DevOps in the clouds

DevOps in the clouds

DevOps in the clouds - the technological blog of Patrycjusz Czerniga.

DevOpsDays Ukraine 14/09/2023

The online conference DevOpsDays Ukraine: Disaster Recovery at scale will begin in just 4 hours. This two-day conference (September 14-15) focuses on topics such as:
- Emergency cloud migration and cost optimization tricks during the first months of a full-scale invasion of Ukraine
- Compliance and Regulatory Standards Are Not Incompatible With Modern Development Best Practices
- Beyond Engineering: The Future of Platforms
- The Case for Self-Service Tooling
- Key strategies to overcome the challenges of operating

In addition, you will have the opportunity to take part in:
🔸 Fireside Chat with the co-founder of DevOpsDays, Patrick Debois.
🔸 Cultural Talks by top experts Charity Majors, Iaroslav Molochko, Manuel Pais, Adriana Villela just to name a few.
🔸 Ignite talks: DevOps in GameDev, Socio-Technical Engineering, FQDN Egress Control and much more.

Check out agenda & register 👉
When? September 14-15
Where? Online

Highly recommended!

DevOpsDays Ukraine On September 14-15 we're running online DevOps event: 12+ world’s experts, 2000+ attendees from all over the world! Join us and get insights about main topic — Disaster Recovery⚙️

How to become a certified GitOps specialist? - DevOps in the clouds - the technological blog of Patrycjusz Czerniga 25/08/2023

Although GitOps is not a formal standard, it has become the de facto one in the DevOps field. Looking for a good training course on this topic, I found the Fundamentals course prepared by Codefresh. The training turned out to be a very interesting experience. This is mainly due to the fact that the theory on GitOps is verified in practice using the tool. So we also have the opportunity to get familiar with one of the best tools for continual deplolyments.

I described my experience with this course as well as the exam itself on my blog:

How to become a certified GitOps specialist? - DevOps in the clouds - the technological blog of Patrycjusz Czerniga Do you want to become a certified GitOps specialist? On this page you will find information about the certification for this specialty.

How to create an AWS EKS cluster using AWS CLI? - DevOps in the clouds - the technological blog of Patrycjusz Czerniga 10/05/2023

Choosing the right solution to run your application or service in the AWS cloud can be difficult. Much here depends on factors such as the size of the service, how often it is updated or how it is deployed. However, the solution that offers the most possibilities is the Kubernetes cluster within Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). Getting started with this tool can be difficult, so I have prepared a tutorial on how to set up an environment to work with EKS. In the tutorial I described step by step how to prepare the necessary tools and run the first service on the cluster. I invite you to the post:

How to create an AWS EKS cluster using AWS CLI? - DevOps in the clouds - the technological blog of Patrycjusz Czerniga In this article, I will show you how to prepare your first AWS EKS cluster and run an nginx server.


25 kwietnia odbędzie się czwarta edycja kultowej międzynarodowej konferencji DevOpsDays Kraków, która skupia społeczność DevOps. To wyjątkowe wydarzenie zapewni uczestnikom doskonałą okazję do poszerzenia wiedzy z zakresu DevOps, nauki od najlepszych specjalistów IT z całej Europy, nawiązania kontaktów biznesowych oraz networkingu. W programie konferencji znajdą się solidna dawka wiedzy, prezentacje techniczne oraz praktyczne case’y.

Kupując bilet z kodem "DEVOPS15", uczestnicy mogą skorzystać z promocji i uzyskać wejściówkę 15% taniej.

Zadbaj o swój rozwój, dołącz jeszcze dziś !
Dowiedz się więcej

AWS User Group PL Meetup @Poznań, wt., 28 lut 2023, 18:00 | Meetup 20/02/2023

Jeśli nie mieliście okazji uczestniczyć osobiście w największej imprezie organizowanej przez AWS: AWS re:Invent 2022, a chcielibyście się dowiedzieć co nowego pojawi się w chmurze Amazonu, to macie wyśmienitą okazję. Jarosław Szczepankiewicz i Filip Koczorowski, którzy uczestniczyli w tej konferencji opowiedzą o swoich wrażeniach i przemyśleniach podczas pierwszego w tym roku spotkania poznańskiej AWS User Group.

Oprócz podsumowania konferencji pojawi się też drugi, bardzo ciekawy temat: dobre praktyki w AWS EKS. Patryk Wasielewski wprowadzi nas w temat istotny w z punktu widzenia bezpieczeństwa, stabilności czy też skalowalności klastrów Kubernetes zarządzanych przez AWS.

📆 wtorek, 28 lutego 2023
⏰ godz. 18:00
📌 ul. Mielżyńskiego 14 (Okrąglak), Poznań w firmie GFT Poland

Filip Koczorowski - Senior Cloud Solutions Architect w GFT Polska,
Jarosław Szczepankiewicz - Senior Cloud Solutions Architect, Lead of Architecture Family w GFT Polska
Patryk Wasielewski - DevOps Consultant w Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Sprawdź agendę i zobacz, dlaczego nie możesz tego przegapić!

AWS User Group PL Meetup @Poznań, wt., 28 lut 2023, 18:00 | Meetup Przed Wami pierwsze w tym roku spotkanie poznańskiej AWS User Group. Spotkanie odbędzie się we wtorek 28 lutego o godzinie 18:00. Sprawdź agendę i zobacz, dlaczego nie może

Create a free AWS account and configure the AWS CLI 09/12/2022

Getting started with Amazon Web Services ( ) can be tricky, especially for people who have no experience with cloud computing. That's why I've prepared a tutorial showing you how to create a free AWS account and how to configure the AWS CLI console. This will give you a free trial and familiarize you with the operation of various AWS products and services, allowing you to better understand their capabilities and limitations. In addition, you will also be able to use the AWS CLI tool, which allows you to manage your resources in an advanced way. I invite you to visit my blog post:

Create a free AWS account and configure the AWS CLI What is AWS? AWS stands for Amazon Web Services, which is a cloud computing services...

Re:invent 2022 Releases sorted 05/12/2022

The AWS re:Invent conference took place last week. This is a great opportunity to present new features across the AWS ecosystem. If you want to see what has changed in an area of interest to you, I invite you to check out Jacob Verhoeks post, which has compiled a list of 83 pages detailing these changes: .

Re:invent 2022 Releases sorted An overview of all the releases sorted per group. This re:invent was very focused on Data &...

How to create a first CI project in GitHub Actions workflows? - DevOps in the clouds - the technological blog of Patrycjusz Czerniga 01/12/2022

How to create a first CI project in GitHub Actions workflows? - DevOps in the clouds - the technological blog of Patrycjusz Czerniga In this article, I will show you how to prepare your first CI project in GitHub Acrtions workflow in 10 minutes.

How to create a first CI project in GitHub Actions workflows? - DevOps in the clouds - the technological blog of Patrycjusz Czerniga 01/12/2022

I recently had the opportunity to work with GitHub Actions workflows. After a few days of work, it is clear that the tool offers a lot of possibilities. A unique feature of the tool is that the pipelines consist of steps called actions. These actions can be downloaded from the official store as well as from the many repositories available on GitHub. In addition, the tool integrates very well with Git repositories, which are stored stored on this service.

On the big downside, I can point out that one of the basic features of CI/CD systems like the ability to use your own pipelines as shared libraries (Reusable workflows) requires an Enterprise license. This feature (shared libraries) has been in Jenkins for a long time and for free ....

I prepared a post on my blog where I show how you can quickly get started with GitHub Actions workflows. It should not take more than 10 minutes to prepare your first pipeline. I invite everyone to the article:

How to create a first CI project in GitHub Actions workflows? - DevOps in the clouds - the technological blog of Patrycjusz Czerniga In this article, I will show you how to prepare your first CI project in GitHub Acrtions workflow in 10 minutes.


In 11 days AWS Pop-up Hub Warsaw 2022 will start! ⏰

It's the biggest and free event in PL and by , which is organised as a festival: you can pick and choose interesting topics from a week-long schedule! ☁️

Join us by registering here:

DevOpsDays Warsaw 23/09/2022

Już niedługo (👉24-25 października 2022👈) w Akademii Leona Koźmińskiego w Warszawie, rusza ósma, polska odsłona międzynarodowej konferencji – DevOpsDays Warsaw 2022. Jest to dwudniowa, stacjonarna konferencja gdzie będziecie mieli okazję spotkać szerokie grono najlepszych specjalistów, emocjonujące wykłady, openspace’y, praktyczne case study, networking oraz wspaniałą zabawę.
W tym roku czekają nas również interesujące wykłady,

Sebastian Czech – ‘Build infrastructure as a code (IaC) using test-later development (TLD) method,
Anurag Kale – ‘Applied Domain Driven Design to Data Silos’,
Tomasz Dudek – ‘Is the MLOps tooling the same as DevOps tooling?’,
Gabriel Manor – ‘No More Walled Gardens: Removing Barriers with SCM Security Automation’,
Paweł Piwosz – ‘Plan CI/CD on the Enterprise level!’.

Ja sam jestem najbardziej zainteresowany tematem ‘Plan CI/CD on the Enterprise level!’., który bardzo wpisuje się w tematykę mojego blogu.

W tym roku zostałem również Community Partnerem całego wydarzenia. W związku z tym, mam dla was zniżkę 15% na bilety! Kod na zniżkę: 👉DEVOPS_15👈.

Nie przegap takiej okazji i dołącz do najfajniejszej konferencji tej jesieni 👉

Dowiedz się więcej 👉

DevOpsDays Warsaw Our Story What is DevOpsDays Warsaw? DevOpsDays is an international conference for all DevOps enthusiasts, developers, IT operations, management, CEO’s, sales, marketing teams and sys admins. Worldwide series of technical conferences covering topics of software development, IT infrastructu

Free AWS Cloud Practitioner exam study materials - DevOps in the clouds - the technological blog of Patrycjusz Czerniga 14/09/2022

Are you wondering how to start your adventure with AWS? Or maybe you'd like to earn the AWS Cloud Practitioner certification and at the same time not spend a fortune on courses? There was an article on my blog in which you will find a list of free materials to help you prepare for this exam, in particular:
☁️ free online courses
☁️ free questions for the exam
☁️ a list of good notes
☁️ a way to get 50% discount on the exam itself.

Feel free to visit my blog:

Free AWS Cloud Practitioner exam study materials - DevOps in the clouds - the technological blog of Patrycjusz Czerniga On this page you will find free materials for the AWS Cloud Practitioner exam. Free courses, assignments and sample tests.

How to create a first CI project in Buddy? - DevOps in the clouds - the technological blog of Patrycjusz Czerniga 22/08/2022

After a short holiday break, I'm back to publishing tutorials showing how to get started with popular CI/CD tools. Today I invite you to an article on a Polish tool: Buddy.

Buddy is a system ideally tailored for teams getting started with CI/CD. This is due to the fact that the creators have focused on preparing a very intuitive user interface that allows you to get started quickly. In addition, the system provides a great deal of ready-made add-ons that we can use when building our pipelines.

I invite you to the article:

How to create a first CI project in Buddy? - DevOps in the clouds - the technological blog of Patrycjusz Czerniga In this article you will learn how to create your first CI project in Buddy


It has happened! I have been invited to join the elite AWS Community Builder club! For the next year, I will be able to enjoy such benefits as access to a wide range of experts and other AWS enthusiasts, special training courses as well as promotional credits at AWS.

Thank you Ernesto Alvarez, for the honor and Wojciech Lepczyński for your support!

🟩 W poszukiwaniu Świętego Graala wśród narzędzi CI/CD. 11/07/2022

Pół roku temu wyruszyłem w podróż w poszukiwaniu Świętego Graala wśród narzędzi CI/CD. Moim celem było odnalezienie najlepszego narzędzia CI/CD. W wyniku tych poszukiwań przygotowałem zestawienie 24 najlepszych narzędzi z tej kategorii, które możecie sprawdzić tutaj: .

Natomiast dwa tygodnie temu miałem ogromną przyjemność przeprowadzić rozmowę z Markiem Psiukem z No Fluff Jobs na temat tych poszukiwań.

Podczas spotkania opowiadałem, jak przebiegała praca nad zestawieniem. Dodatkowo podzieliłem się przemyśleniami, które poczyniłem podczas tej pracy. A w szczególności:

• dlaczego Jenkins jest nadal królem?
• jakie standardy z branży IT są wspierane przez te narzędzia?
• oraz dlaczego dokumentacja i dobry marketing są najważniejsze?

Zapraszam wszystkich do obejrzenia nagrania z tego wydarzenia:

🟩 W poszukiwaniu Świętego Graala wśród narzędzi CI/CD. 🟢 W kolejnym odcinku z cyklu porozmawiamy o tym, które narzędzie CI/CD jest najlepsze. 🟢 Weź udział w naszym czwartkowym livestreamie,...

How do I install TeamCity server using Docker compose? - DevOps in the clouds - the technological blog of Patrycjusz Czerniga 08/06/2022

Today on my blog there is a new article in the series: how to get started in popular CI/CD tools. In the new post, I will show you how to install TeamCity server and create your first in . More specifically:
☁️ how to install TeamCity server using Docker compose?
☁️ how to create a project in TeamCity that builds an application in the tool
☁️ how to create a simple test

How do I install TeamCity server using Docker compose? - DevOps in the clouds - the technological blog of Patrycjusz Czerniga In this article, you will learn how to install a Teamcity server using Docker Compose.

How to prepare the first CI project in Azure Pipelines? - DevOps in the clouds - the technological blog of Patrycjusz Czerniga 16/05/2022

Today on my blog there is a new article in the series: how to get started in popular CI/CD tools. In the new post, I will show you how to create your first in in 10 minutes. More specifically:
☁️ how to create an organization in Azure DevOps
☁️ how to create a project in Azure Pipeline that builds an application in the tool
☁️ how to create a simple test

How to prepare the first CI project in Azure Pipelines? - DevOps in the clouds - the technological blog of Patrycjusz Czerniga In this article, I will show you how to prepare your first CI project in Azure Pipelines in 10 minutes.


This past week I decided to renew my certificates for . The renewal process itself was much more enjoyable than getting a certificate.

First of all, the test itself was simpler than the actual exam. Additionally, the test was taken without the supervision of a proctor on a regular web page. The fact that the time was practically unlimited was also an advantage.

As a result, I renewed the following certifications:

- Microsoft Azure Solutions Architect Expert

- Microsoft Azure Administrator

- Microsoft Azure DevOps Engineer Expert

Thanks to Mircosoft for allowing me to renew my certification without retaking the full exam. And that's for free!

Jenkins, GitLab or maybe CircleCI? How to choose the right CI/CD tool? 03/05/2022

Jenkins, GitLab or maybe CircleCI? How to choose the right CI/CD tool? Choosing the best CI/CD tool is very difficult. This is mainly due to the fact that there are dozens (quite possibly over a hundred) of…

Free study materials for AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate (SOA-C02) Exam - DevOps in the clouds - the technological blog of Patrycjusz Czerniga 02/05/2022

I recently passed the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate exam. Based on my experience I prepared a list of free resources to prepare for this exam. Among them you will find online courses, exercises and sample questions. And it's all for free.

Free study materials for AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate (SOA-C02) Exam - DevOps in the clouds - the technological blog of Patrycjusz Czerniga On this page you will find free study materials for the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate (SOA-C02) exam. Free courses, assignments, and sample tests.


When I started my blog six months ago I didn't expect that my blog posts would be read by so many people. During the last month my blog was visited by over 4 thousand people!

What is interesting these are people from countries like United States, Poland, India, Germany, France or United Kingdom.

The top 3 looks like this:
1. United States - 13.89%
2. Poland - 12.16%
3. India - 8.83%

Thank you all for using the knowledge I want to share. And also thank you to my wife Ania Czerniga for support and Wojciech Lepczyński for substantial help in running the blog!

6 things I learned about CI/CD tools - DevOps in the clouds - the technological blog of Patrycjusz Czerniga 25/04/2022

Recently I published a list of the 24 best CI/CD tools. While preparing this compilation, I learned some interesting information that I want to share with you. From this post you will learn:
☁️ why there is no such thing as the best CI/CD tool
☁️ why Jenkins is still king
☁️ what standards from the IT industry are supported by these tools
☁️ and why documentation and good marketing are most important

6 things I learned about CI/CD tools - DevOps in the clouds - the technological blog of Patrycjusz Czerniga On this page, you'll see what I've learned in creating a list of the best CI/CD tools.

DevOpsDays Kraków - Polish edition of the most famous DevOps conference in the world! 13/04/2022

In just two weeks a very interesting online event will take place: DevOpsDays Krakow. This is the third edition of this free conference, which is dedicated to software development, operations on IT infrastucture and interaction between them.

This year the conference agenda includes the following topics:
☁️ Oh Keptn, my Keptn: A data driven way to DevOps & SRE automation (Andreas Grabner - Keptn)
☁️ Developer Experience In Serverless (Emrah Samdan - Serverless Inc.)
☁️ Keep your code safe during the development path using Opensource tools. (Filipi Pires - Saporo)
☁️ Authentication and Authorization with Istio, Envoy and your IdP of Choice! (Nathan Hall- Clearco)
☁️ Practical Guides to "Break Silos" with DevOps (Hiroyuki Ito - Agile Coach and DevOps Consultant)
☁️ Building labs using component-based architecture with terraform and ansible (Ederson Brilhante 👨‍💻 - Splunk)
☁️ DevSecOps: Shift Left or Right? (Serhat Can - Resmo)
☁️ Accelerating Change Through Trust and Influence (Courtney Heba - Microsoft)
☁️ History of Software Engineering & how it applies to Infrastructure (Adarsh Shah - CompuZest)

I am most interested in the topic related to "Break Silos". I know from personal experience that this is a huge challenge that is very difficult to meet.

Registration is available at the conference website:

So, what do you say we see you on April 26 and 27?

DevOpsDays Kraków - Polish edition of the most famous DevOps conference in the world! About Us DevOpsDays Kraków 2022 is the third edition of this volunteer-driven worldwide series of events. It will take place on April 26-27rd and will be fully ONLINE! Safety of participants, speakers, partners and everyone involved in the creation of this event is the most important to us! W

How to install GitLab using Docker Compose? 11/04/2022

How to install GitLab using Docker Compose?

In this article, I will show you how to install this CI/CD tool and how to prepare the process of building and testing a simple project based on Maven.

How to install GitLab using Docker Compose? In this article, you will learn how to install GitLab using Docker Compose.

How to install Jenkins using Docker Compose? 04/04/2022

On my blog you can find a series of articles about how to get started with popular CI/CD tools. In this article, I will show you how to easily start the in Docker Compose and prepare your first project. And more specifically:
☁️ How to run a Jenkins using
☁️ create a simple app-building project in
☁️ run a simple test.

How to run a Jenkins using ❓

How to install Jenkins using Docker Compose? How to install Jenkins using Docker Compose in less than an hour?

Znajdź swoje najlepsze narzędzie CI/CD - DevOps w chmurach - technologiczny blog Patrycjusza Czerniga 28/03/2022

Jenkins, GitLab a może CircleCI ? Jakie narzędzie CI/CD będzie najlepsze dla Ciebie? Aby ułatwić Ci wybór odpowiedniego narzędzia przygotowałem raport, który zawiera zestawienie 24 najpopularniejszych narzędzi CI/CD. W zestawieniu znajdziecie takie informacje ja to, czy czy narzędzie jest darmowe oraz czy można je zainstalować na własnym serwerze czy też w chmurze. A to wszystko dodatkowo dostępne również jako dokument pdf z infografiką oraz arkusz Google, w którym możecie przefiltrować narzędzia.

Zapraszam już dzisiaj na mojego bloga:

Znajdź swoje najlepsze narzędzie CI/CD - DevOps w chmurach - technologiczny blog Patrycjusza Czerniga Szukasz idealnego narzędzia CI/CD dla siebie? Na moim blogu znajdziesz zestawienie 24 narzędzi, które pozwoli Ci szybko znaleźć to, czego szukasz.

Jak zdać egzamin na AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate (SOA-C02). - DevOps w chmurach - technologiczny blog Patrycjusza Czerniga 21/03/2022

Niedawno zdałem egzamin Certified SysOps Administrator Associate. Postanowiłem podzielić się swoimi doświadczeniami w nowym wpisie na moim blogu. Jeśli chcesz się dowiedzieć jaki kurs wybrać do nauki albo gdzie możesz poćwiczyć praktyczne zadania potrzebne na egzamin to zapraszam na moja stronę!

Jak zdać egzamin na AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate (SOA-C02). - DevOps w chmurach - technologiczny blog Patrycjusza Czerniga Chcesz się dowiedzieć jak zdać egzamin AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate? Na moim blogu dowiesz jak się przygotować aby zdać egzamin za pierwszym razem!


Blog DevOps in the clouds został Community Partnerem konferencji DevOpsDays Kraków!

Kraków 2022 to trzecia edycja tej ogólnoświatowej serii wydarzeń organizowanych przez wolontariuszy. Konferencja poświęcona jest zagadnieniom rozwoju oprogramowania, zarządzaniu infrastruktury IT oraz działaniu na styku tych dziedzin.

Konferencja odbędzie się w dniach 26-27 kwietnia i będzie w pełni ONLINE! Co też ważne udział w niej jest darmowy 🙂

Jeśli chcecie wziąć udział w wydarzeniu, które nie będzie kolejnym nudnym webinarem ale prawdziwą przygodą pełną wiedzy i nowych przyjaźni to nie może Was tam zabraknąć!

Rejestracja dostępna jest na stronie konferencji: