself where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
It's time for you to be ambitious if you want to achieve something in life. You require to get some discipline in your life. As you can achieve whatever you set your mind to.
Please take what resonates and leave the rest.


Your wish is fulfilled! What you have been praying for is finally becoming clear. Now your worries will disappear, for your effort will be rewarded. Financial expectations are realized. Happiness is your companion.

Little joys abound. Luxurious and material comforts are yours. You are surrounded by beauty, happiness and contentment. Things are happening as you hoped.


Happy Dussehra to all
This is your time to shine!! You are feeling more confident than before. Successful and joyful event's awaits you. You have been successful in changing your lifestyle into a healthier one.
You are vibrating so high that whatever you may be thinking or feeling you are attracting. So be sure to attract the things you want because if stressed then you may attract fear.

Please take what resonates and leave the rest.


If you quieten the chatter in your mind then only you will recieve the message otherwise you will feel that your prayers have gone unanswered. As more quiet the mind the more receptive the mind will get and you will start manifesting your desires. So itself upto you how fast you want to manifest?


This card represents lack of movement and stagnation. Either this person is holding on too tightly to his/her wealth or lack of wealth that he/she is getting paralyzed by indecision. Reminding this person to make a decision soon otherwise they may loose all their options.
This card can be a reflection of yourself or someone that you see in your life.
Other meanings of this card could be:
Some are willing to defend you but you require to ask.
You feel stagnant and require new ways to earn money.
You have fought your demons from inside and now you have taken a pause to happily charge ahead. Don't forget to let other people in to celebrate.

Loving vibes ❤

This is just a general reading. For personalized readings
Contact : 9372176573


The Angels are cautioning against making impulsive decisions. Instead take the path of balance or the middle path in this situation. Re-evaluate your current situation and change your approach. In the past if you have acted impulsively still you can heal and rectify things but if you are considering dramatic changes then this card is asking you to approach those changes slowly.
Work co-operatively with others and see things from their point of view also. Focus on being patient and try to stay calm. It highlights a huge responsibility of planning for the future ahead and being organized. Remember success come to those who wait along with consistent work.

Affirm - I trust my passion to guide my vision and wherever it takes me I go with complete faith.

Loving vibes 🧡


As you grow and expand your vision expands as well. You are able to see things from a different perspective which gives you a broader view. Not only of your own life but everything around you as well.
Shed the false perceptions so that you can move ahead in life. You have the wisdom of what to do next, use it.
Stop putting yourself in tough situations unnecessary. The solution may not be of your liking but still go and grab it.

Loving vibes 🧡


This is your time to shine!!!! You are feeling more confident than before. Turning point in your life. One has completed a cycle and a new one awaits. Success, abundance and radiance. It gives strength and vitality to those who sees it. Try out the new things you want to try, go for it.
Health wise you have made a significant impact on your physical and mental health. Seek to have a healthier lifestyle than ever. Your loving nature will attract many people and things into your life. Remind your dear ones that you care for them. You will feel more loved and nurtured around your loved ones. If you are not in good terms with your partner then be more open and seek to have a clear communication.
Whatever maybe your question the answer is yes. You are on the right path for your own enlightenment.

Loving vibes

Please take what resonates and leave the rest.


The situation you asking about is still taking shape. This card reminds you to keep working towards your dreams. Be so focused on what you want. Even chalk out the minute details the way you want. Just be patient and stay focused on moving forward.
As the card suggests have faith.

Loving vibes


This card symbolizes an expected change that leads to unforeseen events. The implication is to face such challenges with grace and to keep moving forward as such happenings are inevitable.
Some one is going through a rough patch in life. The card advises you to question your perceptions so that you may analyze where the problem is. Sometimes to protect our santity we may tend to build walls within so the card is asking you to demolish those walls and stand up with pride and to build your life into something stronger. Thus creating space for a new and more solid foundation.
Do not make any risky investments in your business try to analyze where you stand.
Try to improve your health either by exercising or maintaining your diet.

Please take what resonates and leave the rest.


Ace of water represents deep emotions, developed intuition and trusting the inner voice. If you have been feeling low since a couple of months then this card signifies the beginning period of strong emotional health. Expect copious joy, happiness and love. The other features of this card includes :
Be open to others.
Experience a thorough understanding of a situation or person.
Establish a relationship being led by heart.
A spiritual enlightenment.

Please take what resonates and leave the rest.

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