Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from AIES, College & University, .

The Italian Health Economics Association (AIES) is a non-profit Association open to all scholars, lecturers and research fellows interested in Health Economics and Management.

Dettaglio 24/07/2024

The special issue of the "Rivista di Politica Economica" ( 1️⃣ - 2️⃣ 0️⃣ 2️⃣ 4️⃣) titled "LA SALUTE DEI SISTEMI SANITARI. EVOLUZIONI E PROSPETTIVE FUTURE" 🚑 💊 ⚕ 🏥 💉 is now online.

You will find the entire issue at this link:

The issue was edited by Gilberto Turati, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and Stefano Manzocchi, Luiss Guido Carli University.

Dettaglio JEL Classification: I10, I11, I15, I18 Keywords: spesa sanitaria, funzioni di assistenza, erogatori, spesa pubblica, spesa delle imprese, spesa out-of-pocket .


We would like to renew the invitation to participate in the 29th annual conference of the Italian Health Economics Association (AIES), titled "Digital Transformation in Healthcare: Accelerating Access, Navigating Equity, and Fostering Performance," scheduled for December 9 and 10, 2024, in Naples, hosted by the University of Federico II.

To allow for broader participation, the deadline for submitting abstracts has been extended to 📌 June 30, 2024. Please send your abstracts to the following email address: [email protected]. All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee, and acceptance will be communicated by the first week of September.

We hope to receive numerous contributions. For more details on submission and presentation guidelines, please consult the Call for Abstracts available on the AIES website (

Photos from AIES's post 06/06/2024

Vi informiamo che, a causa di una conferenza stampa del Ministro della Salute, Prof. Orazio Schillaci, il workshop è stato spostato presso l'Auditorium del Ministero della Salute (Sede Centrale) - Viale Giorgio Ribotta, 5, 00144 Roma EUR.

Per raggiungere la sede:

metropolitana B direzione Laurentina. Scendere alla fermata Eur-Palasport e prendere il bus 777 direzione “Tempio del cielo” fino alla nuova sede del Ministero (tre fermate);

in alternativa alla metropolitana: Bus 714 in piazzale Termini e scendere alla fermata di Piazzale dell’Agricoltura. Poi prendere il bus 777 direzione “Tempio del cielo” fino alla nuova sede del Ministero;

Dall’aeroporto: Treno metropolitano FM1 in direzione Roma-Tiburtina e scendere alla Stazione Roma-Ostiense. Prendere la metropolitana B (direzione Laurentina) e scendere alla fermata EUR-Palasport. Prendere il bus 777 direzione “Tempio del cielo” fino alla nuova sede del Ministero;

In auto: dal Grande Raccordo Anulare prendere l’uscita 26-Pontina o 27-Cristoforo Colombo in direzione Roma centro e proseguire sulla Colombo per circa 2 km. Subito prima di Piazza Nervi (Palalottomatica) effettuare la prevista inversione di marcia per ripercorrere la Colombo nella direzione opposta e al semaforo girare a destra su viale dell’Oceano Pacifico. Proseguire dritto per circa 300 metri e girare a sinistra in via Ribotta, sede Ministero.

Il programma e gli orari del workshop restano invariati.



The call for abstracts for the upcoming AIES annual conference, "Digital Transformation in Healthcare: Accelerating Access, Navigating Equity, and Fostering Performance," has been open for about two months and will close on June 15th. We invite you to submit your contributions to the email address [email protected]. You will find the call, the list of recommended hotels and the conference venue here: As Naples will be very crowded with tourists in December, we recommend booking well in advance.

We also remind you that on June 6th at 12:30, the second webinar of this year titled: "Emergency Readmissions: Is 30-Day the Optimal Time Interval to Capture Hospital Quality of Care?" will be held, featuring Adriana Castelli from the Centre for Health Economics, University of York, as a guest speaker. The seminar will last about an hour. Participation is open to all upon registration at the following link:

Finally, we remind you that the workshop "How Genome and Exposome Data Can Open New Frontiers for Health Economics and Health Policy," promoted by AIES, will be held in Rome on June 11th at the Auditorium of the Ministry of Health, Lungotevere Ripa, 1 – Rome, starting at 11:00. Participation is free and open to all, but for organizational reasons, we kindly ask you to register by May 31st. The event program and registration form are available on the AIES website at the following link:

Photos from AIES's post 13/05/2024

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the first workshop promoted by the Italian Health Economics Association (AIES). 🏩🚑🩺

The workshop "How Genome and Exposome Data Can Open New Frontiers for Health Economics and Health Policy" will address the concepts of genome and exposome and their implications for sustainable health policies.

‼️Where: Auditorium of the Ministry of Health Lungotevere Ripa, 1 - Rome 🏛️

‼️When: 11th June - starting at 11:00 a.m. ⏰

Below 👇 you will find the final program, also available on the AIES website at the link

Participation is free of charge but, for organizational reasons, we kindly ask you to register by May 31st via the following link 👉:

We hope to meet you in Rome in June! 😉


Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to attend the second health economics webinar hosted by the Italian Health Economics Association this year.
The webinar series aims to share theory, econometric models, and public policy related to health and healthcare.

Webinar Title: “Emergency readmissions: is 30-day the optimal time interval to capture hospital quality of care?”

6 June 2024, 12:30 AM - 1:30 PM

Invited speaker: Adriana Castelli, Centre for Health Economics, University of York

Abstract: We focus on patients diagnosed with a disease of the circulatory system and construct the pool of index admissions, using the 2018/19 Hospital Episodes Statistics Admitted Patient Care dataset. We estimate basic and extended specifications of three multilevel logistic regression models (admissions within sites, admissions within Trusts, and admission within sites nested within Trusts) for each of the binary outcome variables, indicating whether an index admission was followed by a readmission at day 0 to 90. For each model, we calculate the proportion of total variance explained by the Trust and/or site-level random effects, by means of the intracluster correlation coefficient (ICC). A higher ICC means that hospital factors have more weight in explaining the variation, so the readmission indicator is more reliable as a quality signal.
Preliminary results show that the ICCs exhibit a decreasing trend as the readmission window widens, with a slight variation in their dynamics depending on the model specification. Between site variation explains a larger proportion of the total variation in the outcome than between Trust variation, suggesting that policy interventions may be more effective at site level. Our approach to defining the eadmission cut-off window suggests using a 0-3 days readmission timeframe to ensure high reliability of emergency readmissions as a quality signal”.

To participate in the webinar, you need to register first through the following form:

On the day of the webinar, please join the room a few minutes before the start (via the link provided after registration). When the presenter joins the room, the webinar will begin.
We look forward to virtually meeting you at the webinar!


❗ ❗ First AIES workshop ❗ ❗

“How Genome And Exposome Data Can Open New Frontiers For Health Economics And Health Policy"

This workshop aims to introduce genome, epigenome, and exposome concepts and their implications for sustainable healthcare policies. Quantitative techniques will be discussed for examining relationships between environmental factors, behavior, and health outcomes, assisting policymakers in implementing evidence-based interventions for long-term population health improvements.

Participation in the workshop is free upon registration by May 31, 2024 👇

WHERE: Ministero della Salute – Via Lungotevere Ripa, 1 - 00153 – Roma.

WHEN: Tuesday, June 11th.

A special thanks to Vincenzo Atella for his invaluable assistance in organizing this event.


The webpage with the materials for the upcoming AIES conference "Digital transformation in healthcare: Accelerating Access, Navigating Equity, and Fostering Performance", which will take place in Naples on December 9th and 10th, is online! 👇

At present, only the call for abstracts, available in both italian and english, is posted.

The page will be enriched in the coming months with all the useful information for participants (recommended hotels, program, etc.).

The call for abstracts closes on June 15th. Spread the word as much as possible!


The AIES President, the Executive Committee, and the Board of Auditors wish everyone a joyful Easter 🌸🐣


On February 27th the IHEA Board approved the establishment of the SIG Economics of Digital Health Technology (E-DHT), of which our AIES member Giorgia Marini is part as Convenor for inequalities, together with Divya Srivastava (Founder, Lead Convenor for regulation and economic evaluation), Adriana Castelli Cowham (Convenor for productivity and efficiency), Karsten Vrangbaek (Convenor for implementation and governance), Marco Liverani (Convenor technology design and health system integration), Siyabonga Ndwandwe (ECR) and Lucy Xiaolu Wang (ECR).

This E-DHT SIG aims to bring together health economists and experts from other disciplines and stakeholders such as behavioural economics, cognitive sciences and social sciences. It aims to apply economic theory and advance the field of health economic research by enriching our understanding and generating evidence of DHTs to progress towards more equitable health and social care.

The E-DHT has four aims:
Connect:to bring together researchers in the global north and global south to further our understanding on all aspects of health economic research on digital health
Collaborate: to encourage collaborative ways to conduct research across the global north and global south
Identify: to identify research gaps in digital health technology to support research priorities
Develop: to develop methods in health economic research and support teaching materials drawing on the most up to date evidence.

Aifa. La riforma prende corpo. Ecco il decreto del Ministero Salute con i componenti della nuova commissione scientifica ed economica - Quotidiano Sanità 06/02/2024

“La nuova Commissione unica che sostituirà la Commissione tecnico-scientifica e il Comitato prezzi e rimborsi, sarà presieduta da Lara Gitto” socia AIES, a cui vanno le nostre più sincere congratulazioni! Brava Lara!

Aifa. La riforma prende corpo. Ecco il decreto del Ministero Salute con i componenti della nuova commissione scientifica ed economica - Quotidiano Sanità La nuova Commissione unica che sostituirà la Commissione tecnico-scientifica e il Comitato prezzi e rimborsi, sarà presieduta da Lara Nicoletta Angela Gitto. Gli altri nomi indicati dal ministero della Salute sono quelli di Giancarlo Agnelli, Walter Marrocco e Vincenzo Danilo Lozupone. Ida Forti....

Selezione AdR4460/23 per titoli e colloquio per la formulazione di una graduatoria per il conferimento di n. 1 assegno di ricerca nel settore scientifico-disciplinare SECS-P/07 ECONOMIA AZIENDALE, per l’attuazione del programma di ricerca... 03/01/2024

Il dipartimento di Management dell'Università di Verona ha bandito una posizione nell'ambito del progetto
“Intelligenza artificiale e robotica per la
biopsia alla prostata”“AI and Robotics for Prostate Biopsy”

Il progetto di ricerca ha l'obiettivo di sviluppare l' come strumento a supporto delle decisioni nelle aziende sanitarie e vedrà applicazione sui temi relativi all’intelligenza artificiale, alle innovazioni di chirurgia robotica e allo sviluppo di nuove strumenti diagnostici. Il candidato si occuperà in particolare dell'introduzione dell'innovazione tramite l'analisi di modelli organizzativi e valutazioni economiche (cost-effectiveness and headroom analysis).

Scadenza per le domande 8 gennaio 2024.

Selezione AdR4460/23 per titoli e colloquio per la formulazione di una graduatoria per il conferimento di n. 1 assegno di ricerca nel settore scientifico-disciplinare SECS-P/07 ECONOMIA AZIENDALE, per l’attuazione del programma di ricerca...


📊🏥 Si è appena conclusa alla Sapienza Università di Roma la 38esima edizione della conferenza dell'Associazione Italiana di .
👥️️ Ai lavori ha partecipato la delegazione del Laboratorio MeS e dell'Istituto di Management - Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, composta da Francesca Ferrè, Riccardo Novaro, Alessia Caputo, Benedetta Dal Canto, Francesca Meda, Giaele Moretti, Davide Trinchese, Andrea Vandelli, presentando le proprie ricerche con particolare attenzione a temi dell’economia e del management sanitario.
📸 La delegazione del Laboratorio MeS della Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna.

📊🏥 The 38th edition of the Italian Health Economics Association (AIES) Conference has just concluded in at Sapienza University: a delegation from the MeS and Laboratoryof the Institute of Management of the Sant'Anna School, composed of Francesca Ferrè, Riccardo Novaro, Alessia Caputo, Benedetta Dal Canto, Francesca Meda, Giaele Moretti, Davide Trinchese, Andrea Vandelli participated in the proceedings, presenting their research with a focus on health and management.
📸 The delegation of MeS Laboratory of Sant'Anna School


Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays on behalf of the AIES Executive and Audit Committees 🥂🍾


This year, the annual AIES conference took place in a special location: Rome! We were guests at the Senate in the 'Sala Capitolare' and at the Law Faculty at Sapienza University. A heartfelt thank you to ALL the participants, but especially to Giorgia Marini and her staff for the excellent work. We look forward to seeing you next year in Naples!

Photos from AIES's post 05/12/2023

Apertura del convegno annuale AIES2023


PICA LOGIN 30/11/2023


1 post-doc research position (Assegno di ricerca) at the University of Cagliari, Department of Economics and Business, to work on the PRIN project "Behavioural Changes in the aftermath of the Covid outbreak" with Silvia Balia, Rinaldo Brau, Giovanni Sulis, Daniela Sonedda. Deadline: 18 December 2023. Gross annual pay: 25177,10 €; Duration: 18 months

AREA 13 – S.C. 13/A1 – S.S.D. SECS-P/01 - R.S. PROF.SSA SILVIA BALIA COD.65A_23_
Applications must be submitted by accessing

no later than 18.12.2023

Link to the formal call in English. Link to the formal call in Italian.

The Junior Researcher will be involved in activities such as the review of the literature, data collection and data cleaning, development of the econometric models and drafting of scientific reports and academic papers.
The researcher will contribute to the scientific debate on job mobility in relation to occupation characteristics and workers' well-being. Specifically, the project will involve the analysis of the dynamics of labour mobility, particularly voluntary separations/quits (as related to the pandemic containment measures such as the temporary freeze on layoffs), with a focus on job quality at the occupational level, job design factors (including remote working), job meaning, subjective well-being and mental health, and work-life balance. The main tasks that the researcher will have to carry out are: critical review of existing studies on the socioeconomic and health determinants of voluntary separations/quits; processing of administrative data from job flows and individual microdata from surveys; estimation of econometric models, drafting of scientific reports and papers. Knowledge and mastery of advanced methods of microeconometrics, panel data analysis and causal inference are therefore required.
PhD candidates who are approaching the end of their doctoral studies are encouraged to apply.

PICA LOGIN È possibile autenticarsi con il proprio account LOGINMIUR, REPRISE, REFEREES scegliendo dal menu a tendina "Credenziali" la voce corrispondente. Se non si è in possesso di alcun account effettuare una nuova registrazione su questo portale utilizzando il link in basso a sinistra.


Another important event in Rome on December 4th.

For all those who will already be in Rome for the AIES annual conference, there will be an interesting talk on health insurance featuring speaker Liran Einav from Stanford University (who will also be our invited keynote speaker at the AIES annual conference on December 5th).


Time is running out: remember to register for the annual conference of the Italian Health Economics Association (AIES). You can find the conference schedule, venues, and map on the program. We look forward to seeing you in Rome on December 5-6!


We are delighted to share with all of you the final program of our upcoming AIES conference, which will take place in Rome on December 5-6.

As you already know, this year's conference holds a special significance as we will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Association.

Given the importance of this occasion, this year we have organized a very special event. The first day of the conference (Tuesday, December 5, starting at 1 PM) will be held in one of the rooms of the Senato della Republica, Sala Capitolare, and will be entirely dedicated to a content-rich plenary session, including two keynote lectures by our two renowned international guests.

On the second day, Wednesday, December 6, we will be welcomed at Sapienza - University of Rome, specifically at the Faculty of Law and the Department of Legal and Economic Studies. The event will feature a rich and intensive program, with twenty-two parallel sessions that will include over 100 presentations.

We look forward to seeing you in Rome on December 5 and 6!


Job opportunity!

One 24 months research position at Uninsubria (Varese), Department of Economics

We are looking for a Junior Researcher (Assegnista di Ricerca) to work on the PRIN project “Health and Wellbeing of the Elderly” (“HealthyAGE”), at the Department of Economics of the University of Insubria (Varese). The Junior Researcher will be involved in activities such as the review of the literature, data collection and data cleaning, development of the econometric models and drafting of academic papers. The selected candidate will join the research team including Silvana Robone (PI), Elisabetta Lodigiani and Anna Cecilia Rosso.

The Researcher will contribute to the scientific debate on the health and well-being of the elderly. As far as health is concerned, the empirical literature shows that the incidence of cancer is higher among the elderly than the overall population. Primary prevention through screening programs has been proven to lead to a decrease in cancer incidence and mortality. By examining data from the US, we will shed light on the determinants of cancer screening behaviours.
The project will also address the issue of the income and financial wellbeing of the elderly. Over the last decades the economic wellbeing of the elderly has become more and more reliant on their financial choices, which are affected by their financial risk preferences. We will investigate the determinants of financial risk preferences of the elderly, both in the native and in the immigrant population.

The research position lasts for 24 months and is funded by MUR, within the PRIN project. The gross salary is about 22.000 euro per year. Fundings will be available over 2 years for the Researcher for conferences and business travels. Remote work, if required, will be allowed for the Researcher.

The ideal candidates should be proficient in econometrics and STATA and trained in health economics and/or economics of migration. Applications from both students about to conclude their Ph.D. thesis and newly minted PhDs are welcome.

The formal call will be out on the official notice board of the Universities on the 31st of October 2023 and it will stand out until the 16th of November. The candidates are expected to start working on the project at the beginning of January.

For further information please write to Robone ([email protected]).

Bandi assegni di ricerca:Dipartimento di Economia 28/10/2023

Job opportunity!


The Department of Economics at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice is seeking to hire one research fellow in Economics for a 18-month position.

The selected candidate will be involved in the “WELL-LIFE Differentials in WELL-being: the role of family dynamics, cohort trends and LIFE course events” project (PRIN 2022 call).

The candidate’s activity will refer to empirical micro-econometric analysis on inequality in health and well-being, and the role played by employment opportunities, family responsibilities, and early-life conditions. We require the candidate to have skills and previous experience on micro-data analysis, and a good knowledge of the software STATA. Previous knowledge of SHARE (Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe) e GGS (Gender and Generation Survey) data represents a preferential trait. Having obtained a PhD in Economics is a plus, but it is not necessary.

PI and tutor: Prof. Ylenia Brilli

SSD: SECS-P/01 (Microeconomics)

Deadline: 9 November 2023, 12.00 (CET)

Starting date: (early) December 2023

Additional info and how to apply: H53D23002350006)

For additional information, you can also contact me ([email protected])

Bandi assegni di ricerca:Dipartimento di Economia Bandi assegni di ricerca


The program of the annual conference of the Italian Health Economics Association (AIES) is finally online


Call for papers!!!

Bandi per assegni di ricerca | UniGe 04/07/2023


E' aperto il bando per un assegno di ricerca SECS-P/03 presso il Dipartimento di Economia dell'Università di Genova (Centro APHEC), dal titolo:

"La salute circolare: un approccio multidisciplinare per il decision-making in sanità"

Deadline: 26 luglio 2023 - ore 12.00 (mezzogiorno)

Link per la presentazione della domanda:;jsessionid=DA161C04D9470E79EC60D7146923F91C


Bandi per assegni di ricerca | UniGe Bandi per assegni di ricerca Per presentare la domanda di ammissione vai su Concorsi onlineProcedure25 assegni di ricercaBando DR 3009 del 26.6.2023scadenza 26.7.2023 - ore 12.0020 assegni di ricercafinanziati nell'ambito del Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR)Bando DR 2837 del 16.6.2023s...

Selezione Assegno di ricerca di Tipo A prof. Guglielmo Weber 03/07/2023

Job opportunity presso l’Università di Padova: 1 assegno di ricerca della durata di 24 mesi - settori scientifico disciplinari di interesse della ricerca SECS-P/05, SECS-P/03, SECS-P/02 - nell’ambito delle attività del progetto di ricerca, finanziato dal PNRR, denominato AGE-IT AGEING WELL IN AN AGEING SOCIETY presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali M. Fanno dell’Università di Padova.
Le attività di ricerca, nelle quali sarà impegnato/a l’assegnista riguardano la stima dell’effetto di lungo periodo sulla salute e le condizioni di vita di politiche economiche, sociali e sanitarie. L’analisi prevede l’utilizzo di microdati SHARE ed informazioni di contesto sugli interventi pubblici che l’assegnista contribuirà a raccogliere.

Responsabile scientifico: Prof. Guglielmo Weber

Scadenza: 31 luglio 2023

Link al bando:

Ulteriori informazioni possono essere richieste a [email protected]

Selezione Assegno di ricerca di Tipo A prof. Guglielmo Weber Progetto “Age-It – Ageing well in an ageing society” Partenariato Esteso Tematica 8 “Consequences and challenges of ageing” Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza, Missione 4 “Istruzione e ricerca” – Componente 2 “Dalla ricerca all’impresa” – Investimento 1.3 finanziato dall...


Italian Health Economics Association (AIES) Annual Conference - Rome, 5-6 December 2023 - Deadline extension for abstract submission.

The call for abstracts has been a great success!

Nevertheless, we are receiving several requests for extending the abstract submission. Therefore, we are happy to announce that we officially decided to extend the deadline to July 15th!

Looking forward to meeting you in Rome!

For further details visit: