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You'll Come Back to Yourself

Michaela Angemeer

You'll Come Back to Yourself explores themes of lost love, infidelity, depression, body image, and ultimately the power women have in learning to choose themselves. Separated into three sections: Holding On, Ouroboros, and Letting Go, this collection is a cyclical expedition of self discovery.


The brothers hawthorn

Four brothers. Two missions. One explosive read. Jennifer Lynn Barnes returns to the world of her #1 bestselling Inheritance Games trilogy, and the stakes have never been higher. Grayson Hawthorne was raised as the heir apparent to his billionaire grandfather, taught from the cradle to put family first. Now the great Tobias Hawthorne is dead and his family disinherited, but some lessons linger. When Grayson's half-sisters find themselves in trouble, he swoops in to do what he does best: take care of the problem--efficiently, effectively, mercilessly. And without getting bogged down in emotional entanglements. Jameson Hawthorne is a risk-taker, a sensation-seeker, a player of games. When his mysterious father appears and asks for a favor, Jameson can't resist the challenge. Now he must infiltrate London's most exclusive underground gambling club, which caters to the rich, the powerful, and the aristocratic, and win an impossible game of greatest stakes. Luckily, Jameson Hawthorne lives for impossible. Drawn into twisted games on opposite sides of the globe, Grayson and Jameson--with the help of their brothers and the girl who inherited their grandfather's fortune--must dig deep to decide who they want to be and what each of them will sacrifice to win.


Knockemout #3
Things We Left Behind
Lucy Score

There was only one woman who could set me free. But I would rather set myself on fire than ask Sloane Walton for anything.

Lucian Rollins is a lean, mean vengeance-seeking mogul. On a quest to erase his father’s mark on the family name, he spends every waking minute pulling strings and building an indestructible empire. The more money and power he amasses, the safer he is from threats.

Except when it comes to the feisty small-town librarian that keeps him up at night…

Sloane Walton is a spitfire determined to carry on her father’s quest for justice. She’ll do that just as soon as she figures out exactly what the man she hates did to—or for—her family. Bonded by an old, dark secret from the past and the dislike they now share for each other, Sloane trusts Lucian about as far as she can throw his designer-suited body.

When bickering accidentally turns to foreplay, these two find themselves not quite regretting their steamy one-night stand. Once those flames are fanned, it seems impossible to put them out again. But with Sloane ready to start a family and Lucian refusing to even consider the idea of marriage and kids, these enemies-to-lovers are stuck at an impasse.

Broken men break women. It’s what Lucian believes, what he’s witnessed, and he’s not going to take that chance with Sloane. He’d rather live a life of solitude than put her in danger. But he learns the hard way that leaving her means leaving her unprotected from other threats.

It’s the second time he’s ruthlessly cut her out of his life. There’s no way she’s going to give him a third chance. He’s just going to have to make one for himself.

Photos from Taraf bookstore's post 20/10/2023

The Personal Transformation Book Collection

By : Brianna Wiest


عقول مشتتة

تأليف دكتور جابور ماتيه طبيبٌ مرموق، وكاتبٌ تُعد كتبه من أكثر الكُتب مبيعًا. هو نفسه مصاب باضطراب قصور الانتباه. وفي كتابه هذا، عقول مشتتة، يتنـــاول بالفحـــص والتمحيـــص أسطـــورة وجــود أصـــل جينــي للاضطراب، ويمنح المصابين به، أطفالًا وبالغين، أملًا حقيقيًّا، كما يقدم لهم النصيحة والمشورة السديدة.

ومن خلال البرهنة على أن اضطراب قصور الانتباه ليس مرضًا جينيًّا موروثًا يلازم المرء طوال العمر، لكنه اختلالٌ يمكن التعافي منه، يتيح هذا الكتاب لأولياء الأمور فهم مشاعر وتصرفات أطفالهم المصابين بالاضطراب، ويتيح للبالغين المصابين بالاضطراب أيضًا الوعي بشكل أكبر بمشاعرهم وسلوكياتهم.
هذا الكتاب، المبني على سنوات من الممارسة الطبية العملية، والعديد من الدراسات والأبحاث، تتعين قراءته على أولياء أمور الأطفال المصابين باضطراب قصور الانتباه، وعلى أي شخص عمومًا مهتم بمعرفة الكيفية التي تشكل بها خبرات وتجارب السنين الأولى من الطفولة، التكوين البيولوجي والسيكولوجي للمخ البشري.

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#اقتباسات #القراءة


كن محبآ

كيف يتعافى الإنسان من صدمات حياته وآلامه النفسية؟ البعض يذهب إلى معالج نفسي، والبعض الآخر يسلك الطرق الروحية، وآخرون ينفون من الأساس أي شبهة معاناة نفسية. في كتاب كُن مُحبًا تُقدّم سارا بروت مرشدة التجلي – كما تُلقب نفسها - تجربتها كاملة، أسباب صدماتها الحياتية، وما عانته من مشاعر سلبية، وكل الوسائل التي جربتها لتخرج من تلك القوقعة المؤلمة.

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#اقتباسات #القراءة


لطب التكاملي واحد من أشكال الطب التي يدعو لها العصر الحديث بشدة؛ ذلك نتيجة لتقدم الأبحاث العلمية والطبية التي أثبتت الصلات الوثيقة بين الحالة النفسية للإنسان ومدى خطورة تعرضه لأمراض مزمنة وخطيرة. هذا الكتاب ليس للمتخصصين وحدهم، بل يُعدّ دليلًا عمليًا للأفراد المهتمين بالصحة النفسية، والحريصين على ا

لوصول بصحتهم النفسية إلى بر الأمان، سيصحبهم "تشريح القلق" إلى رحلة غاية في الاستفاضة والتعمق داخل أعماق النفس البشرية وطبيعة تطورها، وصولًا إلى جذور نشأة القلق عِند الإنسان

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#اقتباسات #القراءة


ليس هذا ما كتبت ❗

أريد أن أُدخِل بعض الفكر في أفكارنا ، بعض الحياة في حياتنا ، بعض الإنسان في انسانيتنا ، ثم نغير بذلك الدنيا ...

✨️هذا الكتاب يضم مجموعة قصص فلسفية قصيرة ، طُرِحَت بطريقة فريدة مُبسَّطة ، لتناقش معضلات اجتماعية وفردية تواجه الإنسان المعاصر من زوايا جديدة ، إلا أن الكاتب لا يقدم حلولًا لأيٍّ من تلك المعضلات ، بل يحاول بأسلوب مباشر وغير مباشر أن يفتح أبوابَ الفكر لدى القارئ ، للوقوف على أسبابها الحقيقية ليستطيع مواجهتها ..

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#اقتباسات #القراءة


Photos from Taraf bookstore's post 17/10/2023

هل يمكن أن يموت المرء -حرفيًّا- من فرط الوحدة؟ هل يوجد رابط بين القدرة على التعبير عن العواطف ومرض ألزهايمر؟

هل ثمة ما يُدعى بـ «الشخصية السرطانية»؟ يجيب كتاب «عندما يقول الجسد لا» عن أسئلة شائكة حول الرابط بين العقل والجسد،
وعن الدور الذي يلعبه الضغط النفسي والتركيبة العاطفية للمرء في مختلف الأمر
اض الشائعة مثل التهاب المفاصل والسرطان والسكري وأمراض القلب ومتلازمة القولون العصبي والتصلب المتعدد. وهي إجابات مستمدة من بحوث علمية مستفيضة ومن العمل السريري المشهود الذي مارسه د. جابور ماتيه.

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#اقتباسات #القراءة #ثقافة #مكتبة


قوانيــــن التحرر من الصراع النفســــي

د. یوسف الحسنـــــی
لا أکتب هذه الكلمات بصفتي طبيبا ولم يجد أي أسلحة أو أدوات ليستخدمها في هذه الحرب. شخص قام العقل بالفتك فيه باكتئاب وقلق وهل ووسواس قاهر وتشتت مزمن.

‎💌 للطلب او الاستفسار يرجى التواصل على رسائل الصفحة

#كتب #كتاب #روايات #القراءة #إقرأ #اقتباس #كتبي #كتاباتي

#اقتباسات #القراءة

Photos from Taraf bookstore's post 13/10/2023

The Four Agreements

Based on ancient Toltec Wisdom, The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz, guides us to a personal and spiritual transformation using four simple words and their power, meaning and call to "action."

"In the tradition of Casteneda, Ruiz distills essential Toltec wisdom, expressing with clarity and impeccability, what it means for men and women to live as peaceful warriors in the modern world (Dan Milllman, author of Way of the Peaceful Warrior


One of us is back

The explosive third and final thrilling instalment in the acclaimed One of Us... series.

Ever since Simon died in detention, life hasn't been easy for the Bayview Crew. First the Bayview Four had to prove they weren't killers. Then a new generation had to outwit a vengeful copycat. Now, it's beginning again.

At first the mysterious billboard seems like a bad joke: Time for a new game, Bayview. But when a member of the crew disappears, it's clear this 'game' just got serious - and no one understands the rules.

Everyone's a target. And now that someone unexpected has returned to Bayview, things are starting to get deadly.


Shatter me

I have a curse
I have a gift

I am a monster
I'm more than human

My touch is lethal
My touch is power

I am their weapon
I will fight back

Juliette hasn't touched anyone in exactly 264 days.

The last time she did, it was an accident, but The Reestablishment locked her up for murder. No one knows why Juliette's touch is fatal. As long as she doesn't hurt anyone else, no one really cares. The world is too busy crumbling to pieces to pay attention to a 17-year-old girl. Diseases are destroying the population, food is hard to find, birds don't fly anymore, and the clouds are the wrong color.

The Reestablishment said their way was the only way to fix things, so they threw Juliette in a cell. Now so many people are dead that the survivors are whispering war—and The Reestablishment has changed its mind. Maybe Juliette is more than a tortured soul stuffed into a poisonous body. Maybe she's exactly what they need right now.

Juliette has to make a choice: Be a weapon. Or be a warrior


As Long As the Lemon Trees Grow

Author: Zoulfa Katouh

Rating: 5/5

Diversity: Syrian Muslim MC and characters

Recommended For…: young adult readers, historical fiction, romance, war, Syria, Middle East

Genre: YA Historical Fiction

Age Relevance: 16+ (war, starvation, gore, violence, pregnancy, religion, death, depression, torture, infanticide, r**e, human trafficking, cursing, PTSD, romance, attempted sexual assault)

Explanation of Above: The book takes place during the war for freedom in Syria, so there is a lot about war in the book. There is also gore, including blood and some surgery, and weapons violence. There is also death mentioned frequently in the book and there are mentions of torture as well. There is starvation mentioned and shown in the book and pregnancy is also shown and discussed, as well as some infanticide committed by opposing forces. Religion (Islam) is discussed a lot in the book. There are depictions and mentions of depression and PTSD. There is some slight cursing in the book and some romance. R**e is mentioned a couple of times in the book, there is a scene with an attempted sexual assault, and human trafficking is mentioned as well.


Man’s Search For Meaning

Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl’s memoir has riveted generations of readers with its descriptions of life in N**i death camps and its lessons for spiritual survival. Between 1942 and 1945 Frankl labored in four different camps, including Auschwitz, while his parents, brother, and pregnant wife perished. Based on his own experience and the experiences of others he treated later in his practice, Frankl argues that we cannot avoid suffering but we can choose how to cope with it, find meaning in it, and move forward with renewed purpose. Frankl’s theory-known as logotherapy, from the Greek word logos (“meaning”)-holds that our primary drive in life is not pleasure, as Freud maintained, but the discovery and pursuit of what we personally find meaningful.

At the time of Frankl’s death in 1997, Man’s Search for Meaning had sold more than 10 million copies in twenty-four languages. A 1991 reader survey for the Library of Congress that asked readers to name a “book that made a difference in your life” found Man’s Search for Meaning among the ten most influential books in America


*Meet Me at the Lake

*every summer after

by Carley Fortune

Fern Brookbanks has wasted far too much of her adult life thinking about Will Baxter. She spent just twenty-four hours in her early twenties with the aggravatingly attractive, idealistic artist, a chance encounter that spiraled into a daylong adventure in Toronto. The timing was wrong, but their connection was undeniable: they shared every secret, every dream, and made a pact to meet one year later. Fern showed up. Will didn't. At thirty-two, Fern's life doesn't look at all how she once imagined it would. Instead of living in the city, Fern's back home, running her mother's Muskoka lakeside resort--something she vowed never to do. The place is in disarray, her ex-boyfriend's the manager, and Fern doesn't know where to begin"

Every summer after

They say you can never go home again, and for Persephone Fraser, ever since she made the biggest mistake of her life a decade ago, that has felt too true. Instead of glittering summers on the lakeshore of her childhood, she spends them in a stylish apartment in the city, going out with friends, and keeping everyone a safe distance from her heart.
Until she receives the call that sends her racing back to Barry’s Bay and into the orbit of Sam Florek—the man she never thought she’d have to live without.

For six summers, through hazy afternoons on the water and warm summer nights working in his family’s restaurant and curling up together with books
medical textbooks for him and work-in-progress horror short stories for her—Percy and Sam had been inseparable. Eventually that friendship turned into something breathtakingly more, before it fell spectacularly apart.

When Percy returns to the lake for Sam’s mother’s funeral
their connection is as undeniable as it had always been. But until Percy can confront the decisions she made and the years she’s spent punishing herself for them, they’ll never know whether their love might be bigger than the biggest mistakes of their past.
Told over the course of six years and one weekend, Every Summer After is a big, sweeping nostalgic look at love and the people and choices that mark us forever.


Perhaps Travis Hale's past is riddled with regrets, but his future looks limitless. He's the police chief in idyllic Pelion, Maine, women are regularly falling at his feet, and his family has mostly forgiven his mistakes. But when the new guy in town crosses him, things start to look shaky—especially when he meets the stranger's smoothie-making, birdseed-eating sister.

Haven Torres's life fell apart. Or, rather, burned to the ground. At the time, it seemed like a solid idea to jump in her car, her brother a mostly-willing co-pilot, and embark on a cross-country adventure for the summer. Especially if she can catch the attention of Pelion's most eligible bachelor, Gage Buchanan, before she goes. And after the local police chief tells her of her brother's scandalous misdeed, she knows without a doubt that Pelion is just another town where their stay is best short-lived.

Still, she and Travis form an unlikely friendship, and at first, it seems simple enough. She'll help him make her brother sweat a little, and he'll help her win over Gage. But then Haven starts to see the man beneath the brooding, and Travis starts to see the woman beneath the mess. 

However, Haven refuses to be tied to Pelion. And Travis has vowed never to be second best ever again.

Before they know it, simple has started to look pretty complicated


A broken woman . . .

Crystal learned long ago that love brings only pain. Feeling nothing at all is far better than being hurt again. She guards her wounded heart behind a hard exterior and carries within her a deep mistrust of men, who, in her experience, have only ever used and taken.

A man in need of help . . .

Then Gabriel Dalton walks into her life. Despite the terrible darkness of his past, there's an undeniable goodness in him. And even though she knows the cost, Crystal finds herself drawn to Gabriel. His quiet strength is wearing down her defenses and his gentle patience is causing her to question everything she thought she knew.

Only love can mend a shattered heart . . .

Crystal and Gabriel never imagined that the world, which had stolen everything from them, would bring them a deep love like this. Except fate will only take them so far, and now the choice is theirs: Harden their hearts once again or find the courage to shed their painful pasts


Enemies to lovers


Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow
by Gabrielle Zevin
is full of nostalgia, friendship, and creativity — but most of all, it’s a book that’s full of heart.

This delightful novel was an ode to the 90’s and 00’s and we absolutely loved being brought back in time thanks to all the brilliant nostalgic references. Equally plot- and character-driven, Zevin had created a world that’s difficult not to love and very easy to be immersed in.

It was coming-of-age story at its finest, with characters that will stay with you long after you’ve finished the last chapter. A new favourite you wouldn’t want to miss out on!


When two young rival journalists find love through a magical connection, they must face the depths of hell, in a war among gods, to seal their fate forever.

After centuries of sleep, the gods are warring again. But eighteen-year-old Iris Winnow just wants to hold her family together. Her mother is suffering from addiction and her brother is missing from the front lines. Her best bet is to win the columnist promotion at the Oath Gazette.

To combat her worries, Iris writes letters to her brother and slips them beneath her wardrobe door, where they vanish—into the hands of Roman Kitt, her cold and handsome rival at the paper. When he anonymously writes Iris back, the two of them forge a connection that will follow Iris all the way to the front lines of battle: for her brother, the fate of mankind, and love.

Shadow and Bone meets Lore in Rebecca Ross's Divine Rivals, an epic enemies-to-lovers fantasy novel filled with hope and heartbreak, and the unparalleled power of love

Photos from Taraf bookstore's post 17/09/2023

The Windsors series by Catharina Maura

The Wrong Bride

She’s his fiancée’s younger sister. He’s the man she’s always loved.

When her sister doesn’t show up on her wedding day, Raven has no choice but to take her place — but marriage to Ares Windsor is nothing short of torture.

The elusive billionaire media mogul is the man she’s always loved… yet he’s only ever had eyes for her sister.

Married to him at last, Raven is determined to win him over.

After all, everything is fair in love and war.

And this?

This is war.

The Temporary Wife

When Luca Windsor’s secretary quits her job shortly after he’s forced into an unwanted engagement arranged by his family, he sets out to solve both problems.

… by secretly marrying his secretary instead.

The rules are simple:

1. Don’t fall in love
2. Keep their marriage a secret at work
3. Share a bed every night

It was meant to be a straightforward and mutually beneficial deal, but with each day that passes, it becomes clearer to Luca that the only thing Valentina wants is the one thing he can never do.

Letting her go.

The Unwanted Marriage

Faye is the last woman Dion Windsor wants to be near, let alone marry… yet there’s no escaping the alluring pianist he’s been engaged to since they were children.

For years, he made his unwillingness known, but his attempts to keep Faye at a distance fade to dust at the sight of her with another man — mere months before their wedding.

One look at her, and he realises he’s done running. Time is up, and whether she likes it or not, she’s his.

Or she could be, if the secrets he keeps didn’t hold the power to destroy her.



: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life

Henry Cloud, John Townsend

Having clear boundaries is essential to a healthy, balanced lifestyle. A boundary is a personal property line that marks those things for which we are responsible.
In other words, boundaries define who we are and who we are not. Boundaries impact all areas of our lives: Physical boundaries help us determine who may touch us and under what circumstances

-- Mental boundaries give us the freedom to have our own thoughts and opinions -- Emotional boundaries help us to deal with our own emotions and disengage from the harmful, manipulative emotions of others -- Spiritual boundaries help us to distinguish God's will from our own and give us renewed awe for our Creator --
Often, Christians focus so much on being loving and unselfish that they forget their own limits and limitations. When confronted with their lack of boundaries, they ask: - Can I set limits and still be a loving person? - What are legitimate boundaries? - What if someone is upset or hurt by my boundaries? - How do I answer someone who wants my time, love, energy, or money? - Aren't boundaries selfish? - Why do I feel guilty or afraid when I consider setting boundaries? Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend offer biblically-based answers to these and other tough questions, showing us how to set healthy boundaries with our parents, spouses, children, friends, co-workers, and even ourselves.

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Does It Hurt?

: by H.D. Carlton

This story is about a young woman named Sawyer Bennett who’s on the run from her dark past. She’s become a chameleon and has resorted to stealing people’s identities in order to move around and stay hidden; the first chapter is her making an impulse decision to board a different plane at the last possible moment out of pure paranoia of word of her being seen getting back to whomever is stalking her or looking for her…

She winds up in Australia and at a bar where she runs into Enzo Vitale, an enigmatic marine biologist who specializes in sharks, and things VERY quickly get hot and heavy between them…until the next morning Sawyer steals his information and gets a new credit card in his name! Dun Duh DUN!!!

Enzo’s a smart guy, and he quickly figures it out, but a confrontation leads to them being stuck out at sea during a storm and then shipwrecked on a small island with a lighthouse and it’s old caretaker…. and I’ll stop there before I reveal any more of the story because I don’t want to spoil too much for you if you actually do wind up grabbing a copy for yourself.


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Photos from Taraf bookstore's post 24/08/2023

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Photos from Taraf bookstore's post 24/08/2023

Available Now 🔥

Fourth wing #

If you haven’t heard of Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros, you might be living under a rock. 😉 This romance fantasy novel has taken the reading world by storm as one of the hottest breakout bestselling books of 2023. And great news: it’s just the start of a planned series by Rebecca Yarros,
called The Empyrean! 🐉


When in Rome

Amelia Rose, known as Rae Rose to her adoring fans, is burned-out from years of maintaining her “princess of pop” image. Inspired by her favorite Audrey Hepburn film, Roman Holiday, she drives off in the middle of the night for a break in Rome . . . Rome, Kentucky, that is. 

When Noah Walker finds Amelia on his front lawn in her broken-down car, he makes it clear he doesn’t have the time or patience for celebrity problems. He’s too busy running the pie shop his grandmother left him and reminding his nosy but lovable neighbors to mind their own damn business. Despite his better judgment, he lets her stay in his guest room—but only until her car is fixed—then she’s on her own. 

Then Noah starts to see a different side of Rae Rose—she’s Amelia: kindhearted and goofy, yet lonely from years in the public eye. He can’t help but get close to her. Soon she’ll have to return to her glamorous life on tour, but until then, Noah will show Amelia all the charming small-town experiences she’s been missing, and she’ll help him open his heart to more. Amelia can’t resist falling for the cozy town and her grumpy tour guide, but even Audrey had to leave Rome eventually.


السيرة النبوية

نبذة عن الكتاب السيرة النبوية لابن هشام أو سيرة ابن هشام هو كتاب في السيرة النبوية للنبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، ويعد من أهم كتب السيرة النبوية ومصادرها الرئيسية، وهو كتاب لأبي محمد عبد الملك بن هشام بن أيوب الحميري البصري رحمه الله المتوفى سنة (218هـ)، يرويه عن محمد بن إسحاق (ت:151 هـ)، بعد أن أخذ
إجازة روايته من زياد بن عبد الله البكائي (ت: 183 ..

للطلب والاستفسار يرجى التواصل على رسائل الصفحة ♥️


🌿 الرحيق المختوم 🌿

"لا تبحث أبدًا عن أحد ما تقرأ سيرته وأنت لم تطّلع على السيرة النبويّة، أتعلم لماذا؟
لأن النبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم- جمع الخلال العذبة والأخلاق الفاضلة والشمائل الكريمة؛ فكان أفضل القوم مروءة وأحسنهم خلقًا وأعزهم جوارًا وأعظمهم حلمًا وأصدقهم حديثًا وألينهم عرِيكة وأعفهم نفسًا وأكرمهم خيرًا وأبرهم عملًا وأوفاهم عهدًا وآمنهم أمانة .
أتبحث عن غيره وسيرته جامعة لكل ما تحب النفس؟" ❤️

للطلب والاستفسار يرجى التواصل على رسائل الصفحة ♥️


High quality and best price ❤️

Photos from Taraf bookstore's post 18/01/2023

احدث العناوين الانجليزية بأفضل سعر وافضل جودة ❤️


ايام قليلة تفصلنا عن وصول الرواية الأكثر طلبًا😍

#جومانا (الجزء الثالث من ابابيل والجساسة)

للحجز يرجى مراسلة الصفحة

Photos from Taraf bookstore's post 22/09/2022

With All Love 💞🌹

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║▌│█│║▌║││█║▌│║█║▌ © Made In Unvirsity Of Jordan

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