Fritz Takang

Fritz Takang

President / Founder Tabernacle Foundation International. Author & Spiritual Enhancement Motivator.


Tiger on my left hand , biter cola on my right hand. Both vilant fighters gone too soon and the struggle continues , a time for deep reflection.

You called me daddy , you hard great respect and admiration for me yes they displayed your mortal remains in k town public square with the Ambazonia flag. Go well my son... Bitter Cola


Sometimes,you just have to let something's to slide as you move on!

In this season, do not envy or desire the company of those who plot violence, and their lips talk about making trouble.!


Sometimes all you can do is to give them your hand to hold and your ears to listen 👂
When you felt like it was too much, and you could not handle, you called me.
Yes Bitter Cola your mortal remains came to kumba accompanied by the flag!
The body was immortalize and the ideology stands as the spirit leads on. Rest in power my son. The gun can not kill an ideology!


You called me daddy , you hard great respect and admiration for me yes they displayed your mortal remains in k town public square with the Ambazonia flag. Go well my son... Bitter Cola


While you seek Justice, fellow Ambaboys, you have to understand this concept "Peace is not the absence of fight or crises but the ability to honestly resolve issues and move on because Justice and Peace are often not cohesive!


In this season, do not envy or desire the company of those who plot violence, and their lips talk about making trouble.!


The Waves of trouble is following the troublers:

Dr. Success Nkongho 😎


Sometimes one just have to seat back and watch with a smile as the year rolls on. Happy new year to everyone of you on this page.


November 1, 2022 wishing all the best as Gods Grace Grants you your expectations!


As the hunted, pray that you don't become the prey. But bare in mind that the same God might answer the Hunter's prayer positively.
I prefer pineapples? Who know know go know
Bush Hunter


"A grasshopper who jumps recklessly claiming that there is no peace in the grass Will find eternal peace in the throat of a Bird".
Happy Sunday
~African Proverbs


Fire 🔥 Breaking News
From Whatzapp to Facebook, Next to TV. When we are blocked from background forums, we take it in media. Tyranny is evil and dictatorship is from Satan.

When you insult a critic by saying they are not AgovCist and they also doubting you for not being an AgovCist with this picture as proof, just as Capoo D. loves making podcast with peoples pictures blackmailing them. If you hate this, why supporting Capo doing same to other Amba innocent people like you ?
I am a Humanitarian who hate seeing others mounting themselves or mounting their own people on other people. I stand for Justice to all.

Shey Kaavi has been leading a gang of officials insulting us because of our criticism and asking questions to things we don’t understand as Honest Vanguards.
Yesterday I test Shey Kaavi with this picture below, he went so mad with many AgovCists went angry and mad to an extend they removed me from official forums ans even highjacked my Liberation TV WhatsApp Group and before I discovered Asu Lucas removed me as Admin and I was blocked from my own TV Group and now AGovC has kidnapped my all my Whatzapp Groups. I am cloning them all by the way, so no worries, we shall just move to knee ones hahaha 🤣 Verla is the King of Media.

Fast forward, Shey Kaavi and surrogates were angry.
But that is what they love doing to others. That’s what Capo Denial and communicators have been doing to others using TV and Media forums

More than 70% of their podcasts must have the blackmailing pictures or videos of other Ambazonian fighters or leaders or citizens blackmailing them or saying evil and negative things about them etc but they hate it done to them hahaha 😝

Lying that RK was in Ghana or that No Pity is paid by LRC or making a Video to analyze that No pity was staging a fake RPG projection etc imagine if others also lie about what they stand for ??

I just set an example, just one example to Shey Kaavi who kept insulting me and downgrading me to a “ clown 🤡 “ as he has said this uncountable times and he loves when capo insulted me as “Mami Pima” he loves when capo called me as “delusional “

So I gave him one time test and he and others like Lucas Asu are now crying cuz that is wrong but they love been doing that to Ambazonia people

I have come to stop blackmailing and tyrant dictators in Ambazonia

Liberation TV LtV will one day run on satellite. Even post independence will be very active. My people have gone through a lot for 60+ years that they won’t continue to be “underlooked” or to be unofficial to any big compound in Amba. No Bulu type of thing in Amba

This one is unofficial this one is that, we are the only official people and so on and so forth …. No no no
To us Ambazonians, we are all officials
No Ambazonian is very official by another except our Elected Government after independence decided by the people and yet they will still be same as everyone else.

Who is happy about this picture below ???
Tell me how you think Ambazonians feels to all blackmailing and sabotaging to Ambazonians peoples by communicators like Capo Denial which is normalized by surrogates and you people and he does not respect his leadership anymore but he is being covered amidst his uncountable lies inside his many good works.

Verla simply want a best Ambazonia with a better Leadership with surety of No tyranny after independence. If you kick people out of media forum today and block them, trust me, if you were Paul Biya tomorrow or today, you would have cut internet or shoot and murder people or arrest and locked us up in underground prisons.

What is the difference ???
You block people in ACN TV when they criticize just one thing ??
Are we building North Korea where no single Covid-19 case was found and where everything is always right by Supreme leader ???

How do you feel today when others are calling for lockdown without asking your opinion??

And you are angry but you just did last month too without seeking everyone’s opinion!!!
If you want a genuine talks with others, start by uplifting the official declaration against them and that is a peace plant for them to answer collaborating calls. Beside how you want to collaborate with people but still calling their barracks ans forces on the group as LRC ???
Political people are very difficult to understand at times

Lockdown Confusion Continues in Amba even after Field Massa is gone, how ???
You started it after the film master left the world. We thought it was the end of calling lockdowns without consulting others but very suddenly we saw the tussle and today others copied it and we see civilians caught in the middle ….

We have time to stop that today
Let genuine collaboration be appreciated and let’s bring our people together, I know only a single enemy that hate to see Ambazonians together, bet non of us is thinking like that Enemy called LRC.

What is my crime my people ???
That I am preaching collaboration and asking proof if it’s true we are collaborating and also asking that officials should stop insulting other members who differs or criticize and also stop blackmailing other Ambazonians with different approaches and different ideologies etc if not why are they angry with Verla when they said all Verla do was fake and that he was insignificant, now they accusing Verla of projecting Ground Zero unity and massive collaboration. That means Verla was really Fatly significant and you wanted him to proof his worth before you start crying.
Never doubt or subjugate an Ambazonians to blackmailing.

My people I now promise you the highest collaboration in ground Zero you have never seen.
We have uncovered a lot that Ambazonians will be shocked one day.
Those who said my Media was only 10 people will soon understand my talkshows are viral than theirs combined 10 times.
Compare the matrix of TV and that of Verla alone.
Facts and reality not emotions or wishes !!!

Other leaders once pulled crowd and had many supporters of their evils but today you are mocking them and now you are not too different from your actions.

If Capo Daniel being admitted was a Sakorian who loved calling Us and AGOV as LRC working for LRC and today he is in positions, why can Nam Michael not be seen as a positive man ??
Capo Daniel almost nailed Tapangg Ivoo in his daily criticism, but Tapang was not angry, yet you gave Tapang’s position to Capo and Tapang is very official, today how can Others not criticize Capo Daniel and anyone doing so is called LRC or you are correcting us that Capo was actually LRC when he was also criticizing others and even today he is still doing it and blackmailing everyone that don’t speak for his Organization and he did when he was IG. I said it, he is indirectly the reason we are here reading this and the reason a decline and the reason more hate and the reason for the results tomorrow……

See something
Say something

The Eagle Eyes Of The Vanguards
Major Gen Verla


I don't trust anyone who's nice to me but rude to the waiter. Because they would treat me the same way if I were in that position.


Under all conditions, learn to live with all people. You might reject some now but soon you will realize that they were the only pillars you needed. Not all enemies are enemies!


He who plays a drum for the downfall of the innocent, the gods will not allow that drum to sound 😂


You will know someone, by what they are interested in picking up. A wise person will try pick up something good, from anything. But a fool will only pick up something to criticize. Because a wise person is thirsty to learn more, while a fool is obsessed with arguments.


The smile of a monkey does not stop the hunter from shooting it


The silence of the wise over a matter does not mean that the fool has won the argument.


The Great Sam MOH NTok


Touching base


If you are suffering from a bad man's injustice, forgive him lest there be two bad men - st Augustine.


Great Grace to you !
Always remember!
Your value doesn't decrease based on
someone's inability to see your worth.
The Father's heart ❤️


"Never make the mistake of assuming that the man of peace is unskilled in war."

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The Great Sam MOH NTok


