Made for More by Peps

Made for More by Peps

I help freedom seekers to create a new stream of income from home using Social Media & Automation. DM me "đź‘€" for biz model.


Hey y'all!

Just wanted to let you know that I had to take a little break from my network marketing biz due to some personal stuff, but don't you worry, I never even considered quitting! This biz is my golden ticket to the freedom I've always dreamed of. 🌟 I want to design my days according to MY desires - no permission needed for vacations, no more 9-5 grind behind a computer working for someone else's success. 💪 Now, I'm back at it and more excited than ever! BTW, if any of you still doubting the future of network marketing, you HAVE to read Robert Kiyosaki's 'The Business of the 21st Century'! Mind-blowing stuff! 🤯
It's a game-changer, trust me!


We never waste our lives, we are always learning and adjusting! ♥


Our character is most evident at our highs and lows. Be humble at the mountaintops, strong in the valleys, and faithful in between. And on particularly hard days when you feel you can’t endure, remind yourself that your track record for getting through hard days has been 100% so far! Something you will eventually learn through all your ups and downs is that there are really no wrong decisions in life, just choices that will take your life down different paths.


Although life will always be filled with unanswered questions, it’s the courage to seek the answers that counts ….this journey is what gives life meaning.


What small habits are you changing today ?


Courage doesn’t happen when you have all the answers…it happens when you are finally ready to face the questions you’ve been avoiding for far too long


Ultimately, you can spend your life wallowing in frustration and misery, wondering why life has to be so complicated, or you can be grateful that you are strong enough and smart enough to question your circumstances and grow from them…


Small Habits Compound...


We can have all the knowledge in the world, but it means nothing without building up the confidence to do something with it….So with that in mind “Today is full of possibility. Now, do something about it!”
Have an awesome day! đź’—


Have a plan that’s bigger than your excuses.




Sometimes the reason we struggle with stress and insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes circumstances with everyone else’s public highlight reel. Give it up. Don’t compare your Chapter 1 to someone else’s Chapter 15. Follow your own path, write your own life story, and never give up on yourself…Remember “You must learn a new way to think before you can master a new way to be.” Happiness choice ….Do YOUR very best and feel good about it.?….Unhappiness choice ….Compare yourself to everyone else….Time to unleash your choice


Be gentle and compassionate with those around you. Mother Nature opens millions of flowers every day without forcing the buds. Let this be a reminder not to be forceful with those around you, but to simply give them enough light and love, and an opportunity to grow naturally…..
Ultimately, how far you go in life depends on your willingness to be helpful to the young, respectful to the aged, tender with the hurt, supportive of the striving, and tolerant of those who are weaker or stronger than the majority.
We wear many hats throughout the course of our lives, and at some point in your life you will realise you have been all of these people…..
The bottom line is that it’s time to be less impressed by your own money, material possessions and looks. …..And it’s time to be more impressed by your own generosity, integrity, humility, and kindness towards others….


Hey everyone!
Hope you are having a lovely Sunday!!!


Has anyone taken a step back from what they are trying to manifest to re think what they actually want?


We can't control outside circumstances but we can control who we are ....and if we want to spring up through adversity we will
Ask yourself ...
How much do you want it ?
Not how much you want it to keep up with others
How much do you want it deep in your soul?
If you want it bad enough won't give up don't focus on how long it takes take action on purpose in pursuit of the goal ...focus on your why ❤
Remember you can't win the lottery if you don't buy a ticket
Remember you can't get a certain job if you don't apply
Remember money won't fall from the sky, you got to take action whatever that may be
We are 100% responsible for our lives one else is to blame ...this was the biggest lesson I ever learnt...
I am where I am in my life because of my choices, decisions and actions and letting go of the poor me victim mentality
Be that beautiful Rose below ...stand tall in the face of adversity
Become who you were meant to be
Like the Rose ...sometimes you got to stand alone and bloom
Have a blooming great day ❤


🙌 YES 🙌


It's a good day to start a good week!