Squash Masters Italia

Squash Masters Italia

La pagina ufficiale dei Masters italiani per organizzare le nostre tappe europee e rimanere in conta

2020 - Squash - Rieccoci!!! Lo Squash Riparte - Day 1 05/09/2020

pronti, ai posti, viaaaaaaaaaa

2020 - Squash - Rieccoci!!! Lo Squash Riparte - Day 1


Si riparte alla grande 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 formula punteggi nuova!

Segui lo streaming - link qui sotto 👇🏻

💪 Rieccoci!!! Lo Squash riparte!!!

‼️ Pubblicati i tabelloni del torneo che svolgerà presso il Centro Tecnico Federale di Riccione sabato 5 e domenica 6 settembre 2020

Il torneo si svolgerà con un nuovo formato di punteggio, con l’assegnazione della vittoria al giocatore che, al termine di 3 games da 10 minuti ciascuno, otterrà il numero massimo di punti totali.

🎥 Diretta streaming su www.federsquash.tv

➡️ https://www.federsquash.it/notizie/2158-torneo-rieccoci-lo-squash-riparte.html

Squash crisis in Rome as courts face uncertain future - Squash Mad 20/08/2020

A 50 giorni dal World Squash Day 2020, un appello per non lasciare lo squash nella capitale a se stesso e in balia dell’incombente chiusura dei (già pochi) campi rimasti 👇

Squash crisis in Rome as courts face uncertain future - Squash Mad Due to Covid, the survival of squash in Rome is increasingly uncertain By MONICA DRUSIAN – Squash Mad Correspondent Squash in Rome is experiencing a period of deep crisis. With a population of around four million people, the capital of Italy has got a total number of 10 courts (three of which are ...

Mobile uploads 23/07/2020


Photos from Squash Life Power's post 19/07/2020



Il ritiro della grande Raneem El Welily


World No.1 Raneem El Welily has announced her retirement from professional squash

2017 World Champion 🏆
24 PSA World Tour titles 🏆
First Arab female in any sport to become World No.1 🔝
23 months at World No.1 👏

Wishing you all the best for the future, Raneem 🙏



Squash Colombia Introduces Mini Squash to Attract Young Children to the Sport 11/06/2020

Bell’idea! Voi cosa ne pensate ?

Squash Colombia Introduces Mini Squash to Attract Young Children to the Sport The Federacion Colombiana de Squash have introduced a new half-court initiative designed to get younger children into playing squash following the global COVID-19 pandemic. Located at the Becerra S…

Photos from Squash Life Power's post 09/06/2020

CAsa con campo da Squash 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


tell me cuando, cuando, cuando!!!


Quarantine mode activated!

Incase you fancy a diy project whilst doing self quarantine !

Bluey: Squash 20/03/2020

Squash cartoon

Bluey: Squash When Dad and Uncle Stripe play a game of squash, Bluey and Bingo are in control of their every move, and Bingo proves that big siblings don't always beat little siblings.


Visto che la carta igienica di questi giorni è un bene prezioso... usiamola per bene! 😅🤣 E voi, come vi allenate a casa?



Dear Masters, to answer the most frequently asked question in the last couple of days: as of now, there has been nothing from the World Squash Federation to suggest any changes to the dates on which the World Masters 2020 is originally scheduled to take place.

We are monitoring the situation and waiting for further developments. Shall any updates occur, we will obviously inform everybody via our newsletter, website and page.

Currently the Polish government is taking all measures to handle the situation as quickly as possible.

Stay safe, stay healthy and hopefully, see you in Wrovław!

Slovenian Masters odpovedan zaradi prepovedi javnih dogodkov v zaprtih prostorih 09/03/2020

‼️ [SLOVENIA MASTERS CANCELLATO] L'annuncio ufficiale della cancellazione dell'evento a causa del diffondersi del in Slovenia.

Slovenian Masters odpovedan zaradi prepovedi javnih dogodkov v zaprtih prostorih Zaradi danes sprejetega vladnega ukrepa prepovedi javnih prireditev z več kot 100 udeleženci v zaprtih prostorih s ciljem omejitve širjenja okužb COVID19 moramo na žalost odpovedati Slovenian Masters Open 2020. O razvoju dogodkov povezanih z odpovedjo in morebitno kasnejšo izvedbo tekmovanja v...

Entries for World Masters 2020 are now OPEN! - Squash 25/01/2020

🏆 World Masters 2020: le iscrizioni sono aperte! Affrettatevi 👇

Entries for World Masters 2020 are now OPEN! - Squash We are delighted to announce that entries for the WSF World Masters Championships taking place in Wrocław, Poland from 23-29 August are now open! The wait is finally over. Calling all squash players over the age of 35! Book your place at the World Masters 2020, the biggest tournament of the y.....

Photos from Squash Masters Italia's post 19/01/2020

🥈🇮🇹🙌 Bel podio del nostro Filippo Madella con il secondo posto nella categoria M40+.

Un’altra bella avventura portoghese per i nostri atleti, che non si sono fatti mancare la buona cucina e il Porto locale 😋 Alla prossima! 🇵🇹🛫🇮🇹

Qui tutti i podi: http://esf.tournamentsoftware.com/sport/winners.aspx?id=BD6354C2-80CE-4B25-BC0B-BF26B72A49A6


👇 Porto Masters 2020: le partite di oggi.

🇮🇹💪 Forza ragazzi!

Entries to open in January 2020 - Squash 10/01/2020

‼️ Attenzione: manca poco! A quanto pare apriranno a gennaio le iscrizioni al World Masters Championship 2020

Entries to open in January 2020 - Squash The WSF World Masters 2020 online entry forms will be made available in January 2020. Thank you for all your questions regarding the possibility of signing up for the WSF World Masters in Wrocław. The amount of inquiries has really been really promising. We have received new information from .....



Entries to [email protected]
Rio de Janeiro International Masters Squash Open 2019
October 12-18, 2019
Men & Women
Experts to Beginners 30-80+
9 minimum matches guarantee!


Torneo Eccellenza Città d' Italia PESARO 16-17 Novembre

Timeline photos 30/10/2019


👉 INTERNATIONAL SQUASH CAMP MUNICH, GERMANY 🇩🇪!..all ages and levels are welcome to join us!




App creata per trovare squashisti in giro per il Mondo.. shareeeeeeeeee


Never give up!


Belle sensazioni ... 😢

Know the feeling? 😭

Videos (show all)

Squash Master Portugal 2018
