Radio Padena

Radio Padena

Listen to the voice of #Iran, through music, literature and travelogues, from traditional costumes t


Episode 6: Kurdistan, in the Shelter of Mountains
اپیزود ششم: کردستان، در پناه کوهستان
This episode is about Kurdistan. A mythical region, people and culture as imposing as the highest mountains and as pure as the wildest forests are. Listen to some of the heart-touching Kurdish music, literature and cultural rituals.

🎙 Radio Padena, Iran through music, literature & travelogues
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Episode 5: Shajarian, the Bird of Freedom

اپیزود پنجم: شجریان، مرغ سحر
مروری بر زندگی و آثار استاد شجریان

This episode is dedicated to Ostad Mohammad Reza Shajarian who embodied the timeless beauty of Persian music with his powerful voice and profound character. We are going to tell a concise life story of Shajarian and listen to the golden songs that remained from him as the musical voice of a culture.

🎶Listen to Shajarian, the Bird of Freedom on
Apple podcast:


October 11, National Day of
Hafez Shirazi is the most celebrated of Persian poets who lived during the 14th century in the city of wine and orange blossoms, . Many Iranian singers have sung pieces from Hafez poems.
In this video, you're listening to Zolf, a pinnacle of loving ghazals from Hazfez, with the sing and music of Mohsen . The unique style of singing and the mixture of music from east and west has made Namjoo an iconic persona in contemporary world music.


October 11, National Day of

Hafez Shirazi is the most celebrated of Persian poets who lived during the 14th century in the city of wine and orange blossoms, . Many Iranian singers have sung pieces from Hafez poems.

In this video, you're listening to Zolf, a pinnacle of loving ghazals from Hazfez, with the sing and music of Mohsen . The unique style of singing and the mixture of music from east and west has made Namjoo an iconic persona in contemporary world music.


Khaju bridge, with paintings and tiles that decorated its double arcade was built by Shah Abbas II in about 1650, is as much a meeting place as a bearer of traffic, and at nighttime Esfahanis gather under the arches to sing: those people with the most convincing voices (or indeed songs) attract crowds.

You've listened to the sound of Khaju Bridge in the first episode, Isfahan the pattern of the world.

🎞 Foogie Sim


Episode 4: Iran Nomads, a Life on the Move

اپیزود 4: عشایر ایران، زندگی در حرکت

In this episode of Padena, you will have a clearer image of Iran nomads or Ashayer. Get familiar with their life on the move through music, literature and travelogues.

🎧 Listen to this episode from all podcast applications by searching Padena:
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The new episode is coming soon..
Iran Nomads, a Life on the Move

🎞️ The Lovers' Wind (Bad-e Saba), 1978


An excerpt from Edward Scott Waring travelogue
about Persian Hammam in 1807

The first room you enter is the place where you undress, smoke, talk, and hear the news of the day. The next room is the bath, whose floor is marble stone. And which is heated using the flues, which communicate with the fire that boils the water.

The fragrant earth of roses is commonly used in the Persian baths. As many persons are in the bath at one time, you pass part of your time in talking and smoking, and sometimes sleeping. The Persians delight in using the bath, and have a saying that “No man should visit a foreign country, where there is not a magistrate, physician, and a bath.”

🎧 Listen to this old travelogue on the episode 1 of Padena - Isfahan, the pattern of the world

📸 Vakil traditional bathhouse museum in Kerman, Amin Karimi


Episode 3: Shiraz, the perfume of orange blossoms

نیمه بهار، روز ملی شیراز است.
به اپیزود سوم پادنا گوش می کنید:
شیراز، عطر بهار نارنج

The mid-spring is the national day of .
The third episode of Padena brings the smell of spring in Shiraz, tells about the best of Persian poetry and music, and pictures divine gardens that Shiraz is home to them.

🎧 Listen to this episode from all podcast applications by searching Padena:


The new episode is coming soon..
Shiraz, the perfume of orange blossoms


🎵 Listen to the music of TV series “Ghesse haye Majid” composed by Naser Cheshm Azar.

The series was directed by Kiumars Pourahmad during the 1990s base on the book with the same name The Tales of Majid, by Iranian author Houshang Moradi Kermani, in 1985. Houshang Moradi says when he wrote the book, there was no publisher accepted to publish the book for nine months.

“The Tales of Majid”, tells the story of a teenage orphan boy, Majid, who lives with his grandmother, Bibi in the city of Kerman detailing a series of events faced by Majid. Though in the mini-series the Majid’s stories take place in the city of . The series, which was one of the most-watched mini-series in Iran after the Islamic Revolution has a listenable story behind it.

🎙 Listen to the episode 1 of Padena - Isfahan, the pattern of the world


Haji Firuz

Akin to the feast of fools, a comical figure tries to humour people in return for a tip for the last five days of the year. This figure known as Mir-e Nowruzi or as newer generation calls it Amoo Nowruz means uncle Nowruz.
Now the personification of this character has survived in “Haji Firuz” whose face is covered in soot, and his body clad in bright red clothing. Suddenly in the final days of the year before , Haji Firuz can be heard in the streets singing: “its Haji Firuz, the one you can see only once a year."
حاجی فیروزه، سالی یه روزه

🎧 Listen to the folklore songs about Haji Firuz on the episode of Nowruz


Episode 2: Nowruz, the Dance of the Spring
اپیزود 2: نوروز، رقص بهار

Listen to the melody of Nowruz, the Persian New Year, and the dance of spring adorned with the Iranian folkloric music and the mood of pre-Nowruz customs and all happenings during the most beloved celebration in Iran.

🎧 Listen to this episode from all podcast applications by searching Padena.

Timeline photos 28/02/2020

Looking back to when I was first planning my visit to , primarily wasn’t one of the top places I wanted to see because I had assumed it was one of the most touristy places in Iran. I included it in my itinerary because everyone I consulted insisted that it was a mistake not to visit.
After exploring Isfahan, I now understand why I would have regretted skipping Iran’s cultural capital. Apart from the city’s vibrant history, I met so many wonderful people in Isfahan and to every traveller that visits Iran, I think this is what sets it apart from other countries. ‌
It’s impossible not to fall in love with a place if you fall in love with the people. And Iranians are one of the kindest and welcoming people that I’ve encountered, if not the most. ‌

🎧 Listen to Chris's travelogue on the episode 1 of Padena - Isfahan, the pattern of the world


The mystery of the Shah Mosque dome in

It is a renaissance in Persian dome building affiliated with acoustic properties. You just need to stand right under the central point of the dome to convey your voice to the whole main sanctuary.

In the time when there was no amplifier or speaker, the genius architects used smooth tiles and calculated the angles to feature the reflection under the dome’s central point to enable the cleric to speak with a low voice and still be heard clearly by everyone inside the building. In this video, Maedeh sings under the Shah Mosque’s dome. ‌

🎙 Listen to the episode 1 of Padena - Isfahan, the pattern of the world


Welcome to podcast!

Listen to the melody of and its stories through the mother land’s music, literature and travelogues of ancient and contemporary travellers.

🎧 Listen to this episode from all podcast applications by searching Padena.
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Photos from Radio Padena's post 23/02/2020

An excerpt from Adam Olearius travelogue about in 1635

The city of has twelve gates, which nines are open above eighteen thousand houses, and about five-hundred thousand inhabitants.
The river Zayanda-rud which runs on the south and south-west side, on which side is the suburbs of .

Before it comes into the city it is divided into two branches, one of that falls in the park called Hazar jarib, where the king keeps all sorts of deer, and from the other branch there is drawn a current of water which passes by channels underground into the garden of Chahar Bagh. This river supplies the whole city with water .. ‌

🎙 Listen to this old travelogue on the episode 1 of Padena - Isfahan, the pattern of th world

📸 All paintings by Adam Olearius


Episode 1: Isfahan, the pattern of the world
رادیو پادنا، اپیزود اول: اصفهان، نقش جهان

Listen to Isfahan, as the top touristic city of Iran, through the music, literature, and travelogues. ‌

Now listen to this episode from all podcast applications by searching Padena, and Telegram channel .


The first episode is coming soon:
Isfahan, the pattern of the world
