The British University of Iraq

The British University of Iraq

The British University of Iraq The mission of the University shall be to provide access to British high quality education and research in Iraq.

The University will contribute to the cultural, economic, environmental, social and technological development of Iraq by:
•fostering a culture of excellence in teaching, research, innovation and engagement; providing advanced academic and vocational programmes delivered to British standards in higher education;
•producing graduates of responsible character with the necessary knowledge and skills


We are delighted you to inform you that we have now created another social media page and we will be slowly shifting towards the new one, which will be our main channel on Facebook.

Click on the link below and like and share with your friends

The British University of Iraq Our launch stage is underway, and we will be ready to accept student registrations shortly. We are currently looking for academic and administrative personnel to join our team. If you are interested, please apply on:

Let's Work Together - The British University 29/03/2023

بالرغم من كون الجامعة البريطانية في العراق في مرحلة التأسيس، لكن يسعدنا أن نعلن للعراقيين اننا نعمل في نفس الوقت على تجميع فريق هيئة تدريس من الدرجة الأولى لتعزيز مهمتنا المتمثلة في التميز الأكاديمي.

نحن نبحث حاليًا عن مرشحين مؤهلين (تدريسين جامعيين) في مختلف التخصصات الأكاديمية لشغل العديد من المناصب ، بما في ذلك: الأساتذة وفنيو المختبرات والمساعدين الأكاديميين والباحثين والموظفين الإداريين.

إذا كنت محترفًا بارعًا ولديك التزام قوي بالتميز الأكاديمي والابتكار ، فنحن ندعوك للانضمام إلى فريق الجامعة البريطانية في العراق.

يرجى الضغط على الرابط ادناه للتقديم:

We are excited to announce that as we lay the groundwork for our new campus at BU Iraq, we are simultaneously working towards assembling a top-tier faculty team to drive our mission of academic excellence.

We are currently seeking highly qualified candidates across various academic disciplines to fill numerous positions, including: Professors, Lab Technicians, Academic Assistants, Researchers, Administrative Staff.

If you are an accomplished professional with a strong commitment to academic excellence and innovation, we invite you to join our growing team.

If you are interested, please visit:

At BU Iraq, we believe that the foundation for a successful institution lies in the strength and expertise of its faculty and staff. Together, let's shape the future of education and create a lasting impact on the generations to come!

Let's Work Together - The British University A state-of-art modern educational facility that was founded by experts in their fields, with a wealth of experience and passion for creating a top-notch facility. They work hard to provide individualized support and to create a collaborative and inclusive learning environment.

The British University 25/03/2023

Check out our new website...

The British University A state-of-art modern educational facility that was founded by experts in their fields, with a wealth of experience and passion for creating a top-notch facility. They work hard to provide individualized support and to create a collaborative and inclusive learning environment.


Ramadan Kareem to all Iraqis and the Muslim world

The British University 14/03/2023

لمزيد من المعلومات حول مشروع الجامعة البريطانية في العراق يرجى الضغط على الرابط ادناه لموقعنا الالكتروني الجديد الخاص بالجامعة

The British University A state-of-art modern educational facility that was founded by experts in their fields, with a wealth of experience and passion for creating a top-notch facility. They work hard to provide individualized support and to create a collaborative and inclusive learning environment.


Our Board’s Message

Investing in education is investing in the future!

Education is a transformative journey that can lead individuals to discover their true potential and contribute positively to the world. It enables individuals to acquire new skills and knowledge, broaden their horizons, and develop critical thinking abilities. Education empowers individuals to become change agents in their communities and promotes a sense of global citizenship.

Investing in education is investing in the future. By recognizing the importance of education and providing access to quality education, we can create a better world for all. Education is the key to unlocking human potential and creating a more equitable, prosperous, and sustainable world.


Happy International Women’s Day.

This year's theme, “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality,” highlights the role of innovative technology in promoting gender equality and meeting the health and developmental needs of women and girls.

Photos from The British University of Iraq's post 06/03/2023

On January 24th, The British University of Iraq has officially submitted the request of establishing the BUI to H.E the Iraqi Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Mr. Na’eem Al-Obody . The meeting with the Minister included UK Trade Envoy to Iraq Baroness Nicholson and the Founding President of the University Dr. Victoria Lindsay and the Chair of UKEI Mr. John Tucknott MBE CMG as well as for 5 UK Professors who are our Founding Board Members.

H.E the Minister received our delegation at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research with warm welcome and signed the request with his initial approval to proceed with legal process of establishing the first UK University in Iraq. During the meeting, H.E Mr. Obody emphasized the need for quality education from the UK and how this project is going to further support the development of education sector in Iraq by brining international experience and advanced methods of researches and faculties that are new to Iraq and highly needed.


The mission of the BUI (British University of Iraq) is to provide access to British high quality education and research in Iraq and will contribute to the cultural, economic, environmental, social and technological development of Iraq by:

1. fostering a culture of excellence in teaching, research, innovation and engagement; providing advanced academic and vocational programs delivered to British standards in higher education;

2. producing graduates of responsible character

3. conducting leading edge research that advances the body of understanding and contributes to the innovativeness of the Iraqi economy and the development of its private sector;

4. bringing to market the products of the University's research through technology/knowledge transfer or commercialization.

5. Supporting the public and private sector through research and knowledge transfer.

أن مهمة الجامعة البريطانية في العراق هي توفير الوصول إلى التعليم والبحث البريطاني عالي الجودة في العراق وستساهم في التنمية الثقافية والاقتصادية والبيئية والاجتماعية والتكنولوجية للعراق من خلال:

تعزيز ثقافة التميز في التدريس والبحث والابتكار والمشاركة. توفير برامج أكاديمية متقدمة يتم تقديمها وفقًا للمعايير البريطانية في التعليم العالي

خريجين يتسمون بالمسؤولية وصفات قيادية

إجراء بحوث رائدة تعمل على تطوير هيكل التفاهم وتسهم في تغيير الاقتصاد العراقي وتطوير قطاعه الخاص.

طرح منتجات بحوث الجامعة للتسويق من خلال نقل التكنولوجيا / المعرفة أو تسويقها.

دعم القطاع العام والخاص من خلال البحوث ونقل المعرفة.

