Mariia Pencheva

Mariia Pencheva

Potrebbe piacerti anche


▫️AdV Expert 📈
▪️Designer 🎨
▫️Social Media Manager📱
▪️Copywriter ✍️
▫️ DM for cooperation 📩


Contenuti di qualità sono il combustibile del marketing digitale, alimentando la connessione e la fiducia con il pubblico.



Oggi ho ricevuto una domanda importante da un cliente interessato ai servizi di gestione dei social media, chiedendomi il prezzo. Ho fissato un onesto costo di 500 euro, ma la conversazione ha preso una piega interessante.

Alla fine, ho proposto qualcosa in più - l'utilizzo di una macchina fotografica professionale per fare foto e video. Al di là del prezzo, vorrei spiegare la reale importanza del ruolo di un Social Media Manager.


1. STRATEGIA DI CONTENUTO: Creare piani di contenuto coinvolgenti e rilevanti che si allineino agli obiettivi aziendali.

2. GESTIONE DELLE PIATTAFORME: Monitorare e curare i profili sui social media, garantendo coerenza e presenza attiva.

3. ANALISI E REPORTING: Valutare le prestazioni delle campagne e fornire report dettagliati per ottimizzare le strategie.

4. IMPEGNO DEL PUBBLICO: Coinvolgere la community attraverso risposte tempestive, commenti e interazioni.

5. MONITORAGGIO DELLA CONCORRENZA: Tenere traccia delle attività dei concorrenti per adattare la strategia di marketing.


Un Social Media Manager non è semplicemente un gestore di post, ma un architetto di presenza digitale. Il mio ruolo è fondamentale per costruire connessioni significative, aumentare la visibilità e, alla fine, contribuire al successo dell'azienda. Quindi, quando si considera il costo, ricorda che investire in un esperto di social media è investire nell'immagine e nella crescita a lungo termine del tuo brand.

Inoltre, Svolgere questo lavoro non implica solo la creazione di contenuti, ma anche la gestione delle immagini. Solitamente, questa responsabilità ricade sul fotografo, e va considerato come un impegno aggiuntivo e di consequenza un costo in più. Inoltre, per garantire risultati professionali, sono necessari diversi programmi come Canva, Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator, Adobe After Effects, e altri ancora. Quindi, considerando l'insieme di tutti questi costi, finirei per spendere molto di più rispetto a quanto potrei guadagnare.

Cosa ne pensate? Condividete la mia stessa opinione?


🚀 Sei pronto al cambiamento? Per fare decollare il tuo business e aumentare le vendite, è necessario intraprendere tre passi chiave.

🌐 Gestire al meglio i social media, creare un sito web visibile e lanciare campagne pubblicitarie mirate sono le fondamenta per il successo.

💼 Gestire i social media in modo strategico è come guidare una conversazione con il tuo pubblico. Utilizza piattaforme come Facebook, Instagram e Twitter per connetterti con la tua audience, condividere contenuti rilevanti e costruire una presenza digitale forte.

🌐 Creare un sito web visibile è cruciale per essere trovati online. Assicurati che il tuo sito sia ottimizzato per i motori di ricerca (SEO) e offra un'esperienza utente fluida. Un sito ben progettato aumenta la fiducia dei clienti e facilita la conversione delle visite in vendite.

📢 Lanciare campagne pubblicitarie mirate è il modo più diretto per raggiungere il tuo pubblico. Utilizza piattaforme pubblicitarie come Google Ads e Facebook Ads per raggiungere specifici segmenti di mercato. Investire in pubblicità può richiedere un impegno finanziario iniziale, ma i risultati possono essere significativi.

⚡ Ricorda, i soldi non arrivano dal cielo, ma gli investimenti mirati e l'impegno possono portare a guadagni duraturi. Se hai bisogno di supporto per implementare queste strategie o hai domande, non esitare a contattarmi. Sono qui per aiutarti a portare il tuo business al top! 💼✨

Photos from Mariia Pencheva's post 12/02/2024

Design a logo for the company.


In the dynamic world of digital marketing, affiliate marketing stands out as a powerhouse strategy, offering significant advantages for businesses. Here are three compelling reasons why affiliate marketing should be a key part of your business plan:

✔️ Performance-Based Model: 💰
Affiliate marketing operates on a pay-per-performance model, ensuring you only invest when desired actions, like sales or lead generation, occur.

✔️ Broadening Your Audience: 🌐
Collaborating with affiliates lets you tap into their existing audience, expanding your reach beyond traditional channels.

✔️ Boosting Your Reputation: 🌟
Affiliate endorsements enhance your brand's credibility, building trust and authenticity.

✔️ Cost-Effective Marketing: 💸
Affiliate marketing is remarkably cost-effective, with minimal upfront costs, making it attractive for businesses of all sizes.

✔️ Rapid Scaling of Traffic and Sales: 📈
Affiliate marketing allows for the rapid scaling of website traffic and sales, empowering your business to expand its market presence swiftly.

In conclusion, affiliate marketing's manifold benefits make it a strategic and efficient addition to your marketing mix. With its performance-based model, audience expansion, reputation boost, cost-effectiveness, and rapid scalability, affiliate marketing can propel your business to new heights in the competitive digital landscape.
🚀 💥


🚀 Elevate Your Online Presence with My Social Media Management Service! 🚀

Ready to take your social media game to the next level? My service is designed to supercharge your online presence, boost engagement, and turn followers into loyal customers.

1️⃣ Customized Social Strategy: 🎯
Tailored just for you! I will work closely to develop a plan aligned with your brand identity, goals, and target audience. Whether it's brand awareness, lead generation, or community building, I've got you covered!

2️⃣ Compelling Content Creation: 📸 📝
Content is king, and I crown your brand! I creatively produce eye-catching visuals and engaging copy that reflects your brand's personality. Get ready for a feed that stands out!

3️⃣ Daily Account Management: 🔄
Consistency is key! I handle posting, responding to comments, and keep your audience engaged daily. Focus on running your business while I handle social media.

📈 Results-Driven Approach:
I aim for results, backed by data. My analytics-driven approach ensures continuous monitoring and optimization of your social media efforts to maximize ROI.

💬 Stay Connected, Stay Relevant:
In today's fast-paced digital landscape, staying connected is crucial. My service ensures your brand stays relevant, engages with your community, and remains top-of-mind.

Ready to boost your brand's social media presence? DM me for cooperation! 🚀


🚀 Digital Marketing Mastery: Reach and Convert! 🎯

In today's dynamic digital space, reaching your audience and converting leads is the key to success. Here's why our Digital Marketing solutions are your strategic ally:

🎯 Targeted Reach, Amplified Impact:
My strategies ensure your message hits the right audience at the right time, maximizing your brand's impact through precise targeting and strategic campaigns.

💡 Innovative Strategies, Lasting Impressions:
Stay ahead with my innovative approach, leveraging the latest trends in social media, content marketing, SEO, and email marketing for impactful and lasting impressions.

📈 Convert Leads into Customers:
My conversion-focused approach optimizes funnels, incorporates compelling calls-to-action, and uses data-driven insights to turn leads into loyal customers.

🤝 Build Lasting Relationships:
Beyond transactions, I help your brand connect deeply with the audience, fostering loyalty and repeat business through targeted engagement and personalized interactions.

🔍 Data-Driven Decision Making:
My strategies are powered by comprehensive analytics, enabling us to make informed decisions, track performance, and continually optimize your campaign.

Ready to elevate your digital presence and transform your business?
DM me explore how my Digital Marketing solutions can work for you. 🚀


Crafting an Effective Digital Marketing Strategy in 5 Steps 🚀**

1. Identify Objectives:
Define clear goals for your digital marketing. Whether it's brand awareness, lead generation, or sales conversion, a solid foundation starts with knowing your objectives. 🎯

2. Create Useful Personas:
Understand your audience. Develop detailed personas representing your ideal customers. This insight helps tailor your content for maximum impact. 👥

3. Set the Budget:
Allocate resources strategically. Establish a realistic budget aligning with your objectives. This ensures financial support for your campaigns. 💰

4. Make a Plan:
Craft a comprehensive digital marketing plan. Use various channels like social media and email for a cohesive approach. 📝

5. Plan Evaluation:
Regularly assess your strategy. Monitor key performance indicators to gauge effectiveness. Adapt your plan based on insights gained, keeping it dynamic. 🔄

Follow these steps to build a robust digital marketing strategy that meets objectives and evolves with the digital landscape. 💡


Unveiling Marketing Data Analytics 🚀

In the dynamic realm of marketing, is vital for informed decision-making. Explore four key types:

1. HINDSIGHT (Descriptive Analytics): What happened?
Examining historical data reveals past trends, aiding in refining future strategies. 📊

2. INSIGHT (Predictive Analytics): What will happen?
Forecasting future trends empowers proactive decision-making, staying ahead in the market. 🔮

3. INSIGHT (Diagnostic Analytics): Why did it happen?
Uncovering factors behind past events helps optimize strategies and mitigate challenges. 🕵️‍♂️

4. FORESIGHT (Prescriptive Analytics): What can we make it happen?
Providing actionable recommendations, prescriptive analytics optimizes campaigns and resource allocation. 💡

Comprehensive integrates these types, ensuring a data-driven and future-focused approach to success.
🌐 💥


Smart Grocery Shopping: 5 Money-Saving Tips! 🛒💰

Save money on your grocery bill with these simple yet effective tips:

- Make a List and Stick to It! 📝
Plan your shopping in advance by creating a list. Stick to it to avoid impulse purchases and stay within your budget.

- Compare Prices Between Stores 💳
Explore different stores and compare prices. Sometimes, a short trip to another store can lead to significant savings on your overall bill.
- Take Advantage of Sales and Coupons 💸
Keep an eye out for sales and discounts. Utilize coupons to maximize your savings on essential items.
- Buy in Bulk When Possible ⚖️
Consider purchasing non-perishable items in bulk. This often comes at a lower unit price and reduces the frequency of shopping trips.
- Plan Ahead for Meals and Snacks 🍎
Plan your meals and snacks for the week. This helps you buy only what you need, minimizing waste and ensuring you have cost-effective options readily available.

Implement these tips on your next grocery run and watch your savings grow! Happy shopping! 🛍️



Avoid These 5 Digital Marketing Mistakes! 🚫

In the dynamic world of digital marketing, steering clear of certain pitfalls is crucial for success. Here are five common mistakes to avoid:

- Sacrificing Quality for Volume 📉
Resist the urge to flood platforms with content. Prioritize quality over quantity to maintain audience engagement and trust.

- Ignoring Emails 📧
Overlooking email marketing is a missed opportunity. Craft targeted and valuable email campaigns to nurture customer relationships and drive conversions.

- Not Offering Users a Great UX 🌐
A poor user experience can drive potential customers away. Invest in an intuitive and enjoyable user interface to enhance engagement and satisfaction.

- Being Afraid to Ask for Help 🤝
Don't hesitate to seek assistance. Digital marketing is complex, and collaboration with experts can bring valuable insights and strategies to the table.

- Buying Backlinks 💸
Building organic backlinks is crucial for SEO. Avoid the temptation to buy links, as this can harm your website's credibility and search engine rankings.

By steering clear of these digital marketing missteps, you'll be on the path to building a robust and effective online presence. 🌟



Transform Your Business: 4 Digitalization Essentials 🌐

- Embrace A Digital Culture 🚀
Cultivate a digital-friendly workplace culture for continuous adaptation to evolving technologies.

- Document Signing ✍️
Expedite processes with digital document signing, boosting efficiency and reducing environmental impact.

- Digitalization of Your Files 🗄️
Transition to digital file storage for organized, space-efficient access to information.

- Employee Feedback Digitalization 📊
Modernize feedback with online platforms for real-time insights, fostering continuous improvement.

Embrace these digital strategies for streamlined operations and future-ready success. 🌟



Marketing Analytics Unleashed! 📊🚀

Discover the 6 key features driving marketing success:

1. Integrated Data View:
Unify data from diverse sources for a complete marketing landscape overview.

2. Real-time Campaign Tracking:
Optimize campaigns on the fly with detailed real-time performance insights.

3. Targeted Customer Segmentation:
Tailor strategies for specific customer groups through effective segmentation.

4. Attribution Modeling Precision:
Understand customer journeys better with precise attribution modeling.

5. Instant Monitoring and Alerts:
Stay ahead in the digital realm with real-time monitoring and timely alerts.

6. Concrete ROI Measurement:
Prove your marketing impact with direct revenue attribution.

Empower your marketing strategy with these features, ensuring precision and power in the dynamic digital landscape! 🚀📈



Marketing Analytics Program 📊🚀

Marketing Analytics Programs offer vital insights, transforming raw data into actionable strategies. Here's a glimpse:

1. Data-Driven Decision-Making:
Gain insights into customer behavior, campaign performance, and overall marketing effectiveness.

2. Campaign Optimization:
Identify successful strategies and refine campaigns in real-time for improved effectiveness.

3. Customer Understanding:
Create detailed buyer personas, tailoring messaging based on customer journeys and preferences.

4. Real-time Adaptation:
Monitor and adapt campaigns in real-time, staying agile in the dynamic digital landscape.

5. Measuring ROI:
Attribute revenue directly to marketing activities, proving the tangible impact of campaigns.

6. Integration and Efficiency:
Seamlessly integrate with other tools, creating a unified ecosystem for streamlined processes.

7. Continuous Improvement:
Foster a culture of continuous improvement by iterating strategies based on data-driven insights.

8. Future-Proofing:
Invest in a Marketing Analytics Program for sustained success, adapting to changing consumer behaviors.

Embrace the strategic imperative of analytics to supercharge your marketing efforts and propel your business forward! 🚀📈



Boost E-Commerce Success with SEO! 🚀

In the competitive e-commerce landscape, a robust online presence is a must. Here's a quick guide to e-commerce SEO:

1. Keyword Research:
Identify key product keywords using tools like Google Keyword Planner. Integrate them naturally into titles, descriptions, and meta tags.

2. Optimize Product Pages:
Ensure product pages are search engine optimized with unique descriptions, high-quality images, and optimized meta tags.

3. Mobile-Friendly Design:
Prioritize a mobile-friendly website for a seamless user experience and better Google rankings.

4. Site Speed:
Boost site speed by compressing images and minimizing unnecessary scripts.

5. Quality Backlinks:
Build quality backlinks from reputable sites to enhance your search engine rankings.

6. User-Generated Content:
Encourage customer reviews for trust and valuable, search engine-friendly content.

7. Structured Data Markup:
Implement for rich snippets in search results, providing more information to users.

8. Social Media Integration:
Utilize social media for promotions and engagement, indirectly impacting SEO.

9. Regular Content Updates:
Keep content fresh by regularly updating product listings and blog posts.

10. Analytics and Monitoring:
Use analytics tools to track and adjust your SEO strategy based on performance data.

Integrate these SEO tactics to elevate your e-commerce site, attract organic traffic, and convert visitors into happy customers! 🛒✨



Behind the Scenes: Sharing the Spark of My Daily Endeavors ✨



📸 Capturing Moments, Creating Memories! 🌟

Are you ready to turn your precious moments into timeless memories? Look no further! As a passionate photographer, I am thrilled to offer you an exclusive opportunity to capture life's beautiful moments with a dazzling 30% discount on all photography services!

✨ What's Included:

- Photo Session Experience: Immerse yourself in a fun and relaxed photo session where your unique personality and style shine through.

- 10 Professionally Edited Photos: Each image carefully retouched to perfection, preserving the essence of the moment and enhancing its visual appeal.

- Mini Video Photo: Experience the magic of motion with a captivating mini video photo, bringing your memories to life in a dynamic and engaging format.

4.Digital Photo Source: Receive the high-resolution digital files, giving you the flexibility to print, share, and cherish your memories in the way that suits you best.

🎁Bonus Perks:

- Personalized consultation to ensure your vision and preferences are met.
- Prompt delivery of your edited photos and video, so you can relive the moments sooner.
- Option to customize your package with additional services or prints at a discounted rate.

📆 Limited Time Offer! Book Now!

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to capture your cherished moments at a special discounted rate! Reach out today to schedule your session and let's create memories that last a lifetime. ❤️🌟



The Art and Science of Thinking: Crafting a Symphony of Creativity and Logic 🎨🧠

💬 Thinking's true beauty lies in the fusion of art and science, a harmonious symphony where creativity dances with logic. Scientific breakthroughs are often propelled by flashes of creative insight, showcasing the seamless integration of these seemingly disparate realms.
🖌 How would you describe what you see in this photo?

Photos from Mariia Pencheva's post 04/12/2023

The Woman in Red: A Believer in Love and Kindness ❤️🌟

In a fast-paced world, she moves with grace, believing in love's ability to heal, bridge divides, and create a world where empathy reigns.

Her commitment to kindness is a way of life. Small acts, like a warm smile or a helping hand, hold the power to make a difference.

❤️🌟 📷🎥💙

Photos from Mariia Pencheva's post 04/12/2023


In the creative world, photography blends passion with financial opportunity. Whether a hobbyist or entrepreneur, it's a captivating pastime with income potential.

Monetizing Your Passion 📷💼

Photography serves as both a fulfilling hobby and a lucrative business:

1. Stock Photography: Share high-quality images on stock websites and earn royalties.

2. Freelance Photography: Offer services for events, portraits, or product shoots.

3. Prints and Merchandise: Turn your best shots into prints or merchandise.

4. Social Media Influence: Showcase your work for collaboration and sponsored posts.

Investing in Your Craft 📸📈

To transition from a hobbyist to a profitable photographer:

- Upgrade skills through workshops and stay updated on industry trends.

- Balance passion with practicality; develop a business mindset.

In conclusion, photography harmoniously blends passion and profit. Whether capturing joy or seeking entrepreneurial opportunities, embrace the journey, and turn your love for photography into a fulfilling endeavor. 📷💙💸

Photos from Mariia Pencheva's post 04/12/2023

Embrace Joy: A Guide to Sustaining Happiness Throughout Your Life 😊 Like This Happy Girl on


Let the Photo Speak 📷✨: Silence in Imagery 🌟

In a world filled with words, there are moments when a photograph's simplicity eclipses the need for text. Social media and messaging apps often demand our thoughts, but sometimes, a well-captured image conveys more than words ever could.

In an age of information overload, visual storytelling is reclaiming significance. A photo freezes a moment, preserving emotions and narratives without relying on words. Scroll through your camera roll, and a photo can instantly transport you back to a memory, speaking volumes without uttering a single word.

The universality of imagery makes it a formidable communicator, evoking empathy and sparking curiosity without a shared language. This isn't to undermine words' significance, but sometimes a photo's profound simplicity speaks louder than a thousand words, allowing viewers to interpret, connect, and feel without linguistic constraints.

So, the next time words fail, let the photo speak. Embrace the eloquence of visual storytelling, where the silence of an image resonates far beyond the noise of written language. 📷✨🌟


🌟 Capture the Magic of Your Special Day! 📸✨

Are you ready to turn your precious moments into timeless memories? Look no further! I am specialize in creating stunning photographic experiences for your most cherished occasions.

📷 Photography Excellence:
I will dedicated to capturing the essence of your special day. Whether it's a wedding, engagement, anniversary, or any other milestone, i have an eye for detail that ensures every moment is beautifully preserved.

🎥 Complimentary Video Gift:
As a token of my appreciation, i am offering a complimentary video of your special day! Relive the laughter, tears, and joy as we craft a cinematic masterpiece that perfectly complements your photo album.

🌈 Skills
- Creative and artistic approach
- High-quality equipment for stunning visuals
- Personalized service to meet your unique needs
- Complimentary video as a gift with every package

💌 How to Collaborate:
For inquiries and to discuss your upcoming event, reach out to us directly. We believe in the power of personal connections and would love to hear more about your vision for the day.

📬 Contact Me:
☎️ Direct Message

Let me transform your special moments into a visual masterpiece that you'll treasure for a lifetime. Book your session now and let the magic unfold through my lens! 🌟📸✨ 📍Geolocation : Milan


Crafting Irresistible Offers: Boost Sales & Expand Clientele 🚀

Few pieces of advice from my experience:

✔ Know Your Audience:Deeply understand their needs and preferences through research and analytics.

✔ Deliver Genuine Value: Go beyond discounts; showcase unique features that enhance the overall customer experience.

✔ Create Urgency: Introduce limited-time promotions to prompt quick decisions and drive demand.

✔ Bundle and Save: Combine products or services to create value-packed packages, encouraging customers to buy more.

✔ Loyalty Programs: Reward existing customers with exclusive discounts, early access, or redeemable points.

✔ Personalized Offers: Use customer data to tailor offers based on preferences, fostering a sense of value and understanding.

✔ Transparent Communication: Clearly communicate the benefits and savings of your offers to build trust.

✔ Test and Iterate: Regularly analyze offer performance, A/B test strategies, and adapt based on customer feedback for continuous improvement. 🔄

Crafting irresistible offers is a dynamic process; stay agile to meet evolving customer needs and expectations. 🌟


🎨✨ **Elevate Your Business with Stunning Designs! ✨🎨**

Hello there! 👋 Ready to boost your business with captivating visuals and eye-catching graphics? Look no further! I'm an experienced designer ready to transform your ideas into visually striking presentations, pictures, banners, and more.

What sets me apart? A unique blend of creativity, technical expertise, and a keen understanding of design principles. Whether you're a startup, small business, or an established enterprise, I have the skills to tailor visuals that resonate with your brand and captivate your audience.

Which programs do I use?
🖌️Adobe Photoshop: Unleashing the power of photo editing and manipulation.
✏️ Illustrator: Precision and scalability for crafting vector graphics.
🎨 Figma: Seamless teamwork for collaborative design projects.
🖼️ Canva: Quick turnarounds with a user-friendly interface.
🎬 Adobe After Effects: Adding motion and dynamism to visuals.
🎞️ Adobe Premiere: Ensuring video editing excellence.

What I Offer:
1. Presentations: Transform your concepts into dynamic presentations.
2. Pictures: Create images that speak volumes and draw attention.
3. Banners: Design attention-grabbing banners for various platforms.

Why Choose Me?
🌐 Diverse Skill Set: Proficient in various design and video editing tools.
🤝 Collaborative Approach: Work closely with clients to bring their vision to life.
🚀 Timely Delivery: Designs and videos delivered promptly without compromising quality.

Ready to transform your brand with compelling visuals? Let's embark on a design and video editing journey together! Drop me a message, and let's discuss how we can bring your ideas to life.

Let's create something extraordinary! 🚀✨

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Video (vedi tutte)

Crafted a brief and engaging YouTube video presentation (5sec) #adobeaftereffects #photoshop #illustrator #digital #mark...
🌟 Success isn't a stroke of luck, it's a carefully crafted journey. Without a solid promotion strategy, it's like sailin...


Sito Web



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