Taxcollectors n harlots 8 ways

Taxcollectors n harlots 8 ways

Taxcollectors n harlots enter the kingdom ahead.Mathew 21:31


An extra mile Mosubeti relative protection

Photos from Taxcollectors n harlots 8 ways's post 15/09/2022

Walk an extra mile,turn te cheek arrive settle at an oasis of abundant grace


Wife n husband walk an extra mile conception failure,patience prayers.Judges 13


Walk an extra mile,turn te cheek te sun,moon,stars help farmers,travellers

Photos from Taxcollectors n harlots 8 ways's post 14/09/2022

The good plans from te Lord.Jer29:11


Walk an extra mile AIC Chebwagan

Photos from Taxcollectors n harlots 8 ways's post 14/09/2022

Zuru Maili moja ya ziada,geuza shavu Tunda La Roho


Blessed assurance Jesus is mine.Praising my Saviour all te day long


The eagle on flight

No matter how far an eagle flies up the sky ,it will definitely come down to look for food.

Photos from Taxcollectors n harlots 8 ways's post 10/09/2022

Walk an extra mile.Build houses,n settle down,plant gardens n eat what they produce.Jer29:5-6


David n Jonathan on to Mephibosheth.2Samwel 9

Love ur neighbour


Love ur neighbour


Enter te kingdom ahead of u.Mt21:31

Photos from Taxcollectors n harlots 8 ways's post 28/03/2021

taxcollectors n Weak tax Weak tax collectors,harlots go ahead to the kingdom.Mt21:31Weak tax collectors,harlots go ahead to the kingdom.Mt21:31Weak tax collectors,harlots go ahead to the kingdom.Mt21:31 go ahead to the Weak tax collectors,harlots go ahead to the kingdom.Mt21:31Weak tax collectors,harlots go ahead to the kingdom.Mt21:31Weak tax collectors,harlots go ahead to the kingdom.Mt21:31

Photos from Taxcollectors n harlots 8 ways's post 25/02/2021

If left outside in te open don't u think some birds peg on them? Job 12:7


like a wild donkey,a wild camel on heat running about loose rushing into te wilderness.In her season who can restrain her? Jer 2:23,24


"No man,sir" fo all have sinned n fall short of the glory of God.John8:11 Rom3:23


Dad Jacob loved his son Joseph n bought him a multicolour coat.Propaganda of Envy n hatred


"I restore him four times if I've taken anything from any man by false accusation." Zaccheaus the tax collector stood n said to the Lord.Luke 19::8


"Go n sin no more." Jesus set free the woman caught in adultery.John 8


to preach te gospel to te poor.

Photos from Taxcollectors n harlots 8 ways's post 13/02/2020

The chief taxcollector ran ahead n climbed a sycomore tree.Luke 19


approaching Jesus in unique ways to win him n be victor.Luke 7:36-47

1.nevigate Jesus.2.brought an alabaster.3.stood behind him.4.weeping.5.wet his feet.6.wiped them.7.kissed them.8.poured perfume."I tell you her many sins are forgiven because she loves much." Luke 7:47


The sinful city woman day of her victory: came in eight ways: 1. Learned that Jesus was eating at te Pharisee house. 2. Brought an alabaster jar of perfume.3. Stood behind him at his feet. 4. Weeping.5. N began to wet his feet with tears. 6. Then she wiped them with her hair 7. Kissed them.8. N poured perfume on them! She then won Jesus to herself much ahead of the Pharisees n Jews.Luke 7:36-47 Jesus then declared her the victor.


Eight ways the sinful city woman won Jesus ahead of te Pharisees n Jews:1.learned Jesus .2. she brought an alabaster jar of perfume. 3. She stood behind Jesus. 4. at his feet weeping. 5. N began to wet his feet with her tears.6. Then she wiped them with her hair.7. Kissed them.8. N poured perfume on them! She won Taxcollectors n harlots 8 ways Luke 7:36-47

