Monkey Age

Monkey Age

mail: [email protected] We are like small monkeys in a cage.


Monkey Age is the monkey era, cry of rebellion from the stereotypes that this society imposes on us; we are bounded by a common thread that we must follow to succeed. We want to explore, to be free, to share, to rebel, to live...


Monkey Age è l’era della scimmia, grido di rivolta dagli stereotipi che ci impone questa società; siamo legati da una trama comune che dobbiamo seguir


Finalmente ci siamo!

Una bellissima giornata insieme per la festa dei lavoratori!

Vi aspettiamo lunedì 01-05 ore 18.00 presso Autharit a Fara Gera d'Adda per un aperitivo tutto Rock!!


It’s been great to be finally back on stage all together!!
We thank anyone that was there with us and the to host us..

Let’s hope we can do that again as soon as possible! 🐵☄️🤟🏼

ps. meanwhile we’re completing the last tracks of the new record.. so stay tuned.. and stay monkey! 😉🐵

