AIC Neema Airways

AIC Neema Airways

Reaching out to the World, Equipping and Transforming the Church of God to Holistic Worship.


Good morning readers welcome to today's morning devotion .


TEXT: ROMANS 5:12-21

The grace of God and gift by the grace of the one man , Jesus Christ, abounded to many. --Romans 5:15

✅On Wednesday evenings the church my family attends be comes a busy place. We give away a truckload of food to people who are struggling to get by. We're gratefull to be able to help meet a physical need in their lives . Another important part of this ministry is visiting these folks later and sharing the gospel of Christ with them.

✅Understandably, we must have some guidelines for a ministry like this, and one of them is : you can't work for this food.

✅The church has already bought the food, so nothing anyone does can pay for it. The only way a person can get the food is to accept it as a free gift. No one is allowed to unload the food from the truck, pass it out, or do anything else with the intention that such efforts will earn this food.Its absolutely free

👍🏻Sound familiar? it should. Jesus bought our souls with his death, and he offers us salvation that is free and paid for (Romans 5:15;6:23).We can't earn it, no matter what we do (Ephesians 2:8-9). All we can do is reach out to Jesus by repenting of our sin and receiving His free gift of eternal life.
Have you accepted the salvation Jesus offers? please do. Reach out and take it. it's free.

👍🏻The righteousness of Christ
Is free to everyone;
But we must face our guilt,
And trust in GOD'S precious son.


Heavenly Father thank you for loving us. You purchased us with a great price, the blood of Jesus Christ. Help us to understand it is Jesus who bought our souls with his death. God you deserve honor and glory. You're everything we need help us to believe,in Jesus name Amen 🙏.



*Wednesday 14/8/24*
*Morning Devotion*

*Scripture reading:*
*James 5:13-18*

If you learn a trade but do not have the necessary tools to practice it, the skill will be useless.
♠️ For example, a farmer in Africa needs farm implements to work his farm.
So does a carpenter need tools to build with wood.
🙇🏻 Prayer is a powerful tool to improve our lives and world.
When we pray according to God's will, we are partnering with him to cause his will to pass.
*Verse 13* Are any of you suffering hardships?
You should pray.
Are any of you happy?
You should sing praises.
*Verse 14* Are any of you sick?
You should call for the elders of the church to come and pray over you, anointing you with oil in the name of the Lord.
🙇🏻 But it must be a prayer accompanied by faith to heal the sick ( James 5:14-15)
Such prayer must include confession of sins to God and one to another.
♠️Are you going through a rough time right now?
Go to God in prayer.
*Verse 17* Elijah was as human as we are, and yet when he prayed earnestly that no rain would fall, none fell for three and a half years!
*Verse 18* Then, when he prayed again, the sky sent down rain and the earth began to yield its crops.
♠️The God we serve is still answering prayers the same way he did for the people of old ( Elijah) and many more.
All to Jesus. Surrender all to Jesus.
He is our rock, our fortress and our deliverer.

🛐 *Prayer:*
Thank you for the word.
We call unto you for you are able to do exceedingly abundantly above what we can ask and imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.
Hear our cry in Jesus Name we pray Amen 🙏🏻



Big shout out to my newest top fans! Stella Muindi, Ruth Munguti Ndunda, Fredrick Nzula


*Tuesday Morning Devotion, 13/08/2024*

*He Is Here*
*Text: Matt. 14:31*
"Immediately Jesus reached out His hand and caught him".

❇️ When Peter was walking on water towards Jesus,he was quickly distracted by the waves and the wind. But as soon as Peter cried out "immediately Jesus reached out His hand and caught him" vs. 31.
❇️As soon as we turn to Him for help, Jesus reaches out without hesitation.
❇️ When chaos of life makes us unsettled it's easy to forget that God is standing in the middle of the storm and He; s asking us like Peter "why did you doubt"(vs. 31).
❇️ *No matter what we are going through, He is there, He is here, next to us at that moment and He is ready to reach out and rescue us.*

*Prayer* : Almighty God thank you for always being here for me. In Jesus mighty name we pray Jesus open heart.

*God is waiting for us to turn to Him,so He can reach out to us*


**Monday Morning Devotion, 12/08/2024*
Good morning,Praise God.

*Help from Heaven* .
*Text: Joshua 10:6-15*
"There has never been a day like it before or since, a day when the Lord listened to a human being. Surely the Lord was fighting for Israel!"

©In Joshua 10, the nation of Israel went to the aid of their allies, the Gibeonites who were under attack by five kings.
© Joshua knew he needed God's help to defeat the powerful enemies and this he called upon the God of Israel (,vs. 12).
©God responded with a hailstorm and even stopping the sun in the middle of the sky to give Israel more time to defeat the enemy. Joshua declared "Surely the Lord was fighting for Israel".
©In the midst of that battle, challenging situation call unto the Lord. He might not answer like in Joshua case, but God will give you help in unexpected way.
✅ *May God respond to your call for help and may He fight for you this week in Jesus name.*

*Prayer* : Thank you Almighty Father for walking with me on this difficult journey, hear me when I cry out to you in Jesus mighty name I pray and believe. Amen 🙏

**Have a blessed week and have faith and trust in God. May His help come upon you in Jesus name.*



Welcome to morning devotion 9/8/2024.


1. God calls Moses for a purpose.We need to seek to know why God has called us and behave as his children..vs.1-6.
2. When we cry to God he hears and and answers..He is not ignorant about your problem, he has seen the oppression of his people, he is not blind.vs.7-10
3. He has the power to deal with our enemy....vs. 19-20.

1.what is your cry... Tell it to Jesus
2.God has heard our cry and He is rescuing us.
Philippians 4:4-7.... PRAY pray pray without ceasing, the peace of God that is beyond human understanding will guard our hearts and our minds.
Our burning bushes...3:1-6... come unexpected... whatever you accomplish in life you accomplish in your knees .... God wants us to obey him...and he will show us what to do next time. He wants to direct our steps. surrender your life to him and he will guide your steps.

Heavenly Father in Jesus Christ thank you for understanding our life challenges. You are God elohim who sees and hears our cry. God rescue us from diseases, distress. God who speaks and summons the earth from morning to evening, come and heal and comfort our hearts. In Jesus Christ name we pray, Amen 🙏.


*Wednesday 7/8/2024*
*Morning Devotion*

*Scripture reading:*
*Psalm 57:1- 11*

David and his band of warriors hid in a large cave when King Saul was trying to kill him.
✳️ He asked God for Mercy and protection from enemies who were like " Fierce Lions" (Psalm 57:4)
✳️ All of us face attacks from people who misunderstand us or speak evil about us.
✳️Perhaps people are jealous of what we have, and so they become our enemies.
✳️Apostle Peter says that our great enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.
✳️So, we face temptations or attacks from Satan ( 1 Peter 5:8)
✳️Many of us live in fear of enemies, family members, friends, work mates,or unknown strangers.
✳️ When we face such attacks, we must call for help as David did.
✳️We cannot solve these problems through our own methods.
✅The solution is that walk with Jesus every moment of everyday.

🛐Seek God's protection through his Word.
🛐Pray fervently with others you trust for God's intervention.
🛐We can trust God to guard us ( Psalm 5:12 Surely, LORD, you bless the righteous, you surround them with your favour as with a shield.)
🛐(2 Thessalonians 3:3 But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.)

🛐 *Prayer:*
Our Father and Our God in Jesus Name we honor your Holy Name.
Thank you God for Your word.
May You help us and protect us from the snares of devil in Jesus Mighty Name we pray and believe Amen 🙏🏻.

*God Mercy and* *Protection be upon us all* 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


*Monday morning, Devotion 🌅* , *05/08/2024.*

*Ready For Restoration.*
*Text: Psalm 85.*
"Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?".

© Psalm 85 describes people who were perfect candidates for restoration and the people who were perfect candidates for restoration and the God who is able to restore. They were able to see His favor, love, forgiveness (vs. 1-3) and expected good things from Him. (vs 8-13).
©In life occasionally we feel battered, bruised and broken. But the Lord is the God of restoration and forgiveness to those who humbly come to Him will never be without hope and future.
✅ *Even today the God of restoration is still at work,may He restore to life every dead situation in your life in this month of August,2024 in Jesus mighty name.*

*Prayer* : Almighty God thank you for this day and this new month help me Lord to be ready of Your restoration in my life, family, ministry and church in Jesus name I pray and Amen 🙏.

*May God restore your life, family, health, business, our Church promote you this month and revive you once again in this new and may you shine for His honor and glory in Jesus name.*


Big shout out to my newest top fans! Kali Mwikali, Stella Muindi, Ruth Munguti Ndunda, Fredrick Nzula


*Wednesday 31st July 2024*
*Morning Devotion*

*Scripture reading:*
*2 Chronicles 20:13-30*

*Key verse*
*2 Chronicles 20:17*
But you will not even need to fight. Take your positions, then stand still and watch the LORD'S victory.
He is with you, O people of Judah and Jerusalem.
Do not be afraid or discouraged.
Go out against them tomorrow, for the LORD is with you!

♠️Have you ever been in a situation that looked like there was no way out?
♠️What did you do?
♠️A great army was about to attack Jehoshaphat from all sides.
♠️ If it were you, how would you have responded?
➡️When King Jehoshaphat heard that a mighty army was coming against his kingdom, he turned to the LORD his GOD for help.
♠️His faith pleased God, and God promised to bring victory.
♠️God is in charge and master over everything.
♠️As we learn to trust that God is in control, even when things are not going our way, we can have peace of mind in difficult times.
♠️ If God is on our side, we can endure the greatest difficulties like King Jehoshaphat.
♠️ The King and his people sang praises to God on the battlefield as they waited for God to deliver them.
♠️ When God fights for us, we do not need to fight in our own strength, we need to praise him.
➡️ Praise God in times of difficulty to show that you believe in him and that you are sure he will do whatever is best for you.

Our Father and Our God in the Mighty Name of Christ Jesus help us and
guide us in the best way in time of difficulties for we can not without you in Jesus Name we pray Amen 🙏🏻

*Be blessed*


Tuesday, Morning Devotion, 🌅 - 30/07/2024

*Text: Neh. 6:2-9,15.*

"So the wall was completed on the twenty-fifth of Elul in Fifty-two days" (vs. 15)
©The Lord called Nehemiah to a great project, to bring restoration to Jerusalem after it's walls had lain in ruins for 150 years. (Neh. 2:3-5,12. As he lead the people in the project, they experienced mockery, attacks, distraction and temptation to sin(Neh. 4:3,6:10-12).
©Yet God equipped them to stand firm, resoluting their efforts to complete the task in 52 days. Overcoming challenges requires much more than a personal desire or goal. Nehemiah was driven by the understanding that God appointed him to the task.
© *When God charges us with the task-whether to repair a relationship, share in ministry assignments and projects,he will give us the skills and strength necessary for the task no matter what challenges come our way ,let's know that it's God's assignment, He is in control and will fight any battle along the way and He will provide.*

*Prayer* :
Almighty God equip me with strength to persevere and finish the task ,You've given me, in Jesus mighty name I pray and believe. AMEN, 🙏

**May our labor in the ministry bring honor and glory to God and may God equip us to overcome obstacles to complete the tasks He has given us. Blessings all.*



*Monday, Morning Devotion 🌅, 29/07/2024*

*Unselfish Service of Love*
*Text: Isaiah 58:6-12*
"If you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed , then your light will rise in the darkness" vs. 10
📚Prophet Isaiah describes the kind of service God favors; acts that lift the hearts of those around us, the sick, the needy,the poor and the elderly. This passage teaches that God values unselfish service to others over empty spiritual rituals.
📚God exercises a two-way blessing on the self-less service of His Children
1. God uses our willing acts of service to be a blessing to the oppressed and needy(vs 7-10).
2. God honors blesses and provides for those who give unselfish service to others.
✅ What are you doing for the needy in spirit, mentally, the sick and the poor today?
✅ *Selfless service to others is a blessing to the giver and brings honor and glory to God.*

*Prayer* :
Almighty Father, thank you for the acts others You use to lift us up, and for calling us to do the same, in Jesus name we pray and believe. AMEN 🙏

*May you purpose to be a blessing to someone in need this week and God will bless and favor you* .

Have a blessed week and may God your prayers.


Big shout out to my newest top fans! Kali Mwikali, Ruth Munguti Ndunda, Fredrick Nzula


*Wednesday 24/7/24*
*Morning Devotion*

*Scripture reading:*
*2 Kings 6:8 -23*

*Key verse:*
*2 Kings 6: 16*
" Don't be afraid!" Elisha told him." For there are more on our side than on theirs!"

✳️Elisha's servant was greatly afraid when he saw the army with the horses and chariots of the Arameans surrounding Elisha and himself at Dothan.
✳️ But Elisha told him, " Don't be afraid! For there are more on our side than on theirs!" (2 Kings 6:16).
✳️ Physically, this was not true, but Elisha could see into the spiritual world and see God's armies sent to protect them.
✳️ *Verse 17-* Elisha prayed, " O LORD, open his eyes and let him see!" The LORD opened the young man's eyes, and when looked up, he saw that the hillside around Elisha was filled with horses and chariots of fire.
✳️ *Verse 18-* As the Aramean army advanced towards him, Elisha prayed, " O LORD, please make them blind." So the LORD struck them with blindness as Elisha had asked.
✳️ Verse 19- Elisha was now able to direct them to another wrong way.
☑️If God is for us, who can ever be against us ( Romans 8:31)?
✳️Who can harm us if God is protecting us?
✳️Why should we fear anyone who attempts to harm us or plot evil against us?
✳️ *1 John 4:4b* - "The spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world "
☑️ The LORD will fight our battles just as He did to Elisha.
Therefore, let our prayer be, " Open our eyes, LORD, and let us see your victory.
Thank you God for the word.
Almighty God we pray that you will open our eyes LORD and let us see your victory in Jesus Name we pray and believe Amen.

*Don't be afraid*


*Monday, Morning Devotion 🌅, 22/07/2024*
*Good morning...*

*Never Too Late.*
*Text; Mark 5:35-43.*
"Overhearing what they said, Jesus told him, "Don't be afraid; just believe" vs. 36

❇️On the way to heal Jairus desperately I'll daughter, Jesus did the unthinkable; He paused (vs.30) and stopped to identify who touched Him. Jairus must have been running impatient and then,his worst fears came his daughter passed away, (vs.35).
❇️But Jesus turned to Jairus and offered a word of encouragement; "Don't be afraid; just believe" (vs.36).
❇️ Ignoring the onlookers, Christ spoke to Jairus daughter and she came back to life! He revealed that He can never too late.
❇️ *Time can't limit what our Lord Jesus is able to do and when He chooses to do it.*
❇️How often do we feel like Jairus? thinking that God is simply too late to answer our prayers and intervene in our situations.
❇️ **Note that He's never too late in fulfilling His good and great work in our lives. Be at peace God is in control. Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.*
*Prayer* :
Lord help me remember that Your sovereign oven over time and never too late to accomplish Your perfect plans in our situations in Jesus name I pray and believe. AMEN. 🙏

*God bless you all, God is in control,His time is the best. Have a blessed week.*


*Tuesday Morning Devotion, 16/07/2024🌅*

*He Is With Us*
*Text: Jeremiah 23:20-24*
*"Do not I fill heaven and earth? Declares the Lord" vs, 24*

❇️The presence of security cameras helps us to keep our offices, premises, homes on surveillance always when we are present or not. Although sometimes someone can evade or trick security cameras but we cannot ever be outside God's sight, He is omnipresent.
❇️God asks us " who can hide in secret places so that I cannot see them?" vs 24. This is both am encouragement and a warning in His question. The *warning is that we cannot hide from God or outrun or fool Him. Everything we do is visible to Him.
❇️The encouragement is that we are always on God's watchful care here on earth or in heavens. *Even when we feel alone, God is with us.*
❇️No matter where we go today,may the awareness of this truth encourage us to choose to obey God always and receive comfort that He watches over us, *He is our refuge and thus we are safe under His care*

*Prayer* : Thank you Almighty for knowing that Your divine care, help me honor You with my words and actions, in Jesus name I pray and trust. AMEN. 🙏

*We are never outside the watchful care of our heavenly Father.
God bless you*


*Wednesday 17/7/2024*
*Morning Devotion*

*Scripture reading:*
*Mark 4:35-41*

*Key verse:*
*Mark 4:40*
Then he asked them, " Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?"

*Why are you afraid?*

As the evening came, Jesus said to his disciples, " Let's cross to the other side of the lake."
So they took Jesus in the boat and started out, leaving the crowds behind. But soon a fierce storm came up.
✳️ When the disciples faced the great storm, it appeared that Jesus could not help them because he was asleep.
✳️ The disciples asked "Teacher, don't you care that we are going to drown?"
✳️ Many people today ask this same type of question.
✳️ When we have problems, we are often confused and unsure what to do or whom to call on.
✳️ However, Jesus was only waiting to be invited into the situation.
✳️ The storm of life will rage, we will face problems in our lives.
➡️ Should we just sit there?
*Of course not.*
☑️We should work hard like the disciples to keep the boat on course.
✳️But we must do so with faith, asking Jesus to help and trusting that we will not crash or drown because he is with us.
✳️ *Does your situation seem hopeless?*
*Have you tried JESUS?*
☑️No matter what storms of life you are experiencing today, Jesus is able to help.
☑️ Call on him right now, just as the disciples did.
➡️ Jesus is ready and willing to step into your situation 🙏🏻.
Our Father and our God thank you for your word.
We invite you into the storms of this life.
Help us to be still and calm in all situations in Jesus Name we pray.
Amen and Amen.



*Blessed Monday Morning Devotion, 15/07/2024* 🌅

*An Anchor When We're Afraid.*
Text: Isa. 51:12-16

*“I, even I, am he who comforts you...."vs 12*

📚The scriptures repeatedly tells us not to be afraid. We may face trials, anxiety,fears and challenges in life but God has promised to be with us through it all.
📚God reminded His people through prophet Isaiah who had endured tremendous sufferings ,that His comforting presence is the ultimate reality of their comfort and peace, no matter how bad things may seem, *"I, even I, am he who comforts you" .*
📚The eight words have been an emotion-steadying anchor for my soul. Cling on to this promise today.
📚God reminds us today to lift our eyes from our fears and in faith and look unto the One who "stretches out the heavens"(vs. 13. The One who comforts and heals our souls.

*Prayer* : Lord God struggles in life seems so big ,but thank You for your promise that Your bigger than our struggles. Help us to always cling to Your promise of comfort and healing and trust and have faith in You in Jesus mighty name we pray and believe.AMEN🙏

*God's comforting presence is more powerful than our fears* .

*God bless have a wonderful and blessed great week ahead.*


Good morning praise Jesus, welcome to our today's devotion 11/07/2024.

Key vs I. Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness.

🌲Dave and his wife Sue were asked about the delicate art of constructive criticism. Sue said, "I think Christ's example in John 1:14 is helpful. That verse describes Jesus as being full of grace and truth." I see a mother with her child. If a child has a dirty face, the mother doesn't scold (yell and shout) her for having a dirty face. She does the loving thing.
✅She gets out the washcloth, and as she is gently applying soap and water she may say, My what a dirty face you have! Tell me how you got your face so dirty. But all the time she is washing her child's face.
🌲If I am going to be honest with Dave, I need to be sure that I'm acting in loving, gracious ways, in a sense, getting out the washcloth even while I'm talking about the dirt.
💪In Galatians 6:1, Paul also reflected a gentle and gracious attitude, showing us how we are to treat all people. When confronting others about their sin, let us remember how Christ is gentle in showing us our own sins. Although we grieve Him when we fall. He is never bitter. He holds us accountable, yet supports us with His love. His convicting is kind and persistent, yet He is always quick to forgive.
👆🏼 When it's necessary to criticize let's treat others the way Jesus treats us.
🛐PRAY... Father, help me live today with thoughtfulness in what I say, confronting wrong with truth and fact . EXPRESSING gentleness and tact... help me Lord. in Jesus name Amen 🙏.

Blessed Thursday 🙏.


**Tuesday Morning Devotion,09/07/2024*
*Revealed To Be Healed* .
*Text: Psalm 25:1-11*
"Show me your ways ,Lord ,teach me Your paths.

🎁We grow spiritually by God's grace. When we became believers we tend to classify "big sins" which we seem to confess and repeat immediately and accept God's forgiveness. But as years go by the Holy Spirit helps us to grow spiritually and expose and reveal to us sins which we once thought "small" and unimportant offences before God.
🎁Sins like pride, self-pity, complaining, pettiness , God reveals each sin so as to cast it from us and bring healing to our souls. Thus we can pray like David " For the sake of your name, Lord, forgive my iniquity, though it is great" ( Psalm 25:11).
🎁 *Holy Spirit humbling exposure of our sins , though painful it is good for the healing of our souls. It's one of the ways "He the humble in what is right and teaches them His way" vs . 8-9.*
*Prayer* :
Thank you, Lord that You remember us according to your love. instruct us and guide us. Teach us to live as those whose sins have been forgiven, in Jesus mighty name we pray and believe. . Amen.🙏
*Jesus takes us as we are and makes us what we should be.*


*Monday Morning Devotion, 08/07/2024 🌅*

*Through The Cross*
*Text: 2 Cor. 4:8-18*
"Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Rom. 8:39).

♠️John keeps a cross in his desk. His friend Phil,who like John is a cancer survivor gave the cross to him to help him look everything" through the cross". The cross is a constant reminder of God's love and good plans for him.
♠️ Apostle Paul described himself in times of suffering as being "persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down,but not destroyed" (2 Cor. 4:9). He believed that in hard times , God is at work "......So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen"( 2 Cor. 4:17-18).
♠️ Jesus gave His life for us. His love for us is too deep and sacrificial. As we look at life "through the cross" we see His love and faithfulness and our trust and faith in Him grows.

*Prayer* : Almighty Father teach us who You are today. Increase our trust in You this week in Jesus mighty name I pray and believe. Amen. 🙏
*May you always look everything through the cross.* *Have a blessed and fruitful week* .


Welcome to ww morning devotion 05/07/2024.

Topic :- How are you today?
Text:- Matthew 15:10-20.... key vs. 18.Those things which proceed out the mouth come from the heart.

🪴 When people greet each other, they usually say, "how are you." At one time in China, the typical greeting was, "have you eaten?" In the days of poverty asking friends if they had eaten was to express our concern for their well-being.

🪴 Today when friends greet me , they often say , "have you put on weight.? whether they're genuinely concerned for my healthy, or just think I may lose some pounds , they care about me.
🪴 Everything we say, not just our greetings, reflects concern of our hearts.
🙏 Jesus said, "Those things which proceed from our mouth come from our hearts". He was explaining to His disciples that people could not be morally contaminated by the food they ate, but by the words spoken out of unclean hearts.
🙊It was strange that Jesus bold statements offended the pharisees (vs.12). They were great at appearing righteous on the outside, but they had no concern for the hypocrisy in their hearts.
✅As Christ's disciples, however, our focus should be on keeping our hearts clean so that our words will reflect genuine righteousness.
It is wise to think about the words you use throughout the day, wherever?you go. What do they say about the condition of your heart?
⚖️Do others know from the words you speak at home, at work, at play. That Jesus lives within your hear and governs what you say.

Heavenly Father in Jesus name thank you for protection and care, help us to rule our tongues and this will happen if Christ reigns in our hearts. Help us prayer in Jesus name 🙏.

blessed Friday


*Wednesday 3/7/24*
*Morning Devotion*

*Scripture reading:*
*Matthew 6: 31-34*

*Key verse:*
*Matthew 6:34*
So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring it's own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today.

Do not worry about tomorrow.

We see Jesus has a message of hope triumphing over worry.
He instructs us not to worry about food, clothes, or even shelter.
Our Heavenly Father cares enough for us to supply all that we need.
We must simply concern ourselves with His Kingdom and His righteousness.
For when we worry about tomorrow, we doubt God's assurance to meet our needs and put His integrity on trials.
So how do we seek the kingdom of God?
➡️By living righteously.
➡️ Living righteously may seem to have little to do with not worrying.
➡️ However, when our minds become preoccupied with food, clothing or shelter, the urge to have these things increases and may begin to control our lives.

✅God knows what we need and exactly how to provide for us.
Do not allow material needs to overshadow your love for your neighbor and for God.
Instead consider the birds of the air.
Consider the wildflowers.
And remember how much more valuable you are to God than these.
*So do not worry.*

🛐 *Prayer*
Thank you God for the word.
Help us to seek the kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and all shall be added unto us in Jesus Name we pray and believe Amen.

God bless 🙏🏻


*Tuesday, Morning Devotion, 02/07/2024*

*The Greatest Blessing.*
*Text: Job 42*
" I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You."vs. 5.

🌲The psalmist wrote, " It is good for me that I have been afflicted"; Ps. 119:71. It is in the times of trouble and afflictions that many believers discover the love and faithfulness of God and experience His presence and power. Trusting God in bad times is a great blessing.
🌲Job was blessed of God and enjoyed God's protection and wealth but a season of afflictions came and that's the time he declared the greatest Blessing in his life and he said "I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear but now my eye sees You" and this is the greatest Blessings of all when You personally experience the God's presence and His power in your life.
🌲 *Good health, financial prosperity and wealth are good blessings and we should also be thankful when a season of pain and suffering our lives because at that time God's power and His presence in our lives will be manifested with great a testimony.*

*Prayer* : Lord God Almighty thank you for the great assurance that even in times of pain and suffering that's when I shall experience Your great Blessings of Your presence, power and strength, bless us all today and may you open more doors for us in Jesus mighty name, I pray. AMEN.🙏

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