Luiss School of Government, Rome Videos

Videos by Luiss School of Government in Rome. La Luiss SoG offre una formazione di eccellenza nei settori pubblico e privato

Carolina De Stefano

Perché iscriversi al Corso Intensivo di Preparazione al Concorso per la Carriera Diplomatica della Luiss SoG?
🎤 Risponde la Professoressa Carolina De Stefano, Coordinatrice del Programma.

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Carolina De Stefano
Perché iscriversi al Corso Intensivo di Preparazione al Concorso per la Carriera Diplomatica della Luiss SoG? 🎤 Risponde la Professoressa Carolina De Stefano, Coordinatrice del Programma. Le iscrizioni sono ora aperte. Iscriviti subito:

Vuoi eccellere nella comunicazione e nel marketing politico ed istituzionale? Il Master in Comunicazione e Marketing Politico ed Istituzionale della Luiss School of Government diretto da Francesco Giorgino della Luiss School of Government ti offre le competenze giuste. Scopri di più!

Perché iscriversi al Corso Intensivo di Preparazione al Concorso per la Carriera Diplomatica della Luiss SoG? 🎤 Risponde la Professoressa Carolina De Stefano, Coordinatrice del Programma. 📢 Le iscrizioni sono ora aperte. Iscriviti subito!

Scopri il Master in Comunicazione e Marketing Politico ed Istituzionale della Luiss School of Government, diretto da Francesco Giorgino. Questo programma avanzato è progettato per formare figure professionali capaci di svolgere con successo l’attività di digital marketer aziendale e di comunicatore d’impresa e politico. Prepara il tuo futuro! Iscriviti ora:

📌 Wrapping Up: Executive Master in Global Public Diplomacy and Sustainable Development in partnership with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and with the support of the Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale🌍 We are delighted to share the successful completion of the recent edition of our Executive Master in Global Public Diplomacy and Sustainable Development. This program has been an invaluable opportunity to explore the complexities of international relations with a focus on Africa. The insights gained and discussions held have been truly enlightening. We trust that all the participants found the coursework rewarding and enjoyed the vibrant atmosphere of Rome. We look forward to crossing paths again in the future!

MCS Collombier
Our new Master’s Programme in Mediterranean Cooperation and Security provides a comprehensive understanding of the multi-level interdependence that will characterize the future of the macro-region. Virginie Collombier, Scientific Coordinator at the Luiss Mediterranean Platform, explains this Programme's distinctive advantages and opportunities. Watch the full interview to learn more! 👇 Learn about security, cooperation, and sustainability in the Mediterranean region, apply now:

🌍 Why Enroll in the Master's Programme in Mediterranean Cooperation and Security? 🌍 In our Master's program, we provide a multidisciplinary approach that integrates political science, international relations, and security studies to address the complex challenges of the Mediterranean region. You will be able to experience the Mediterranean perspective not only from Italy but also from Spain, the Emirates, and Morocco! Programme Director Prof. Maria Elena Cavallaro explains this program's unique benefits and opportunities. Watch the full interview to learn more! 👇

#Press 🗞 Obiettivi e avanzamento del hashtag#PNRR: l'intervento per Tgcom24 del Prof. Luciano Monti, Docente di Politiche dell'Unione europea e Senior Fellow alla SoG. Rivedi l'intervento integrale 👇

Narbone CNA
Yesterday, Prof. Luigi Narbone, Director of the Luiss Mediterranean Platform at Luiss SoG, was interviewed by CNA (Channel News Asia) concerning the nuanced and evolving European approach to the Israeli invasion of Gaza. The interview was part of an in-depth report focusing on the upcoming G7 summit, which Italy is set to host. In his remarks, Prof. Narbone reflected on the changing stances and approaches of the European Union and Western bloc countries towards the situation in Gaza. He also highlighted the extension of military operations in the Strip and the dire humanitarian situation. Listen to the interview below!

Corso Diplomazia
Perché iscriversi al Corso Intensivo di Preparazione al Concorso per la Carriera Diplomatica della Luiss SoG? 🎤 Risponde la Professoressa Carolina De Stefano, Coordinatrice del Programma. 📢 Le iscrizioni sono ora aperte. Iscriviti subito!

Narbone TG1 Mattina
Today, Professor Luigi Narbone returned to TG1 Mattina to discuss the death of Iranian President Raisi and its implications for Iran and the wider region. Prof. Narbone commented on the announcement of the upcoming elections, stating that change is unlikely: "The regime has sent a clear message of continuity”, leaving no room for uncertainty. Moreover, it will become clear in the coming days who will be the leading candidate. According to Professor Narbone is likely be a hardliner of the regime. Nevertheless, the election will be a key moment in the history of the Islamic Republic, as it will reveal the reaction and attitude of the people. The regime is, indeed, in danger of losing its legitimacy, not only among the youth and women, who in 2022 where leading the protests against the regime and are demanding more civil rights, but also among the middle class worried about the country's economic problems. Commenting on the impact of Raisi's death on the Gaza War and on the regional tensions. Prof. Narbone said it is unlikely to affect the conflict as foreign policy remains firmly in the hands of the Pasdaran and the Supreme Leader. Moreover, Iran's links with the Axis of Resistance militias remain well established and active. 💡 Prof. Narbone will be part of the faculty in our upcoming Master in Mediterranean Cooperation and Security. If you are interested in the dynamics shaping the region discover our program and Prof. Narbone and Prof. Virginie Collombier class “Geopolitics of the broader Mediterranean” here: hashtag#LuissMediterraneanPlatform hashtag#LuissSchoolofGovernemnt

📢 🌟 #ApplyNow📢 🌟 The Joint Master in EU Trade & Climate Diplomacy (hashtag#EUDIPLO) is addressed to a new generation of policymakers interested in European policy promoting sustainability in international relations, science diplomacy, politics, and research in sustainable development. The Master is taught in Rome, Berlin, and Nice. 📢 🌍 If you want to deepen your knowledge in this field apply now!: 🖋 The Master EUDIPLO is in partnership with CIFE, Centre international de formation européenne