Adaeze 1

Adaeze 1

Believe in yourself so strongly that the world can’t help but believe in you too.



Life is full of unfriendly friends.
Some people didn't die when the arrow was in their chest, they died when they saw who threw the arrow.

Here are 14 Signs of Unfriendly friends;
1. Unfriendly friends plot against you at night and laugh with you in the morning. They smile a lot and act nice to you, but really, they are talking and gossiping behind your back.

2. They appear when they need you and disappear when you need them the most. They are very selfish and self-centered.

3. Your Success threatens them. They get upset when something good happens to you. They are highly covetous.

4. They blackmail you emotional. Takes advantage of you. Cause you pain, hurt you and deceive you.

5. They always try to compete with you and make you feel they are better than you.

6. Unfriendly friends always criticize you negatively. They constantly point out all the negative things about your Life. They don't see anything good about you.

7. They discredit you and doubt everything you say or do. They hold you in low esteem and spread lies about you. They lack faith in you and belittle your achievements.

8. They are not consistent. You cannot depend or rely on them. They are not trustworthy.

9. Unfriendly friends don't feel bad or remorse when they hurt you. They never apologize rather they are judgmental; always feeling they are right.

10. They rejoice when something bad happens to you. Your pain gives them Joy.

11. Unfriendly friends will never patronize you even if you sell the secrets to Long Life and Prosperity, all because of envy and jealousy.

12. They are happy when you share your secrets with them, because, they are going to use it against you, to blackmail, hurt or betray you without your notice.

13. They will follow you to eat, drink and have good times but will never contribute even when they have.

14. When matters are discussed behind you, they will speak against you and people will readily believe cos they know he or she is close to you. Same minute they will come tell you how they tried defending you in a meeting and paint others bad in your presence.

Sometimes, your problem is not the Problem; your actual Problem is the person you tell your problem.

Beware of Unfriendly friends( )


Listen to people when they are angry, because that is when the real truth comes out.

Ekelem chim . 24/11/2023

Ekelem chim . Ekelem chim is a new single by Adaeze page. please listen down load share and comment.



"Apparently, when you treat people the same way they treat you, they get offended!"


The one who meets you at your dark and shows your inner light when you have given up any hope of better days is the one you hold on to. You don't find such people too often. Never let go of someone who sees your potential and knows how to treat you right.


"We all make mistakes, have struggles, and even regret things in our past. But you are not your mistakes, you are not your struggles, and you are here NOW with the power to shape your day and your future." - Steve Maraboli


"Your dream doesn’t have an expiration date. Take a deep breath and try again."


Don't look back. Life is about focusing on what lies in front of you and not over your shoulder.


"I still have a long way to go, but I’m already so far from where I used to be, and I’m proud of that."


Be careful with picking the people you hang out with every day. They have a big effect on your life's flow.


Those that spend life abusing others can never be fulfilled. They can't be you. They can never be you. You are divine being & they're cursed by divine. You'll get over them. Wounds will heal. But they'll be stuck forever in their miserable patterns. That's the destiny they chose.


When you start thinking, negatives make way to your thoughts faster than positives. Don't let doubts cloud judgement. Life like you know it may not be the best for you. Allow yourself to expand your vision. A lot that went unnoticed earlier can now make life better. Let it happen


"You will always have ups and downs in your life and your career, but just stay positive and go for it."


I have reached 100 followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉


People see you with their tunnel vision, based on own experience & understanding. That doesn't define you. Their limitation isn't your boundation. You're different. Your potential is different. You aren't supposed to follow their vision. You're allowed to chase your own passions.


It's funny how we outgrow what we once thought we couldn't live without, and then we fall in love with what we didn't even know we wanted. Life keeps leading us on journeys we could never go on if it were up to us. Don't be afraid. Have faith, find the lessons. Trust the journey.


There is not enough room in your mind for both worry and faith. You must decide which one gets to live there.


How do emotionally intelligent people deal with negative feelings?


It's rare to find true best friends, but once you do, their value is priceless like gold. Cherish and honor them with love and respect.


Greatest wealth is yours when you act on your goals to serve others, make things easier for others, make life better for others.


When you're alone, you reflect. You reflect, then over think. You over think, then regret. You regret and become depressed!


Forgive them, not because their actions were okay but because you deserve peace of mind. Let their hurt go so you can heal and move forward with your life.


Lord, I am confident that You alone are the controlling influence who governs my feelings, desires, thoughts, hopes because I belong to You. I look to You to guide me by Your Spirit along the Path of Life, so my will aligns with Your plan and harmony for my life. Amen!


Please keep me, Lord, and hold me close to You while I continue walking the Path of Life according to Your plan and harmony for my life for Your glory, in the name of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah! Amen!


"Everything is going to be alright, maybe not today, but eventually."


"If you can stay positive in a negative situation, you win."


"Life’s not about expecting, hoping and wishing, it’s about doing, being and becoming."


"Breakups hurt, but losing someone who doesn't respect and appreciate you is actually a gain, not a loss."


"Accept what life offers you and try to drink from every cup. All wines should be tasted; some should only be sipped, but with others, drink the whole bottle."


"Confidence is silent. Insecurities are loud."


Once you have true feelings for someone, it will always be there. You may not like them anymore, but you still care.


Lord, I am thankful, You know what is best for me, You hear me when I call, and Your Spirit guides me along the Path of life in peace and safety. I am thankful that You fill me up, my cup runs over as Your goodness and mercy are with me, following me all the days of my life.Amen.


Dear God: Please renew my mind, refresh my spirit, and cleanse my heart. Give me a new start.


We all struggle. Some of us more than others. There’s nothing wrong in admitting that we do. It makes us human. Life is not a walk in the park. Life is hard. It's also beautiful. You’ll feel happy & sad. Hurt & joy. Whatever you do, be real and keep friends who are real too.

Photos from Tessytop Productions's post 11/11/2022

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When you're alone, you reflect. You reflect, then over think. You over think, then regret. You regret and become depress...

