Italy Wanderlust

Italy Wanderlust

Italy Wanderlust - Your Italian specialist of Italy
Travel Consultant & Events Planner Italy Specialist Travel Consultant and Event Planner

Photos from Italy Wanderlust's post 06/03/2023

Night & day.


He knows how to enjoy a sunny September day in Rione Monti 😉

Photos from Italy Wanderlust's post 29/07/2022

Il Lazio non è solo Roma!
Infatti, con Viaggimmagine Tour operator, abbiamo elaborato un bellissimo pacchetto di viaggio con il quale, partendo dai Castelli Romani, visiteremo alcune parti del Lazio, scopriremo meravigliosi luoghi dello spirito, antichi borghi, aree naturalistiche e rigogliosi vigneti dove non tralasceremo di soddisfare il palato con degustazioni di vini tipici e di tradizionali produzioni gastronomiche locali.

L'hotel prenotato è una antica dimora rinascimentale, con piscina gratuita dove potersi rilassare durante il tempo libero.

Per informazioni più dettagliate e prenotazioni, potete contattare direttamente me qui, oppure Viaggimmagine:
tel. 02 33611823
[email protected]

Scadenza prenotazioni: 12/08/2022

Vi aspettiamo!

Silvia Finotti Piero Larocca Antonella Pirovano

Photos from En's post 02/07/2022

Photos from Italy Wanderlust's post 05/06/2022

Can you believe that these beautiful beaches are one hour and a half far from Rome?

This means that you can easily combine your stay in Rome with some days of total relaxation by the Sea.

This area is in the southern part of Lazio, and it is beautiful for its landscapes, its little villages, its fascinating history, its food, its wines, and the impressive presence of the beautiful Mount Circeo, the location of ancient and amazing myths and legends.

Photos from Italy Wanderlust's post 29/01/2022

When I was sixteen, one of my favorite books was "A room with a view" by E.M . Forster, and of course, I loved the movie as well.

A decisive event in the novel takes place in Signoria Square that the author summarizes with this sentence:
"It was not exactly that a man had died; something had happened to the living: they had come to a situation where character tells, and where Childhood enters upon the branching paths of Youth."

And this was probably what my teenager's heart felt in that moment, precisely the passage from childhood to youth.

To make the long story short, every time I go to Florence I MUST go to Signoria Square, so I did the last December, when I attended a tourism fair there, after nearly two years of online exhibitions.

I only had one hour free, so I walked to the city center to breathe the atmosphere of great beauty this city always spreads, till I reached the square.

The sunlight was enlightening the Tower of Palazzo Vecchio, and everything seemed really perfect to brighten up good memories from the youth and from other trips to Florence.

And you, do you have a special book connected to a place or to a particular moment of your life?


2022 has already started for a few days, and I haven’t published anything for some time.

Nevertheless, I have never been absent from Instagram 😉

I followed all of you, appreciating your photos and thoughts, sometimes very funny, sometimes very emotional, sometimes very deep and intimate ♥️

I never stopped following my precious suppliers, especially to maintain our human relationship, which is always necessary, and even more so in these two, not easy years.

I also had the opportunity to find new charming hotels and b&b, and virtually meet their incredible hosts; I studied new destinations and discovered ancient traditions, amazing artisans, wineries, restaurants, old café, and patisseries.

I met new professionals who also became good friends.
In a few words, I stayed a little behind the scenes and took my time to improve and grow, both professionally and personally.

2021 has been a year, for me, of small but significant achievements that will take shape in exciting news in the forthcoming months of this new year.
I will tell you more in detail as soon as possible.

In the meantime, I am always at your disposal to organize your tailor-made trip to Italy, your honeymoon, your romantic getaway, and your unforgettable destination wedding in my beautiful country.
The e-mail address is [email protected], but if you prefer, you can also send me a message directly here on Instagram.

I wish you a sparkling 2022 made of smiles, hugs (we miss them a lot!), vitality, and optimism ♥️

See you soon 😘



Make IT real: Italy is better in Italy 😉

[email protected]


Venice ♥️

TGIF 🤩 It's time for "Aperitivo" and Venetians know how to do it! Have you ever tried "Cicchetti"? Great and authentic finger food that you should definitely try while drinking a Spritz or a good wine!

Ph. Credits

Photos from En's post 01/09/2021

Once in Rome..... !!!

Il Maritozzo in epoca romana veniva utilizzato per le proposte di matrimonio. Oggi non solo è la colazione preferita dai romani, ma sta anche letteralmente spopolando in Giappone e in Corea! Del resto, come resistere alla brioche riccamente farcita di panna montata?
Once in Rome, start your day with a delicious Maritozzo, a lightly sweetened brioche-style bun filled with fresh whipped cream. In the Roman times it was used for marriage proposals (“Marito” is the Italian word for “husband"). Now is the most beloved breakfast in town, and is gaining popularity even in Japan and Korea!
📸 Turismo Roma



Il 27 agosto del 1953 usciva nelle sale americane "Vacanze romane". Nasceva una leggenda!

On 27 August 1953, "Roman Holiday" was released in American cinemas. A legend was born!

📸 da fpereznyc via IG

Photos from Fondazione FS Italiane's post 21/08/2021

Traveling by train in Italy is a sustainable act and very, very trendy 😉😃


The Termopolio of Regio V is an ancient Pompeii diner found during the last excavations in the ancient city, and it will be opened to the public from next 12th August.

Photos from En's post 02/08/2021

Italy now has 58 UNESCO sites!


Can you believe it? Another new Italian : after Padua, a few days ago, now Bologna!

Un altro bene culturale italiano si aggiunge al Patrimonio dell'umanità !

I portici, un simbolo di , modello architettonico e elemento fondamentale della vita quotidiana della città ▶


There is a new Italian cultural property in the world heritage!

The porticoes of , an architectural model and an essential element in the daily life of the city ▶

Photo by: rita_fant

Photos from's post 27/07/2021
Timeline photos 20/07/2021

Need to be pampered?

Saturnia, near Grosseto in Tuscany, is considered the best spa in the world and is a popular destination for wellness lovers. Resting on the high part of the plain within the Albegna Valley, Saturnia dominates the magical environment of the inland area around Grosseto: think tuff landmasses, gorgeous green expanses, and typical Tuscan countryside roads offering panorama after panorama of the region's immense beauty.


Dopo la presentazione al Presidente del Consiglio nei giardini del Quirinale, il 4 luglio del 1957 viene mostrata al pubblico e cominciano le prime vendite della 500 FIAT.
La 500 è diventata un autentico mito su quattro ruote, celebrato dal cinema, dalla letteratura: un vero simbolo del design italiano.

After being presented to the Prime Minister in the Quirinale gardens, the 500 FIAT was shown to the public on 4 July 1957 and began to be sold. The 500 has become an authentic myth, celebrated by cinema and literature: a true symbol of the Italian design.

📸 di fiat500cinquecento via IG

Photos from Italian Tourist Office - ENIT Stockholm's post 08/06/2021

Rome is an open-air museum but also an excellent food and wine destination 😉


From July, Air Canada restarts its service to Rome with COVID-tested flights!
Canadians will now be able to enter Italy without the need to quarantine after a negative test result 48-hours before departure and again on arrival.

Find out more on #/entryRequirements::ATL_IT


Reprise des vols pour Rome en juillet avec l’approbation du gouvernement sur présentation d’un résultat négatif de test de dépistage de la COVID-19. Quarantaine non obligatoire avec un résultat négatif 48 h avant le départ et un autre à l’arrivée.

Air Canada Air Canada Vacations
Embassy of Italy in Canada Consolato Generale d'Italia a Montreal


This pic was taken in 1964 in the neighborhood of Testaccio, a very authentic quarter of Rome where you will learn about the history of the area, meet people at its famous market and enjoy delicious food!

with at:
[email protected]

- Ricordi di Roma - Testaccio 🎞 foto del 1964
Il nome Testaccio, deriva dalla collina artificiale di 35 metri su cui sorge il Testaceus, resti di cocci e detriti, testae in latino, di cui è formato che facevano capo al vicino porto di Ripa grande (Emporium). Le foto dell'Archivio Storico di Roma Capitale sono del 1964. © Archivio Capitolino


- Ricordi di Roma - La Scalinata di Trinità dei Monti 🎞 foto del 1964
La Scalinata di Trinità dei Monti, che con il suo alternarsi di sporgenze e rientranze è l'espressione di una monumentalità tipica del settecento romano che la accomuna alle altre importanti realizzazione urbane del secolo, è il raccordo scenografico tra le pendici del Pincio dominate dalla chiesa della SS. Trinità e la sottostante piazza di Spagna. Queste foto custodite nell'Archivio Storico di Roma Capitale sono del 1964. © Archivio Capitolino



The winner of the Song Contest 2021 is....ITALY!!!!!!!! 🇮🇹

Congratulations Måneskin! 🏆


...and here we are!
, your personal .

🇮🇹 Italy, the international destination most desired by American travelers.
It is confirmed by the Tour Operators associated to USTOA (United States Tour Operator Association), participants to a recent survey aimed to monitor the post Covid trends and consumers’ travel behavior. Americans are willing to travel, in a safe manner, as soon as possible, and in compliance with health protocols. The majority of the tour operators (56%) who contributed to the survey, declared to be busy working at travel packages requested by customers who wish to visit overseas destinations in 2021. Out of the desirable destinations requested by travel consumers, Italy stands out with the highest number of bookings, followed in second and third place by the UK and Ireland.
“We received numerous requests (83%) also for travelling in 2022”, declares USTOA. The highest request is for international trips, with Italy leading the list of the overseas destination in high demand in 2022. Germany, France, Greece and Ireland follow through.
The ranking, USTOA points out, is based solely on bookings made in 2021


🇮🇹 Today Italy celebrates Liberation Day, which marks the end of the Nazi-Fascist occupation during World War II!
This celebration pays tribute to partisans and soldiers, who fought to free the country.

🇨🇦 Canadian troops played a vital role in the 20-month Mediterranean campaign and many Canadians gave their lives in cruel battles.

🙏Montecassino Abbey was one of the many sites where hundreds of civilians and Canadian troops lost their lives in what would be remembered as a turning point of the war.
Completely destroyed, Montecassino Abbey was entirely rebuilt. Its timeless beauty inspires meditation and has become a symbol of man's resilience. In Cassino is also located The War Cemetery, the second largest Second World War cemetery in Italy. More than 4,200 Commonwealth graves are located here, of which 855 are Canadian.

Visit Lazio
Photo credits IG


Let's celebrate the today with this beautiful fresco of Pompei!

Oggi è la “Giornata mondiale del libro”! 📙
L’obiettivo della Giornata è quello di incoraggiare a scoprire il piacere della lettura e a valorizzare il contributo che gli autori danno al progresso sociale e culturale dell’umanità.
Buone letture

Photos from Visit Abruzzo's post 22/04/2021


Today, during World Earth Day, the National Park of the Maiella, in Abruzzo, becomes a new UNESCO Global Geopark.

The recognition has been possible thanks to the uninterrupted presence of man, the culture and myths of these places, the protection of biodiversity, sustainability, conservation, and enhancement of the geological heritage.

Your authentic Italian experience

Custom-made trips, honeymoons, destination weddings and exclusive events in Italy.

Videos (show all)

Rome is a city rich in culture, art, beautiful architecture, and delicious food, but also in stunning and romantic sunse...
A day off the beaten track: Muggia!#Muggia#fvglive#offthebeatentrack #Italianvillages#realItaly #slowtourism#bespoketrip...
Totally in love with Trieste 😍- part 1 -


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 18:00