Oil for Soul

Oil for Soul

'Oil for Soul' is our endeavor to provide information on how to keep your mind, body and soul healthy, happy and positive through natural ways and remedies.

'Oil for Soul'.....A holistic approach towards physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being!

'Oil for Soul' is an endeavor to spread awareness about taking care of your overall health. When we say overall health, it means acquiring ideal health for the entire body. It's all about taking care of your physical fitness, emotional vitality, mental consciousness and spiritual resonance. Numero

Photos from Oil for Soul's post 01/09/2022
Timeline photos 14/06/2022

Frizzy and dry hair is a common struggle, many of us face sometime or the other.
Dryness or frizz is mainly caused by lack of moisture in the hair i.e. the scalp doesn’t make enough oil to moisturize the hair.
Here is a very simple and easy Home-Remedy to treat Dull, Damaged, Frizzy and Lifeless hair with just 2 ingredients….


The easiest ways to eat amla is, cut the fruit and eat it raw 😋!
But but, Amla is a seasonal fruit and not available year round ☹️!!

So here are 7 ways you can preserve amla and enjoy the benefits throughout the year 😍😍

If you know more ways to eat Amla, do share with us in the comments section below 👇

Also read: 11 reasons why Indian Gooseberry (Amla) is called 'the fruit of Immortality' - https://bit.ly/3Ma3Fak

Stay tuned for easy amla recipes in the coming week :)

Photos from Oil for Soul's post 03/05/2022

Ever wonder why almost all Ayurvedic preparations contain amla?
Or why it is suggested to have one piece of amla every day!!

Well studies have shown that amla or the 'Indian gooseberry' is packed with nutrients and can actually help you live a longer healthier life.

Amla, the translucent green fruit, also known as Indian Gooseberry, derives its name from Sanskrit word ‘Amlaki’ means “nectar of life”.

As per Charaka Samhita (one of the oldest book on ancient science of Ayurveda), Amlaki is considered one of the most potent and nourishing medicinal plant which can help balance all the three doshas (Kapha/Vata/Pitta) in the body and can help eliminate the underlying cause of many diseases.

Due to its innumerable healing properties, Amla is regarded as divine medicine.

It is believed that if we include just half an Amla in our daily diet, it can revitalize our bodily system from within and helps maintain youth, vitality and good health even in old age.

Read on to learn some amazing benefits of including Amla in your health and beauty regime…..


What's your idea about being fit absolutely!........Leave a 💖, if it resonates with you.

Photos from Oil for Soul's post 12/01/2022

You might have heard that cleaning copper vessels and keeping them shiny is such a big task 😢!

Like most other metals, copper also reacts with the environment and tarnishes over time forming a blue or green patina.

While it is not harmful to drink water from a copper vessel with tarnish in the short and medium term, it should be avoided over a long period.

Instead, clean your once or twice a week to remove the patina and increase its effectiveness.

🟢Here are few quick and easy ways to clean copper vessels at home, and make them shine like all new again 😀!


.........If you are worried about copper toxicity in your copper charged water, you need to know this fact 👇

Photos from Oil for Soul's post 04/01/2022

Drinking just a big glass of copper water every day in the morning has the potency to prevent the occurrence of many diseases.......

Learn the correct ways to drink copper water to reap maximum benefits

Photos from Oil for Soul's post 03/01/2022

Making Copper Charged Water is very simple.....check it out in the slides below 👇

Photos from Oil for Soul's post 02/01/2022

The practice of drinking water stored in a Copper vessel is not new.

A lot of you might have heard from your grandparents or parents that drinking copper charged water is good for health!

As per Ayurveda, drinking copper-enriched water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach provides many health benefits. Copper infused water not only helps balance all the three doshas namely Vata, Pitta and Kapha;

it also
• cleans and detoxifies stomach,
• regulates working of liver and kidneys and
• ensures proper functioning of different organs and several metabolic processes.

🟢 Copper is a nutrient that can be obtained only from food. It is necessary for the absorption of iron, development of red blood cells and immune system support.

🟢 According to ‘Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine’, an adult's estimated average dietary requirement for copper is about 700 micro-grams per day.

🔴 What is alarming here is the fact only 25 percent of the population gets enough copper daily (Source: The Food and Nutrition Board).

👉 Here are 10 good reasons, which would encourage you to start drinking copper encharged water…..


OilforSoul wishing all the readers a beautiful, bright and blissful year 2022

Photos from Oil for Soul's post 26/04/2021

So now that you have decided to try out juicing 🍹 for a better intake of nutrients and to achieve good health. It is a good idea to know the right way to go about it.....

Sharing few tips to make your juicing more fruitful and effective .....

Cheers 🥂🥂

Photos from Oil for Soul's post 24/04/2021

A glass of freshly prepared Juice 🍹 is not only energizing, it is full of nutritional and healing properties too!!

Many studies have shown that drinking can help protect us against many diseases and infections and improve our overall well-being.

boosts our immune system, helps remove toxins from the body, aids in digestion and helps in losing weight too. Interesting right 🥂

Read below few reasons why you should consider including fresh juices in your health care regime……

Photos from Oil for Soul's post 21/04/2021

As we welcome 🌞🌞, bunch of problems come along!!

High heat, humidity, fatigue, heatstroke, digestive issues and so on…

Keeping oneself well hydrated is the most important factor during summers to maintain energy levels and keep going in the sweltering heat.

There is no better way to beat the heat and stay hydrated than the n 🍉🍉🥝🥝🍋🍋 .

Loaded with essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants; fresh juices not only hydrate the body, they suffice our nutrient and energy requirements too.

One glass of fresh fruit juice 🥤🍹 is what we should have to re-energize and freshen us up in just a matter of time.

We at 'OilforSoul' have listed 7 juices for you, Pick one for each day of the week to fill up your nutrients requirements ….

Our Story

‘Oil for Soul’… A holistic approach towards physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being!

'Oil for Soul' is an endeavour to spread awareness about taking care of your overall health.

When we say overall health, it means acquiring ideal health for the entire body. It’s all about taking care of your physical fitness, emotional vitality, mental consciousness and spiritual resonance.

Numerous psychological and medical studies support the notion that mental health and physical health significantly affect each other.

Videos (show all)

Benefits of drinking Copper Charged Water you must know
Happy New Year 2022
