
Our philosophy: to try everything possible to solve people's concerns and pains about their eyes.


Are there any symptoms of glaucoma?
Glaucoma, known as the "silent vision thief," is usually painless and progressive vision loss that may not produce any symptoms.
Usually in the early stages of the disease, central vision is relatively less affected than peripheral vision; as the disease progresses, central vision is more severely affected. Glaucoma patients may notice that they cannot see objects to their side due to the loss of peripheral vision, and most patients do not notice any symptoms until advanced stages. At times, patients may notice or describe their vision becoming hazy.
Angle-closure glaucoma may be associated with redness and pain in the eye, headache, blurred vision, and seeing a colored halo around the light bulb – acute angle-closure attacks are associated with fairly high intraocular pressure levels (above 40mmHg). However, most cases of angle-closure glaucoma develop asymptomatically, because obstruction of the drainage ducts and increased intraocular pressure tend to occur in a slow and gradual manner.
Non-specific visual symptoms can also be associated with glaucoma, such as cloudy/blooming vision, glare, or needing more light to read.


Dry eye refers to an eye disease caused by a variety of factors, with dry eyes as the main symptom, and is often accompanied by itching, foreign body sensation, burning sensation, or photophobia, blurred vision, and vision fluctuations Performance. Common symptoms include dry eyes, easy fatigue, itchy eyes, foreign body sensation, burning sensation, thick secretions, fear of wind, photophobia, and sensitivity to external stimuli; sometimes the eyes are too dry, and the basic tears are insufficient, but stimulate reflexes. Tears are secreted, resulting in frequent tearing; in severe cases, the eyes will be red, swollen, hyperemia, keratinized, corneal epithelium is broken and filaments adhere, which can cause keratoconjunctivopathy over time and affect vision.


🏥 Recommended by Japanese Eye Hospital!
👁️Use once in the morning and evening to make your eyes more shiny
🙏 Don't miss this chance to recover!
Order link:https://bit.ly/3FAYbmr


1. Don’t forget to wash your hands before applying eye drops to avoid infection caused by contact with your hands; after applying eye drops (ointment), it is possible that your fingers will get drops or tears, so it is best to wash your hands again.
2. When instilling eye drops, the head should be tilted back as far as possible, or lie down. Use your index finger to pull the lower eyelid down from the eyeball.
3. Aim the mouth of the eye drop bottle at the eye and point it in the conjunctival fornix. One or two drops of eye drops are enough, and the eye ointment is about one centimeter long. Because the volume of the eyeball surface is very limited, and the tear fluid is drained quickly from the nasolacrimal duct, it is only increased within this limited volume and time. Contact and time between eye drops and eyeball surface. Note that the mouth of the eye drops should not touch the eyes or eyelashes to prevent contamination of the bottle, and close the bottle cap immediately after dispensing the eye drops.
4. Close your eyes for at least five minutes, do not blink, and gently press the nasolacrimal duct in the inner corner of your eyes with your fingers for at least two minutes to slow down the draining of the liquid.
5. Before opening your eyes, use a tissue or a handkerchief to wipe off any unabsorbed eye drops or tears that have flowed around your eyes.
6. If you need to order two or three kinds of eye drops, you need to order the second eye drops every five to ten minutes; if you need to order eye drops and eye ointment at the same time, you should first drop the eye drops and then apply the eye ointment every five minutes.





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