Island Aquatics Synchro Club, Kingston Videos

Videos by Island Aquatics Synchro Club in Kingston. The FIRST SYNCHRONIZED SWIMMING CLUB in Jamaica since 1998.

Great land drill by Portland Novice Team. Good job girls and coach Shari!

Other Island Aquatics Synchro Club videos

Great land drill by Portland Novice Team. Good job girls and coach Shari!

Social media routine. The video says it all. This is a part of our Winter Show. You can watch the whole show go to

Today, January 2nd at 4pm and January 4th at 6pm on TVJ. For those who want to watch it online, use

Do you or someone you know want to join #artistic #swimming #jamaica? Give us a call today!!! Affordable fees, exceptional training, outstanding athletes, lots of times available during the week afterschool #kingston #portland #montegobay #aquatics #waterlovers #synchronisedswimming #waterisourworld #breathingisoverrated #upandgettingit #train #hardwork #girls #boys #gymnasts #dancers #swimmers #letsgo

Hello friends. We would like to wish you all a Happy New Year! Also we are proud to announce that you can watch our annual Winter Show this Sunday ( January 3rd) at 5.05pm on TVJ. We would love to thank our wonderful sponsor EUSTACE LEE LTD for supporting the team for many years and for making this project possible. A special thanks to MGUY FILMS for creating a beautiful video in such a short time.

Little good kicks this morning.