

Helping spiritual entrepreneurs streamline & grow their biz

Photos from itsmariankathleen's post 27/04/2022

brb aligning with my highest self ✨🦋🔮

Photos from itsmariankathleen's post 15/04/2022

Adopting an “Okay And???” Mentality 💁🏼‍♀️💅🏼 (save for later)

Release those self-sabotaging thoughts and start embodying an Abundance Mindset. You are capable of achieving a lot more than what you give yourself credit for ✨

What limiting beliefs and/or negative thought patterns of yours need an ass-kicking today? Drop em in the comments and kick em to the curb once and for all ➡️


hiiii new faces!! 👋🏼 i figured it’s about due time to re-introduce myself for those of you who just found me and may not know me yet 🥰

my name is marian (rhymes with librarian— for my musical lovers 😉) and i work online as a mindset & manifestation coach. my absolute passion and purpose in life is to help people who feel like they’re destined for more break out of limiting & toxic cycles, patterns, and habits so they can manifest with ease, grow into the highest version of themselves, and live a life they’ve always dreamed of.

i began my spiritual awakening & self development journey back in 2019 due to a painful but enlightening breakup. before my “awakening”, i had no sense of who i was, had little to no self worth, was dealing with depression and severe anxiety, and was all-in-all just an unhappy person. my spiritual practice saved me and gave me the light and hope i had been missing basically my entire life.

since then, i’ve faced many shadows and challenges (some of which i’m still working through), but i’ve also experienced so much joy, light, and wisdom…as above so below 💫

so many of you remind me of who i was and what i went through even just a year ago, and i believe i have what it takes to give you the tools, techniques, tough love, and wisdom you need to embody your highest self. one of my beautiful biz coaches and friend teaches her clients that we are meant to help and serve past versions of ourselves, and i couldn’t agree more!

so, hi again. thank you for being here and for shining your beautiful light. this is a safe space for all, and my goal for being on this platform is to be as open, real, and authentic to myself as possible, in hopes of inspiring others to do the same ✨💙

tap the link in my bio for coaching, freebies, my podcast, and more! ➡️➡️

Photos from itsmariankathleen's post 02/03/2022

forever chasing that view 🌅✨🌛🌞 who’s comin with me??


at the end of the day, the only person who can change your life is you ✨🪐

hey 👋🏼

it's been a while! the last 8 months have been full of breakthroughs and setbacks, laughter and tears, surprises and disappointments, but mostly deep reflection and shadow work in my journey of deepening the understanding of who i am, what my purpose is, and how i want to show up for myself and others as a coach, mentor, friend, partner, business owner, and human being.

now, i'm not saying that i have it all figured out (who really does, anyway?), but something i have come to understand very well is the importance of making decisions that are in alignment with my highest self.

this means:

🌱 listening to my intuition
🌱 allowing myself to rest when i feel like it
🌱 learning how to say "no"
🌱 reframing my mindset
🌱 not comparing my journey to others'
🌱 taking time to cultivate high vibrational habits
🌱 holding myself accountable (that part 🗣)

it hasn't been easy. i've taken some wrong turns, made a couple U-turns, and i've definitely made mistakes. but looking back, i know that everything i've been through has given me something valuable to learn and has pushed me to become the person who is writing this today.

so, hey again. it's me, marian. back and better than ever, ready to connect, give back, and serve my community.

now let's do the damn thing. empires don't build themselves ⚡️💪🏼💋


the TRUTH about manifestation 😳👇🏼

i see so many people speak about manifestation like it’s this mysterious thing that you just sit down one time for whenever you desire something..

people see it as this isolated event that only happens consciously and intentionally.

what if i told you that we are constantly manifesting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, no matter if we are consciously aware of it or not? 🤯

crazy right??? but it’s true!

our everyday feelings, thoughts, habits, etc. are ENERGY and emit a certain VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY, which attracts people, things, and experiences that are reflective of that frequency.


so while you may be trying to manifest your ex back or your dream car, you’re also manifesting everything else in your life.

we like to give manifestation all this power and hype, and while manifestation is a magical and amazing tool, that’s all it is: a TOOL.

WE are the ones in charge.

WE have the power to align with the life we desire to have.

the things we manifest are dependent on our habits, our thought patterns, our perceptions, our frequency.

let me ask you this: if you’re struggling with manifestation, how do you view it? do you see it as this one time occurrence or do you see the power of manifestation every single day? if it’s the former, i recommend taking a look at your habits, patterns, etc. and see if you might need to make a change in order to manifest what you’re desiring.

not sure where to start? send me a DM, i can help! 🥰


5 money affirmations i’ve been loving lately ✨👇🏼

1. i am in a perpetual state of receiving

2. i am so happy and grateful for the abundance i feel today

3. i love money and money loves me

4. money follows me everywhere i go

5. i always have more than enough money in my bank account

feel free to borrow one (or all!) of these for your money manifestation journey 🦋💸

Photos from itsmariankathleen's post 03/11/2021

S W I P E ➡️ to see how i make my affirmations POTENT AF ✨🦋

drop your favorite affirmation in the comments below! 🥰


me thinking about where my clients will be after working with me ☁️💅🏼😳

no but seriously, changing your life is actually pretty simple.

i know what you’re thinking: “you think it’s easy?? who do you think you are! i’ve been struggling forever.”

the thing is, i never said it was easy. i said it was S I M P L E ☝🏼

it’s as simple as consciously shifting your perspective in your daily life to a higher one. the process of shifting is truly so simple once you understand what needs to be done. it also has the potential to be pretty easy, as well!

but we make it harder on ourselves when we resist. we make it harder on ourselves when we aren’t being honest with ourselves. we make it harder on ourselves when we aren’t upholding healthy boundaries and holding ourselves accountable.

when will enough be enough?

sooner or later, we all get to a point where compromise is no longer an option, staying where we currently are is no longer an option.

this fuel, this motivation, this driving force rises out of us to propel us forward…but it doesn’t last long if we don’t follow it.

blunt moment: the only difference between the person who takes the first step, regardless of the risks and the person who plays it safe is that the person who took action will eventually shift their reality into alignment with their dream life and the person who played it safe will not.

as harsh as it sounds, it’s really as simple as that, T A K I N G A C T I O N .

how can YOU take action? more importantly, how can you take action when you have no clue where to even start?

if you start with me, i can get you there. i can supply you with the wisdom, science, tools, and techniques that, when applied properly, have the power to completely change your life to however you desire it to be.

all you have to do is take that first step. i’ll be cheering you on regardless 💗

dm me to chat more about this amazing opportunity— apply and schedule your FREE consultation call via link in bio 🦋✨


i’m gonna let you in on a little secret… 🤫⤵️

stop putting so much pressure on yourself to complete every single item on your to-do list!

yes, it’s great to have a check list of tasks to complete and goals to accomplish, but beating yourself up for not finishing everything you wanted to finish is hurting you more than it is helping you…it’s all about finding a balance between pushing yourself and giving yourself a rest. without that balance, it can lead you down the dreaded path of burnout.

here are some signs that you might be pushing yourself towards burnout:
💥 you don’t have any motivation to get anything done
💥 lack of feeling accomplished
💥 forgetfulness / difficulty focusing
💥 poor sleep / insomnia
💥 changes in appetite

if this sounds like you, do not fret! the first step to shifting out of this is acknowledging where you’re at.

here is what i do to avoid burnout:
🔥 develop a morning routine and stick to it
🔥 get a good night’s rest
🔥 create blocks of time to complete your daily tasks
🔥 get in some physical activity (even if it’s just a little)

share some of your burnout tips in the comments below! let’s help each other ✨✨

Photos from itsmariankathleen's post 29/10/2021

be honest — how many times have you been in this situation 😳👇🏼

you’re talking with someone about your interests and/or beliefs and you find yourself on the verge of busting through the door of what i like to call the “spiritual closet”.

you aren’t sure how this person will react to this part of you. you’re nervous, scared even, about how they will view you after you’ve said your piece. so you play it on the safe side and throw a lil “disclaimer” in there, saying something along the lines of:

“what i’m about to tell you is gonna be pretty ✨woo-woo✨, but —“

sound familiar? same here 🙃 i used to do this all the time until i learned this ⤵️

the term “woo-woo” is not really used in a positive way to begin with. it’s a word that is commonly used in a derogatory way by people who don’t understand or perceive anything outside of societal norms. they use it to make fun of or belittle the views of people who believe in things like metaphysics, the occult, paranormal phenomena, quantum physics, and spirituality in general.

why would you want to use a word like that??

do you think that little of yourself? your beliefs? your values? your passions?


stand strong in who you are, what you’re passionate about, and what you believe in. what’s the point of saying you believe in something if you’re just going to use language that suggests otherwise?

if this resonates with you, i encourage you to make a conscious effort to show up every single day as your true self, no matter how many people give you “the look”. continuing to people-please by dimming your own light to fit in will ultimately make yourself unhappy— putting a huge damper on your mindset, vibration, and is doing your future self a major disservice.

it’s tough, trust me i know, but remember you’re never alone. and if you’re still reading this, i know you’re capable of this and much more 🥰✨

taking applications for 1:1 coaching! link in bio to apply 🦋