Bwalei Arnold

Bwalei Arnold

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UDA foot soldiers


Rais Samia Hassan SULUHU wa TANZANIA atarajiwa nchini Kenya hii leo, atagakua gwaride na kesho kuhutubia vikao vya Bunge.

Timeline photos 09/04/2021

Everyone at Manchester United is saddened by the passing of His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.

We extend our sympathies to Her Majesty The Queen and the Royal Family at this difficult time.


Quick recovery the enigma, you fought many battles, this one you will conquer.


Billy Gate’s Foundation Teams Up With Vaccine Maker to Produce $3 COVID-19 Vaccines

A coronavirus vaccine will be available to poorer countries for less than $3 a dose under a new partnership between the Gates Foundation and the Serum Institute of India, the world’s largest vaccine maker.

The collaboration is meant to ensure up to 100 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine will be available for distribution quickly to low- and middle-income countries. The arrangement also provides an option to secure additional doses if needed.

The Gates Foundation partnership, which also includes Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance β€” an organization that helps negotiate and finance vaccines for poor countries β€” will provide upfront capital to the Serum Institute to help them increase manufacturing capacity now.




During the 2022 general elections,it will be a three horse race between the following....
1). KALONZO MUSYOKA as presidential candidate for the jubilee coalition. Kalonzo's running mate will be GIDEON MOI for the position of deputy president. They will both run under the JUBILEE COALITION between jubilee,kanu and wiper.
2). RAILA ODINGA will still run for Presidency under his party ODM and shall be deputised by a WOMAN from either the RIFT VALLEY or MT KENYA REGION.
3). WILLIAM SAMOEI RUTO πŸ‡°πŸ‡ͺ. He is said to be forming his own political party which shall bring forth big names in the political arena like,MUSALIA MUDAVADI,MOSES WETANGULA,MWANGI KIUNJURI,ALI HASSAN JOHO,PETER KENNETH and MARTHA KARUA. one of the six will deputize Ruto after the creation of a political party.
Now you know,the race will be between Kalonzo,Raila and Ruto.
In 2022 due to the on going campaign s against the Dynasties,the two family Dynasties will play behind to re-emerge in 2032. There are only two Dynasties family which is the Kenyattas and the Moi's. The Odingas are not part of Dynasties and will never be.
If Kalonzo wins,the Dynasties win.
If Ruto wins,the Dynasties lose.
About Raila winning or not winning,that is something you all know that whether he wins or not, Raila can never be the president of Kenya.
Kalonzo will and shall be a puppet controlled by the Dynasties and the deep state.
If Ruto wins,the game changes and a new Dawn in our kenyan politics
will be realized. Raila will not be able to fight the young energetic Ruto and the Dynasties must lie low and strategize a comeback 2032 if they have a chance.
IT THE BBI PASSES A D IT SHALL PASS,the game becomes even sweeter because there will be more political seats to be shared.
I love Kenya and I am blurred by the thirst of Kenyans for a new Dawn,so I see nothing in Kalonzo and Raila and see a future with William Samoei Ruto.


The same SUN that melt WAX harden CLAY.
Take life easy


The owner of an underwear making company was having a tough time with shortages. On departure for home, all worker's bags were searched and everything always seemed to be ok. All security measures you can think of were put in place. Auditors were called in, but still no one was caught and stock continued to disappear. All workers, including management, were checked on departure, each wearing just one underwear, and no one was caught with more than one pair.

Then one day, a very Junior worker (the tea Girl) thought out of the box and spoke to her boss, and the security officer was advised to check all workers on arrival.

He got the shock of his life when he found that all the workers, including management, had no underwear on them ...

Today she's the head of Innovation & Strategy at the factory and Associated Group of Companies!

Lesson: Do things differently if you want a different result.


Rt Raila Odinga support Revenue allocation formula
Acha BABA aitwe BABA TU!


From Abraham Mutai

They have said William Ruto never forgives, never forgets. Perhaps explains why he never even thought of sending condolences to Benjamin Mkapa's family after Mkapa wrote a book explaining Ruto to be a hardliner and a violent man.

Does it mean, should William Ruto become President, some of us will be incarcerated and jailed for bombarding him with unending criticism?

His supporters have also admitted that the man is vindictive and never forgives. Of a man who calls himself a bishop, prays every Sunday and even attends churches across the country, you will think he is a Christian who subscribes to the Bible and it's teachings of "Forgive 77times 7.."

If William Ruto never forgives he should stop fooling everyone that he is saved. True Christians forgive and Forget. The bible even teaches that never let anger for someone stay in you beyond sunset. Ruto is just an hypocrite. Using the bible to hoodwink the Kenyan masses into voting for him. Kenyans are those same people who are always lied to by conmen in Nairobi who call themselves pastors. There is no difference with what Ruto is doing.


President Kenyatta has signed into law a bill allowing a voter to recall incompetent and troublesome MCAs. The process of recalling an MCA according to the new law has been simplified in that a voter from the ward can kick start the process after obtaining over 30% of signatures from the ward's registered voters. The voter then writes to the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) and impeachment process has to be concluded within 30 days of its filing.


1. A petition filed in writing with the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) will initiate the recall.

2..Petition must be signed by 30 per cent of the registered voters in the Ward.
3. The petition must be signed by a petitioner who is a voter in the ward in respect of which the recall is sought,” reads part of the law.

4. Submission of the petition to the IEBC must be within 30 days from the date of its filing.

5. The IEBC shall verify the signatures within 30 days from the date the petition is filed.

6. The commission, if satisfied that the requirements are met, it shall, within 14 days of verification, issue a notice to recall the rep to the Speaker of the county assembly.

7. The IEBC shall conduct a recall election in the affected ward within 90 days of publication of the question – Yes or No.

8. A simple majority shall decide the recall vote.

9. If a majority vote in support of the recall, IEBC shall conduct a by-election in the ward within 90 days.



# schools to reopen in January 2021. All students to repeat their classes.

# # Exam to be done next year 2021 for the 2020 kcpe and kcse cohorts

# calendar for 2020 is herby suspended completely

# # TVET Institutions to reopen on September and must adhere to MOH COVID-19 directives

# announced that schools will only be reopened if the daily percentage of COVID-19 cases reduce within 14 days.

# #"Stakeholders have shelved the initial proposal to reopen schools in September for Standard eight and form four candidates."

# CS George Magoha says that the 2020 candidates will sit for the national exams in the tail end of 2021, announces that the 2020 education calendar will be considered lost due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

# #"Universities will be allowed to reopen if they meet all the requirements set by MOH, and must be inspected. Members of staff must agree on how they will do a phased reopening"


"My legacy is to leave behind a united country," Uhuru Kenyatta.πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹
Chief of Defense---Kikuyu
Head of Public Service-Kikuyu
State House Comptroller--Kikuyu
CBK Governor--Kikuyu
Infrastructure CS --Kikuyu
CS IT----Kikuyu
Public Servics nYouth Affairs CS ---kikuyu
CS Agriculture --- Mt.Kenya
Health CS ---Kikuyu
Water CS ---Kikuyu
Industrialization CS ---kikuyu
Attorney General---Kikuyu
NIS director---Kikuyu
Interior PS---Kikuyu
Energy PS ----Kikuyu
Treasury PS--- kikuyu
Foreign Affairs PS---kikuyu
DCI -----Kikuyu
KRA Commissioner General--kikuyu
Registrar of parties ---Kikuyu
TSC C.E.O --- Kikuyu
Auditor General --Kikuyu
NA Speaker----Mt.Kenya
Senate Whip----Kikuyu

All these have been appointed by a President who wants "A LEGACY OF UNITY"

Congrats my president.



βœ… Outgoing President of Burundi- Dead
βœ… Outgoing President's mother of Burundi -Dead
βœ… Speaker of Burundi - Hospitalized
βœ… Outgoing First Lady of Burundi - Hospitalized
βœ… Incoming president of Burundi - Hospitalized
βœ… Outgoing President's Sister of Burundi- Hospitalized


Advice from inside isolation hospitals, we can do at home
Medicines that are taken in isolation hospitals
1. Vitamin C-1000
2. Vitamin E (E)
3. From (10 to 11) hours, sitting in the sunshine for 15-20 minutes.
4. Egg meal once ..
5. We take a rest / sleep a minimum of 7-8 hours
6. We drink 1.5 liters of water daily
7. All meals should be warm (not cold).
And that's all we do in the hospital to strengthen the immune system

Note that the pH of coronavirus varies from 5.5 to 8.5

Therefore, all we have to do to eliminate the virus is to consume more alkaline foods above the acidity level of the virus.
Such as :
Green lemon - 9.9 pH
Yellow Lemon - 8.2 pH
Avocado - 15.6 pH
* Garlic - 13.2 pH
* Mango - 8.7 pH
* Tangerine - 8.5 pH
* Pineapple - 12.7 pH
* Watercress - 22.7 pH
* Oranges - 9.2 pH

How to know that you are infected with corona virus?

1. Itchy throat
2. Dry throat
3. Dry cough
4. High temperature
5. Shortness of breath
6. Loss of smell ....
And lemon with warm water eliminates the virus at the beginning before reaching the lungs ...
Do not keep this information to yourself. Provide it to all your family and friends.



Born of a Hutu father and a Tutsi mother. Orphaned aged 7. Having wangled his political and strategic acumen in a bush war, President Pierre Nkurunziza fought off a putsch, opposition boycotts and diplomatic pressure to cling to power to the very end. And even after stepping down, his shadow was written all over his acolyte, the new President.

His philosophy was simple: Anyone who sees things differently from him becomes- ipso facto- an enemy

A soccer-loving pastor married to an evangelical preacher Denise, who is currently being treated for covid-19 here in Nairobi.

The self anointed Ayatollah of Burundi spent much of his time traversing the country with his own team, Haleluya FC. He also traveled with his own choir, "Komeza gusenga", which means "pray non-stop" in the local Kirundi language.

A tale is told of when his team faced a side from the northern town of Kiremba.

Normally, the opposition would avoid tackling him and would even allow him score bogus goals. On this day, the oppsing team had a few Congolese players who didn't know they were playing against Nkurunziza; they attacked each time he had the ball and made him fall several times. That team's coach and his assistant were bundled to jail on charges of "conspiracy against the president".

When kids as young as 7yrs doodled on his portrait, they were arrested. In Burundi, insulting the president carries a potential jail term of five to 10 years.

Oh, during last year's Labour day celebrations in that country, Pierre publicly lauded his 12-year-old daughter and gave her an undisclosed amount of money for being a good girl.

Today, the supreme/spiritual leader is felled by an enemy that didn't require his guerrilla war tactics nor the muscle of the military.

It only needed washing hands, wearing masks and social distancing. The heart attack narrative is a flimsy attempt at covering their shame- Having unceremoniously bundled WHO officials from their plantation


* CUT*

The Jubilee PG meeting which was to take place tomorrow to deliberate on Duale's Ouster has been suspended indefinitely until further notice.

*Thanks for reading* over to you!


Kenya now has a total of 2,474 COVID-19 cases according to the Health CAS Mercy Mwangangi who announced that an additional 134 positive cases had been registered in the last 24 hours.

The Health CAS Mercy Mwangangi has noted that the Ministry of Health has tested an increased 3,177 samples in the last 24 hours raising the number of people that have been tested for COVID-19 to 90,875.

Health CAS Mercy Mwangangi has noted and insisted on the crucial need to observe the set measures to fight the spread of COVID-19 which are regularly washing your hands with running water and soap, keeping social distancing of at least 1.5 metres and correctly wearing a facemask.

The 134 COVID-19 positive cases announced today by the Health CAS Mercy Mwangangi are spread out in the Kenyan counties as follows:

Mombasa -67

Nairobi -31

Busia – 15

Machakos -5

Taita Taveta -4

Kilifi -2

Kiambu -2

Uasin Gishu -1

Kericho -1

Garissa -1

Murang’a -1

Kisumu -1

The 67 Mombasa county COVID-19 cases according to Health CAS Mercy Mwangangi include 25 cases in Kisauni, 12 in Jomvu, 10 in Changamwe and Mvita respectively and Likoni 10 cases.

The 31 COVID-19 cases in Nairobi are 19 from Kibra, 7 in Westlands. 3 in Makadara and one each in Ruaraka and Kasarani while the Busia county cases are all of truck drivers at the border.

The 134 COVID-19 cases announced are 98 males and 36 females with males seeming to still double the numbers of infections compared to females and all range between 6 years old for the youngest and 70 years for the eldest.


All Covid 19 recoveries should address the nation as from Tommorow onwards,


It's noted with alot of dismay that parents who strongly reject opening of schools because of inability to maintain social distance are the same people pushing for opening of economy to allow them do businesses in markets and has allow their kids to hawk around


BREAKING: EVARISTE NDAYISHIMIYE of the ruling CNDD-FDD party wins Burundi's presidential election, with 68.72% of the vote. He is set to take over from President Pierre Nkurunziza, in the East African nation's first democratic transfer of power in 58 years of independence.


Lake side confirmed 3 covid 19 cases in the past 24hrs


Meanwhile in TZ


From TZ

πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡ΏπŸ‡ΉπŸ‡ΏπŸ‡ΉπŸ‡ΏπŸ‡ΉπŸ‡ΏπŸ‡ΉπŸ‡ΏπŸ‡ΉπŸ‡ΏExpected dates to resume flights into and out of Tanzania;

1. Air Tanzania.
From 1st June will resume flying to Entebbe, Uganda. On 2nd June Hahaya, Harare and Lusaka will resume. The Dar - Mumbai will resume on 3rd June. Flights to Bujumbura is scheduled for July 2nd.

2. Emirates.
Will resume flights July 2nd. All flights will originate from Dubai.

3. Ethiopian Airlines.
Operating from Addis Ababa, will resume daily flights to Tanzania from June 1st landing in Kilimanjaro, Dar es salaam and Zanzibar.

4. Kenyan Airways.
Plans to resume services in Tanzania on July 10th and will land in Kilimanjaro, Dar es salaam and Zanzibar.

5. KLM
The Royal Dutch Flag carrier will resume her Amsterdam - Kilimanjaro - Dar route effectively on July 4th.

6. Qatar Airways.
The airlines has plans to have a single flight daily from 15th July between Dar and Doha. The flight to Kilimanjaro will not resume until after 31st August.

7. Swiss.
Will resume the flight July 1st via Nairobi to Dar es salaam. This flight will originate from Zurich.

8. Turkish Airlines
Has plans to resume all international flights as usual starting June 28th 2020. If this goes well, the airline will fly into Dar es salaam as well.

Other airlines; Rwanda, South Africa and others haven't shared any updates. Many have indicated flights suspension until May 31st.

Changes are expected should be readily accepted as airlines are frequently adjusting their departuresk and flights details.

Photos from Bwalei Arnold's post 25/05/2020

KENYA reopen soon as BBI purge begins


Road map to reopen Kenya

