DBT Tokyo 弁証法的行動療法を東京で

DBT Tokyo 弁証法的行動療法を東京で

Dialectical Behavior Therapy in the heart of Tokyo by a multilingual therapist.


4月1日、日本語でDBTのスキルグループを始めます。ご興味のある方、また、ご興味のありそうな方をご存じでしたらこちらをご紹介ください。 https://ja.dbttokyo.com/dbt-skills-training

Thousands who ‘followed the rules’ are about to get covid. They shouldn’t be ashamed. 12/01/2022

A good read.

Thousands who ‘followed the rules’ are about to get covid. They shouldn’t be ashamed. Omicron is here, cases are exploding, and lots of people who have "followed the rules" are going to turn up positive. Here's how to cope.


There is an adult skills training running on Saturday mornings twice a month. This is the core of what DBT can offer.

The next cohort that starts on September 4th, 2021 has one or two vacancies. If you are interested in one year of learning DBT skills, please contact me before September 22nd at [email protected]

Please read this Information about skills training and comprehensive DBT:




DBTやってみてよかった。だって… 時々クライアント様たちから、いったいDBTってなんなのか、直感的な感想を頂きます。今日はその中から少しご紹介いたします。



DBT works because.... Occasionally, my clients tell me why they stick with DBT in most intuitive ways. I thought I would share some of them with you.




マインドフルネスを怪しいと思っているあなたに試してほしい3つの前提 マインドフルネスを怪しいと思っているのなら、始めるために試してほしい「前提」が三つあります。


Haven't written for a long time, and now I'm back on writing.

Meanwhile, Wix installed translation feature to the blog app, so Japanese and English are now separated. ouf... much easier this way! Thank you, Wix.

Three assumptions that might get you start mindfulness practice if you are skeptical If you have doubts about mindfulness, try these three assumptons.

Science & Wisdom of Emotions--Free Online Summit 28/04/2021

I've been recommending HealthyMinds app for guided meditation to many of my clients.

I think the program really speaks to the suspicious minds who have avoided the wonder of mindfulness and meditation.

This event, brings many mindfulness gurus including the founder of HealthyMinds, Dr. Richard Davidson, for 4 days to "Explore the Sience, Wisdom, and Power of Emotion." And it's FREE.

In Japan time: Starts at Monday, May 3rd at 8 am. And continues through Thursday. What a great way to spend a Stay-at-home GW!! Join me online!

Science & Wisdom of Emotions--Free Online Summit Insights and powerful practices to transform difficult emotions and cultivate our natural wisdom, compassion, and joy.

Dr Jill Rathus and Dr Alec Miller on dialectical parenting during the pandemic | Psychwire 21/04/2021

Dr Jill Rathus and Dr. Alec Miller write about parenting during the pandemic.

They created multi-family DBT skills training.. Their adaptation of DBT for teens and their families are very very inspirational and practical at the same time.

Dr Jill Rathus and Dr Alec Miller on dialectical parenting during the pandemic | Psychwire One of the more challenging aspects of the pandemic has been parenting during this time when everyone is carrying more than their share of stress and anxiety.



5月中旬から下旬に始める準備をしています。3名様以上のご参加で開催予定です。ご興味がおありの方は、[email protected] にご連絡ください。

DBT Skills Training | Group or Individual | English 09/03/2021

Next opening for Comprehensive DBT (21 group skills trainings over a year) for adults (English) is going to be mid/late May. Two slots are open for those who may be benefitted from all that DBT offers. If you are interested, please contact me at [email protected] More information about the skills training here: https://www.dbttokyo.com/dbt-skills-training

DBT Skills Training | Group or Individual | English Explains what DBT skills traning aimes to achieve, and how it is organized.



The rise of the fake commute, and why it's good for your mental health 30/01/2021

CNN’sarticle on the positive effects of fake commute.





The rise of the fake commute, and why it's good for your mental health In a prolonged period of working from home during the pandemic, the "fake commute" trend may help some people stay resilient and set boundaries.



DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) | English-speaking therapist | Counseling | 14/12/2020

DBT Tokyo is constantly improving the contents of website. Please take a look. The new addition include the pages on borderline personality disorder, invalidating environment, and emotion dysregulation in Japan in social transition. Japanese update is coming soon.

DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) | English-speaking therapist | Counseling | Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) in the heart of Tokyo. Group Skills Training, Individual/Family counseling and multicultural counseling in English, Japanese and French.

Accepting reality as it is / 現実をありのままに受け入れる 27/11/2020

New blog is up. This time it is what it means (to me now) to accept the reality as it is.


Accepting reality as it is / 現実をありのままに受け入れる What is Acceptance? 受容ってなんだろう?

Dialectical Failure 2 / 弁証法的機能不全 2 11/11/2020

New blog post is up. This time about dialectical failure and personality.

Dialectical Failure 2 / 弁証法的機能不全 2 What would dialectical failure look like in personality? 弁証法的機能不全とパーソナリティ

Blog | DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) 25/10/2020

There is a blog page now in our website.

Blog | DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) Dialectical Failure 1 / 弁証法的機能不全 1 What would dialectical failure look like in real life? 1 Let's say someone asked you which of the pairs (A or B) below is right. A: Ch... 3

DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) | DBT Tokyo | Japan 19/10/2020

DBT Tokyo's webpage has been renewed. Please visit: www.dbttokyo.com

DBT Tokyoのホームページをリニューアル致しました。

DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) | DBT Tokyo | Japan Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) in the heart of Tokyo. Group Skills Training, Individual/Family counseling and multicultural counseling in English, Japanese and French.


American Psychological Association's annual convention is going on. This year all online.
I watched last night a "plenary" session called the psychology of being a leader in a time of crisis.

Among the 5 speakers on the podium were Dr. Tom Kolditz (an expert of leadership in crisis and danger) and Ms. Stacey Abrahams ( of course one of the candidates as Biden's running mate). What they brought to the discussion was so insightful that I wanted to share with you.

Dr. Kolditz says that when everything fell and people were functioning under fear/danger/uncertainty, the only thing that would make leadership effective is trust. He and his team identified 5 things that those successful crisis leaders did to win that trust: a) Understood that people were already upset by the crisis, and did not upset them further. Instead, they modeled calmness and instilled realistic hope. b) Managed people's fear by making and achieving tasks daily. c) Described and communicated regularly the shared risk / common threat that they were fighting against. d) Reduced status differentials between them and followers by giving up their perks. e) Demonstrated their competencies to manage the crisis and loyalty to the people who worked for them at the same time.

Ms. Abrahams spoke about being a leader as a minority running in the gubernatorial election. She said the first thing that she had to do was to figure out how her constituency was learning about her and what they were making out of her. She didn't have to pretend to be someone else to win the trust, but she had to adjust some of her behaviors and languages in the context of her constituency. In other words, she had to become relevant. This adjustment led to the biggest mobilization of people. Regarding the defeat, she said she had to accept that the victory (mobilizing so much of her constituency) and the defeat (yet losing the election) can happen at the same time. When the long grief period was over, she made a conscious decision to let the victory (process) part of the history guide her into the future.

Their talks made me reflect so much on everything.

Therapies and counseling | DBT Tokyo | counseling in English 03/07/2020

DBT Tokyo is starting its first group skills training for adults in English on July 11, 2020! If you are interested in the future group, check here: https://www.dbttokyo.com/therapies and contact us.

DBT Tokyo グループ・スキル・トレーニング(大人向け、英語)2020年7月11日に始まります。日本語はまだしばらく先になります。ごめんなさい。DBTの個人セラピーはもちろん承ります。

Therapies and counseling | DBT Tokyo | counseling in English Comprehensive DBT, DBT skills trainings, Individual therpay, family therapy. Counseling in English, Japanese and French.


今さら感が否めなくなってしまいましたが、Psychology Tools が出している「不確実性が充満する世界で不安と上手に付き合う」ガイドを日本語に訳しました。英語版が出て2週間で15か国語に翻訳。日本語は更に2週間遅れて今日アップ。36か国語目です。でも、この翻訳に手を挙げたおかげでいろんな国の心理士さんたちと一緒にお仕事できて楽しかったです。PDFはここからご覧いただけます。もしまだこれがお役に立ちそうな方をご存知だったらぜひお伝えください�https://www.psychologytools.com/assets/covid-19/guide_to_living_with_worry_and_anxiety_amidst_global_uncertainty_jp.pdf

(added) The collection of this guide in different languages are available here: https://www.psychologytools.com/…/free-guide-to-living-wit…/

Free Guide To Living With Worry And Anxiety Amidst Global Uncertainty - Psychology Tools 02/04/2020

Good resource from Psychology Tools about anxiety in the time of pandemic in many languages including English, French and Spanish. Click here: https://www.psychologytools.com/articles/free-guide-to-living-with-worry-and-anxiety-amidst-global-uncertainty/

Free Guide To Living With Worry And Anxiety Amidst Global Uncertainty - Psychology Tools Exposure therapy is the single most effective treatment for anxiety. Learn how to supercharge the way you help your clients to face their fears.

Speakers - The Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion & Philosophy (ACERP) 29/02/2020

On March 27th, Mie will be speaking at the 10th Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion & Philosophy(ACERP) / Asian Conference on Psychology and Behavior Science (APC). The theme is "Dialectical Behavior Therapy - its relevance for Japan in social transition"



Speakers - The Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion & Philosophy (ACERP) Speakers at The 10th Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion & Philosophy (ACERP2020) will provide perspectives from a variety of academic and professional backgrounds.

Timeline photos 26/02/2020

T of DBT

Timeline photos 13/02/2020

B of DBT
DBT(弁証法的行動療法)の B

DBT Tokyo | Counseling in English | Japan 11/02/2020

Welcome to DBT Tokyo
DBT Tokyo へようこそ

DBT Tokyo is a counseling studio where you can get the comprehensive DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) and other psychological counseling in English, Japanese and French. Please visit my webpage: www.dbttokyo.com for more information and appointment.

DBT TokyoはDBT (弁証法的行動療法)その他の心理カウンセリングを提供するカウンセリング・スタジオです。カウンセリングは日本語、英語、フランス語でお受けできます。ウェブサイトで詳しい情報をご覧ください。www.dbttokyo.com

DBT Tokyo | Counseling in English | Japan

Timeline photos 06/02/2020
Photos from DBT Tokyo 弁証法的行動療法を東京で's post 01/02/2020

Day 1! Peek at DBT Tokyo’s studio on its opening afternoon.
開店日午後のDBT Tokyoのスタジオから。