BitSummit Videos

Videos by BitSummit. 日本最大級のインディーゲームイベント 「BitSummit Drift」(ビットサミット ドリフト)






The place is U-chronia, a hazy world that lives in hazy memories of the distant past.
OU, a young boy, wakes up in a dried up riverbed without any memories of his own.
He meets Zarry, an opossum with a flaming tail, who guides him on a journey to find out his story.

The Saudage Specter, who haunts the boy;
Gemini, who looks just like him;
The Weeping Woman "La Llorona", who leads him to tragedy.
All of them are there to change the Story and how it will end.

A pen-drawn world reminiscent of the illustrations in children's literature, accompanied by music for guitar and other instruments music ripe with nostalgia for an old hometown.
This is the background where the Story, a story meant for someone, unfolds.

Just like a Michael Ende book, "OU" disguises itself as something else—an adventure game—to meet and interact with reality.
OU is also a challenge—a challenge to games as a whole.

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OU どこか遠い日々に見た、おぼろげな景色のような世界・ウクロニア。 干上がった河原で、記憶を失くした状態で目覚めた少年「OU」。 尻尾に火をつけたオポッサム「サリー」に誘われ、自身の物語を追う旅に出かける。 彼を追う「サウダージゴースト」。 主人公と瓜二つの「ジェミニ」。 悲劇に誘う「泣き女」。 様々な存在と出会いながら、物語とその結末は変化していく。 懐かしい児童書の挿絵のような柔らかなペンで描かれた世界。 どこか郷愁感のある、ギターをはじめとした楽器の演奏による音楽。 そこで展開するのは「だれかのための物語」 ミヒャエル・エンデ作品のように現実との接点を持ち、アドベンチャーゲームの形をした「何か」。 「OU」はゲームに対する一つの挑戦でもあります。 The place is U-chronia, a hazy world that lives in hazy memories of the distant past. OU, a young boy, wakes up in a dried up riverbed without any memories of his own. He meets Zarry, an opossum with a flaming tail, who guides him on a journey to find out his story. The Saudage Specter, who haunts the boy; Gemini, who looks just like him; The Weeping Woman "La Llorona", who leads him to tragedy. All of them are there to change the Story and how it will end. A pen-drawn world reminiscent of the illustrations in children's literature, accompanied by music for guitar and other instruments music ripe with nostalgia for an old hometown. This is the background where the Story, a story meant for someone, unfolds. Just like a Michael Ende book, "OU" disguises itself as something else—an adventure game—to meet and interact with reality. OU is also a challenge—a challenge to games as a whole. #BitsummitXRoads

Strange Shadow あなたは宇宙船の故障で謎の惑星に不時着しました。 惑星に潜む巨大生物から逃げたり隠れたりしながら、帰還する方法を見つけましょう。 You have crash-landed on a mysterious planet due to a spaceship malfunction. Find a way to return home while running and hiding from the giant creatures that lurk on the planet. #BitsummitXRoads

「GRAPPIN」(グラパン) は一人称視点アドベンチャーゲームです。 深い眠りから覚めた後、グラップリングフックとして使える遺物である「グリップ」を獲得する。 あなたの使命は困難ですが、ただ一つ... 最も高い山の頂上にある「グリップ祠」にグリップを戻さなければならない。 山の奥深くにある溶岩の洞窟から、危険な尾根まで、多くの危険を克服し、自然の厳しさに直面する。 山の頂上に向かう途中で、グリップを取り巻く謎を解き明かすための宝石を探す。 旅の準備はできているのか? #BitsummitXRoads

GRAPPIN is a First-Person Adventure game. After a difficult awakening, you stumble upon the Grip, an artifact that can be used as a grappling hook. Your mission is difficult yet straightforward: return the Grip to the Grip Shrine, perched on top of the highest Mountain. You will have to overcome many dangers and face the harshness of nature, from a blazing hot lava cave deep in the Mountain, to a dangerous ridge full of dangers. On your way to the top, find the Relics to unravel the mystery surrounding the Grip. Are you ready for a gripping adventure? #BitsummitXRoads

BitSummit THE 8th BIT Official Game Selection 【Song of Horror(ソング オブ ホラー) - Protocol Games】 見つかったら、終わり 歴史小説家セバスチャン・P・ハッシャーが、家族全員とともに行方不明になった。セバスチャンの身を案じた編集者が、彼を探すため自宅に部下を派遣した。だが、それっきり部下が戻ってくることはなかった…… そこにいる恐怖 戦うことのかなわぬ謎の存在を恐れよ。常に警戒し、身を隠し、息を潜めろ。 呪われた旋律 プレイアブルキャラクターは13人。彼らの行動や決断が物語を形作っていく。 予期せぬ悪夢 プレイヤーの行動で変化する予期せぬ演出によって、緊張は否応なしに高まる。

BitSummit THE 8th BIT Official game Selection 【A Guidebook of Babel - StarryStarry】 A Guidebook of Babel is a plot adventure game with butterfly effect at the core. After death, you will soon realize you've boarded the Babel...and while this may feel like the twilight zone, you will be given a pen to rewrite the past so future events can unfold. As a place of transition, we care less about your final destination since it's the journey that matters, right? Let's get acquainted first... [Crew announcement] You are now onboard Babel, a giant cruise tasked with leading you to the afterlife. Take this guide with you to help navigate your new surroundings. But first, in order to properly welcome you onboard, the crew will first discharge your memories and power up the Giant Boiler to prepare for departure! You will need to know how it works in order to complete the Guidebook adventure log: Butterfly Effect This is an unusual journey, but you'll be able to piece everything together in the end. I hope. While you're at it, you'll realize you can rewind and fast forward to a point in time to rewrite the story. It's entirely up to you to decide Multiple Perspectives Relax...everyone here is a friend of mine, so sit back and let them tell you their stories. Soon you'll find that their separate perspectives may be intertwined. Unpredictable Outcomes The consequences of triggering the butterfly effect are utterly unpredictable as even the smallest change could drastically alter the future. With that much power in your hands, who is really telling the story here? You or me? You may feel like you've landed in Bizarro World, but I assure you'll soon find Babel an extraordinary place to be. I don't mean to brag...but here's what you can expect: A series of "unfortunate" events A Guidebook of Babel

BitSummit THE 8th BIT Official Game Selection 【Blade Assault - TeamSuneat】 Blade Assault is a 2D action rogue-lite platformer with beautiful pixel art set in a desolate sci-fi world. Fight against the corrupt military of Esperanza as part of the resistance force of the Undercity. Bring the corrupt to justice by becoming stronger and fighting alongside your trusty comrades.

BitSummit THE 8th Bit Official Game Selection 【POLYROSE - ㊥Maruchu】 "POLYROSE" is a puzzle game where you rotate cubes to connect colors. ㊥Maruchu latest works such as "Colorful mines" and "URA-LOGIQ".

BitSummit THE 8th BIT Official Game Selection 【ポリローズ / POLYROSE - ㊥Maruchu】 「ポリローズ」はキューブを回転させて色をつなげるパズルゲーム 「カラフルマイン」「ウラロジQ」「七人のハナコさん」などの㊥Maruchu最新作

BitSummit THE 8th BIT Official Game Selection 【Memory Of Psycho - HZ3 Software】  Memory Of Psycho is a psycho-horror adventure game in which the protagonist, who has multiple personalities, gets involved in various incidents after the disappearance of his sister. The protagonist has the ability to communicate with other personalities in his brain.

BitSummit THE 8th BIT Official Game Selection 【和階堂真の事件簿 - スカシウマラボ】 「和階堂真の事件簿」シリーズ(全3作)はiOS/Android向け推理ADVゲーム。「1時間でクリアできる推理ミステリー」をコンセプトに、レトロなドット絵と本格的なシナリオが特徴のゲームアプリです。1作目「和階堂真の事件簿 -処刑人の楔」をはじめシリーズ3作品がiOS/Androidの各ストアにて無料配信中です。

BitSummit THE 8th BIT Official Game Selection 【和階堂真の事件簿 - スカシウマラボ】 "Makoto Wakaido's Casefile" series is a detective ADV game for iOS / Android. Based on the concept of "a detective mystery that can be cleared in 1 hour", this game app features retro pixel art and full-scale scenarios. Three series of works including the first episode "Makoto Wakaido's Casefile-Executioner's Wedge" are being distributed for free at iOS / Android store.

BitSummit THE 8th BIT Official Game Selection 【Dim Tower - Caffeine Zombie】 Huge tower was built for elude "Sea of dark". Various civilizations born within the blessings of the "sun". But,Now the sun has lost its power. In the past, this tower was prosperous. This tower came to be called "Dim Tower". It is said that there is only "Dark" erosion there. The main character, "Prince of Light" carrying a "magic lamp" and his "Shadow" work together to reach the top of the devastated tower. A puzzle-action game in which you use the different properties of light and shadow to solve puzzles, and sometimes fight against strange demons that stand in your way.

BitSummit THE 8th BIT Official Game Selection 【ころころしみゅれーたー - ナマリカルテ】 乗り物をクラフトしてブラックホールに入れろ! 2D物理演算インディーゲーム! どんなゲーム? ・そんな動きするか!?という物理演算に笑うゲーム ・かわいい助手をかわいがったり、ブラックホールに入れたりするゲーム ・あなたが世界最速スコアを更新するスコアアタックゲーム ・あなたが全く新しいステージを作るクリエイティブなゲーム

BitSummit THE 8th BIT Official Game Selection 【Dice Legacy - DESTINYbit】 Dice Legacy is a dice-based survival city builder set on a mysterious ringworld. Your ship has reached the shore of an uncharted continent. Roll and use your dice to gather resources, expand and defend your settlement, survive the winter and interact with the strange inhabitants of this eerie world. DESTINYbit