Power Gen Advancement
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PowerGen Advancement is a leading information centric website. On one side powergenadvancement.com has established itself as one of the most efficient and comprehensive source of power generation information online, dedicated to providing decision makers in all the power industry
sectors with reliable, accurate and useful insight into the happenings in the power sector. And on the other side runs
Russia Limits Europe Gas Supplies Forcing Them Back To Coal.
Russia Limits Europe Gas Supplies Forcing Them Back To Coal Due to shortage of gas, European governments are scrambling to stockpile natural gas supplies in underground storage in time for the upcoming winter season.
EU Reduces Plans of Fossil-Fueled Electricity By One-Third.
EU Reduces Plans of Fossil-Fueled Electricity By One-Third According to a new assessment, the European Union is on its track to generate 63 percent of its electricity from renewable sources of energy by the year 2030.