DAUDI WHITE, Nakuru Videos

Videos by DAUDI WHITE in Nakuru. Daudi White (born 11 January 1997) is from East Africa, a Kenyan artist from Molo, Nakuru county. We

Kenya National Theatre I'll be performing at Mkisii ni Mkisii with Dj Banny

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Other DAUDI WHITE videos

Kenya National Theatre I'll be performing at Mkisii ni Mkisii with Dj Banny

Daudi White - Mbara (On you tube)

https://youtu.be/oAtPTUz7pEo In need your support.. subscribe,share please.



https://youtu.be/oAtPTUz7pEo With BBI dancers

Daudi White welcomes all to Molo (Generis hotel - Dallas sky lounge and ....) Opp Molo stadium. Karaoke night. https://youtu.be/oAtPTUz7pEo