Jeff Kuria

Jeff Kuria

National Youth Chairperson , Legale Aide, Media Strategist @TheServiceParty
S G @KabilaLaVijana

Photos from Jeff Kuria's post 16/01/2024

Sunday 14.01.24

I had the pleasure of attending and speaking at the 1 year anniversary of the Vivian Star foundation headlined by child prodigy Vivian STAR . Its always an honor to offer some mentorship for children who have a bright spark. It was great witnessing the star called Star.


What happens when you ask God for a sign? i asked and i got a first born for my foundation.
if you wanna help this cause grow, DM Me.


Happy Jamhuri Day


For those who may not understand Swahili. Here is that interaction between A policeman & some protestors in Kibera. It is SAD that this is the situation that maandamano has put Kenyans in. A matter of LIFE, DEATH, or PRISON.
See how reason is bypassed by people who want violence.


AT the Peoples Dialogue Forum, I ran into my friend Member of Parliament for East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) Hon Maina Karobia .I Expressed my best wishes and was happy for the Gentleman for scaling heights. Nilimwambia sasa amefungua jam.others will follow suit.


The Journey to Leadership has never been easy or in a straight line. there are always diversions, detours, repurposing, rebranding, and multitasking. During the just concluded Peoples Dialogue Forum(PDF) hosted by the Center for Multiparty Democracy(CMD), In my capacity as National Youth Representative for The Service Party I had the chance to recieve and engage My friend and KUSO President Hon Wakili Saruni on the space of campus students within the political arena at the TSP booth.

Photos from Jeff Kuria's post 10/03/2023

At the PDF festival TSP Media Director of Communication's Kiama Kariuki paid a visit to the progress ongoing at the festival.
Always nice bumping shoulders with the big boys in their field


At the PDF festival I ran into my friend the Member of Parliament in the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) HON Maina Karobia . I Wished him all the best in his journey scaling heights.


Good Morning Kenyans.
Seeing the conduct of INEC in the Nigerian elections,
IEBC did a great job.
Even our Kamwana is there observing and wondering if this is what circle of problem Nigeria is.
Anyway, Nigerians have spoken loud for Peter Obi

Photos from Jeff Kuria's post 23/02/2023

for urgent press release from manchester united fans


The DP will continue speaking truth, one day it will be too much truth. In the same way he is revealing the inner circle conversations, He will expose the inadequacies of his own government.


How is your Valentine's going? Or is it just a normal day?


Join me later today at 8:00 PM on TWITTER space as we discuss STATE OF THE NATION.


Why is it always these funny funny churches always making noise in estates.
I have never seen Catholic or ACK or PCEA blast music with low quality noise making sound systems in the middle of residential areas. Surely something needs to be done.

Photos from Jeff Kuria's post 05/01/2023

I have today been appointed to head the Constitutional Making Process Committee of Kenya University Students Organisation(KUSO)

BY the President of KUSO, My friend and Brother, Saruni Jesee

Collectively, we will breathe life into the legitimacy of Students Union in our Great Nation through the Constitutional Making Process.

It's my pleasure 💯


Happy new year


A summary of my presentation before the Presidential Working Party on Educational Reforms


Graduates annually are about 15 -30 k.
Government through the Public Service, offers about 3000 internships for a 12 month period for the who are lucky to get them.

ONE they are not enough,

and two,
in many fields what is considered educational attachment or internships is not considered as relevant experience as job seeking graduates claim they are met with requirements of "active practice" within their field.

which begs the question, what are the educational attachments for if they don't count as valid experience in most fields?

Our recommendation to the working party on education reforms is as follows

A. to engage the government robustly that intentional action is taken by government to increase capacity of government internships through the Public Service.
B. engage and influence private sector to accoqmodate individuals for internship opportunities
C. ensure that these internships count as active practice relevant to the field of study.


The current law requires repayment after one year regardless of income or employment status.
This is the beginning of default status.

Kenya National Bureau of Statistics puts our middle income earners at 23,670 shillings. barely enough to cater for the cost of life currently.

With that salary bracket,if an individual is presented the choice between paying for basic life, and paying back a loan, the choice is obvious.

I have stated the number of graduants yearly, now it is easy to look the other way when it's is one person but the moment 10000 students are thrust into this cycle, it bears negatively on the poverty index of the country

Our proposal is consideration done with respect to other international jurisdictions to make our repayment system an INCOME BASED REPAYMENT SYSTEM

Much closer home in Ghana, the loans board recommends that repayment of loans start at earliest convinience but moreso, when one is GAINFULLY EMPLOYED.

we are aware that our our GDP, purchasing power and income flow is not yet at new Zealand's level but we can work with what we have in Kenya to introduce a reasonable salary cap after which repayment of the loan can begin


To All you heroes out there. Happy mashujaa day😁


Later I joined my PL and Member of Parliament for Laikipia East Hon Mwangi Kiunjuri, alongside Hon Mugambi Gatati, MCA Salama ward in my constituency Laikipia west.
The future is bright in Laikipia County.
National Youth Rep, TSP

Photos from Jeff Kuria's post 13/10/2022

Today I shared a brief moment with Tharaka Nithi Women Rep, Hon. Susan Mwindu reminded on the gruelling campaign journey and later congratulated her on winning the seat. Much thanks and love to the people of Tharaka Nithi for bestowing trust on such a gallant warrior. A GREAT fighter and an even better leader.
National Youth Rep, TSP


Kenyan Son from the mountain.


Mwananchi perspective on the recent goings on.
Since the day baba and Cher-error read from the same script, it became apparent they serve the same master and have gone on to prove as much in recent days by conduct and admission.

I) Azimio now have their guns trailed on a run off. From Commisoners Abdi Guliyes affidavit, Cherera was of the opinion that 233000 votes get transferred to rejected to ensure are a run off.
Ii) Chebukatis response also has makes allegation of National Security pronouncement that if Raila Odinga cannot be declared winner, then a run off should be forced sighting "national security" reasons.
III) Fatuma Gedi today through the Azimio campaign team led by Ndiritu muriithi also said, "we are ready for a run off"

Politicians like Fatuma Gedi are the kind who ask how high after being asked to jump. They hardly carry their own opinions but reinforce what has been communicated to them. So you can believe that is the Azimio position.

However the TWIST is, They know with the current circumstances, they CANNOT win in a run off.

The next thing you expect is the following

1. Maandamano to hold the Judiciary hostage. (had been planned but cancelled upon reassurance that DEEP STATE will intervene)
2. Reject the results if not favourable to them
3. If favourable, boycott the run off on claims that IEBC needs reconstituting.

DEEP STATE has failed Raila Odinga.
This too will fail.

Photos from Jeff Kuria's post 30/06/2022

Two years ago, the journey started. This is where we are at now and we are marching forward.

On 27:06;2022, Witnessed the signing of the Youth Charter on behalf of The Service Party. The Kenya Kwanza Youth Charter is the beginning of a commitment to a prosperous future & a roadmap to an all inclusive government for the youth and inclusive process of governance for young people.
Wesley Jeff, TSP National Youth Rep.


As I turn a year older. All thanks and gratitude and glory to the Lord for helping me live in my dreams and hopes.
It has been challenging , with painful lessons and numerous restructuring. Also with happy and great memories. I have learnt many new things, settled into various responsibilities of leadership, met amazing people, lost some, travelled new places and seen different cultures and livelyhoods.
It has been a year that I cannot take back because of the growth experienced. But as God has helped me live in my dreams, I pray that as I make new dreams, He can continue walking with me.
To my family, thank you for Always being there.
All I can pray for is Wisdom of Solomon and the Faith of Abraham as I move forward.

Photos from Jeff Kuria's post 12/05/2022

Youth meets Youth. It was my humble honor today to present TSP Nominee for Member of Parliament for Kiharu constituency Dennis Maina - Kiharu MP (KIHARU FRESH) with his nomination certificate.
National Youth Representative, TSP


Ann Nderitu, Registrar of Political Parties has cleared 47 candidates to run for presidency in AUGUST
If they all get cleared by IEBC, that is figuratively a presidential candidate for every county.
Niskie wajinga wakisema we voted in the wrong person after 2022.
If you are offered a bouffe and you choose to eat Githeri and later complain that you missed cuisines, YOU are the PROBLEM not the food.
Choose a candidate you are believe in. I will vote for WILLIAM SAMOEI RUTO and I will convince a people to do the same, with GOOD REASON.
I suggest you(WHO IS READING THIS) do the same (for whoever your candidate is)




Tomorrow at 10. Ti kwagîrîra nî gwîtîkîrîka.


Whatever you do with this is up to you.


My people, youths we are scared, heartbroken, depressed, hopeless and broke.
You defer because of lack of fees or high fees that the institution imposed,or helb delays, and University of Nairobi still deregisters you. LUDICROUS
I have said this and I will say it again, Uni education in the next few years will become expensive & unprofitable to pursue.
You are told the Key to Employment is education, you struggle to go to school, incur debt that starts you off at a disadvantage when you complete studies , the key that was promised to you never worked in the first place.
Then you will hear a politician talking about unemployment. You cannot fix a problem from the middle .How now? Mangai tukuwagwo wana muno
Youths You are on your own.
WE need to desist from the idea of careers and move to skill based competence. Careers are generated from education while skills are generated from problems that need to be fixed. And money is earned by fixing someone's problem. LEARN a skill because hizo makaratasi zitaisha umuhimu k**a KAMPUNI YA KAMISI

Videos (show all)

What happens when you ask God for a sign? i asked and i got a first born for my foundation.if you wanna help this cause ...
For those who may not understand Swahili. Here is that interaction between A policeman & some protestors in Kibera. It i...
The Journey to Leadership has never been easy or in a straight line. there are always diversions, detours, repurposing, ...
A summary of my presentation before the Presidential Working Party on Educational Reforms1.INTERNSHIPS AND ATTACHMENTSGr...

