Hon. August Lemayian

124k follower 9640 following content creator


Dear CS Hon Peter Munya

kindly you need to visit or sent your representative to Transmara Sugar Company in Kilgoris, Narok County. The factory is not adhering to set guidelines and regulations for sugarcane by your ministry. The CEO thinks he is above the law. The following issues need to be addressed by Mara Sugar.

1. The factory is giving farmers farm insputs and seedcane at exergerated prices and very high interest rate
2. The factory is not compliant to the harvesting age of mature sugarcane. Farmers are incurring loses due such delays.
3. Mara Sugay weightbridges are not up to calibration standards. They have been interfered or compromised to disadvantage the farmers.
4. Payment of farmers after harvesting is taking more than the stipulated time of 7 days after the final delivery or closure of JCC. Farmers could wait for up 3 months before they are paid.
5. Unecessary interest rates and charges to farmers.
5. Coming up with contracts to be signed by farmers without public participation or community/ farmers representatives being involved.
6. Poor payments and working conditions to their workers and unfair dismissal.
7.poor disposal of waste products like unclean water,bargas, to both water catchment areas and private lands

The list is endless... Kindly check on the factory.


Incase i dont match your standards baby girl, my story began with this blanket.

Hon. August Lemayian


Hon. William Oltetia Deputy governor

We will employ 100+1 tactics in order for the above doyen to harvest 99% of;
uasi ngishu votes
Moitanic votes
And siria community votes

na KENTA πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ


Martha Karua evacuated after a teargas canister explodes at an Azimio rally in Gusii stadium, Kisii County


If I attend your wedding and I miss food be careful with your wife I can't miss both


This is the current photo of Legendary Boxer Conjestina Achieng in the streets of Siaya.

It's indeed Heartbreaking.


What's WRONG with this picture? I see two adults are cuddling and posed for a picture.

People should just learn to mind their own business.


If you want to see my graduation grown let Oscar sudi response the same!

I didn't mean kisesema


Cow spotted along the Nairobi expressway.


CONDOM SHORTAGE hits Naivasha town as Safari Rally gets underway.

Wapi suppliers??


I didn't take my salary in first two years of my term as shankoe M.C.A

~ole sosio


Hello guys?

"A lot of ladies ask me why am not married, but sorry you might be wasting your time. The woman I marry will not be on Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. I want to marry a woman who respects God and Prays well."

Cyprian Is, Nyakundi


Just in Love 🌺🌺🌺



CS Hon Peter Munya Bwana CS, kindly you need to visit or sent your representative to Transmara Sugar Company in Kilgoris, Narok County. The factory is not adhering to set guidelines and regulations for sugarcane by your ministry. The CEO thinks he is above the law. The following issues need to be addressed by Mara Sugar.
1. The factory is giving farmers farm insputs and seedcane at exergerated prices and very high interest rate
2. The factory is not compliant to the harvesting age of mature sugarcane. Farmers are incurring loses due such delays.
3. Mara Sugay weightbridges are not up to calibration standards. They have been interfered or compromised to disadvantage the farmers.
4. Payment of farmers after harvesting is taking more than the stipulated time of 7 days after the final delivery or closure of JCC. Farmers could wait for up 3 months before they are paid.
5. Unecessary interest rates and charges to farmers.
5. Coming up with contracts to be signed by farmers without public participation or community/ farmers representatives being involved.
6. Poor payments and working conditions to their workers and unfair dismissal.

The list is endless... Kindly check on the factory.


My sincere Greetings to former cllr Ole Kingi,Ololchani Ward.


Siku ya nyani kufa miti yote uteleza

Osupukiai chronicle


She hit on my inbox

"Wanaume wa siku hizi ni ovyoo Sana, Pesa hawana, heshima hawana, upendo wa dhati hawana, nguvu za kiume hawana"

Ni kubaya.


Niende swimming pool kwani mm ni mwana mke???

Raila Running Mate Revealed. Live . 16/05/2022

Rigathi Gachagua: The Kleptomaniac. Ruto Running Mate.
1. He killed thousands Kikuyus under Moi instructions.

2. Rigathi Gachagua served as DO in Molo division Nakuru county where he facilitated sustained attacks, murders and displacement of thousands of Kikuyus in Molo and the larger Nakuru county by the notorious and ruthless YK 92 gang, prior to the 1992 general elections.

3. He evicted , maimed kikuyus ( he would cut hands) in the Rift Valley when he was a D. O. He would be paid with a piece of land. It is said he would cut the hands and present them to Moi, the more they were ,the higher the number of acres awarded.

4. Rigathi looted over 21 Billion in different parastatals thru fake supplies.😭😭

5. He stole over 500million meant for Dialysis machines for Nyeri County.😭😭

6. Gachagua was incharge of Nyeri County when his brother (governor Gachagua was in U. K for treatment) Billions of money was plundered from the County. 😭😭

7. Gachagua is a known land grabber , he owns large tracts of lands in Laikipia, Nyeri , Nairobi and Nakuru .😭😭

8. Gachagua is the monopoly supplier of Nyeri County. He supplies everything including office flowers😭😭

9. Gachagua is said to have conspired the assassination of Nyeri governor Wahome Gakuru after he declared to audit County funds for the Gachagua's regime.😭😭

10. His family controls the Nyeri County. They are in every ministry as heads and CEC's😭😭

11. Gachagua killed hundred Luhyas in Kakamega when he was the area D.O in 1995 . He also looted their sugarcane funds , anyone who would agitate was always found dead.

12. Gachagua was ordained as a kalenjin elder in Eldoret last year. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

13. His wife is a known conwoman , who controls deals and loots on his behalf. However she is a self proclaimed Bishop 😭😭

Rigathi is Ruto's Running Mate , they can burn or auction Kenya in a glimpse of an eye. Two looters, murderers, venims.

Raila Running Mate Revealed. Live . Raila Running Mate Revealed Live.


Why good girls remain single...

The Principle of Respect

It's quite sad how many good girls have ignore this principle to their own detriment while the "bad" girls have mastered it to their advantage.

As humans, many things communicate respect to us and we view things differently sometimes based on our gender differences. It's obvious in our world that the male gender cherish respect more than the female gender. One of the deep need of an average man is the need to be respected.

While respect could mean so little to a lady, every man you see out there want to be respected than you could ever imagine. Beauty without character repels a man from getting close to a lady. One cheap route to sustain your relationship is by respecting the man in your life.

Men find it hard to survive (remain) in an environment (with a lady) when they are constantly disrespected.
Beauty attract the man's attention to a lady but her character will keep him glued to her.

Many men approach ladies and leave after a while not because they are bad or they wanted to toy with their emotions, they leave because their character is unbearable. Many of us are like the fig tree in the Bible, we attract the attention of people with our leaves and leave them angry and disappointed after having an encounter with us.

May God grant us the wisdom to sustain our relationships and make us a blessing to ourselves and our spouses in Jesus name.

Cheers to a happy and godly relationship.

Hon. August Lemayian


I will vote in John Ololtua comes rain come parchedness


Dear first year campus girl.

It’s an exciting day the first time you go to campus. You’re done with the strictness of high school. There is no one to monitor you, to tell you what to do. You are looking forward to freedom especially if you will be a boarder and you will be able to get away from your parents and you can go for all those happening parties you have heard about. Let me give you a few words of advice as a big brother would do.

β€’ You think your mum is very old fashioned and she is. She is always asking you where you’re going when you leave the house, who your friends are and five other million questions. Sometimes it feels like she is the CID and you are a suspect in a case where you have no idea what your being charged with. You are thinking I am going to campus and I will be done with the questions. Yes, she is old fashioned. But she has two things that are an advantage for her. They say there is nothing new under the sun. She was young once. All the stuff you’re going through she went through. So she has experience of the world and a love for you that’s so amazing she doesn’t want you to end up bitter about your life choices. You will hate her, argue that she is very old fashioned, but believe me when your older you will realize that your mum is always right. So listen to her.

β€’ Choose your friends wisely. Not every person who says they are your friend is genuine, male, or female. There are women who will lead you astray because they are getting something from a guy who wants you or just for the sake of it. So don’t think its only guys you have to watch out for. Some friendships have ended up with girls ending up dead so don’t take this advice lightly.

β€’ Many girls are going out with rich men on and off campus in order to live the good life. You want pocket money, great clothes and everything a girl would want. Don’t sell yourself short. You are better than that. Work hard and get your own stuff. Is it really worth it to sell your soul for a few thousand shillings? No its not.

β€’ Do not be tempted to sleep with your lecturer for a good grade. It is wrong, end of story. Even if you don’t care others do and they will lose respect for you because believe me they will know.

β€’ Then there are those rich and married men again who want a girl for a mistress. They want s*x and fun. And you get money and stuff in the bargain. Ask yourself this question. Do I want to get married one day? This man is married to a woman like me. Do I want to be played the way this guy wants to play his wife? If you do decide to do it, remember Karma is a Bitch and she has teeth. When someone later on does that to you, you have no right to complain. What goes around comes around.

β€’ In first year you will have many campus guys approaching you wanting to take you out. That is called gold rush. Do not be confused by these guys’ sweet words. Their purpose is to sleep with you and notch another chick to their tally.

β€’ Know your values. Do you have any in the first place? What are you willing to do or not do? Do you have boundaries? What are these boundaries? Let those guide you when you’re in campus.

β€’ It’s good to have fun. Campus is a time to try new things. But be careful not everything you do is beneficial. Some things like drugs and s*x can get you into trouble.

β€’ Your body is the temple of God. If you can abstain, please do but if you cant please use condoms. By the way morning after pills are not piriton. You don’t just take them everyday. They will mess up your body.

β€’ There are more serious things then pregnancy. STD’s, HIV, and AIDS are real. So don’t think if you take morning after or contraceptives you will be ok. Take care of your body.

β€’ You went to campus to read not to become a wife. Don’t decide to cohabit with a guy and become his β€œwife” so you stay in your room to clean, wash etc for him instead of going to class. Focus on your studies. You will mess up your life for a guy; he will finish school and leave you behind.

β€’ If you mess up and get pregnant, don’t give up on school. Have your baby and get back to school. University degree will open up doors for you to feed that child in future. Get up and keep moving. It’s not the end of the world.

β€’ Read. That’s what you went to university to do. Make sure you learn. University is a place where you learn many things that will help you in future life. It may not look like it but the general stuff you learn there will be applicable in later life.

β€’ Network. Join Rotaract, AIESEC, and clubs in university you went to university to be a well rounded person. It’s important to develop your professional, social, and personal interests as well. These networks will help you grow through exposure, seminars etc. it also helps you meet professionals outside campus. These networks are important in and out of campus.

β€’ Don’t follow the crowd. It’s tempting to be in something bigger then yourself. You want to fit in, don’t want to be odd. That’s natural. But if the crowd is doing something that’s against your values don’t compromise them. You will regret it later. Some decisions you make have life long consequences.

β€’ Whatever you do, don’t ever forget that God loves you. Even when you mess up. If you ever need somebody to talk to reach out to him, he listens. Cultivate your relationship with God, it will help you through some crazy times in life.

There are so many things I can tell you campus girl. I could write a sermon on it, maybe I have. Enjoy your time in campus but remember as you have fun, everything has consequences.

Love and hugs,
A big brother who cares about you.

Hon. August Lemayian


Hon. Naanyu Naiguta is a great asset and example of beauty with brains.kilgoris Finest..We love you kiongozi!Next big thing in Hon. Moitalel Ole Kenta government. Loyalty pays, never outshine your boss dispite of the fact that he's too tribalic.
Wewe cheza tu his tunesπŸ˜†πŸ˜†



Narok county gubernatorial aspirant Hon. Moitalel Ole Kenta is under siege as kilgoris youths are eagerly waiting for his deputy nomination dispite of the fact that he promised to nominate them in to his political bids.


Digital creator


What's your bet in senete?????

Konchellah vs ole kina

14.6 : 2.54


Sankale Sosio Knowledge and wisdom are two different things. You can score grade A go to the university become a professor and still be an idiot and vice versa.

God does not choose leaders based on the academic Excellence.


πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆSweet Stew πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

1. Do you have a stubborn sister or daughter who always go clubbing and don't like sleeping home, if yes?
Then contact us 0754187766πŸ˜‹πŸ’ƒπŸƒπŸƒπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
We impregnate such girls to avoid them going out . Just Call our admnπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚
No disappointmentπŸƒπŸƒπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
2. There are 3 kinds of students in the world...
Some make wonders happen,
Some see wonders happen, And.......
Others wonder what happened!!!!!πŸ˜’πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

3. My girlfriend told me to "send her money" so I went into my SMS box, "typed Money" and press send.... I just saw her missed call, I think she wants to thank me or tell me how lucky she is to have me.πŸ˜πŸƒπŸƒπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

4. You'll never hear a lady's real voice until she is chased by dogs.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

5. If you don't wanna visit him, then tell him straight forward, which one is "I don't know if I can come again oooo, my father is angry with my mother "πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

6. Money is like HIV in Nigeria, just ask anybody they will say I don't have oo😫😫😫

7. Those of you students that used to run to the front seat during lectures " how far" have you bought your first private jetπŸ˜‘πŸš΅πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

8. Stop using Alomo, Burukutu, Tramadol, Mokole and Bitter kola.
Your partner deserves a "Free and Fair er****on" inside her.😎😎😎😏😏

9. I said it and I will keep saying it. No native doctor can break, the blood convent btw suya nd newspaper.
oya come and argueπŸ›πŸ—πŸšΆπŸšΆπŸ˜πŸ˜

10. I saw a guy today drinking his beer at 6:30 am.
I asked him: "Isn't it too early for you to be drinking ?"
He replied: "Ooh really, at what time do throats open?"
I walked awayπŸƒπŸƒπŸƒπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Now minding my own businessπŸ˜‚

11. When the pastor says "Open to the book of Roman" You will start sleeping
But when a girl says "Open my blouse" you will do that in 5 seconds and draw her bra like someone starting generator... don't worry bro... the devil is happily gathering your firewoodπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

12. Police: Mr Stephen Letoo we're here to investigate the source of your wealth.
Mr letoo : When I was poor, did
you investigate the source of my poverty?

13. Before you get serious with a girl, take her to the club in her city to see how many guys know her .
If the bouncer hugs her , run away my brotherπŸ€žπŸΌπŸƒπŸƒ

14. U have 5 boyfriends, yet when praying u say "God bless my relationship".My sister which relationship are u saying??
Just say God bless my team.

15. When your girlfriend forgets to end the callπŸ“žand you hear her saying...
"Eish! sorry about that, that was my uncle"β˜ΉοΈπŸ˜­πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

16. If a baby can locate the ni**le and suck so easily without being taught, then the baby should also be able to locate their diapers and change it. Those babies should stop pretending Abeg.πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

18. It's sad you will text a girl from an iPhone X and she'll ignore with infinix or techno, at least respect the source BIKOπŸ˜‘.πŸ˜‚πŸ’”

19. Her: Tell me more about yourself
Me:😳I'm a human Being, I'm a male , I have two legs, two arms and two eyes, I wear clothes and I can walk , I eat Food too...πŸ€•πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸš΅πŸš΅πŸ˜‚

20 You look cute and young when laughing at my jokes.. Yes I'm talking to uπŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜… making you happyπŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜… with my jokes also make's me happyπŸ˜…πŸ˜…

We share ci******es and Bear but we can't share opportunities.


Hon. August Lemayian 124k follower 9640 following

Photos from Hon. August Lemayian's post 30/04/2022


The FIRST STAGE is called honey moon and lasts about two years. This stage is very sweet, nice and romantic. This is where you find names like honey, sweet heart, baby and so on. In this stage, everything is perfect. This is a stage where a man returns home and dumps his socks and shoes anywhere but in the morning, he will wake up and find them placed where they're supposed to be. This is where madam doesn't go to bed until you return home. She sits in the living room and receives all the mosquito bites waiting for you till you return, take a shower and enjoy supper. Even if you return at midnight, you find her waiting for you. Wait and see what happens in the second stage.
This first stage is beautiful with a lot of tolerance. This is a stage where at night while in bed, you release a very toxic gas and your spouse instead apologizes. Remember, you have gassed but again he tells you, "Sorry darling, it's okaaaaaay." This is unbelievable. Madam has gassed but to you, it's okay. Oh my God, this is sweet. Everything is just merry making during this stage. In conclusion, Enjoy this stage for as much as we can.

The SECOND STAGE lasts for about ten years! This is where honey moon is over. This stage is red hot. During this stage, perhaps financial challenges have come in. You have given birth and the children are also disturbing you. Sometimes you are yet to give birth but really want to and the pressure on you is mounting from all corners. Landlords have become Landlords. There is loss of employment. Things are just tight.
Life is hard in this second stage. The man who used to return home early now returns very late. Sometimes he doesn't even return home. There are suspicions of infidelity and cheating. You don't trust each other. You feel your spouse is cheating, and infact he or she is cheating. When you return home and leave your shoes outside, in the morning, you find them where you left them. Things are hot here.
This is a stage where at night, you release a toxic gas and your partner asks what you ate during supper time yet you ate the same meals. He can even leave the bed and spend the night in the sitting room simply because you gassed. Imagine only gassing.
The second stage is hot. There are fights; spiritual, physical and in all aspects. This is the stage where you reach the point of considering separating. Each spouse shows his or her true colours in this stage. A night dancer switches on the reggae, mixes the music and punches the baseline. Your relatives taste the greedy side of your wife.
Those who persevere and overcome this stage end up keeping their marriage till death does them part. However, very many hang up the towel in this stage. They quit. In conclusion, Those who are in this stage should fight a little longer, not to hang up the towel. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Just a little longer and you are done with this heat.

Finally, there's the LAST STAGE. This comes after the ten red hot years. This last stage is lukewarm. It's neither cold or hot. You gas at large and no one applauds you or complains. You have seen enough of each other. You have known each other's true colours.
In this stage, whatever your partner does no longer surprises you. If she quarrels, you just say that is the nature of this woman. If he is still late out in the night, you don't even bother to call since you know he will return. If she doesn't serve you food and you feel hungry, you just go and serve food otherwise, hunger hits you for nothing.
This stage is not for disturbing one another. There is a lot of calmness and commands are few. This is where if you are watching TV with her in the sitting room and you feel thirsty, you don't send her to bring for you drinking water but only wait when she's moving to the direction where there is water and you tell her if she is coming back, she can come along with some water. If she asks you to repeat what you just said, you have to pretend like you didn't say anything. All of a sudden, she shocks you and returns with drinking water. There is mutual respect in this stage. In conclusion, those in this stage should just work for eternity. congratulations to those who are in this stage for, they have come from far.

That's all for today. Maybe the reader of this post can have a reflection. Maybe you can relate to this for those married. Maybe you will relate with this for those who will marry in future. I am also busy writing here but just know perhaps, out of the three stages, I am also somewhere there enjoying or facing one of the stages. Just do a reflection. It might be helpful.

Hon. August Lemayian


Shankoe MCA Hon Patrick ole Sosio had advised the azimio la umoja gubernatorial aspirant Hon. Moitalel Ole Kenta to withdrew from the statement he has been campaigning with that "he will Nominate a youth from trans mara west as his deputy governor"

The incumbent members of county assembly also put his remarks that "trans mara youths are yet Young and financially unstable to drive force gubernatorial campaigns"as initially wished by kenta!
........The countdown continue as kenta's deputy governor's Nominations becomes a very controversial deal as sidai fm anchor Mr Benson wuapari is also eying to context for the mentioned position despite of having multi-years deverse with the said azimio la umoja brigades;
1.maasai council of elders
2.Gidion Konchellah and Patrick Sosio who was once a Radio presenter at local maa radio station know as mayian fm before he was dragged into politics by his father, the current personal assistant to kilgoris incumbent mp.


Bluetooth connected successfully
Aki siasa weweπŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

David murathe and Hon Osca Sudi in one picture


Bahati deletes his song with Raila (Fire) from YouTube removes all Azimio posts from his social media , a day after being told to step down.

Photos from Hon. August Lemayian's post 27/04/2022

If there was ever a day to indulge, it’s your birthday! So get out there, fill today with all your guilty pleasures, and just remember, calories don’t count on your birthday.

Happy birthday nkonyek ❣️


Addressing the residents of Olereko sub location on issues igniting devorce and merits of having powers as far as politics is concerned


Some of JT's supporters should be taken to mathare mental hospital for special mental checkups!
Politics are taking them routlessly without mercy

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