Hope Evangelistic Ministry

Hope Evangelistic Ministry

Çounseling and spiritual guidance


Finally, brethren and sisters, commit your life, your plans and your dreams to God through prayers everyday.Peace do I give unto you, not as the world gives.My peace I leave with you.Ephesians3:20"He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above r
that which we can imagine.


Who so keepeth the commandment shall feel no evil thing,and wise man's heart discerneth both time and judgement Ecc 8:5


God's work done in God's will will never lack God's supply


Kiria Kiri ngoro Nikio gigatongoria mundu,gietekirwo agaye moyo,na kiaregwo aikio kwa ngoma ( kana mwa).


Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the Fowler and from the previous pestilence.PHe shall cover you with His feathers and under His wings, you shall take refuge;/His truth shall be your shield and buckler.psalms 91:3-4.Honour and Glory to God.


"What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, and yet firfeits his soul".


The most important thing for us is to remember the fact that the Lord knows! Not only does He know what we face, but also has the power to rescue us, Trials are a reality, but so too is His knowledge and power to deliver.So believe in your Faithful God and His unlimited power to save


We all face things that are too powerful for us to stop or overcome, but they are not too powerful for our God.You may not be able to escape the accident,beat the cancer or overcome the the bad break on your own.The most High God is with you.The enemy is not in control of your life.He can't stop your purpose.God has the final say.He is going to draw you out of deep waters.He is going to rescue you from powerful enemies .


Are you answering to something that you're not?, Quit giving your time and energy to those negative thoughts, that is not who you are.When voices whisper that you are washed up, guilty, unworthy and failure recognize what's happening"They are trying to rename you.But when you hear : forgiven, redeemed and restored, that's when you need to listen .


The Lord God made clothing out of skins for Adam and his wife, And He clothed them;In God's great compassion He saw Adam's condition and did something about it.The Lord personally stepped in to meet the need,in a moment of great kindness,He made clothes for them and clothed them.He knows your needs ,And He will step in and prepare and supply what you need .


I will stand by you the Lord says,I will help you through when you have done all you can do,and you can't cope,I will dry your eyes,I will fight your battles,I will hold you tight and won't let go.


Keep your heart free from hate, and your mind free from worry; Give much and expect little from others.Live simply and fill your life with love, Treasure your Family and friends, Treat others how you expect to be treated.


Smile is the electricity and life is a battery, Whenever you smile the battery gets charged, and a beautiful day is activated,So keep smiling.


When a storm attacks, all big trees get uprooted, but simple grass always survives; Being simple and egoless makes us more powerful and stable.


As we focus (fix) our attention on the Lord,He can work in our lives.


Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, The author and perfecter of our faith.


Quiters do not win and winners do not quit be determined and forcus unto finishing the race


Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.And whenever you stand praying, forgive,if you have anything against anyone; So that your Father also who is in Heaven may forgive you your trespasses Mark 11:24-26There is power in forgiveness, when you forgive you heal, Forgive them who have wronged you, for you also need forgiveness from our Father in Heaven.STAY SAFE and embrace the spirit of forgiveness.


As a believer of the most high God, be like a river, don't negotiate with your obstacles.By faith create your own way and flow on and Almighty God will give you strength and courage."STAY BLESSED"


I shall live trusting God in all my life, for He has done me wonders


In each and every situation just trust God, and things shall be well


Take care of yourself because people can drive a 100miles to bury you,but cannot cross a street to help you.


Life doesn't always get better.But you do, you get stronger, you get wiser, you get softer, with tattered wings you rise.And the world watches in wonder at the breathless beauty of a human who survived life.


Before step out, Be courageous, Don't let your age become your cage, because you are the only Referee that can determine your stoppage time.If you must doubt anything, Doubt your doubts.


Trust in the Lord fully and do not lean on your own unde rstanding proverbs 3:5


Commit all your ways unto the Lord and your plans will succeed


God without a man remains to be God,but a man without God is nobody.

