Kuria Wa Mwaniki

History is a mirror of society. Lets take this journey together.

The highs and lows of life cast important lessons for us and we can choose to make our present and future better by studying History.


Dear Kenyans,
For so long we have normalized corruption, nepotism, mediocrity in public office holders and Systems not working for the common mwananchi.

It's normal for the Government hospitals to lack enough doctors, COs, Nurses, equipment and drugs yet we pay for the services through NHIF. Kenyans have to dig dip into their pockets to seek treatment in private hospitals, get CT, MRI scans from private enterprises and buy prescribed drugs from chemists.

It's normal for our learners in public schools to study in an overcrowded classroom and sometimes underneath trees where the teacher to student ratio is 1:70. It's normal for the learners to lack or share desks, textbooks and other learning materials. Capitation is released by the Ministry of education one week to closing date and yet we go quiet.

It's normal for Highly skilled and educated school leavers in Kenya to tarmac for decades looking for jobs and subjected to multiple PR exercises of applying for already sold out jobs vacancies in the government's PSC portal.

It's normal for a Kenyan to give a bribe in a Government office for an employed person in the said office to do his job. This happens when we have EACC, a commission taxpayers bankroll it to fight corruption.

It's the new normal in Kenya for a Kenyan to be abducted, shot and get dumped in a morgue or a quarry for just calling out Corrupt leaders and demanding Government's accountability and transparency.

Until when will Kenyans tolerate such crap and say Enough Is Enough? Our future is in limbo if we remain docile and 'good citizens' who don't call out evils in the society. It's time to be activated citizens who will keep the Government on its toes demanding what is rightfully ours.

We must remember that the President, Parliament, Judiciary are there to work for Kenyans and they are not doing us a favour. If they can't work, let them exit the stage soonest.

It's time to reclaim our motherland from the hands of thugs in Government. We owe it to ourselves to liberate ourselves from the Yokes of dealers who are out to sell Kenyans to the highest bidder.

We don't have to leave Kenya to thrive; We want and we will enjoy all the niceties in our Country only if we vouch for good governance.

The Journey started in June and it's still on today NaneNane. Aluta Continua!


The current President of Kenya should climb down from his high horse and accept that the opposition meted on his administration is largely from well meaning Kenyans who wants the best for Kenya. His insinuations of a foreign hand is misleading to say the least.

Patriots are fed up by incompetent and corrupt politicians masquerading as leaders who if unchecked would lead the country into a terrible mess.

The only sponsor of the Maadamanos is the prospect of a bleak future driven by your poor choice of cabinet members whose only preoccupation was primitive accumulation of wealth. The Youth view the extravagancy in government while their avenues for improving
their livelihoods are constricted by the day.

Mr President, it takes a gentleman to own up to his mistakes and promise sincerely to make ammends. Unfortunately, The abductions, torture,killings and coverups happening under your watch will only fuel the rage and anger of citizenry.

God bless Kenya.


"Nīma mwana wa ngarī akunyaga ta nyina."
Mùtongoria onirio gùkunya nī ithe wa gi-siasa Moi.

Akīonio gùtootīra Kanitha o kiumia na gwītua Mùkristiano mwega na mùthingu. Nīahùthīrire kanitha gwītheria onginya tùkihana ta ngīrī na tùkīriganirwo ni mbaara ya 2007/2008 īrīa anyitire itemi kùraga andù a nyùmba iitù Riftvalley na gùthamia makiri ma agīkùyù mwena oroùcio.

Thutha ùyù nitwonete ciīko ciake cia njùragano na ùnyiti wa aregani mīgwate thutha wa andù ethī kùregana na Finance bill ya 2024. Ciīko ici athomithirio na kinyi egīkundinī kīa YK92 mīakainī ya 1990s.

Nī mùhahami wa indo cia mùingī njorua na haria atwerekeirie ta bùrùri wa Kenya ni bùrùri ùyù ùtuīke wa koigi-ùteerwo, etongie we mwene na mīkora īrīa īmùrigicīirie.

Mùkenya owothe wa wendi mwega nī ihinda tuge ciaigana nīciaigana na tùmweherie ùtongoriainī.


The bunch of criminals in Government think Kenyans are cut from the same cloth....We are not criminals....


Its time to mark ourselves safe and at home.
Kenya will rise again.
Aluta Continua!


This is the day,*2
That the Lord has made*2
We will rejoice*2
And be glad in it.


Kenya is at the crossroad.
We either get it right & send these politicians home and bring in leaders or we continue for another 3 years wallowing in Govt sponsored poverty.
Abductions and intimidations have no place in this struggle.
Kesho Tuesday ni TOTALSHUTDOWN/OCCUPYEVERYWHERE/Watatii....GenZ lead the way as we Millennials give you all the necessary support.


Reflections following Gen. Ogolla's sendoff.
1. Would your Eulogy during your sendoff portray a balanced life between work and Family?
2. Would it show a man/woman of principle whose work ethic was guided by Christ?
3. Would it expose a man who treated everyone with utmost respect irrespective of their cadre?

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Happy and Prosperous New year 2024.
May God guide us throughout the year.


I’m drinking from my saucer, ‘Cause my cup has overflowed.
I don’t have a lot of riches, and sometimes the going’s tough.
But I’ve got loved ones around me, and that makes me rich enough.
I thank God for his blessings, and the mercies He’s bestowed.
I’m drinking from my saucer, ’Cause my cup has overflowed.


You like because & you love despite


Once a teacher, always a teacher.
Happy teachers day to all in the most noble profession and who fulfil it with passion.


The only way to get love is to be lovable. It’s very irritating if you have a lot of money. You’d like to think you could write a check: I’ll buy a million dollars’ worth of love. But it doesn’t work that way. The more you give love away, the more you get.”
Warren Buffet's reflection on how to measure success.


Today i happened to drive to town around 9am after about a 4 months break. Kiambu rd. that was previously synonymous with over 10 mins delay and over 5 lanes at Muthaiga was different. There was minimal traffic and the ride wss smooth even on Thika rd.

I could have hurriedly celebrated that i was in Lavington within 30 mins but i knew better that the economy is biting Kenyans hard. Many Kenyans cannot afford to drive to work as they did previously due to the record high fuel prices. Business is slow everywhere and were it not for the good harvest this year, Kenya would have sunk into a precipice.

Mr. President, i hope your people are feeding you with intel that things are thick and your intervention is needed soonest.

The message is out there:-
1. "You must eject clowns from ministries and state departments"-its not time to reward friends who are mediocre.
2. "Cut government spending & wastage."
3. "Minimize the talk and walk the talk."
4. "Don't bulldoze the Finance act on Kenyans."


For all your Transportation needs... Call Mr. Kuria 0728954400


Kenyans oppose the proposed taxation proposals with good reasons.
1) The Government has failed to demonstrate that the money won't end up as the next big scandal.
2) The Ruto has a bloated government and expects taxpayers to cough more to maintain their extravagant lifestyles.
3) The administration is out of touch with current needs of the populace.


"Not all those that wander are lost."
J. R. R. Tolkein


At the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, the Great War ends.
At 5 a.m. that morning, Germany, bereft of manpower and supplies and faced with imminent invasion, signed an armistice agreement with the Allies in a railroad car outside Compiégne, France.
The First World War left nine million soldiers dead and 21 million wounded, with Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary, France and Great Britain each losing nearly a million or more lives.
In addition, at least five million civilians died from disease, starvation, or exposure.


Fact: Pregnancy tests date back to 1350 BCE
Based on an ancient papyrus document, Egyptian women urinated on wheat and barley seeds to determine if they were pregnant or not, according to the Office of History in the National Institutes of Health. If wheat grew, it predicted a female baby. If barley grew, it predicted a male baby. The woman was not pregnant if nothing grew. Experimenting with this seed theory in 1963 proved it was accurate 70 percent of the time.

Photos from Kuria Wa Mwaniki's post 13/10/2021

Mary Actually Had a Little Lamb
Everyone knows the nursery rhyme "Mary Had A Little Lamb," but you probably didn't know this was based on true story. Her name was Mary Sawyer. She was an 11-year-old girl and lived in Boston and one day was followed to school by her pet lamb. In the late 1860s, she helped raise money for an old church by selling wool from the lamb.


Waing'a in Historical context

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This is a song from a historical moment in Gîkûyû history.

The year is 1889, where Tumutumu mission stands today, you can only see a medicine man's hut (Waing'a).

In previous years, his compound wouldn't be as full as it is today. Many people know natural herbs, and the diseases they cure/remedy so visiting a medicine man is a last resort.

But today, the compound is full. It has been this full for a few weeks or so ago, and it might continue to be this full for several months to come.

There is a strange disease in the land. A disease the Gîkûyû nation hasn't seen before. If this disease gets to you, your skin gets itchy, hot, and it develops rashes. People have called it Mûhare.

Story goes that if you get this disease, you'll keep scratching yourself. You'll be so itchy such that, your hands wouldn't be doing a good job and you'll opt to use a mûratina (the plant).

If you stand from a far, and watch those people coming out of Waing'as but, you'll they come out covered in white dust. From this far, it is difficult to differentiate whether the whiteness is from ashes or ira.

Waing'a, a renowned medicine man, has never seen this disease before. None of the knowledge passed down to him through the word of mouth, as collected by our forefathers can help cure this disease.

Waing'a, only has a remedy to the itchiness. Covering them in the white soil, or sometimes ashes. Yeah, man gotta improvise. Patients can then go home and wait to heal naturally or die.

As you turn to go on with your Journey, you see another relatively new hut. It's also has some patients.

Word has it that the hut belongs to Njecû (Jesus), and his servant is a white Scottish man, whom locals have nicknamed Nyaruta.

Nyaruta also says he has a remedy to the disease. Apparently Njecû can heal them, and any other disease that they have.

Nyaruta is calling on all Waing'as frustrated patients calling them to his hut. When a patient accepts the invitation, they will wash the whiteness off, apply oil on the patients, give them new clothes, and give them medicine.

And drumrolls, his patients actually have a lower motarity rate than Waing'as. When asked he says it is the power of his master Njecû.

He even openly tells people, that they should gauge the power of Njecû, and the power of Waing'a and decide for themselves.

Evidence says Njecû is stronger than Waing'a.

Important history or events in Gîkûyû land are recorded through songs. So, Nyaruta's patients, turned followers, have now created a new song to record this historic event.. They're singing it at every opportunity they get;

UNFORTUNATELY, generations of Kikuyu folks have sung the song in church innocently knowing that Waing'a is satan.


On 10th October 1913, the construction of Panama canal joining Atlantic ocean and Pacific Ocean ends following the detonation of Gamboa d**e, the last obstacle on orders from US President Woodrow Wilson


Che Guevara, on October 9, 1967, the socialist revolutionary and guerilla leader, age 39, is
killed by US backed Bolivian army. They decapitated his hands as proof of death and his body was buried in an
unmarked grave.(Osama style)

However in 1997, Guevara’s remains were found and sent back to Cuba,
where they were reburied in a ceremony attended by President Fidel Castro and
thousands of Cubans.

Ernesto Rafael Guevara de la Serna was born to a well-off family in Argentina in 1928 and studied medicine at the University of Buenos Aires. While a student, he took time off to travel around South America on a motorcycle and witnessed the povertyand oppression of the lower classes.

After gaining his medical degree in 1953, he
continued his travels around Latin America, becoming involved with left-wing

In the mid 1950s, Guevara met up with Fidel Castro and his group ofexiled revolutionaries in Mexico. Guevara played a key role in Castro’s seizure ofpower from Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista in 1959 and later served as Castro’s
right-hand man and minister of industry.

Guevara strongly opposed U.S. domination
in Latin America and advocated peasant-based revolutions to combat social injustice
in Third World countries. Castro later described him as “an artist of revolutionary
Guevara resigned—some say he was dismissed—from his Cuban government post in
April 1965, possibly over differences with Castro about the nation’s economic andforeign policies. Guevara then disappeared from Cuba, traveled to Africa andeventually resurfaced in Bolivia, where he was killed.
Following his death, Guevaraachieved hero status among people around the world as a symbol of anti-imperialism
and revolution. A 1960 photo taken by Alberto Korda of Guevara in a beret became
iconic and has since appeared on countless posters and T-shirts.

The Office of Homeland Security is founded 08/10/2021

In response to Sept 11, 2001 attack of World Trade Organization in USA by Al Quieda, Homeland Security was formed

The Office of Homeland Security is founded The Office of Homeland Security is founded on October 8, 2001, less than one month after the September 11 terrorist attacks. Now a cabinet department, Homeland


Look no further for important Historically significant quotes, insights and Biographies.


Martin Luther King Jr. We are indeed products of history

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