Stop Anxiety!

Stop Anxiety!

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What are signs in childhood behaviour which may represent as a personality disorder later in adulthood?
Healthcare professionals tend to accept that personality disorders don’t usually emerge until adolescence and early adulthood. Before these stages of life, your personality and sense of identity are in a state of flux and evolution.

These natural transitions in personality make the diagnosis of personality disorders in children extremely challenging — and extremely controversial.

While childhood behaviors alone cannot diagnose a personality disorder, there are some signs that may indicate a potential risk for certain personality disorders later in adulthood. It's important to note that many children may exhibit these behaviors at some point without developing a personality disorder.

However, consistent and extreme manifestations of these behaviors may warrant further evaluation and intervention by mental health professionals. Here are some signs associated with certain personality disorders:

Now the question is : What are Behavioral signs in children that may indicate a potential risk for developing a personality disorder in the future."

Kim Homan, a licensed marriage and family therapist from Nashville, Tennessee, says that one of the first possible signs of a personality disorder in a child is chronic, pervasive patterns of behavior that are markedly different from those of their peers

Here are some behavioral signs in children that may indicate a potential risk for developing a personality disorder in the future:

1. Persistent aggression: Children who consistently exhibit aggressive behaviors towards people or animals may be at risk, particularly for antisocial personality disorder.

2.Lack of empathy: A persistent inability to understand or show empathy towards others' feelings or needs could be an early indicator, especially for disorders like antisocial or narcissistic personality disorder.

3.Impulsivity: Children who frequently engage in impulsive behaviors such as reckless driving, substance abuse, or self-harm may be at risk for developing disorders like borderline personality disorder.

4.Extreme fear of abandonment: Children who exhibit intense fear or distress at the thought of being abandoned or rejected may be at risk for borderline personality disorder.

5.Rigid perfectionism: Excessive perfectionism, inflexibility, and insistence on doing tasks in a particular way could be early signs of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.

6.Social withdrawal: Children who consistently avoid social situations and have difficulty forming relationships may be at risk for avoidant personality disorder.

7.Chronic defiance: Persistent disregard for rules and authority figures, along with frequent lying or deceitfulness, could be early signs of antisocial personality disorder.

8.Extreme mood swings: Children who experience rapid and intense mood swings, along with chronic feelings of emptiness or identity disturbance, may be at risk for borderline personality disorder.

It's essential to approach these signs with caution and not jump to conclusions. Many children exhibit challenging behaviors as part of their development, and these behaviors may resolve over time with appropriate support and guidance. However, if these behaviors persist or significantly impair functioning, it's crucial to seek professional evaluation and intervention. Early identification and intervention can significantly improve outcomes for individuals at risk of developing personality disorders.

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How Your OCD Helps Others Without You Knowing

What is obsessive compulsive disorder or ocd?

OCD is when you feel like you have to do something over and over again, or you worry a lot about certain things. It can be tough to deal with, but it turns out, there are some surprising ways it can actually help other people!

1.Keeping Things in Order

Do you ever find yourself organizing things or cleaning a lot because of your OCD? Well, that attention to detail can make spaces cleaner and safer for everyone around you.

2.Making Sure Things Are Just Right

Sometimes, you might feel like you have to double-check things a lot. But guess what? That habit of yours can actually make sure that everything is done perfectly, which can be super helpful in jobs where accuracy is important.

3.Being There for Others

Living with OCD can make you more understanding of what others are going through. You might find yourself reaching out to help someone else who's struggling, which can mean a lot to them.

4.Thinking Outside the Box

Did you know that OCD can sometimes make people really creative? Your unique way of thinking and problem-solving could lead to new ideas and inventions that benefit everyone.

Lots of people with OCD become passionate about spreading awareness and understanding. By sharing your story, you can help break down the stigma and make the world a more supportive place for everyone.

Being part of a community of people who understand what you're going through can be a huge help. Online groups and therapy can give you the support and encouragement you need.

Even though it might not always feel like it, your OCD can bring some good things into the world. So, take a moment to appreciate yourself and the positive impact you have on others.

You're Making a Difference
Remember, even though OCD can be tough, you're making a difference in the world without even realizing it. So keep being yourself, because you're pretty amazing just the way you are.


Unlocking the Golden Secret: Turmeric Effects on Skin and Health

Ever heard of a spice so powerful it’s been dubbed “the golden goddess” in the world of skincare and health? Well, get ready to dive into the fascinating world of turmeric and its incredible effects on your skin and overall well-being.

Now, I know what you might be thinking: “Isn’t turmeric just a tasty addition to curry?” Well, my friend, it’s time to debunk that myth. While turmeric has long been cherished for its vibrant color and flavor, its benefits extend far beyond the kitchen.

But wait, I can hear your skepticism creeping in. “Isn’t it just another overhyped superfood?” Trust me, I get it. With so many fads flooding the market, it’s easy to dismiss turmeric as just another passing trend. However, the difference lies in the science-backed evidence supporting its profound impact on skin and health.

So, how exactly does turmeric work its magic? Let’s break it down. Turmeric contains a potent compound called curcumin, which boasts antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These superhero abilities make it a game-changer for both your skin and overall health.

But here’s where it gets interesting: While turmeric holds immense potential, harnessing its benefits isn’t as simple as sprinkling it on your morning toast. Fear not, dear reader, for I shall reveal the secrets to unlocking the full potential of turmeric for your skin and well-being.

First things first, incorporating turmeric into your skincare routine can work wonders for combating acne, reducing inflammation, and brightening your complexion. Whether you opt for DIY face masks or turmeric-infused skincare products, your skin will thank you for this golden treat.

Here I gathered some of the best Turmeric Skin Care Product:

Neck & Face Firming Cream, Natural Facial Moisturizer With Retinol Co…

Turmeric Moisturising Cream With Collagen, Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin…..

Vitamin C Exfoliating Mask Turmeric Exfoliating Mask Improves Pores ….

But that’s not all! Turmeric doesn’t just stop at skincare — it’s also a powerhouse when it comes to boosting your overall health. From supporting joint health to aiding digestion and even boosting mood, turmeric truly earns its title as a golden goddess of wellness.

So, there you have it, folks: the golden secret to glowing skin and vibrant health lies within the humble turmeric. Embrace its magic, experiment with different ways to incorporate it into your routine, and prepare to bask in the radiant glow of turmeric-induced bliss. Trust me, your skin and body will thank you for it!

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A recent study published in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry found that roughly one in three adults ages 65 to 80 use these drugs at least occasionally to fall asleep, and OTC meds like Benadryl and Tylenol PM are the pills of choice for sleepless seniors.

these OTC drugs can cause constipation, confusion and other side effects, which Maust says may be more likely to affect older adults.

The researchers found that those who were prescribed more than 132 doses of these hypnotic drugs per year—meaning those patients taking them at least every two or three days—had a 35% increase in cancer risk and a five-fold jump in risk of death compared to those not prescribed these drugs. Even people who took these drugs sparingly—like once every few weeks—were more likely to die than those who did not take them at all.

Read the topic here:

Here's Why You Shouldn't Take a Sleeping Pill Every Night There could be both short- and long-term consequences.

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How Common Are Anxiety Disorders?

In any given year the estimated percent of U.S. adults with various anxiety disorders are*:

Specific Phobia: 8% - 12% (U.S.)

Social Anxiety Disorder: 7% (U.S.)

Panic Disorder: 2% - 3% (U.S.)

Agoraphobia: 1-1.7% (adolescents and adults; worldwide)

Generalized Anxiety Disorder: 0.9% (adolescents)' 2.9% (adults)

Separation Anxiety Disorder: 4% (children); 1.6% (adolescents); 0.9%-1.9% (adults)

Selective mutism: 0.03-1.9% (U.S., Europe, Israel)

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Childhood anxiety disorders impact one in eight kids, making this a condition many families grapple with. But despite how common they are, anxiety disorders in kids aren’t discussed a lot, leaving plenty of parents feeling unprepared and even helpless when it comes to raising an anxious child.

“Kids with anxiety disorders can often be clingy, may have difficulty doing things independently, and can have angry outbursts,” says Tyanna Snider, PsyD, a pediatric psychologist with Nationwide Children’s Hospital. “It can impact the entire family.” Parents face the tough challenge of trying to set limits for a child while also validating their emotions, Snider says.

But psychologists say they regularly help kids with anxiety disorders, and part of that treatment is teaching families how to respond to symptoms of the condition. While none of them say that parenting a child with an anxiety disorder is easy, there are tools they’ve discovered that can make life with an anxious child a little more seamless. Here’s what they recommend all parents of kids with anxiety disorders keep in mind.

Anxiety can look like behavioral issues

Tantrums are common in all kids of a certain age, but they can also surface in children with anxiety disorders. “Anxiety can manifest as yelling or fighting you on something,” says Thea Gallagher, PsyD, a clinical assistant professor at NYU Langone Health and a cohost of the Mind in View podcast. “Sometimes it can be difficult to figure out if this is normal kid behavior or if it’s caused by something bigger or deeper.”

Those tantrums “might be really hard for the child with anxiety to control, but it’s still really important to set limits and have boundaries,” Snider says. Meaning, you don’t want to chalk a temper tantrum up to your child’s anxiety and assume you can’t do anything about it. When your child settles down, Snider recommends reminding them that you have rules and expectations, and that there are consequences when they’re not followed. “You still need to provide discipline and consequences in a matter-of-fact way,” she says.

It’s important to acknowledge your child’s feelings

Validating your child’s emotions is an important step when they’re upset, says Izabela Milaniak, PhD, licensed psychologist in the Anxiety Behaviors Clinic within the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. She recommends practicing something called “developmental empathy,” which is when you don’t dismiss worries that may feel like a big deal for your child’s age. “A child’s worry may seem silly to an adult, but it is proportional to their world,” she says. “Avoid making comments like, ‘It’s not a big deal’ or ‘You have nothing to worry about.’” Instead, Milaniak says, it’s important that your child knows that you understand they’re upset.

She recommends saying something like, “I know mornings before school are rough for you. I can see that you’re scared and would rather stay home. I get that: Sometimes I want to stay home from work because I’m nervous too.”

Gallagher stresses that “feelings are always real,” even if you don’t understand why your child is having them in a particular moment. “We can always acknowledge how awful anxiety can feel,” she says. Gallagher recommends talking to your child about “bossing back the anxiety,” stressing that they can be in charge of their emotions and not let anxiety take control.

Staying calm is crucial

It’s important to try to stay levelheaded with your child, says Hillary Ammon, PsyD, a clinical psychologist at the Center for Anxiety & Women’s Emotional Wellness. “Sometimes it can be difficult to keep your cool when your child is distressed, screaming, or crying,” she admits. Gallagher agrees, but stresses the importance of being calm. “If you can, stay as calm as possible,” she says.

Gallagher points out that moods can be contagious. “If you’re in a crisis situation and someone else starts freaking out, your fight-or-flight response is going to go to that, too,” she says. If you find that you’re struggling to stay calm when your child is elevated, she recommends talking to their therapist for tools you can use or considering therapy for yourself. “The best thing you can do with your child when they’re getting worked up is to be as calm as possible, reiterate their options, and talk about the choices they can make,” she says.

Sometimes you have to let them ride the wave of anxiety

Anxiety can be tough to stop, especially when a child is really worked up, Snider says. “If your child is at peak anxiety—a 10 out of 10—sometimes we need to ride that wave,” she says. “You’re probably not going to make an effective change if they’re already at that high of a level.”

That can mean just being there for your child, hugging them, or giving them space to be by themselves until they calm down, Gallagher says. “If a child is having a tantrum or anxiety attack, we want to get them to a safe space so they can express those feelings,” Snider says. This is a good time to help them practice the skills they’ve learned in therapy, like taking five deep breaths together, counting backward by threes, or any other techniques their health care provider has shared. “That can distract them for a moment, relaxing their body and calming their brain,” Snider says.

Don’t avoid the things that cause your child’s anxiety

If something makes your child anxious, it’s understandable to want to do what you can to help them avoid it. But experts say this can actually make things worse. “The main mechanism that grows anxiety symptoms over time is avoidance, where a child escapes the experience of anxiety, embarrassment, uncertainty, distress, or other negative sensations,” Milaniak says. “By the time an anxiety disorder develops, a child has repeated patterns of avoidant behaviors, like not raising their hand in class, not attending school, and not speaking.”

But repeatedly avoiding a situation can make anxiety worse, says Ammon. “You may have the instinct to protect them and allow them to avoid whatever is causing them to feel fear or anxiety,” she says. “Unfortunately, this decision to aid them in escaping sometimes exacerbates those fears for the child.”

Instead, Milaniak recommends that parents “compassionately foster bravery skills” with anxious kids. That means reiterating expectations by saying things like, “I know this is hard for you and going to school is one of your responsibilities, like going to work is mine. What can we do to make going into school easier today?” Milaniak says it’s important to stay firm, even if your child starts to escalate. “Remain calm and repeat a steady mantra to show that your child’s emotions don’t scare you,” she says. That can include saying something like, “You’re having a big feeling response because you are scared. I am not afraid of your big feelings. We will get through it together. Emotions don’t last forever, and this one will be over soon.”

If your child does things like throwing objects, hitting others, or running out of a car, it’s important to have consequences for their behavior, Milaniak says. “Emotions are always valid, but we must be accountable for what we do with them,” she stresses.

Highlight the good stuff, too

There’s a lot to manage when you have a child with anxiety, but doctors say it’s important to praise your child when they’re doing well. “Highlight it when things are going well—don’t just focus on the things that didn’t go well,” Gallagher says.

Snider agrees. “You still want to do typical parenting and let them know that you’re proud of them,” she says. Open-ended questions can be helpful, too, like asking your child to share the best and worst parts of their day when you’re eating dinner or riding in the car together. “It opens the door about communication and feelings if something is not going well,” she says.

Overall, Snider recommends reminding yourself that you’re doing your best. “Oftentimes, parents of children with anxiety are really stressed, frustrated, and unsure of what to do next,” she says. “But it’s important to remind yourself that you’re a good parent and caregiver, even if things don’t feel like they’re going well at that moment.”


6 things mental health experts wish parents knew about raising kids with anxiety

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Some researchers refer to the heart as the "little brain."

There are 40,000 sensory neurons relaying information to the brain from the heart, leading researchers to call the heart the “little brain” and to coin the field as neurocardiology.

The heart communicates to the brain and the body.

It does so in four ways, via:
•nervous system connections
•hormones produced in the heart itself
•biomechanical information via blood pressure waves
•energetic information from the strong electrical and electromagnetic fields

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