Ellen - Mum Carer & Fitness

Ellen - Mum Carer & Fitness

� F/T #carer for my mum
� Juggling family/relationships and fitness
� Showing women you can workout with just 20 minutes a day


Being a single parent, I get asked all the time ‘how do you do it?’ ‘So calm and with two kids’.

There’s no trick to anything, I just know what needs to be done and prepare.

I get up, get my clothes and shoes on
I start to wake the kids up.
Whichever child wakes first, I help to get dressed, then do the next one.
They go to the table and wait for breakfast.
Whilst they eat, I will go and have a quick wash and sort my hair.
Once breakfast is over, hair is done, any possibly shoes, face wash, teeth done and then it’s coats, hat scarves gloves (obviously not in warm weather) and water bottles go in bags if not done the night before.

I do not touch Facebook whilst we are getting ready unless I know there is time to waste at home.

By 8:15 we are normally all ready to leave and get in the car to be at school for 8:30 and wait for the gates to open.

Do you have a morning routine? Do you wing it and hope for the best?

Photos from Ellen - Mum Carer & Fitness's post 17/09/2022

Being flexible, adjusting our expectations, learning how to navigate the stressful times and understanding how to pick ourselves up again after we get knocked down is how we develop a resilient mindset.

If you need 5 minutes of quiet, let your family know that you do not want to be disturbed. It may not always work out, but share how important this is and others will (hopefully) start to respect your wishes. When we aren’t able to access ‘official’ respite, you will need to work it into your life. It may not initially feel as relaxing as a full break, but it’s still important.

Drinking a hot cup of tea can be done anywhere, even just getting up a few minutes earlier to enjoy any silence before you begin your day can make such a difference to your routine.

Practice putting yourself first.
You also need good boundaries with yourself. Prioritise the things you need and want to do, or they will forever slip down the to-do list. Be as ruthless at setting aside the time for yourself as you are about the healthcare needs of the person you look after.

Invest in noise-cancelling headphones! It may not always be safe to use them, but they really do block out the noise and chaos around you so you can get an undisturbed peaceful moment.

Try and plan something - It may feel dull but planning time for your partner or friends makes life easier and ensures you keep your human contact at a decent level. Plan date nights (even if it is staying home), allocate one evening a week to calling friends and family and see if you can organise a regular group meet up/Zoom to keep you in the loop with your friends.

Practice - Like anything, it will take a while to make it a fully formed habit. Put your calls/social events in the diary and treat them with the gravitas of a hospital appointment that cannot be easily cancelled.

Perseverance - As above, you need a commitment to make your social life happen, but it’s not ideal if it feels like a burden or another thing on your plate. What ways can you make it easier to manage?

Continued in the comments


After being in a relationship for 4 years, not feeling that something is right and discovering once we split that my ex was a narcissist and an abuser, I decided to understand and learn the signs of domestic abuse so that I could see the red and amber warnings in the future.

Learning it is so much more than withholding finances (against myself and his own children who he now denies having) mind control, destroying friends and family connections and more is soul destroying. It is frightening that these kind of people are ‘grown’ in the environment. They don’t know what love it or how to.


Identity alert

⭐️Name change coming soon⭐️

Have you ever decided to change who you were?

Have you ever realised after a period of time you have changed anyway? You might not be who you once was.

My page is starting to become so much more than fitness and overcoming domestic abuse from my ex for four years that I decided I will change/update my name.

Of course I am a mum and will be forever a mum of two, doing fitness with my children when they want to join but in the last two years I have become my mums full time carer so I have taken on an additional role.

Being a carer, a mum and doing all my workouts, I just slot different activities, ‘jobs’ and whatever else into slots where I can fit them. I am able to choose the timing length of a workout to fit the space if time I have available at that particular time and if I get disturbed, I just press pause and resume when I get my next free 5 or 10 minutes.

I want to show people how you can fit self care in when life is busy. Your kids can join in on this journey and do workouts with you. Mine do and I love showing them how important self care is!


Launching in the summer, our new LIIFT More workout. This is some of the sample workout. You need an adjustable bench but I couldn’t wait to buy one so I improvised.

It is an 8 week program that makes serious strength training approachable for anyone. You burn more fat and build more muscle to get lean, strong and chiseled. There is a previous LIIFT4 program, this program has more lifting which means more results faster.

All moves are kept simple and easy to follow, set pace to keep you working hard to make every minute count. Using an adjustable bench that goes from flat to incline helps to maximise results.

This program can work for anyone from beginner to advanced. Workouts are 5 days a week, 35-45 minutes long for 8 weeks. Every workout ends with an abs-focused finisher to shred and strengthen core.

If you like what you see, leave me a comment and I will send you a sample workout to try


Part 2

Second pay came, he paid his, but mine was in trouble, I couldn’t do it.  I had stuff to pay and what he promised didn’t cover my debt.  So, he told me to go to another company, take that debt out and pay this one.  I was soon in a position where I had nothing.  I never told my family because I didn’t know what I was actually doing.  They soon realised that he was garbage and there was nothing to convince me that he was.  I wanted to stay with him, no matter how or who told me to chuck him.  I lost my phone because my bill couldn’t be paid on time, I took out a pay as you go sim which helped.

I soon found out, from the loans not being paid that my credit score was sh*t when I tried to get a laptop on finance. I lost my car so he said ‘don’t worry, you can get a car on finance’.  I thought ok that’s alright, pay as you go.  Found a fiat 500 that I could afford alone but he refused to accept it because he didn’t want to be seen in such a small car by his friends, he had to have a bigger car.  His sister had a Vauxhall Corsa, and he wanted to match her.  This car was about £100 max a week.  Two of us paying, I thought ok £50 each.  Can’t go wrong.


Do you ever worry about how much you are eating?

Is it too much? Too little? Too many calories? Too little? Maybe even the portion sizes are wrong.

I love these little pots that come in our wellness packs with the nutrition plans. They look small but they pack in a lot of ingredients and it allows you to see how much you are eating and control it.

Do you need help with food? Maybe we can work together and see the results and celebrate. Be another to see how to control your portions.


9 years ago, about 5 weeks into our relationship I discovered my ex had money problems.  Did not know the extent of it but they were his, not mine, figured he would sort himself out.  Grown man, knows what he is doing.  Plus, I had known him a few weeks, so I didn’t know him at all.  I had only just moved out of London, didn’t have any savings yet as I had to leave my events job earlier than expected.
I got a job in our local popular food shop chain, met him and things went from there.  Got my first pay which wouldn’t have been much because I only worked two days a week.  I watched him pay off his monthly debts and then retake out another loan to survive.  I wondered how he was surviving like it and how would ever get out of it.  I never understood why his mum or family didn’t help him, my family did if I needed it. His life seemed ‘odd’. 

We planned our first trip together to London on his day off so I could go and see my nan and ‘show him off’.  Again, he took out another loan, but somehow a little while later he asked me to join the loan company and max out my account.  I naïvely did it because he was going to pay my debt and his.  I wondered how but trusted that he would. 


Do you ever get a great idea to make your kids smile or laugh or both?

I have been wanting them to have this seesaw for ages but could never get it. I loved it because it was no ordinary one, it had wheels and the kids are supposed to spin themselves round. 🤦🏻‍♀️.

There isn’t an equal weight balance on here, my son is lighter than my daughter so I tried to create something else and spun them round.

I don’t know who felt more sick 😂.

What ideas do you have to create in replace of something?



A few photos and a video of our recent wellness weekend.

Our wellness family isn’t just about simply choosing your workout level and getting it done. You’re coming together with many other like minded women (and men too) to achieve all of your individual goals together, sometimes different times, at your own pace and having the support from the online community. By showing up you show up for yourself, you cheer your fellow members on and help each other along your separate journeys.

We all live different lives, teachers, stay at home mums, personal trainers, police officers and more but all with one thing in mind, to better ourselves. Be the best version of you and for your family.

What do you think you could achieve with us?

Do you have goals you have always wanted to achieve but didn’t think you could?

Would you like to be held accountable in a friendly online community and smash out your goals? Even by summer?

Let me know if you have any questions 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 and we can work together


The cycle of abuse is in four stages and cycles round between these until something finally stops the abuser. This could be the abused leaving the relationship.

1. Tensions build
Frustrations and tensions build up during this stage. The abuser may be indirectly aggressive just by not communicating and expressing their feelings. The abuser is likely to change their behaviour to avoid upsetting the abuser more.

2. Incident
The individual is abused through violence, threats or other types of abuse including psychological, controlling or emotional behaviour.

3. Reconciliation
The abuser might apologise to the individual and can be affectionate and caring. They may blame the individual or others for the abuse and ignore what happened.

4. Calm (or honeymoon period)
Everything is calm and the abuser may even agree to seek counselling. They may convince the individual they have changed and the abuser may believe it. Conflicts will start again and so will the cycle.

Does this cycle sound familiar to you?

I never knew there was a cycle until recent and I experienced every stage.


Our amazing new workout that has just released. I love trying out our new workouts that are due for release. It’s a different way of moving your body each time and getting stronger.

Here I am sampling just some of the new workout that consists of a combination of Fire 🔥 and Flow.

What is Fire and Flow?
FIRE workouts are high intensity strength and cardio and FLOW are lower impact, body shaping that will re-ignite you and bring your more body awareness whilst taking care of your body and mind.

This programme is designed to workout NOT burn out. Each lasting just 25-30 minutes a day.

Would you like to try this sample?
Let me know in the comments 💪🏼 and we can work together and see what we can achieve. Or maybe tag a friend that may be interested.

There is no set place this has to be done, as long as you have wifi/data then you are good to go.

Did I mention this is for ALL fitness levels? And children can try and have a go…like my daughter tried 😂


First photo I think that the dog isn’t scared of one of them 😂.

He was such an old dog, I don’t think he would have a chance to run away, especially with Ellie’s hard grip 😂.

He’s missed very much


Drop a ❤️ if you have been through

1.    Physical abuse – blocking you from leaving a room, grabbing you, forcing you to look at him by grabbing your face, kicking, punching, slapping, punching walls or kicking doors the list is endless.

2.    Emotional abuse – intimidating, insulting, degrading, shaming, humiliating, embarrassing you, being condescending, not listening to you, talking over the top of you, disrespecting you (privately or publicly), being possessive and overly jealous.

3.    Verbal abuse - screaming, yelling, swearing, name calling, interrupting, mocking, intimidating,  humiliating you with abusive language and derogatory remarks.

4.    Economic abuse – withholding money from you, not allowing you to have access to funds, making you account for every penny you spend, preventing you from having access to a car, not allowing you to have your name on any assets or bank accounts.

5.    Mental abuse – accusing you of doing bad behaviors that they have engaged in (such as infidelity); saying/doing bad behavior and then denying it and claiming that you have mental problems and don’t know what you’re talking about; twisting and distorting truth and eventually getting you to believe that you are losing your mind; mentally abusive people are very skilled at lying and manipulating. 

6.    Sexual abuse – unwanted s*x or touching,  pressuring you for s*x, forcing you to have s*x or unprotected s*x, forcing you to do anything s*xually that is unwanted or against your will.

7.    Spiritual abuse – forcing and manipulating you to do things against your will (forcing s*x, forcing submission) by distorting scripture and threatening punishment by God if you don’t comply; preventing and denying  you from doing things (such as getting a job, attending college, having access to money, having certain friends, reading and interpreting the bible for yourself, making choices for yourself, attending functions) by distorting scriptures on female submission to support their power and control of you.


Drop a ❤️ if you ever let your kids practice on you.

Ellie has bugged me for weeks to open this tattoo box. After spending 20 minutes trying to figure out how to work it, I let her try it on me.

I look like I have blood stains on my arms now 🤦🏻‍♀️. Unfortunately forgot to photograph the end result.


This is a sample four week workout programme that is part of a gut health plan that I will be participating in with my wellness family this month.

This programme is so low impact that every workout piece is slow, hense why i look slow. Im not struggling. You do have the choice to make it as hard or as easy as you like. I did use heavy weights for 90% of it to challenge myself.

I have struggling with a ‘T’ zone on my face for years so this programme will help me so much. ‘T’ zone is oily skin in a ‘T’ shape, across my head and down my nose.

There are so many people that have gut issues. Are you one of them?

Let me know and we can work together 💪🏼


Drop an 💪🏼 if this is you.

I’m so glad my ex isn’t in my life anymore. As much as it killed me when it first happened, I’m grateful his head turned when he laid his eyes on his ex again and the fights started…AGAIN because I would not be where I am now.

Stronger, healthier, fitter, happier and doing my own thing and my children are not around someone who causes nothing but hurt just by looking at you.


William decided he wanted to test his muscles and asked me to photograph him.

Are your kids camera shy?


Flashback Friday alert 🚨

Looking at the above photos, you can’t physically see a difference between them. I was happy in each with my babies, smiling, posing with them. No visible difference. Not ALL abuse is VISIBLE. Little would anyone know, the first photo I was in (not knowingly) a domestic abusive (DA) relationship.

DA is not always visible, it comes in all forms. Mostly you can’t see the person going through it.

What is domestic abuse? According to Woman’s Aid, DA is an incident or patterns of incidents, controlling, coercive, threatening, degrading and violent behaviour. It can include, psychological and/or emotional abuse, physical or s*xual, financial or economic harassment and stalking, online or digital.

At the top, my ex had taken me to a mobile network company shop with full intentions of making me open an account in my name, my bank details so he could have sole use and would ‘pay’ me every month in return. I knew there was no way he would be keeping up with the payments but if I dared raise this (especially publicly with witnesses) there would be another fight. He would slam something, shout at me and walk off.

Thankfully where he had destroyed my credit score so much, my name didn’t pass their checks. I was so relieved. No arguments.

Bottom photo, 5 years away from him, my daughter doesn’t know him (she was 1 year when we split and he’s never bothered since). We had just finished another workout and she wanted a photo.


Literally just printed these phonics sheets off from her school and she’s already started reading them.


Any of these familiar to you?

Most of these are actually what happened to me. My ex didn’t like the fact I had a talent for being able to do DIY or just the fact I was doing something on my own so he had to either take over or put me down and say he could do it better. 9/10 he made it worse. He tried ‘fixing’ my loft door and it actually broke.

If I spoke to another guy, (especially if it was a guy he hated and the guy would just simply say hi how are you?) I could always feel his eyes staring at me because I dare laugh or even smile at someone else. But if he spoke to another girl then he would turn it into a fight that I was jealous and then the ‘I will end this relationship’ threats start.


Want to know what’s in my mummy muscle gaining drink? Drop a 🙋🏻‍♀️ below or message me.

Ok well this was supposed to be my shake, but my lovely girl wanted ‘some’. She drunk almost half of it.

I wouldn’t be without this shake. Thanks to drinking it everyday, it’s helped me to gain more muscle plus it’s also packed with vitamins and more. It also tastes delicious with the other ingredients I am using in it.


Drop an emoji if you filter your children’s faces just to wind them up.

I love taking photos of my kids when they can’t see I have filtered their faces.

Williams reaction to this wasn’t quite excitable and he did tell me off because he thought he’d grown antlers through the phone 🙈.



Tidying up the bedrooms to make room for my workout space, hear ‘mummy mummy’. Found this.

Still don’t know how she got in there, the basket is bigger/taller than her 😂


Emotional honesty post….

3 months after, he decided he wanted to see me again and talk. We met up, never spoke about what happened but decided to see each other. I missed him and did still love him (or so I though). 2 years later, we were still together and had our son and daughter. In this time there were still fights, controlling of money, stopping me seeing a friend to do our hobby together (Eddie Stobart spotters). He believed this guy was after me and didn’t want me doing my hobby alone with him, but he wouldn’t come with me so I didn’t have to stop doing something I loved. During the last 6 months of our relationship, I had just stopped loving him. It was him contacting his ex and wanting her to be in his life that finally started to break us. He told me he hid for 6 months that when he came face to face with her by chance that he realised he missed her and her ‘friendship’. That broke me, he couldn’t see why I was so upset.

January 2017, a message was exchanged between them involving me and because I dare speak up and say she was lying, we split. It was either I accepted he wanted her back in his life or it was over. He walked from his family. It took me a good few months before I was in a right state mentally to sort my life out and make sure my kids were still happy. They never knew what happened. My son started preschool, flourished and my daughter followed a year later. During this time, I built my life back, I did the walk for life for dementia because my nan passed from it. It was doing the longest walk that I decided I wanted to actually get fit and joined a PT thinking I would only do one session and it would stop. Two years later, (this year 2021) two workouts a week I built my muscle and strength back. During lockdown, my sessions were over WhatsApp and I used paint tins for weights. Come may, I hit financial difficulty, my mum had major heart surgery which we didn’t know if she would come back from (she thankfully did and it was the best day ever when I heard her ‘drugged out voice’ the following day) and I just lost interest in everything. If it wasn’t for my kids, I don’t know what I would be doing.

Do you resonate?



Took him here for his birthday, as much as he loves to pose I literally have no idea if he’s trying to pull or push this trolley 😂

Videos (show all)

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Napoleon highlights a habit many of us have in common.  We all know what we want, maybe how we want it but always ‘wait’...
After being in a relationship for 4 years, not feeling that something is right and discovering once we split that my ex ...
Identity alert ⭐️Name change coming soon⭐️Have you ever decided to change who you were?Have you ever realised after a pe...
Launching in the summer, our new LIIFT More workout. This is some of the sample workout. You need an adjustable bench bu...
Have you ever had from when you were a little girl, your future husband or children may look like?   I always thought I ...
Do you ever worry about how much you are eating?Is it too much? Too little? Too many calories? Too little? Maybe even th...
Do you ever get a great idea to make your kids smile or laugh or both?I have been wanting them to have this seesaw for a...
A few photos and a video of our recent wellness weekend. Our wellness family isn’t just about simply choosing your worko...
The cycle of abuse is in four stages and cycles round between these until something finally stops the abuser. This could...