Food From Tuscany

Food From Tuscany

Finding the best of Tuscany and promoting in the US and UK


This Green Pea Fusilli with Grilled Artichokes, Peas and Lemon Pangritata recipe is a delicious and colorful dish for spring or summer. Seggiano gluten free green pea fusilli is sweet and vibrant, while grilled artichokes and peas add crunch and colour. A zesty and savory finish is provided by the lemon pangritata topping made of crispy breadcrumbs, garlic, and lemon zest. Cook pasta, grill artichokes, sauté peas with garlic and red pepper flakes, then toss together with olive oil and lemon juice. Toast breadcrumbs with garlic and lemon zest for the pangritata and sprinkle over the pasta, serve immediately.


Spice up your summer Sundays with this mouth-watering alternative to the classic roast! Impress your guests with a succulent whole chicken served on a bed of crispy, thinly sliced potatoes and onions, perfectly complemented by a fresh green salad. This dish is sure to be a crowd-pleaser.


Per un soffio il loro gorgonzola non è stato decretato il formaggio più buono del mondo. Ma, nonostante il primato sfiorato, la soddisfazione provata per il traguardo tagliato è davvero infinita. L’azienda De’ Magi di Castiglion Fiorentino è stata protagonista indiscussa dell’edizione 2022 della World Cheese Awards, il concorso mondiale dedicato ai formaggi al quale hanno partecipato 4.434 iscritti e 900 produttori provenienti da 42 nazioni differenti.
Fra i super oro la giuria ne ha selezionati 16 per la finalissima. Vincitrice dei World Cheese Awards 2022 è stata la groviera svizzera dell’azienda Vorderfultigen affinata da Gourmino. “Ma la vera notizia - spiegano dall’azienda castiglionese - è che ha vinto totalizzando 103 punti e ha battuto di poco il nostro gorgonzola dolce dop che, di fatto è il secondo formaggio più buono al momento".

Timeline photos 15/08/2021

🙌 We love trying new foods (it's part of the job!) but sometimes it's great to curl up with an old favourite. Like a classic Spag Bol as it's become known.

It's a recipe that is so popular it's been tweaked and changed many times over the years. Have you tried adding chicken liver to the ragu or a grating of nutmeg? Or even a 'white' version without tomatoes?

One thing we are certain about is not compromising on the finished quality and flavour. That's why we always use our tagliatelle pasta. This is the type they prefer in Bologna where the dish originated. We use only premium 100% Tuscan durum wheat flour which gives the best cooked consistency and taste. It's then bronze drawn, creating a special matt texture and making the pasta extra porous which helps to bind it seamlessly with the sauce.

It's our secret to making a really memorable meal. What's your tip? We'd love to hear in the comments.

Timeline photos 08/05/2021

There are lots of recipes for risotto. Italian purists might blanch at experiments with smoked haddock, bacon and egg or even snails. But we can all agree the key to a rich and creamy risotto lies in using the right premium rice.

We sell two types - arborio, the classic, and carnaroli, which is slightly softer when cooked. These varieties have been grown in northeastern Italy for many years and our supplier stays true to his authentic roots by stone husking the grains. This preserves the nutrients in the outer part of the rice. It's not only better for you, but tastes better as well, giving a really special and distinctively rich texture.

This vegetarian Sicilian artichoke risotto recipe comes to us from our neighbour, chef Mónica Patiño.

You'll need:

750ml vegetable stock (we make our own using leek, celery, onion, carrot, herbs)
½ tsp turmeric
Olive oil
½ onion, diced
½ leek, diced
½ tsp curry powder
250g Seggiano Carnaroli risotto rice
380g jar Seggiano roasted artichoke hearts, quartered and drained
125ml dry white wine
A strip of lemon peel
80g butter
100g vegetarian Parmesan cheese
A handful of basil leaves

Heat the vegetable stock, removing any vegetables if prepared from scratch. Add the turmeric and some salt to taste. Leave to gently simmer.

In a large saucepan add some olive oil followed by the onion and leek, then cook over moderate heat until translucent. Add the curry powder and Carnaroli rice, leave a min, stirring to release the aroma, add the drained artichokes, then stir and pour in the white wine. Let it evaporate a little then add half the vegetable stock, cover and leave to simmer over medium-low heat. After 15 mins, or when most of the liquid has boiled away, add the rest of the stock, a large spoonful at a time, stirring all the time so that it is absorbed and constantly moving.

The rice should now be al dente. Add a little more stock if needed and the butter. Then stir through most of the Parmesan and spoon into serving plates with some more Parmesan, chopped basil and plenty of freshly ground black pepper. Finish with a splash of olive oil to serve at the end.

You can buy the rice here:

