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Pay attention to your body and protect yourself with FWD Care Direct plan

You can do your best to take care of your body and lead a healthy lifestyle, but unfortunately cancer can still sneak up on you. Some symptoms that you can take note of are presence of lumps or swelling, unexplained bleeding through coughing or peeing, unexplained weight loss etc.

Aside from spotting symptoms early, what else can you do to be protected? Two words: Cancer coverage. With FWD Care Direct, the plan provides coverage of up to RM250,000 for all stages of cancer from as low as RM10.83/month and you can get it easily online in just a few steps.

Protect your future from the expensive costs of treatments and get FWD Care Direct today!



The type of stroke will determine the treatments you receive.

Knowing the types of stroke and how to identify the signs can minimise the brain damage that happens. Stroke requires treatments and they take longer when the damage is more.

Treatments for stroke can also be pricey, which is why I believe in getting a good critical illness protection plan. With FWD Big 3, I can get covered for heart attack, stroke and cancer from just RM10.27/month. The plan provides coverage of up to RM250,000 with 100% payout upon diagnosis.

Sign up today!


Achieve your body goals the healthy way!

Working out is a great way to maintain good health and protect yourself from illnesses. You should also supplement it with a healthy diet. Pre-workout meals fuel you with energy to exercise and post workout meals help your body recover.

It’s also important to protect yourself financially with a Takaful plan that’s suitable for your lifestyle. FWD Medsecure Direct is an affordable hospital income plan that protects your income and helps ease the financial burdens off of you and your family. The best part is that the plan is simple to sign up for – you can do it all online!

Click link to get protected today!


Kos perubatan anda bukan satu-satunya kos penyakit.

Kos rawatan penyakit jantung adalah mahal dan itu bukan satu-satunya kos yang timbul apabila kita sakit. Kita perlulah melindungi kewangan diri supaya kita mampu menanggung perbelanjaan jika diserang penyakit jantung.

Pelan FWD Big 3 Critical Illness melindungi kewangan anda dari kos rawatan dan kos tersembunyi dengan jumlah perlindungan sehingga RM250,000. Pelan ini bukan sahaja melindungi anda dari kos rawatan penyakit jantung, tetapi bagi strok dan kanser juga. Dapatkan FWD Big 3 dalam talian dengan harga serendah RM10.27/sebulan.


Don’t let your heart’s hardwork be in vain!

Protecting your heart goes beyond exercise and diets. It’s also important to ensure that you can get the necessary treatments when you need it and at the same time, ensure that your wallet can bear the costs of treatment.

With FWD Big 3 Critical Illness Protection Plan, you can get covered for cancer, heart attack, stroke from just RM10.27/month. Get coverage of up to RM250,000 with 100% payout upon diagnosis and let FWD bear the costs of treatments while your focus on your recovery.

Sign up today!


Cover 85% of critical illness claims from only RM10.27/month.

We’re happy to announce that FWD Takaful now has an online critical illness protection plan, FWD Big 3 Critical Illness! It covers for stroke, heart attack and cancer from as low as RM10.27/month. The plan comes with coverage of up to RM250,000 and RM20,000 death benefit to prepare you for the worst.

Sign up online today and get yourself protected!


Ever wonder where do your debts go when you die?

Loans, credit cards, and mortgages all work on the assumption that we can repay what we borrow from the banks in the future when we have the money. But what if the future doesn’t come for us? There have been cases that creditors go after the family members and even threaten to sue.

To protect your loved ones from your financial debt, FWD Protect Direct is one way to go. Shield your family from financial burden from as low as RM11.17/month and coverage of up to RM500,000.

Sign up online today!


Keeping your body healthy doesn’t have to come at a steep price.🥵

Healthy eating habits protect us from diseases, and it doesn’t have to be expensive. Here are some free or low-cost tips that you can practice today to keep you fit and healthy in the long-run.👍🏻

Your future also needs financial protection from the unexpected. I like FWD MedSecure Direct as it provides hospital income benefits of up to RM350/day if you’re hospitalised and it’s so easy to apply. Knowing my income stays protected helps me focus on my recovery.🥰

Sign up for FWD MedSecure Direct online today!

Click link for more information ✨


Foodies, did you know that you can enjoy your favorite local dishes and still stay healthy?😱

Taking care of myself is important, but I still get excited everytime I hear the words nasi lemak or roti canai. We Malaysians truly love our local dishes! However, these dishes can also contain a lot of calories which is why its important for us to prepare it in a healthier way.😱

Another way I take care of myself is by getting protection. With FWD Care Direct, I can get an affordable cancer Takaful plan with 100% payout, including the early stages. This helps to ease the costly treatments and reduce the financial burden from my loved ones. Don’t forget to get you and your loved ones protected too!🥰

Click link in bio for more information ✨


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If you’ve met one person with autism, you’ve only met one person with autism.

We can’t paint a whole community with the same brush. It’s easy to imagine that all people with autism behave the same way or have the same struggles, but they have unique personalities, interests and challenges just like everyone else. Autism is only one part of themselves and it doesn’t define them as a whole.

This is why with FWD SpecialCare Direct, we provide a lump sum benefit so that children with special needs have the means to pursue their individual interests! We also cover the parent for death and total & permanent disability.

Protecting your child’s future has never been simpler. Sign up for FWD SpecialCare Direct online today!


Yes, you can!

You probably don’t think that heart diseases can surface at a young age. But the fact is, Malaysians suffer heart attacks at a younger age compared to those in developed countries. Moreover, heart diseases have been the leading cause of death in Malaysia for the past 13 years.

So what can you do to make sure you heart is protected? Besides taking care of your health and doing regular screenings from a young age, you should also prepare yourself financially with a protection plan like FWD Big 3 Critical Illness. It covers you for heart attack, stroke and cancer from as low as RM10.27/month and offers 100% payout upon diagnosis.

Visit our website for more information.


Why you should get cancer protection plans before you turn 30?

We often relate cancer to older adults and don’t think of it when we’re young. However, there are some cancer conditions that are more common in young adults. This is why it’s important for us to go for medical checkups and have a cancer protection plan.

FWD Care Direct is my preferred plan because it provides coverage of up to RM250,000 for all stages of cancer. The plan starts as low as RM10.83/month and you can get it easily online in just a few steps.

Protect your future from the expensive costs of treatments and get FWD Care Direct today!

Visit our website for more information☺️
