Freelearning Festival Sardinia

Freelearning Festival Sardinia

International Freelearning Festival in Sardinia
Enjoy a get-together to connect with other worldschooling / freelearning families.

This festival holds the space to build new friendships, to share ideas and visions and to co- create.

Photos from Lighthub Sardinia's post 28/02/2024

Registration: [email protected]
or directly via Telegram:


Sicher dir jetzt die Aufzeichnung unseres Info- Calls:
Freilernen Theorie & Praxis
inkl. Freilerner Fahrplan mit Materialliste ❤️

Folgende Themen habe wir im Call besprochen:
Was ist Freilernen?
Was bedeutet es, wenn wir uns für diesen Weg entscheiden?
Wie kann ich das Freilernen umsetzen?
Schulpflicht vs. Bildungspflicht
Wie sieht ein Freilerner Alltag aus?
Wie kann ich mein Kind am besten begleiten?
Welche Materialien kann ich nutzen?
Welchen Herausforderungen kann ich begegnen?
Wie und wo kann ich mir Lernunterstützung holen?

Bei Fragen schreibt mich gerne an.


Sicher dir jetzt die Aufzeichnung unseres Info- Calls 'Auswandern nach Sardinien'

Dieser Call ist für dich, wenn du mit dem Gedanken spielst nach Sardinien auszuwandern, wenn du auf der Suche nach einer neuen Homebase bist, wo man freier in der Bildungswahl mit Kindern ist.
Ich teile in diesem Info Call meine Erfahrungen aus fast 5 Jahren Leben in Sardinien. Ich gebe euch im Call allgemeine Infos zu Sardinien und gehe auf Möglichkeiten ein, wie ihr eure Leben hier gestalten könnt. Gleichzeitig bekommt ihr auch eine Linkliste von mir um euch mit anderen Menschen auf der Insel zu vernetzen und euch zu informieren über entstehende Projekte und Lernorte.
Mehr Infos zum Call findet ihr hier:

Photos from Freelearning Festival Sardinia's post 04/04/2023

SpingXperience 2023 - the freelearning & freeliving festival in Northsardinia

The registration for the workshops is NOW open...

SpringXperience 2023 02/04/2023

✨ SpringXperience Update ✨
The registration for the workshops is NOW open!

To register yourself for the workshops, buy your festival ticket NOW and receive direct access to an exclusive SpringXperience telegram group. In this SpringXperience Telegram group you can register yourself directly for the workshops. And you can create your own festival timetable with workshops that suit you and your kids 😊

We have workshops for adults like Ayurvedic cooking classes, yoga, mantra singing, various sharing circles etc
For the kids we have theatre, arts & crafts and experimental workshops.
Plus we are offering in cooperation with the Nomy-School hybrid workshops during the festival like PhotoLab, StreetArtStyle and VideoLab.
And of course we have different community gatherings to meet, share and connect. 🌱

Register yourself NOW for the festival and the workshops.

SpringXperience 2023 A great opportunity to get to know the region, nature and people as the workshops and events will take place in different locations here in the North of Sardinia.

SpringXperience 2023 07/03/2023

Hello everyone, we would like to invite you to our first Freelearning (unschooling) and Freeliving SpringXperience.

From 07.-22. April 2023 we open an experience field and meeting space for young and old here in the region of Gallura / Northsardinia.

It is an event to co-create, enjoy, learn, experience and connect.

There will be various offers, workshops and events for children, adults or the whole family.

It is a great opportunity to get to know the region, nature and people as the workshops and events will take place in different locations here in the North of Sardinia.

SpringXperience 2023 A great opportunity to get to know the region, nature and people as the workshops and events will take place in different locations here in the North of Sardinia.


✨Call for workshops✨

SpringXperience 2023 North Sardinia

Currently we are planning a freelearning (unschooling) and freeliving event 7.- 22. April 2023 in the region of Bassacutena, LugoSanto, Aglientu, Porto Pollo and Palau for people and children of all ages.

We planning to create an experience field for all of us to learn, experience, feel and connect. Not only for our children, but also for everyone that a free life in Sardinia might be calling.

We would like to co- create this freelearning and freeliving experience with all of you together, therefore, we would like to invite you to send us an e-mail, if you would like to offer a workshop or host an experience during the SpringXperience here in
Please, write to [email protected] with the following information:

✍️A few sentences about you and your offer
✍️Target group (age group from… to …for children and teenagers / adults / or if it is open for everyone to join)
✍️Minimum and maximum number of participants
✍️Please specify if the workshop will be offered for free or otherwise, what the costs will be per participant or family
✍️Please specify if a certain Infrastructure will be needed

We are particularly happy about workshop offers in the field of creative and free learning for children and young people (outdoors, crafts, experiments, technology, movement).

Further information on registration and Xperience participation will follow in the next few days.


Save the Date for SpringXperience 2023

April 7-22 ✨✨✨

Dear friends of freeliving and freelearning, we would like to inform you that we are planning the next come-together with a variety of creative workshops and offers for kids, teens and adults in the north of Sardinia (Bassacutena, Luogosanto, Porto Pollo, Palau region). More information coming soon 🤗
Jasmin, Nina and Dunja


1. Incontro Internazionale di Freelearning in Sardegna

Unisciti al nostro primo incontro di ‘freelearning’ a Santa Lucia / Sardegna per un incontro divertente in ottobre. Un incontro di cinque giorni per entrare in contatto con altri ‘worldschoolers’ e famiglie che sceglie un'educazione “librera”. Creiamo nuove amicizie, condividiamo approfondimenti in un ambiente naturale, all’ ombra di una pineta e spiagge con sabia bianca.

Worldschooling e freelearning sono diventati un movimento forte. Molte famiglie in tutto il mondo si stanno unendo per co-creare, scambiare idee e creare un futuro migliore e libero pervi nostri figli. La Sardegna è diventata un punto di riferimento per condividere visioni, incontrare altri ‘freelearners’ in pieno contatto con la natura.

11–16 ottobre 2022

Famiglie che seguono un’educazione più libera da tutto il mondo

Campeggio Mandragola, Santa Lucia, Sardegna

Incontriamoci nello spazio aperto e diamo sfogo alla nostra creativita. Porta le tue idee per i workshops e attività e lascia ti andare al flussi creativi che hai in te.

Unisciti alla nostra community di social media dopo la tua registrazione per essere coinvolto con il tuo contributo creativo.

Contributo per l'organizzazione di eventi
20 € / famiglia + vitto e alloggio aggiuntivi

Registrazione richiesta + prenotazione del tuo posto in campeggio tramite :
[email protected]


Let’s come together!
1. Internationales Freilerner Treffen auf Sardinien

Willkommen zum 1. internationalen Freilerner Camp in Santa Lucia/Sardinien. Freut euch auf fünf Tage Austausch, Netzwerken, Visionieren, und jede Menge Spiel und Spaß zu Land und zu Wasser. Das Treffen findet in Santa Lucia inmitten von Pinienwäldern und nahe wunderschöner Sandstrände statt.

Weltweit bewegt sich viel in der Freilerner Szene. Sardinien hat sich in der letzten Zeit zu einem wichtigen Knotenpunkt für viele Familien entwickelt.
Das Treffen bietet Raum für neue Ideen, Co- Creation und Vernetzung.

Vom 11.-16.10.2022

Freilerner Familien aus allen Ländern

Mandragola Camping, Santa Lucia, Sardinien

Co-creating im open space … lasst uns zusammen kreativ werden! Ideen für Workshops und vor Ort Aktivitäten einfach mitbringen. Nach eurer Anmeldung vernetzen wir uns über social media und tauschen uns über Ideen aus.

20€ pro Familie + Übernachtungs- und Verpflegungskosten

Anmeldung und Buchung des Campingplatzes unter:
[email protected]



1. International Freelearning meet- up in Sardinia

Come join us in Santa Lucia/ Sardinia for a fun-filled and community-centered gathering in October. Enjoy a five days get-together to connect with other worldschooling / freelearning families. Let’s build new friendships, share insights and enjoy the natural setting, pine woods and sandy beaches together.

Worldschooling and freelearning has become a strong movement. Many families worldwide are coming together to co-create and to exchange ideas. Sardinia has become a hotspot for freelearning families. The meet- up in October will offer the space to families to co- create, to share visions, to meet other freelearners and to connect with nature.

October 11– 16, 2022

Freelearning/ worldschooling families worldwide

Mandragola Camping, Santa Lucia, Sardinien

Let’s co- create and become creative before and during the meet-up. Feel free to share your ideas about workshops and activities, so we can let the flow grow together…

Join our social media community after your registration and participate with your creative input.

Contribution for the event organisation
20€/ family + additional board and lodging

Registration required + booking for your space on the camp site via:
[email protected]
