Deepak Raghav

Deepak Raghav

Corporate Trainer, PD & Interview Skills Coach


"All I want to know is where I'm going to die, so I can never go there." — Charlie Munger

7 lessons you can learn from "Charlie Munger: The Complete Investor" by Tren Griffin:

1. Rationality Above All Else: Munger emphasizes the importance of rational thinking and avoiding emotional decision-making in investing. The book highlights the need for a disciplined approach based on sound analysis and logic, not impulse or chasing trends.

2. Multidisciplinary Thinking: Don't limit yourself to financial data. Munger advocates for incorporating knowledge from various disciplines like psychology, history, biology, and economics to gain a more comprehensive understanding of businesses and market behavior.

3. Focus on Value, Not Just Price: Don't be fooled by a low stock price. The book emphasizes the importance of intrinsic value - a company's true worth based on its long-term potential, assets, and competitive advantages.

4. Embrace the Power of Patience: Successful investing is a marathon, not a sprint. Munger encourages patience and discipline, waiting for the right opportunities to invest in undervalued companies with strong long-term prospects.

5. Beware of Cognitive Biases: We all have mental shortcuts that can lead to investment mistakes. The book highlights common cognitive biases like overconfidence, herd mentality, and loss aversion, and encourages strategies to overcome them.

6. The Importance of Psychology in Markets: Understand how human emotions and psychology influence market behavior. Munger emphasizes the potential for market bubbles and irrational exuberance, and the need to be cautious during such periods.

7. Continuous Learning is Key: The world of business and investing is constantly evolving. The book stresses the importance of lifelong learning, staying up-to-date on industry trends, and continuously refining your investment approach.

By following these principles outlined in "Charlie Munger: The Complete Investor," you can develop a more rational, value-oriented, and long-term investment strategy that helps you navigate the complexities of the financial markets.



1. "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." - Thomas A. Edison

2. "Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." - Albert Einstein

3. "With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts." - Eleanor Roosevelt

4. "Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence." - Helen Keller

5. "Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground." - Theodore Roosevelt

6. "What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals." - Henry David Thoreau

7. "The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best." - Epictetus

8. "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain." - Maya Angelou

9. "Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible." - Tony Robbins

10. "Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

11. "Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any. It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing." - Thomas Jefferson

12. "Well done is better than well said." - Benjamin Franklin

13. "If you start by promising what you don't even have yet, you'll lose your desire to work towards getting it." - Paulo Coelho

14. "If you want to conquer fear, don't sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy." - Dale Carnegie

15. "Go for it now. The future is promised to no one." - Wayne Dyer

16. "The quality of a man's life is in direct proportion to his commitment to excellence, regardless of his chosen field of endeavor." - Vince Lombardi

17. "Your talent determines what you can do. Your motivation determines how much you are willing to do. Your attitude determines how well you do it." - Lou Holtz


In 1983, with a strong dream and cancer in his leg Terry decided to run across Canada to raise funds for cancer research. As on date his foundation has raised 343 million USD.Terry Fox Run is still conducted every year in Canada.Terry still lives in hearts of millions.
One man with courage is majority.!!!


7 lessons from "Powerful Phrases for Dealing with Difficult People":

1. "I" Instead of "You": When things get tense, start sentences with "I feel..." or "I'm concerned about..." instead of "You always..." or "You never..." This shifts the focus from blaming to expressing your own feelings, making the conversation less confrontational.

2. Apologize, Even If You're Not Wrong: A simple "I'm sorry this happened" can defuse anger and show you're willing to work on the problem, even if you don't think you're the cause. It's about taking responsibility for resolving the conflict, not admitting fault.

3. Seek to Understand: Instead of jumping to conclusions, try saying "Help me understand why you did/said that." This opens a dialogue and shows you're willing to see things from their perspective.

4. Label Your Emotions: Saying "I'm feeling frustrated" or "I'm starting to get anxious" can help the other person understand the impact of their behavior and encourage them to adjust.

5. Focus on Solutions: Instead of dwelling on the past, ask "What can we do to fix this?" or "How can we avoid this in the future?" This shifts the conversation to a more positive and productive direction.

6. Watch Your Body Language: Even the most well-intentioned words can be undermined by a harsh tone or crossed arms. Be mindful of your nonverbal cues and try to convey openness and a willingness to listen.

7. Don't Take It Personally: Remember, sometimes people are difficult because of their own issues or stresses, not because of you. Try to maintain a sense of detachment and focus on finding a solution, rather than getting caught up in their emotions.


Here is my the most precious treasure ! My favourite place just to stand and gaze at with pride sometimes. Books to the mind is like exercises to the body.

Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones 07/05/2024

10 lessons from the book: "Atomic Habits" by James Clear:

1. Tiny Changes, Big Results: Focus on getting just 1% better each day. These small improvements might seem insignificant at first, but over time, they compound and lead to huge changes. Imagine saving just a little bit more each month – it adds up!

2. Systems Over Goals: Goals tell you where you want to go, but systems are your daily routines that get you there. Don't just wish to run a marathon – create a system of running a bit further each week.

3. Make it Obvious & Attractive: Design your environment to make good habits the obvious choice. Keep healthy snacks on your desk, leave workout clothes ready to go. Make the good stuff easy and visually appealing!

4. Make it Easy & Satisfying: Our brains favor immediate reward. So make the start of your habit super easy (just 2 minutes of exercise) and find a way to make it instantly satisfying (treat yourself after a workout).

5. Identity is Key: Don't just try to have good habits, change who you believe you are. Instead of "I need to run", think "I'm the kind of person who runs". Shifting your identity makes it easier to stick to the actions that match it.

6. Habit Stacking: Link new habits you want to build with habits you already do consistently. After your morning coffee, do 5 minutes of yoga. This creates a reliable cue to trigger your new habit.

7. Temptation Bundling: Combine something you have to do with something you want to do. Only let yourself watch that fun show while working out, for example.

8. Track Your Progress: It's easy to lose motivation when you don't feel you're getting anywhere. Seeing even tiny wins marked on a calendar or a habit tracker keeps you going and builds that "I'm a consistent person" identity.

9. Never Miss Twice: Everyone has bad days. The key is to not let a slip-up turn into a landslide. Miss one workout? Fine, but the next day is non-negotiable. Don't let one bad day break the chain.

10. Your new habit shouldn't be so hard it exhausts you, but not so easy that it's boring. Find that sweet spot of challenge that keeps you engaged and growing.

Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones


10 Lessons from the book: Ready for Anything: 52 Productivity Principles for Work and Life by David Allen:

1. Write it all down, don't let it weigh on your mind. Our brains aren't meant to juggle everything. Tasks, appointments, brilliant ideas – get them out of your head and onto paper (or digitally). This clears your mind, so you can focus.

2. Everything needs a plan. Even small things. Thinking "I need to buy milk" won't get it done. "Buy milk on the way home from work" is a clear next step, making action easier.

3. Focus on the right 'altitude'. Don't get bogged down in the weeds when you should be thinking about the big picture. Are you planning your day, or the whole project? Keep tasks separate from goals.

4. Tiny actions make a huge difference. Don't be overwhelmed by big goals. Even small steps are progress. Can't tackle the whole garage mess? Commit to 15 minutes today, and another 15 minutes tomorrow.

5. Don't always say 'yes.' Before agreeing to anything, ask yourself: Does this fit my bigger goals? Saying 'no' can be the most productive thing you do.

6. Sometimes, good enough IS good enough. Perfectionism is a trap! If a task is 'done' and fulfills its purpose, let it go. Don't waste time on unnecessary details.

7. Take time to reflect. Step back from the daily grind. Is everything on track? Are you working towards what matters most? This type of thinking keeps you headed in the right direction.

8. Be realistic about time. We tend to cram too much into our days. Schedule in breaks and buffer time, so you avoid stress and do a better job on what you take on.

9. Systems keep you sane. Don't reinvent the wheel every day. Set up good habits and systems (like how you process email), so things run smoothly without constant thought.

10. Don't let fear stop you. Fear comes up, it's normal. But it doesn't have to control you. Identify what you're afraid of, take that first small step, and see that it wasn't so bad after all.



1. GET A MENTOR. Your mentor determines your school of thought. Mentorship prepares you for Leadership.

2. SERVE BEFORE YOU LEAD. Learn from your mentors. Wait for the right time. you can't be a good leader if you haven't been a good follower.

3. THINK LONG TERM. Short_term thinkers are usually failures. No goal ever came through without sacrifice and commitment.

4. RELATIONSHIP MATTERS. Lion doesn't work with a sheep or ram 🐑. Your vision should determine your association.

5. YOU NEED CHARACTER. Your vision is as safe as character. I called character the soil of leadership because it covers and protects Leadership. Character makes you predictable. Character brings trust. Good name itself is an asset.

6. DESIGN YOUR DREAMS AND SYSTEM BEFORE STRIKE. It been said and proven that successful business has been designed before it started. Build your systems before you begin.

7. BE SELF MOTIVATED. Think about your Vision. Work towards your vision."If others could do it, I can do it's possible."

8. BE READY TO FAIL AND FACE CRITICISM. Vision most times, produces enemies. The jewish rabbi, Yeshua, was attacked too. Joseph was prisoned. Paul was prisoned. Nelson mandela was criticized and sent to jail. What of martin luther king jr. These guys were all attacked but their passion kept them going. The reality is, the world hates change and where there is no change, there is no growth.

9. AVOID COMPETITION. Your vision should define your friendship, relationship, environment, education and your lifestyle.

10. LEARN TO GROW SECRETLY. Never stops growing. Your capacity determines your ability.

Ayobami Francis


Here are ten lessons you might find in a book about Stopping overthinking:

1. Recognize when you're overthinking by becoming more aware of your thought patterns and the situations that trigger them.

2. Learn to stay present in the moment through mindfulness techniques, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises, to prevent your mind from wandering into overthinking.

3. Question the validity of negative thoughts and challenge them with evidence to reduce their impact on your mental state.

4. Give yourself a time limit for making decisions or analyzing situations to prevent excessive rumination.

5. Shift your focus from dwelling on problems to actively seeking solutions, empowering yourself to take action rather than getting stuck in a cycle of overthinking.

6. Accept that perfection is unrealistic and that making mistakes is a natural part of life.

7. Redirect your attention to activities that bring you joy or fulfillment, such as hobbies, exercise, or spending time with loved ones, to break the cycle of overthinking.

8. Be kind to yourself and treat yourself with the same understanding and forgiveness you would offer to a friend who is struggling.

9. Manage your expectations by setting realistic goals and understanding that not everything will go as planned.

10. Don't hesitate to reach out to friends, family, or a mental health professional for support and guidance when overthinking becomes overwhelming.


10 daily habits to steal from very organized people

1. Plan the Night Before:
Before going to bed, plan your next day's tasks and priorities. This sets a clear agenda for the day and reduces morning stress.

2. Wake Up Early:
Starting the day early gives you a head start and often quieter hours to get things done without interruptions.

3. Review Your Goals Daily:
Keep your long-term and short-term goals in view and review them daily. This habit keeps your objectives clear and your actions aligned with your goals.

4. Keep a To-Do List:
Maintain a daily to-do list that you update throughout the day. Prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency.

5. Declutter Regularly:
Take a few minutes each day to organize your workspace, home, and digital files. A clean environment fosters clearer thinking.

6. Follow a Routine:
Stick to a regular routine for starting and ending your day. This can help automate good habits and make your days more predictable and manageable.

7. Use Tools and Apps:
Utilize tools and apps for task management, scheduling, and reminders. Technology can be a great ally in keeping you organized.

8. Take Regular Breaks:
Organized people know the value of breaks for maintaining high productivity and focus. Use techniques like the Pomodoro Technique to manage time effectively.

9. Practice Single-Tasking:
Despite the popularity of multitasking, focusing on one task at a time is often more effective. It reduces errors and increases quality.

10. Reflect on Your Day:
Spend a few minutes each evening reflecting on what went well and what could be improved. This self-assessment helps in continuous personal development.


8 lessons from the book "One More Try: What to Do When Your Marriage Is Falling Apart" by Gary Chapman:

1. Don't Give Up Too Soon: Distress or separation doesn't have to mean divorce. The book offers hope for reconciliation and rebuilding a stronger marriage.

2. Blaming your spouse won't fix things. Look inward and acknowledge your own role in the marital problems.

3. Understand Your Love Languages: Chapman, the author of the "Five Love Languages" series, emphasizes that everyone has preferred ways of receiving love. Learning your spouse's and your own love language can improve communication and connection.

4. Practice Healthy Communication: Learn to express your needs and feelings effectively, and listen openly to your spouse without interrupting or becoming defensive.

5. Deal with Anger and Frustration Constructively: These emotions are normal, but it's crucial to manage them in healthy ways to avoid further damage to the relationship.

6. Combat Loneliness and Isolation: Feeling alone within a marriage can be devastating. The book offers strategies to rebuild connection and emotional intimacy.

7. Rebuild Trust (if Broken): If trust has been shattered, rebuilding it takes time and effort. The book outlines steps towards forgiveness and creating a safe space for honesty.

8. There's no shame in seeking guidance from a therapist or counselor. They can provide tools and strategies for navigating difficult conversations and rebuilding a healthy marriage.


8 lessons from the book "The Art of Being Alone: Solitude Is My HOME, Loneliness Was My Cage" by Renuka Gavrani:

1. The book distinguishes between solitude, a cherished state of being alone, and loneliness, a feeling of isolation and disconnection. It encourages seeking solitude for self-discovery and rejuvenation.

2. Solitude provides a space for introspection and self-discovery. By being alone, you can learn your likes, dislikes, and what truly brings you joy.

3. The book emphasizes the importance of developing a positive and fulfilling relationship with yourself. Enjoy your own company and learn to appreciate your own thoughts and experiences.

4. Challenge societal pressures that equate being alone with being unhappy. Solitude can be a source of strength, creativity, and peace.

5. Don't wait for others to do things you enjoy. The book encourages pursuing hobbies and activities that bring you joy, even if it means doing them alone.

6. Learn to say no to requests that drain your energy or don't align with your needs. Setting healthy boundaries allows you to prioritize solitude when needed.

7. Stop seeking external validation for your happiness. Focus on activities and experiences that bring you joy, regardless of what others think.

8. Solitude allows you to appreciate your individuality and interests, even if they don't align with those of others.


Usain Bolt the Jamaican former sprinter is considered the greatest sprinter of all time.
He won 9 gold medals in 3 olympics and had run less than 2 minutes on the track. He made $119 million in the 3 olympics. That is more than $1million for each second he ran. For those 2 minutes he ran, he had trained for years.

Success is indeed a process and it eludes most people because many are too preoccupied with the events while disregarding the process. Many don't care about what they are becoming in the process as long as they get the money hence end up doing the wrong things. Enjoy the process and focus on the step right in front of you and not the whole staircase.

Many have asked me how I came to this level. Well being disciplined and consistent are some of the things that have helped me. You have to do what you need to do even when you don't feel like doing it. Imagine if Usain Bolt only trained on days when he felt like training, we probably wouldn't have known him.

Jim John said "Success is a few simple disciplines practiced daily". Darren Hardy in his book "The Compound Effect" talks about how the small seemingly insignificant habits compound to either build us or break us. Those small things you do may look insignificant today, you may not seem like you are progressing but trust me they are compounding and one day they will pay off. Like I always say "Progress is progress even when it is only visible to you alone so don't be ashamed to take that small step
An African proverb says "If you want to move mountains tomorrow, you must start by removing stones today." Yes Rome was not built in a day, but everyday, a brick was laid. Keep laying those bricks.

Its saddening how people try to avoid the process and rush for quick success not knowing that the process is actually more important than the actual results. Pit Bull said "We are here for a marathon not a sprint. It's short steps, long vision". When you focus on the process or the steps, you will be amazed at how far you would have moved when you look back. As long as you are patient and persistent, it will be hard for success to elude you. Lack of patience is the worst enemy of ambition.

One good thing about starting and focusing on the process is that it opens up many other opportunities. Like Lao Tzu said "When the student is ready, the teacher appears." Many of us have missed Opportunities that would have changed our lives because we think the process is long and hence have ended up being scammed by the get rich schemes. Understand that everything great needs to be built and that free cheese is only found in a mouse trap.

Stop waiting for someone to walk for through the process of success for you while you just get the reward. There is no wisdom or personal growth gained in a journey that someone does for you. The journey is yours so start that process.Napoleon Hill said "Success is good at any age but the earlier you have it, the longer you will enjoy it".


The Cockroach Theory

The cockroach theory for self-development

At a restaurant, a cockroach suddenly flew from somewhere and sat on a lady.

She started screaming out of fear.

With a panic-stricken face and trembling voice, she started jumping, with both her hands desperately trying to get rid of the cockroach.

Her reaction was contagious, as everyone in her group also got panicky.

The lady finally managed to push the cockroach away but landed on another lady in the group.

Now, it was the turn of the other lady in the group to continue the drama.

The waiter rushed forward to their rescue.

In the relay of throwing, the cockroach next fell upon the waiter.

The waiter stood firm, composed himself and observed the behaviour of the cockroach on his shirt.

When he was confident enough, he grabbed it with his fingers and threw it out of the restaurant.

Sipping my coffee and watching the amusement, the antenna of my mind picked up a few thoughts and started wondering, was the cockroach responsible for their histrionic behaviour?

If so, then why was the waiter not disturbed?

He handled it near to perfection, without any chaos.

It is not the cockroach, but the inability of those people to handle the disturbance caused by the cockroach, that disturbed the ladies.

I realized that it is not the shouting of my father or my boss or my wife that disturbs me, but it's my inability to handle the disturbances caused by their shouting that disturbs me.

It's not the traffic jams on the road that disturbs me, but my inability to handle the disturbance caused by the traffic jam that disturbs me.

More than the problem, it's my reaction to the problem that creates chaos in my life.

Lessons learnt from the story:

I understood I should not react in life.

I should always respond.

The women reacted, whereas the waiter responded.

Reactions are always instinctive whereas responses are always well thought of.

A beautiful way to understand


The HAPPY person is not because Everything is RIGHT in his Life.

He is HAPPY because his Attitude towards Everything in his Life is Right!


One day a traveler in a remote country town, convinced that he was on the worng road, came to a halt in a village. Calling one of the villagers to the car window, he said, "Friend, I need help. I am lost."
The villager looked at him for a moment. "Do you know where you are.?" He asked.
"Yes, "said the traveler." I saw the name of your town as I entered."
The man nodded his head, "Do you know where you want to be.?"
"Yes," the traveler replied.
"You are not lost, "he said," You just need directions. "
Many of us are in the same position as that traveler. We know where we are... Sometimes disappointed, dissatisfied, and experiencing little peace of mind. And we know where we want to be... At peace, fulfilled, and living life abundantly.
Like the traveler, we are not lost.. We just need directions..!
Direction literally creates time.!
"Your life can't go according to plan if you have no plan..!!"
Outstanding people have one thing in common..
An absolute sense of Mission..Purpose..!!!


7 benefits of speaking less !


Aboulomania, also known as Aboulomania syndrome or Aboulomania disorder, is a psychiatric condition characterized by extreme indecisiveness and a chronic inability to make simple decisions. People with aboulomania often feel overwhelmed by even minor choices, leading to feelings of anxiety, stress, and frustration. This condition can significantly impair daily functioning and relationships. Treatment typically involves therapy, medication, or a combination of both to help individuals manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.


Every person has a gate within.. The gate of change..!
The beauty of this Gate is that it has a latch only on one side - i. e. Inside..!
Others can only knock at the gate but by no means can open it.. Unless and until one is willing to open it from inside..!
There are two modes to respond to the outside 'knocks'.. Receptive mode or Rejecting mode..!
Losers, due to their sense of insecurity, opt to the 'Rejecting Mode' and don't open the gate..!
Result... New ideas of improvement can not enter inside.. and losers remain in the same rut..! Stay average..!
Winners, by exhibiting courage, open the gate and explore the new, unknown and even ambiguous world in search of huge possibilities, betterment & growth..!
Winners have open mind. They are willing to change to explore the fascinating new dimensions of growth and winning..!
The inference is...
"No improvement can take place in a closed mind. Be open to learning and growth."
Have an exciting day with an open Gate within..!!!!
Be the great player of the game.. 'Life'..!!!
A fan of yours..Deepak.


What goes around comes around !


"The Absent Father Effect on Daughters" by Susan E. Schwartz delves into the profound impact that the absence of a father can have on a daughter's development, identity, and emotional well-being. Through a psychological lens, Schwartz explores how this absence—whether physical, emotional, or both—affects daughters and shapes their adult lives.

Here are several key lessons from the book

1. Understanding the Impact of Absence: The book highlights the importance of recognizing the depth and breadth of the impact an absent father can have on a daughter's psyche. This absence can manifest in various aspects of life, including issues with self-esteem, difficulties in forming healthy relationships, and challenges in understanding one's identity.

2. The Role of Recognition and Acknowledgment: A vital step in addressing the effects of an absent father is the acknowledgment of his absence and its impact. Recognizing these effects allows for the beginning of healing and provides a framework for understanding behaviors and emotions that may have been confusing or painful.

3. Navigating the Path to Healing: Schwartz offers insights into the healing process, emphasizing that while the journey is personal and can be challenging, it is also filled with opportunities for growth and self-discovery. Healing may involve therapy, creating supportive relationships, and engaging in self-care practices.

4. The Importance of External Support Systems: The book suggests that building a strong support system is crucial for daughters dealing with the absence of a father. This support can come from other family members, friends, mentors, or professional counselors who can provide understanding, validation, and guidance.

5. Exploring One's Identity Beyond Absence: One of the lessons is the encouragement for daughters to explore and define their identity independently of the father's absence. This exploration can lead to a more robust sense of self and a reclamation of power over one's life narrative.

6. Developing Healthy Relationships: Schwartz discusses the impact of an absent father on a daughter's relationships, particularly in choosing partners and establishing boundaries. The book offers strategies for understanding and breaking patterns that may lead to unhealthy relationship choices.

7. The Power of Narrative: There's a focus on the power of personal narrative and storytelling in healing. By reframing their stories, daughters can find meaning in their experiences and move towards a more empowered and self-aware future.

8. The Role of Forgiveness: The concept of forgiveness, both of oneself and the absent father, is explored as a potential component of healing. Forgiveness is presented not as an obligation but as a choice that can lead to emotional freedom.

9. Empowerment through Understanding: Gaining insight into the ways in which an absent father has influenced one's life can be incredibly empowering. It allows for a reclaiming of control over one's emotional well-being and life decisions.

10. The Continuum of Absence: Schwartz acknowledges that absence can vary in degree and type, affecting daughters in uniquely individual ways. Understanding this spectrum is crucial in addressing and healing from its effects personally and sensitively.

"The Absent Father Effect on Daughters" is a comprehensive guide to understanding and healing from the complex dynamics of growing up without a father's presence. It provides valuable insights and practical advice for those looking to navigate the challenges and find a path toward healing and fulfillment.


Imagine this: Some bring joy when they arrive, while others bring joy when they depart. Which camp do you belong to?

And let's talk about compliments. They're like little doses of happiness injected into someone's day. When you receive one, it's like a gentle pat on the back, a reminder that you matter. But here's the thing: Are we as generous in giving them as we are in receiving them?

Think about it. Being positive and adept at connecting with others means seeing the good in them and expressing it sincerely. It's like sprinkling a bit of sunshine into someone's life with a genuine compliment. And goodness knows, we all crave that recognition. After all, even a broken clock manages to be right twice a day!

But here's where it gets interesting. While we bask in the glow of compliments, why do we sometimes hesitate to share that warmth with others? It's an irony worth pondering.

Yet, making others feel valued through genuine compliments is a simple yet powerful act. It's about recognizing the beauty and worth in others, and in doing so, elevating both them and yourself.

Remember: Great souls uplift others, while those with small hearts diminish them.

So, here's a challenge: Make it a habit to gift at least three compliments daily to different people. It's a small gesture that can have a big impact, not just on them, but on you too.

Because, in the end, you can only give what you possess. So let's spread kindness and appreciation wherever we go!

With admiration,

Videos (show all)

7 benefits of speaking less !
What goes around comes around !
Time is your most precious asset !
7 days challenge..
What goes around comes around !
You need to have 5 hobbies !
5 tips to live best of your life !
How to transform from earth to moon in next 30 days..
Secret of getting ahead is getting out of your head !
You can't reach level 10 with level one habits !
When ever you feel crushed or under pressure, pressed or in darkness, you are in a powerful place of transformation !
