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CBC curriculum system structure Kenya - 27/05/2022

Understand the CBC curriculum system structure Kenya what is taught, structure of this education system, difference between CBC & 844 education system and how many years CBC takes on this guide. CBC in full means competency based curriculum. This curriculum was introduced in 2017 by Kenya institute of curriculum development

CBC curriculum system structure Kenya - Understand the CBC curriculum system structure Kenya what is taught, structure of this education system, difference between CBC & 844

William Ruto net worth biography age spouse - 09/04/2022

William Ruto net worth biography age spouse - find all the related concerning William Ruto net worth biography age spouse. Dr William Samoei Arap Ruto known as William

Moiben dairies: philip murgor successful 650 acre dairy farm - INFOSPACE.CO.KE 19/10/2021

Moiben Dairy Farm project was started as a hobby by P.K. Murgor, who had over the years come to recognize the dwindling output from grain farming in the region, mainly due to soils that had turned acidic due to unchecked use of artificial fertilizers. See the full story behind the success of this project

Moiben dairies: philip murgor successful 650 acre dairy farm - INFOSPACE.CO.KE Moiben dairies: philip murgor successful 650 acre dairy farm This is the definitive guide to Moiben dairies a successful dairy farm.

Photos from's post 11/10/2021

Passion fruits are in high demand in some areas like Uasin-Gishu 1kg can go for up to 60kshs per KG. See the full guide plus pictures from seedlings to maturity

0ver 10 simple ways to make money from Agriculture with little or less capital - INFOSPACE.CO.KE 10/10/2021

These are over 10 simple ways to make money from agriculture with little or less capital Most of the times many people fail in agribusiness or business in general because of poor planning and little knowledge this article guides you with simple agricultural ideas to enlighten you and make you find your suitable opportunity. It’s prudent that one takes due diligence to understand the project and opportunity they choose to do even before they think of starting.

0ver 10 simple ways to make money from Agriculture with little or less capital - INFOSPACE.CO.KE These are over 10 simple ways to make money from agriculture with little or less capital read 10 ways and more here

Complete garlic farming guide - INFOSPACE.CO.KE 05/10/2021

garlic farming guide to answer these and all the other questions
How long does it take for garlic to grow and mature
the best fertilizer for garlic?
How profitable is garlic farming in Kenya
How long does it take for garlic seedlings to germinate?
Garlic market in Kenya
How much garlic do you plant per acre

Complete garlic farming guide - INFOSPACE.CO.KE This is the Complete garlic farming guide to enable you start and grow your garlic for domestic or commercial purposes

Eldoret millionaires: How prominent millionaires from Eldoret made their empires from farming - INFOSPACE.CO.KE 06/09/2021

Mzee Jackson Kibor says that he missed out on Education but compensated it by venturing into farming business at the age of 15 where he gathered his wealth by selling eggs, chicken and farming pyrethrum. In his 20 Mzee Kibor said he ventured to potatoes export to Uganda and maize farming in largescale which saw him becoming a millionaire at only 29 years of age. Mzee acted as a middle man for potatoes where he says as little as 6kshs at that time secured him 1 bag of potatoes at Chepkorio
full story here

Eldoret millionaires: How prominent millionaires from Eldoret made their empires from farming - INFOSPACE.CO.KE This is the full story of prominent Eldoret millionaires: How prominent millionaires from Eldoret made their empires from farming.

How to construct a good poultry house full guide - INFOSPACE.CO.KE 19/08/2021

There are various reasons why you need to construct a good poultry house regardless of you owning a domestic poultry farm or a commercial poultry farm these are the important points on why you need to have a good poultry house;

To maximize your production on the poultry farm
Proper supervision of your poultry
Maximum protection from pest and diseases which may harm your poultry and cause losses
Proper feeding and laying areas for the poultry
Proper supervision of the poultry farm
Protection from extreme climatically conditions
Get to know the materials, types cost of construction and more on poultry housing here

How to construct a good poultry house full guide - INFOSPACE.CO.KE We have made you a full guide on how to construct a good poultry house for your commercial poultry farm or even domestic poultry farm.

A guide to dairy farming all you need to know - INFOSPACE.CO.KE 18/08/2021

Before venturing on Dairy farming here are the Key strengths you should look into

There is currently steady demand of Milk and its products
There is a well-established milk supply chain you can join
There are very large numbers of milk processors in the country
Milk has high revenue on sales
The initial investment in dairy farming business is low in comparison to other Industry so you can be sure of the returns
How can I start a dairy farm?
How much money do I need to start a dairy farm?
How profitable is dairy farming?
What should be considered before starting a dairy farm?
How many cows do you need to start a dairy farm?
All your questions answered here

A guide to dairy farming all you need to know - INFOSPACE.CO.KE We have prepared you a full guide to dairy farming this is to answer all the questions you need to know about dairy farming,

How to graft purple passion fruits the right way for maximum production - INFOSPACE.CO.KE 17/08/2021

Grafting passion fruits seedlings
What you need

Sterilizer especially jik
Healthy purple passion fruit seedlings 50cm high and 3 to 4 mm thick which have dark green leaves
Scions from healthy high yielding true-to-type vines of purple passion fruit are collected preferably when the plants have flowered.
Grafting tape or polythene nylon paper
Read comprehensive article with steps on grafting

How to graft purple passion fruits the right way for maximum production - INFOSPACE.CO.KE How to graft purple passion fruits the right way for maximum production Grafting refers to propagating or reproducing, a plant read more here

Eldoret millionaires: How prominent millionaires from Eldoret made their empires from farming - INFOSPACE.CO.KE 02/08/2021

hardwork, sweat determination and pain, this group of old men from Eldoret area Uasin Gishu county surmounted great challenges to build empires from nothing. They never grabbed or stole from the public as modern day billionaires do, but used their hard work to make riches, Read how these men used farming and business to build their empires

Eldoret millionaires: How prominent millionaires from Eldoret made their empires from farming - INFOSPACE.CO.KE This is the full story of prominent Eldoret millionaires: How prominent millionaires from Eldoret made their empires from farming. William Chemweno, Kite arap Tiren, John Kibogy, Elijah Maina, Elisha Busienei, Jackson Kibor, Paul Boit, David Samoei, Atanas Kandie and Isaac Kosgei among others who al...

Isaac Ruto's ksh 60 million Dairy farm in Bomet - INFOSPACE.CO.KE 29/07/2021

Inside former Bomet Governor, Isaac Ruto’s 30 ACRE dairy farm where cows don’t drink cold water and eat hay mixed with pineapples

Isaac Ruto's ksh 60 million Dairy farm in Bomet - INFOSPACE.CO.KE Isaac Ruto's ksh 60 million Dairy farm is located at Tumoi Bomet area Kenya Chepalungu constituency read full story here

Passion fruit farming in Kenya the definitive guide - INFOSPACE.CO.KE 17/07/2021

The full passion fruit guide to answer all these questions on passion fruit farming

How profitable is passion fruit farming in Kenya?
How long does passion fruit takes to mature?
What are the benefits of eating passion fruits?
How many types of passion fruits are there?
What is the best fertilizer for passion fruit?
What is the cost of 1kg passion fruit in Kenya?
How to Graft passion fruits
Get the full guide here

Passion fruit farming in Kenya the definitive guide - INFOSPACE.CO.KE This is the passion fruit farming in Kenya the definitive guide to answer all your questions regarding passion fruit farming

Profitable tomato farming in Kenya - INFOSPACE.CO.KE 16/06/2021

All the questions answered...
Areas where tomato farming is done in Kenya?
How many kilograms of tomatoes can one acre of land produce?
How to start a tomato farm
How profitable is tomato farming in Kenya
tomato pests and diseases in Kenya
What is the best fertilizer for tomato farming?
Which is the best month for growing tomatoes
How long does it take for tomatoes to mature
Tomato seed rate per acre in Kenya
What is the market for tomatoes in Kenya
Tomato varieties in Kenya
Read full article here

Profitable tomato farming in Kenya - INFOSPACE.CO.KE This is the profitable tomato farming in Kenya definitive guide with all information and answers to guide you on tomato farming in Kenya

How to grow tree tomatoes in Kenya - INFOSPACE.CO.KE 16/06/2021

. Before venturing into tree tomato farming in Kenya there are some of the questions you have been asking yourself

Areas where tree tomato farming is done in Kenya?
How much tree tomatoes can one acre of land produce?
How to start a tree tomato farm
How profitable is tree tomato farming in Kenya
Tree tomato pests and diseases in Kenya
What is the best fertilizer for tree tomato farming?
Which is the best month for growing tree tomatoes
How long does it take for tree tomatoes to mature
What is the market for tree tomatoes in Kenya
Tree tomato varieties in Kenya
All questions answered here

How to grow tree tomatoes in Kenya - INFOSPACE.CO.KE This is the tree tomato farming in Kenya definitive guide with all information and answers to guide you on how to grow tree tomatoes in Kenya.

Avocado farming in Kenya comprehensive guide - INFOSPACE.CO.KE 29/04/2021

some quick facts you should know about avocado farming in Kenya

Kenya ranked 8th globally (2.1% of market share) in 2019 in export of avocados shipping out 59,000 tons with annual value of Kshs 10.6 Billion, behind Mexico, Netherlands, Peru, Spain, Chile, Colombia and the United States. Among the top exporters, the fastest-growing avocados exporters since 2015 were: Colombia (up 1,607%), Dominican Republic (up 424.2%), Morocco (up 206.6%) and Kenya (up 161.5%). In 2020, up to end of October Kenya has exported 68,000 tons valued at Kshs. 14 Billion. Recently in April 2021 a report was released showing a whopping 4.6billion earnings by Kenya through avocados in only 3 months so, what are you waiting for?

Kenya’s climate is so fantastic and very suitable for growing avocados
Avocado farming is a long-term project, with initial high costs at planting, followed by a 3-5 year wait for the trees to come into production. To reap healthy rewards, it is essential to do a full risk assessment
In Kenya alone, avocado production ranges from 26-27 tons per hectare
Avocados can grow anywhere in Kenya Avocados suffer more when there is no water and also suffer most when there’s too much water. You need to create a proper drainage when there is too much water
Farmers should not sell their produce individually especially when exploring the export market. This lacks the selling power hence little revenue being generated.
Farmers need to sell as groups, consolidating their produce as a group. This enables them to have enough quantity, quality and thus maximizing the profits.
The avocado export market in Kenya is dominated by Kakuzi Vegpro, Sunripe Kenya, Horticultural Exporters, and East African Growers.

Read full details on this here

Avocado farming in Kenya comprehensive guide - INFOSPACE.CO.KE This is the avocado farming in Kenya comprehensive guide with all the details you need to know in starting and growing your avocado farm in Kenya

A guide to dairy farming all you need to know - INFOSPACE.CO.KE 16/04/2021

All you need to know concerning dairy farming how to start, scale and grow your dairy farm begin here

A guide to dairy farming all you need to know - INFOSPACE.CO.KE We have prepared you a full guide to dairy farming this is to answer all the questions you need to know about dairy farming,


This is the poultry farming in Kenya full guide to answer all your questions and all the information you need to start and grow your poultry farming in Kenya

POULTRY FARMING IN KENYA FULL GUIDE - INFOSPACE.CO.KE This is the poultry farming in Kenya full guide to answer all your questions and all the information you need to start and grow your farm


✅ Cessation of movement from disease infected area Kajiado, Machakos, Kiambu,Nairobi and Nakuru
✅ All in person meetings in Cabinet are suspended. Both houses and county assemblies of the disease infected areas as well.
✅ International travel shall continue alongside existing guidelines
✅ Nationwide curfew to start at 8:00pm-4:00am in the zoned areas and the rest of the country at 10:00pm-4:00am
✅ Ministry of interior and health to review curfew passes. All existing passes are null and void
✅ Worship in the metioned counties suspended. Other counties to follow previous guidelines
✅Suspension of physical learning other than for candidates
✅ Sporting activities and clubs suspended
✅ Bars and eateries suspended in the counties mentioned. Take away services only. Other counties to continue as was before.
✅ Public transport to carry at 60%
✅ All employess of private and public sector to work from home with exception of essential services.
✅ All hospitals to limit no of patients
✅ All physical gatherings should have no more than 15 people.
✅ Funerals limited to 50. Weddings, rites of passage such like events limited to 30 persons in total.
✅ political gatherings suspended.
✅ above 60 to be vaccinated as a priority group.
(*Shared as heard)


*President Uhuru Kenyatta announces new Covid-19 measures :*

1. Cessation of movement by road, rail and air in and out of the counties of Nairobi, Kajiado, Machakos, Kiambu and Nakuru till further notice.

2. No in-person meetings of any kind in the counties of Nairobi, Machakos, Kajiado, Kiambu and Nakuru till further notice.

3. Parliament asked to go on recess as well as the regional Houses mentioned above.

4. Curfew to begin at 8pm and end at 4am in the counties of Nairobi, Nakuru, Machakos, Kiambu and Kajiado.

Other counties curfew will go on as currently is, being from 10pm to 4am.

5. Government vacates all curfew passes until a review by the Ministry of Interior is done.

6. In-person worship in Nairobi, Nakuru, Machakos, Kiambu, and Kajiado till further notice.
Other counties to be allowed in person religious engagements but to adhere to the one third rule of capacity of religious institutions.

7. Bars are suspended from operating in Nairobi, Nakuru, Machakos, Kiambu and Kajiado. Restaurants and eateries in the said counties shall provide takeaway services only and are banned from selling alcohol.

8. Schools, including universities closed. No further in-person learning.

9. All employees of private and government bodies are directed to have employees working from home until further notice, except those where services cannot be provided remotely.

10. All hospitals asked to limit number of visitors to patients to just one per patient.

11. All permitted gatherings to have not more than 50 people. Funerals to be conducted within 72 hours of confirmation of death with just a total of 50 people.
Marriage other similar events to have a total of 30 people.

12. Those above 58 to be vaccinated in first phase.



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