LIBER - Firing holes

The King's Librarians at Work. Applying Machine Learning and Computer Vision to the Study of Scribal

Articolo:L'intelligenza artificiale per studiare le tavolette di Assurbanipal 28/04/2023

Articolo:L'intelligenza artificiale per studiare le tavolette di Assurbanipal Nel VII secolo avanti Cristo, il colto sovrano assiro Assurbanipal creò una biblioteca reale composta da decine di migliaia di tavolette d’argilla scritte in accadico cuneiforme e contenenti soprattutto testi letterari. Tra i segni impressi sulle due facce, ma anche sui bordi di molte tavolette, ...

Photos from LIBER - Firing holes's post 20/12/2022

The third edition of the digital epigraphy workshop "Labelling the Library of Ashurbanipal" has started!
20 students from Università Ca' Foscari Venezia will be working with images of the tablets from the
British Museum.
This year we will work on labelling images and also on the validation of previously tagged tablets.
Be sure to stay tuned to follow our activities on our website and profile.


SAVE THE DATE: 15 Dicembre
Inizia la terza edizione dello stage "Labelling the Library of Ashurbanipal, Laboratorio di epigrafia sumero-accadica digitale"

Primo incontro: giovedì 15 Dicembre dalle 14.00 alle 17.15, aula 1E Tesa 5 San Basilio


Quando le nuove tecnologie si mettono al servizio dell'archeologia e delle scienze storiche: oggi - 11.30 su Rai Radio3 - scopriremo come l'intelligenza artificiale sia un potente strumento per leggere, completare e ordinare le migliaia di tavolette scritte in caratteri cuneiformi.


SAVE THE DATE: 9 novembre

Seminario epigrafico
Chi l’ha scritto? Scritture, supporti e formati tra Mesopotamia e Arabia preislamica

Martedì 9 novembre 2021
Ore 8:45-10:15, Aula Padoan, San Sebastiano

Per partecipare all'evento è prevista registrazione obbligatoria:
In presenza: (Green Pass obbligatorio), scrivendo a [email protected] entro il giorno 5/11.
Via Zoom:
Gli studenti di Ca' Foscari possono registrarsi per la presenza direttamente attraverso l'App di prenotazione del posto in aula.


The second edition of “Labelling the Library of Ashurbanipal” is now starting!
The students from Università Ca' Foscari Venezia will be working with images of the tablets from the British Museum.
Be sure to stay tuned to follow our activities on our website and profile.


☀ It’s the , when day and night are equal 🌑

This tablet from the library of Assyrian king Ashurbanipal records the same event over 2,600 years ago, as part of an astronomical report to the king.

Ashurbanipal could read and write, which was unusual for an Assyrian king, and he developed the first systematically collected and catalogued library in the world.

His library is a collection of over 30,000 clay tablets and fragments inscribed with cuneiform. The library contains texts about a broad range of subjects including magic, myths and legends, medicine and military intelligence.

📚 Read all about Ashurbanipal’s library in our curator’s blog:

🔎 A broken brown clay tablet, recording the date of the equinox. Neo-Assyrian. Read more:


SAVE THE DATE: 24 settembre
Inizia la seconda edizione dello stage "Labelling the Library of Ashurbanipal, Laboratorio di epigrafia sumero-accadica digitale"
per gli studenti dei corsi di laurea triennale in Storia, BBCC, Lettere e gli studenti della Magistrale in Scienze dell’ Antichità
L'attività è aperta anche alle matricole e non prevede prerequisiti disciplinari.

Primo incontro: venerdì 24/09 ore 9-13, aula 0G Tesa 5 San Basilio

Iscrizione obbligatoria inviando una mail alla Prof.ssa Paola Corò all'indirizzo [email protected]


🦷 In ancient Mesopotamia, there was a belief that dental problems were caused by a worm – in the Akkadian language, a ‘tûltu’.

This was not a normal worm you might find in the soil, but a cosmic one sent down to earth by the gods to dwell in the human mouth – kept alive by food morsels and human blood!

There’s a lot of information about this tooth worm written on the cuneiform tablets in the collection. Tablets from the Library of Ashurbanipal contain an incredible medical handbook – the ‘Nineveh Medical Encyclopaedia’. Incantations and magical acts from the encyclopaedia describe the connection between tooth decay and the worm, including the inscription on this Nero-Assyrian tablet, which says

“Indeed, [the worm] is the one that became hostile! Via the door of the flesh! Via the bar of the bone!”

“Whom shall I send to the first born-son of the mountains-Marduk, that the worm be smashed! May the worm get out through the doorpost socket like a mongoose!”

The encyclopaedia is currently being translated into English as part of a Wellcome Trust funded project to learn more about ancient medical history.

🔎 Right-hand corner of a Neo-Assyrian clay tablet. Kouyunjik (Nineveh), North Iraq. Read more:


It’s for many this week 📚

Here’s a piece of homework that was handed in over 3,300 years ago!

This cuneiform tablet from Mesopotamia was made around 1900–1700 BC, and shows four lines of text written by a student – perhaps a proverb – with a teacher or relative’s writing on the back for them to copy from.

Need some term-time entertainment? Excite inquisitive minds with our free Museum Missions, and get your family talking, laughing and learning as you explore the Museum with your phone or tablet – just look out for the QR codes to scan in the galleries.

You can spend a few minutes completing one set of challenges or make a day of it and finish them all – find out more here:

🔎 Clay tablet with four lines of inscription. Old Babylonian, 1900–1700 BC. Read more:

RAI Turin 2021 - Registration 15/07/2021

RAI Turin 2021 - Registration Registration Registration online is open since December 10, 2020. Speakers should register by March 31, 2021. Audience can register until May 31, 2021: EXTENDED! See below. Payments can be made via bank wire or by credit card on the registration platform. Early career scholars may consider


Today's program starting at 2pm (Rome Time).

Photos from Vicino Oriente & Egitto UNITO's post 13/07/2021

The is finally starting. Unfortunately, as you all well know, we can only be together virtually. Anyway you can tag us on your 67th RAI photos regarding you and your presentation and we will share them on the official pages of the RAI. Remember use and for Twitter and Instagram


We are happy to announce that a new article by Paola Corò and Stefania Ermidoro entitled "Firing Holes: New Perspectives on an Old Question" is now available in the latest issue of KASKAL.


Our presentation entitled "LIBER: The King's Librarians at Work. Machine Learning and Computer Vision Applied to the Study of Firing Holes" will be discussed during the upcoming 67th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale conference from July 12 to July 16. We will present the LIBER project, the preliminary results and the new study perspectives through a selection of case studies.

Welcome to Turin! – The International Association for Assyriology 01/07/2021

Welcome to Turin! – The International Association for Assyriology This year’s Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale is fast approaching! After a one-year break, we are indeed looking forward for a week full of fruitful discussions and meeting, though virtual. The Organizing Committee has sent us the following contribution, rich with information and useful link...

RAI Turin 2021 - Program 25/06/2021

RAI Turin 2021 - Program Program The recorded lectures will be available to all registered participants from June 10 until September 10, 2021. During the week July 12-16, 2021, the keynote lectures by Cécile Michel, Lucio Milano and Theo van den Hout and the Q&A sessions with the speakers will be live streamed. The IAA

Photos from Nahrein Network's post 15/06/2021
RAI Turin 2021 - Publishing houses 03/06/2021

RAI Turin 2021 - Publishing houses Publishing houses The 67th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale is glad to host on this page a "virtual" book exhibition of publishing houses whose catalogues include publications on Ancient Near Eastern studies.

Save Sheffield Archaeology 21/05/2021

Save Sheffield Archaeology What is going on with archaeology at the University of Sheffield? Good question! In 2020 three new full-time posts were approved for the department of archaeology at Sheffield, but then scrapped due to the pandemic. When the department asked if these could be reinstated for the upcoming academic


🏛✨ We’re open!

We’re delighted to be opening our doors and welcoming visitors back into the galleries today.

You can explore many of the Ground floor galleries, as well Upper floor rooms focusing on Sutton Hoo, life and death in ancient Egypt, Japanese culture, the Islamic world and more.

Find all our visiting information and book tickets here:

Our special exhibitions about the emperor Nero and Thomas Becket are opening soon, and you can see our free ‘Reflections’ exhibition from today – find out more and plan a visit here:

📸 The front of the Museum, May 2021


Settimana veneziana della Scuola dottorale interateneo in Scienze dell'Antichità (Ca' Foscari - Udine - Trieste)


Made around 874 BC, this stone relief shows King Ashurnasirpal II on campaign – here’s how you can tell which figure is the king.

He wears a crown – in this image it’s a conical-shaped hat with a pointed top.

He has the grandest beard – compared to the other men in the chariot, the king’s beard is the most stylised.

He is being shielded from the sun – an attendant holds a sunshade of the king’s head. In battle this attendant would hold a shield instead, to protect the king from arrows.

He’s holding two arrows in his right hand, and a bow in his left hand – this pose symbolises victory.

See this relief on display in our international touring exhibition that explores the human image through objects spanning thousands of years. The show opens today at CaixaForum in Madrid – find out more here (ES):

🔎 Gypsum wall panel relief showing King Ashurnasirpal II on campaign. Neo-Assyrian, around 874 BC. Read more:

Postcolonial approaches to Architecture, Heritage, and the Built Environment | University of Helsinki 28/04/2021

Postcolonial approaches to Architecture, Heritage, and the Built Environment | University of Helsinki New book “Postcolonialism, Heritage, and the Built Environment. New Approaches to Architecture in Archaeology” is published


Our labelling work continues! The internship students are working on preparing the images of the cuneiform tablets for the second phase of the project. Be sure to stay tuned to follow our activities on our website.

AMME Seminar: Rebellions and Revolts | University of Helsinki 22/04/2021

AMME Seminar: Rebellions and Revolts | University of Helsinki March’s Ancient and Medieval Middle East Seminar looked at rebellions and revolts with the focus especially on Ancient Egypt and the city of Alexandria.

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