Omnia East Africa

Omnia East Africa

Omnia East Africa is a leader in supplying and distributing speciality fertilisers and biostimulants



Happy Easter!!!


Today, as the world celebrates women, Omnia would like to acknowledge and honour women, especially in agriculture.

Omnia Kenya's own, Doris Kawira, flies the Omnia flag proudly, delivering her expertise in the agriculture industry.

To all the women out there, you are appreciated!

Photos from Omnia East Africa's post 24/02/2023

Omnia Nutriology Concept Continues to Win with our farmers!

Tested and confirmed commercially, Omnia soil health and potato nutrition program has shown up to 29% increase in yield on potatoes.
We have launched this program to farmers and we hope to reach more farmers and work with them to achieve the potential yields.
To prepare for the coming main season, Omnia team spends a day training one of our key partners in the potato value chain Limited agronomists and field team.
Limited is a Potato seed producing company and our Omnia soil health and potato crop nutrition program has added value to them in terms of Yield and quality.

Reach out to our agronomist to discuss the crop programs and implementation!


Omnia Nutriology concept drives the approach towards working on SOIL HEALTH as a key to sustainable agriculture.

We are here to support our farmers in their journey to improve their soil health and fertility.

Happy World Soil Day!


Soil Health and balanced crop nutrition in Grapes:

Our key client using Omnia nutrition program on the vineyard, and we are excited with the progress.
Our portfolio of quality high efficacy products together with agronomic support and Sap analysis data has shown positive results .

Product and services used in this Grape Vineyard were:
1. Water soluble speciality fertilizers-Nutrigro, Nutriplex and Omniboost K
2. Biostimulants (Humates ,Fulvates and Kelp )- K humate and Rhizovator I
3. Supplementary foliar Nutrition-Mega Kel P and Folical 19
4. Micronutrients Range-Omnisure Range of Micronutrients
5. Sap analysis for crop monitoring -Omnisap

Reach out to us for Agronomy guided and Omnia nutriology approach crop programs.



With cool weather being experienced now due to the rains, transpiration in the plant is quite low. This means tugor pressure on the plant is reduced and so is uptake of water and mass flow of some nutrients up the plant.

Due to this, Calcium is one of the nutrients that is not efficiently absorbed during cool weather.

Also, due to change of temperatures, fungal diseases & infections become prevalent in crops.

Calcium plays a key role in strengthening the cell walls of the plant and protecting even the new flushes and reinforcing them from disease infections.

In this case, Calcium supplementary foliar feeding is critical and OMNIA EAST AFRICA has got you covered!!

Use Folical 19 as a foliar spray @ 1-2lt/ha or 0.5-1lt/Acre (5-10ml per litre of water)

Formulated and complexed with high quality fulvic acid for enhanced uptake and efficacy.


K Humate and Rhizovator on Rice

K-Humate and Rhizovator application on Rice has shown very positive results in terms of:

1. Improved soil conditions on the heavy soils hence strong and deeper root growth
2. Better fertiliser use efficiency - Farmers getting better response from the fertiliser applied leading to better yields
3. Clean roots and crop, free from soil diseases compared to control
4. Main season rice Crop treated with K-humate and Rhizovator had a better ratoon crop.

Omnia has been working with farmers in Mwea irrigation scheme to train and demostrate the application and efficacy of humic acids and biostimulants on Rice crop.


Advanced technology is the cornerstone of our scientific approach to optimal crop production.

Omnia unique services offering like OmniSap® helps us create real value on the farm.

We have dedicated personnel who ensure that new products are constantly developed for specific circumstances.

We catch up with # Willem Jonker, Omnia OmniSap speciality, in his recent visit to Kenya during Naivasha Hortifair .

We are looking forward to offering Omnisap services to our clients in East Africa.


At Omnia east Africa we follow the nutriology concept of establishing and developing personal relationships with our farmers by building a comprehensive knowledge of soil and crop production management with unlimited and direct access to our resources through:

1. Sale of quality products
2. Training
3. Offering agronomic services.

Our strategy is agronomically driven with commitment to adding value on every farm.

We had a privilege of having a visit from Yeshilela Belayney during the hortifair and he had a chance to interact and train our Export crops clientele during the Naivasha Hortifair event last month!

We caught up with him to get a brief view on his visit and his thoughts on Kenyan agriculture .

Photos from Omnia East Africa's post 28/10/2022

Having friable deep and good soil structure is key in potato production:

Soils in most potato growing zones in Kenya are acidic and have very poor soil structure.

This restricts root growth, and this also has effects on tuber numbers and tuber bulking due to compacted soils.

In Potatoes, having friable soils with crumbly structure is key since the bearing part (Stolons and tubers) develop in those soils.

Soil conditioning is key to manage these risks that can limit yields .

Studies done on Humic acids and seaweed extracts have shown significant increase of yields in potatoes.

Humic acid increases the porosity of soil and improves growth of root system which leads to increase the shoot system (Garcia et al, 2008).

Humic acid and seaweed extracts caused significant increases in shoot growth traits, furthermore, the increase of the number of tubers and their weight which positively reflected on increasing the plant yield and the total yield.

With Humic acids improving applied nutrient retention and availability as well as improving nutrient uptake due to better root system, the crop responds positively with better growth and higher yields.

Results from Kenya have shown deep rooting, more tubers up to 35 tubers per plant and this has translated to higher yields.

We recommend drenching K-humate or Rhizovator I @ 2litres per acre on the potato rows just after planting.

Photos from Omnia East Africa's post 26/10/2022


Why does potato sprouting and early good plant development matter?

After accessing quality certified potato seed, farmers next worry is getting good crop establishment.

Breaking dormancy and sprouting matters in the subsequent growth stages leading to potential yields achievement.

Tuber dormancy breakage and sprouting are critical processes that can be affected by quality of the seed, temperatures, moisture availability, soil type and conditions as well as variety type.

These variables can cause delayed sprouting, non-uniformity and poor root and crop establishment

Use of PuraKelp from Omnia as a potato seed treatment product has helped potato farmers fasten potato seed dormancy breaking, achieve faster sprouting to average of 10days compared to normal average of 17days .
PuraKelp has also helped get better uniformity and better vigour establishment with good root system.

Rate of application: 1lt of Purakelp to treat 200kg of potato seed (Enough for planting one acre of potatoes).

Reach out to our Omnia agronomists for more information!

Photos from Omnia East Africa's post 17/10/2022

As we celebrate Omnia East Africa team is participating in a field day at Rombo ward, Kajiado county.

We are ready to train and talk to farmers in matters relating to


Omnia for Relationships!

Photos from Omnia East Africa's post 03/10/2022


Do you know , even though needed in low amounts by , can limit your yields if lacking in your soils or not available for uptake?

Do you know which micronutrients are limiting in your soils and crop that might reduce your yields ? Do you have deficiency of any micronutrients?

Omnia has you covered with their Omnisure Range of micronutrients! Premium range, fully chelated (Amino citrate) trace elements.

Excellent uptake via foliage and soil. Fully chelated enhancing availability, stability, uptake. Highly compatible with agro-chemicals

Foliar Application rate at 0.5-3lts per Ha.


Are you looking to:

- Improve soil moisture and nutrient retention?
- Reduce nutrient lock-up in the soil?
- Help the development of better soil structures?
- Stimulate plant root growth and soil biological activity?

Omnia's K-Humate - The international gold standard for humic acids!


Omnia's K-humate® is pure, highly concentrated humic acid produced locally using the highest quality raw materials.

◾ Improves soil moisture and nutrient retention
◾ Reduces nutrient lock-up in the soil
◾ Helps the development of better soil structures
◾ Stimulates plant root growth and soil biological activity

Contact us for more information on K-humate.

Photos from Omnia East Africa's post 26/09/2022

is a delicate mineral in the plant.

It has key functions in the plants including:

1. Energy management of the plant
2. Strengthens the crop cell walls and that help the crop to be resistant to disease infection
3. Essential for quality & shelf life

Controlling calcium is a complicated business; a deficiency can cause problems such as end rot (Apical necrosis) in tomatoes, pepper, watermelons or cucumber, soft petals in roses, tipburn in lettuce and cabbages. Excess of calcium as well leads to spot on tomatoes and strip (colour spotting) in peppers.

Attention to Calcium is key but also its distribution in the plant is crucial!

Calcium is immobile in plants and doesn’t move from older to younger plant parts; any conditions that alter uptake and distribution leads to deficiencies.

Conditions that may limit uptake and distribution of Calcium are :
- Limited uptake and slow movement of calcium in mature crops due to cold weather
- Root conditions that affect the nutrient uptake - since it’s taken through the root tip, it requires young healthy roots for uptake.
- Acidic soils or low calcium base saturation

In this case Calcium supplementary feeding will be necessary if above conditions prevail:

Folical 19 is a high analysis, flowable and rapidly available chelated calcium.

Apply as a Foliar @ 3-5lts per ha.


Pure Bull Kelp seaweed Concentrate!

is manufactured from bull (Durvillaea potatorum) from the pristine waters of Southern Australia, using a unique cold digestion process to retain the full nutritional value of the kelp and preserving the quality of the natural plant growth stimulants.

Purakelp is a natural organic plant growth stimulant & soil revitaliser.

The benefits of Purakelp include:
- Revitalises soil and assists the uptake of key nutrients
- Promotes root growth and vigour
- Improves colouring in leaves
- Assists plant stress recovery
- Improves water retention
- Stimulates root development
- Stimulates calcium uptake
- Improves fruit quality and shelf life

Purakelp contains a wide range of trace elements, amino acids, plant growth stimulants and enzymes.

Purakelp is highly effective for use in foliar applications and can also be used as a soil drench or seed treatment including Potato seeds treatment.

Application Rate:
Soil: 5-10L per hectare
Foliar: 2-8L per hectare
Seed Treatment: 4L per tonne of seed.

Photos from Omnia East Africa's post 21/09/2022

Mega Kel P is formulated to help manage and reverse any stress conditions as well as offer supplementary feeding to the crop.

It is an Acidic kelp in combination with full nutrient package including Phosphorus, Magnesium, and trace elements. Contains Seaweed extracts, Fulvic acids, Amino acids and Uptake enhancers.

Application of Mega Kel P will help with:

1. Energising your crops at critical growth stages
2. Multi nutrient foliar nutrition
3. Accelerating root and plant growth
4. Improved resilience to environmental stress
5. Improved fruit set and retention

Apply at 2.5-5lts/Ha ,1-2lts/acre(10ml per litre of water).

Photos from Omnia East Africa's post 21/09/2022

Why do Bio-stimulants matter in modern Agriculture?

- The challenge in feeding modern plants is in keeping up with the plant breeding.
- Supplementary foliar feeding is essential if you hope to get the most out of these plants.

To maximize and get good yields the below KEY PLANT PHYSIOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS need to happen throughout the crop cycle:

- Efficient root uptake
- Chlorophyll Concentration and energy generation
- Efficient Photosynthesis

Any major switch to a different growth stage or stressing conditions will disrupt or limit the above THREE.

So are you:
- Experiencing or anticipating stress conditions like water-logging, drought, heat stress, transplant shock, Chemical burn (Phytotoxicity), disease and pest pressure?
- Looking to boost crop growth after pruning or heavy crop flush/cycle in flowers and fruits?

Omnia East Africa has Kelp based products that will help any grower manage these situations!

PuraKelp or Mega Kel P are your products!

Photos from Omnia East Africa's post 19/09/2022

Naivasha Hortifair was a great success and we thank everyone who visited our stand.

Thank you to those who also attended our evening Networking Dinner where we had our experts - Dr. Teferi and Willem Jonker - talk about the power of Humates and Omnisap service.

We were privileged to interact and connect with key commercial clients in the horticultural sector.

Omnia team is looking forward to continue serving our customers through innovative products and technologies.

Photos from Omnia East Africa's post 17/09/2022

The Naivasha Hortifair is still ongoing! We're looking forward to seeing you today & tomorrow - we're on Road A, stand no. 4 & 5.

Photos from Omnia East Africa's post 16/09/2022

You can't miss us when you get to the 2022. We're on on Road A, stand no. 4 & 5. We're looking forward to meeting you!

Photos from Omnia East Africa's post 15/09/2022

Omniboost-K is a water soluble nutrient supplement that ensures optimal crop production.
It contains Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sulphur, Magnesium and the full range of micronutrients. It’s an Energy Management Product that stimulates growth even under inhibiting circumstances. Application also supports vigorous root growth, fruit and nut set.

Application rates: 100-200kg/ha through fertigation
Foliar at 5lts/ha.

Photos from Omnia East Africa's post 15/09/2022

Nutriplex is a -soluble fertigation and mix that supplies all the nutrients needed for photosynthesis. Rich in , , it ensures that the photosynthetic process runs optimally. Magnesium and the balanced set of activate enzymes reactions, while regulates the concentration of the other nutrients in the sap.

Rate of application is 100-200kgs/ha


Only two days to go until the Naivasha Horticultural Fair 2022! We’ll be on Road A, stand no. 4 & 5. Come by for a visit, learn more about our products and get to meet our team!


OMNIA EAST AFRICA is introducing Nutrigro as a high quality water soluble speciality for use in fertigation on hydroponics and soil grown crops. The fertiliser is formulated to supply Nitrogen, Calcium and Magnesium in one product.

Application Rates are : 100-200kg/ha

It's Nitrogen rich, which helps in building blocks for protein production and healthy growth. The Calcium is vital for production of healthy cell walls and prevents development of calcium disorders in roses and vegetables, like Blossom-End Rot. Magnesium is key for photosynthesis process.


Come meet us! We’ll be on Road A, stand no. 4 & 5 at the Naivasha Hortifair 2022 this Friday.

Photos from Omnia East Africa's post 11/09/2022


Protocol: K-Humate and Rhizovator was used on Vegetables (Sweet melons, butternut and onions) and roses in one of our key Export crops Client.
K-Humate was drenched at 5lt/ha with irrigation water. Application was at the beginning of the Flash cycle for roses and after planting/transplanting for vegetables.

Rhizovator was drenched at a rate of 2.5 lts per ha in combination with Trichordema product as a tank-mix every 2 weeks.


- Better germination of above 95% on all crops,
- Higher leaf index on treated blocks,
- Better yields on weights 6-10% more than the treated blocks.
- Reduced Nematodes infestation was noted on the treated blocks compared to the untreated blocks.

Results: ROSES:

- Higher stem length
- Higher abundance at each crop stage
- Lower pest infestation and head knocks.


Rhizovator is your Product. Can be tank-mixed with your Biological products eg Trichordema, Bacillus etc. Can also be used alone, as a drench. Rate of 5lts per ha per month.

1. Designed to boost biological diversity in soils by feeding specific indigenous beneficial fungi, bacteria and other microorganisms.
2. Stimulates root systems.
3. Improves nutrient availability to crops

Photos from Omnia East Africa's post 10/09/2022

One crucial component of soil health is biologically active soils. This balance is upset by long-term use of fertilisers and pesticides. If you need to:

- Stimulate biological activity in the soil
- Prepare the soil for biological establishment
- Have crops that are stunted due to inadequate root
- Need to stimulate the root growth of nursery
- Want to prevent transplant shock

Rhizovator from Omnia East Africa is your product.


K-HUMATE is the best-Humic acid based product from Leonardite sources in Australia.

Application: 5-10lts per Ha at beginning of the crop cycle. Drench into the soil through irrigation .


1. Improves soil moisture and nutrient retention
2. Reduces nutrient lock up in the soil
3. Helps the development of better soil structures
4. Stimulates plant root growth

Photos from Omnia East Africa's post 09/09/2022

Do you have soils that are either:

- Too light or too heavy
- Have poor structure
- Low CEC
- Low organic matter
- Hardpan or compaction layers
- Restrained root growth
- Water-logging problems
- Nutrient fixation challenges
- Nutrient leaching

Want to be sure the fertiliser being used is effective while increasing the efficiency of nutrient use?

K-humate from Omnia East Africa is the product for you !


Today is National Potato Day.
At Omnia East Africa we celebrate our Potato Farmers and the wonderful work they are doing.

Omnia East Africa offers a comprehensive solution for Potato Farmers through our unique potato program.

Photos from Omnia East Africa's post 10/08/2022

Farming is all about partnerships.
This week we take a look at our partnership in Nakuru.

One of the key factors in ensuring success, is to ensure sharing of information, growing through education and growing together. Omnia East Africa took the opportunity to educate our partner on our product benefits and the efficacy thereof.

If you are in the Nakuru region, please drop in at Meya Agri Traders Ltd and ask to learn more about Omnia products.

Photos from Omnia East Africa's post 22/07/2022

On 21 July 2022 Omnia East Africa took part in a Potato field day in Mau Narok organized by FreshCrop Limited. Approximately 2200 farmers passed through all demo sites enabling us as Omnia East Africa to showcase the efficacy of our products whereby we used less fertilizer than most other demo sites whilst achieving very good results.

Kudos to FreshCrop Limited for a well organized and very informative day! For advise on quality Potato Seeds and Sales contact the FreshCrop team on 0795122648.

For Nutritional advise on Potatoes please reach out to Omnia East Africa on 0715773043.

Photos from Omnia East Africa's post 16/07/2022

Potato crop is a key crop in Kenya and the acreage in production is growing every year…
It’s a very intensive crop interms of nutrition and disease control.
Our farmers are still achieving below average yields and with high cost of inputs ,potato production is becoming unsustainable!

This can be changed…with the farmer starting and considering below:
1.Certified seed
2.Improved soil health
3.Balanced nutrition

Omnia East Africa has been working with partners FreshCrop Limited in the potato value chain in matters of soil health and balanced crop nutrition to improve on yields …

Our 1 acre demo at Mau is a proof that we can achieve the potential yields of our varieties .
With Adoption of the above 3 practices the farmer can get better yields.
We are getting more than 30tubers per plant with Omnia full program!!👌🏽👏🏽💪🏽💪🏽.
We are looking forward to working with our farmers!

Videos (show all)

K Humate and Rhizovator on RiceK-Humate and Rhizovator application on Rice has shown very positive results in terms of:1...
Advanced technology is the cornerstone of our scientific approach to optimal crop production.Omnia unique services offer...
At Omnia east Africa we follow the nutriology concept of establishing and developing personal relationships with our far...
Omnia for Relationships! #soilhealth #agriculture #soil #farming #nutrition #farmingtechnology #growth #soilhealthmatter...
Are you looking to:- Improve soil moisture and nutrient retention?- Reduce nutrient lock-up in the soil?- Help the devel...
Happy Earth Day to everyone!

