Consult Pastor Kim

Consult Pastor Kim

Feel free to ask any biblical questions, dream interpretation, one on one meeting. Prayer requests etc.


Food for thought:

Friends create comfort but Enemies create movement.


Stay focused on what God has placed in your hands. Be faithful and watch how He multiplies you in every area of life!
Be Blessed


When MERCY speaks judgment is canceled and when GRACE speaks protocols are broken,MERCY and GRACE shall speak 4u, in Jesus name.


Lord I thank u for the GIFT u have entrusted unto me. Dear Lord I choose to make u happy but not me, I choose to serve u but not the congregation, Lord I choose to preach what the spirit teaches me but not what men want. Father serving u has not been smooth but you have been faithful throughout ever since you called me. Thank you Lord, truly you love me.
As per for me and my household we shall serve the Lord

Thank you Lord



Today I feel like praising, people thought that when they left me bleeding I would surely die but no that was just a new start, when everyone around you gives up on you, just know that they have done that to create room for God to lift you even to a higher glory, in the name of Jesus.
"Ukiona naimba imba moyoni nimepata yesu."


The final results

John 11:4

When Jesus heard that Lazarus was sick he said, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.”

My brothers and sisters I don’t know what you are facing or going through today, but I have come to encourage you and tell you that Whatever you are going through the final results is not divorce, it’s not closure of your business, it’s not demotion, it’s not poverty; but whatever you are going through is to bring glory to God. Have courage for victory beacons.

Blessed Thursday


The only difference between a cat and a Lion is that a cat is small but it's more witty than a Lion. My friends it's not about size.

Have a thoughtful Thursday.


They will loose

Esther 6:13

“He told his wife and all his friends everything that had happened to him. Then she and those wise friends of his told him, “"You are beginning to lose power to Mordecai. He is a Jew, and you cannot overcome him. He will certainly defeat you."”

Haman and had planned evil against Mordecai and the Jews, but because of one good deed that Mordecai did Haman’s plan failed and even defeated. Because of that, one good deed you did you will overcome your enemies, your enemies will lose power to you and you will certainly defeat them. Your enemies might be debts, diseases, miscarriage, bareness, stagnation in life, lack of favor, poor business, rejection, lack of promotion, no job or any other area that is against you. Today I pray that that situation loses power to you in the name of Jesus. You are an overcomer and you have defeated that situation in the name of Jesus.

Blessed day everyone


When you learn to give God praise in the valley, He'll give you strength to climb back on top of the mountain.

blessed afternoon


God is opening doors in places that you thought were out of reach.


In your able hands Father I lay it all.


God can never ever disappoint you.
Trust Him and DON'T rely or depend on human beings.


In the book of Ruth, the story starts with Naomi and her family, Naomi lost her husband and two children, later on she looses Orpah. But the story changes from Naomi to Ruth her daughter in-law.

My brothers and sisters today I wish to encourage someone, your story in life might have started like Naomi's, you could have lost your marriage, business, job, health, children, education, financial stability, promotion, favour and so many other things, but today I speak the blessing of Ruth upon your life in the name of Jesus.

Orpah decided to leave Naomi but Ruth decided to stick to Naomi. Those who left you because of your condition are in for a big surprise, for the Lord is about to change the story from Naomi (you) to Ruth (your blessings), I declare and decree that from this day forth they will be calling you by your blessings name in the name of Jesus. May this blessing STICK onto you forever in the name of Jesus.

Blessed day


No one warns you about the amount of mourning in growth. The pain is for a purpose.

Lovely afternoon everyone.


God!! I know that this is just a season and it will pass. Keep moulding me untill I become the vessel you so desire. I'm sorry I complained and grambled during the trying and testing times. I ask that you ma make a new heart in me that I may forgive those who have hurt me, those who mocked me, those who didnt understand me, those who judged me and also those who riducled me or even laughed at me.

I pray of you


If you never loved me while I was at the prison don't love me when I'm in the palace.


Restore our Fortunes,

Lord like streams in the Negev. Psalms 126:4 (NIV).

May God make this month of May to be your great month of restoration.

Blessed week and month.


Today's Topic: God's time is the best
Jhn 11:21_22
21: Martha said to Jesus," if you had been here, Lord, my brother would not have died! 22: But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask of him for."
This was when Lazarus had been sick, he died and was buried. When Jesus arrived Mary and everyone else who was present at that time thought that Jesus was late, that's why Mary said that if you had been here my brother could not have died.
How many times have we thought like Mary? We all want things to happen at our own timing n day. Jesus arrived late according to Mary, but the timing was right because they had reached their end.
This morning I received this revelation, many people have reached their extreme end, many have or are about to give up, many are asking why me? Where is God? What did I do to deserve this?
My brother's and sister's I wish to encourage someone today, God didn't delay He was waiting for the right time so that He can come to your rescue. Today is someone's time for deliverance n breakthrough in the name of Jesus.


Don't let the rejection from a few stop you from seeing the acceptance of many. Focus on who is for you instead of against you.


Dear God I have played my part, I pray that you remember me and send me your help and at Lighting speed


Lord always remind me never to plant thorns on people's walkways, because tomorrow I may visit them barefooted.


Today's Topic: Encouragement

Did you know that Joshua's name was originally Hoshea (Numbers 13:16), Jacobs name was changed to Israel? (Genesis 32:28).
Joshua and Jacobs names were changed to new names, Jacob's name was changed so that the promise that God made to Abraham could be established, Joshua's name had to be changed so that he could succeed Moses. Before the end of this week there are two things that are going to happen to someone.

1. The Lord will change your name n establish a covenant with you for the sake of your coming generation.

2. Your name is going to be changed so that u can succeed n be promoted into a whole new level.

I pray that the Lord may fulfill His word as He revealed it to me. By July u will have something to testify about, for things are being turned to favour you in the name of Jesus.

Pastor Anthony


No matter how BIG the enemy may seem, it can’t tear down what GOD has built up.


Ngai tihahuthu baba.


Today's Topic: Encouragement

1st Samuel 7: 8-10

"Do not stop praying!" They told Samuel."Ask the Lord our God to rescue us." Samuel begged the Lord to rescue Israel, then he sacrificed a young lamb to the Lord. Samuel had not even finished offering the sacrifice when the philistine started attacking, but the Lord answered his prayer and made thunder crash all around them. The philistines panicked and ran away.

Samuel prayed n the Lord answered his prayer n made thunder crash all around the philistines till they panicked n ran away.

My brother's and sister's who or what is that philistines in your life today. I wish to encourage you today as Samuel prayed n the Lord answered him, today the Lord has heard your prayers n your plea for help, He is going to make thunder crash all around such that any philistines that had attacked you is going to be filled with fear n flee, hence victory will be yours.

Keep on praying for your prayers are not in vain in God's time everything yes I mean everything will be made beautiful in the name of Jesus.

Pastor Anthony


My God and my father fight for me please.


Today's Topic: What they see

2 Kings 1:7-8

7 "What did the man look like?" The king asked.
8 "He was wearing a cloak made of animal skin, tied with a leather belt," they answered.

"It's Elijah! " The king exclaimed

My brother's and sister's, the king recognised Elijah by his clothes according to the explanation given to him by his officers.

How do people recognise you, how do they know you, it could be they recognise you due to your tears, poverty, stress, shame, miscarriages, rejection, diseases, misfortunes, hopelessness, hatred, abuse in any form, lack of education, lack of a marriage partner or for any other negative reasons.

Today as I prayed the Holy Spirit ministered to me that your situation is about to change, how your enemies n the world saw you is going to change, the Lord is going clothe you with new clothes such that everyone will be recognising you by your success not failure, your message not mess every negative situation in your life is going to be changed into a positive one in the name of Jesus.

Pastor Anthony


No matter how bad your situation looks, God can turn it around and bless a mess!


Today's Topic: Blindness
Mark: 10. 51.
And Jesus answered him, and said, What wilt thou that I should do unto thee? And the blind man said unto him, Rabboni, that I may receive my sight.

My brother's and sister's as the blind Bartimaeus called unto Jesus so as to receive his sight the Holy Spirit ministered to me that we should also call unto God so that He can restore our sight because many of us have been blinded by hate, greed, religion, selfishness, gluttony, tribalism, rejection and so many other things that have blinded our day to day activities, indeed it sadness one to see that rather than us using the social media to please or Praise God we are using it to abuse others, talk ill about the other tribe n religion, we are using the social media to create enmity rather than using it to preach to others we are using it break others, instead of encouraging we discourage, instead of praying we prey for victims, I only wish we could cry and ask God to restore our sights so that we can see n stop destroying this beautiful land that He gave us.
My brother's and sister's it's enough, we as Christians we have been called to preach peace n not hatred, to bless n not to curse, to pray n not prey, to love n not to hate, the list is endless we have been called for soo much more, let's do the right thing, the Holy Spirit directed me to ask everyone to ask for forgiveness n ask for our sight to be restored.

Believe together with me.
Lord we acknowledge that we have sinned against u n our brothers n sister's, we humbly request you to forgive us our trespasses n also request that you might restore our sight so that your light can be seen through us in the name of Jesus I pray. Amen Amen n amen.

Pastor Anthony


Favorite part of resurrection is when they went back and didn't find Jesus where they left him !! don't let nobody find you where they left you! Elevate! He got up!! You can too! Nothing is too hard for God.
blessed weekend


Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday 08:00 - 18:00
Friday 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday 09:00 - 15:00
Sunday 09:00 - 13:00